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It had been hard for him that spake it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech. Whatsoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. For it is most true, that a natural and secret hatred, and aversation towards society, in any man, hath somewhat of the savage beast; but it is most untrue, that it should have any character at all, of the divine nature; except it proceed, not out of a pleasure in solitude, but out of a love and desire to sequester a man’s self, for a higher conversation: such as is found to have been falsely and feignedly in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Candian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and really, in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church. But little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. The Latin adage meeteth with it a little: Magna civitas, magna solitudo; because in a great town friends are scattered; so that there is not that fellowship, for the most part, which is in less neighborhoods. But we may go further, and affirm most truly, that it is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends; without which the world is but a wilderness; and even in this sense also of solitude, whosoever in the frame of his nature and affections, is unfit for friendship, he taketh it of the beast, and not from humanity. A principal fruit of friendship, is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce. We know diseases of stoppings, and suffocations, are the most dangerous in the body; and it is not much otherwise in the mind; you may take sarza to open the liver, steel to open the spleen, flowers of sulphur for the lungs, castoreum for the brain; but no receipt openeth the heart, but a true friend; to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession. It is a strange thing to observe, how high a rate great kings and monarchs do set upon this fruit of friendship, whereof we speak: so great, as they purchase it, many times, at the hazard of their own safety and greatness. For princes, in regard of the distance of their fortune from that of their subjects and servants, cannot gather this fruit, except (to make themselves capable thereof) they raise some persons to be, as it were, companions and almost equals to themselves, which many times sorteth to inconvenience. The modern languages give unto such persons the name of favorites, or privadoes; as if it were matter of grace, or conversation. But the Roman name attaineth the true use and cause thereof, naming them participes curarum; for it is that which tieth the knot. And we see plainly that this hath been done, not by weak and passionate princes only, but by the wisest and most politic that ever reigned; who have oftentimes joined to themselves some of their servants; whom both themselves have called friends, and allowed other likewise to call them in the same manner; using the word which is received between private men. L. Sylla, when he commanded Rome, raised Pompey (after surnamed the Great) to that height, that Pompey vaunted himself for Sylla’s overmatch. For when he had carried the consulship for a friend of his, against the pursuit of Sylla, and that Sylla did a little resent thereat, and began to speak great, Pompey turned upon him again, and in effect bade him be quiet; for that more men adored the sun rising, than the sun setting. With Julius Caesar, Decimus Brutus had obtained that interest, as he set him down, in his testament, for heir in remainder, after his nephew. And this was the man that had power with him, to draw him forth to his death. For when Caesar would have discharged the senate, in regard of some ill presages, and specially a dream of Calpurnia; this man lifted him gently by the arm out of his chair, telling him he hoped he would not dismiss the senate, till his wife had dreamt a better dream. And it seemeth his favor was so great, as Antonius, in a letter which is recited verbatim in one of Cicero’s Philippics, calleth him venefica, witch; as if he had enchanted Caesar. Augustus raised Agrippa (though of mean birth) to that height, as when he consulted with Maecenas, about the marriage of his daughter Julia, Maecenas took the liberty to tell him, that he must either marry his daughter to Agrippa, or take away his life; there was no third war, he had made him so great. With Tiberius Caesar, Sejanus had ascended to that height, as they two were termed, and reckoned, as a pair of friends. Tiberius in a letter to him saith, Haec pro amicitia nostra non occultavi; and the whole senate dedicated an altar to Friendship, as to a goddess, in respect of the great dearness of friendship, between them two. The like, or more, was between Septimius Severus and Plautianus. For he forced his eldest son to marry the daughter of Plautianus; and would often maintain Plautianus, in doing affronts to his son; and did write also in a letter to the senate, by these words: I love the man so well, as I wish he may over–live me. Now if these princes had been as a Trajan, or a Marcus Aurelius, a man might have thought that this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of nature; but being men so wise, of such strength and severity of mind, and so extreme lovers of themselves, as all these were, it proveth most plainly that they found their own felicity (though as great as ever happened to mortal men) but as an half piece, except they mought have a friend, to make it entire; and yet, which is more, they were princes that had wives, sons, nephews; and yet all these could not supply the comfort of friendship. It is not to be forgotten, what Comineus observeth of his first master, Duke Charles the Hardy, namely, that he would communicate his secrets with none; and least of all, those secrets which troubled him most. Whereupon he goeth on, and saith that towards his latter time, that closeness did impair, and a little perish his understanding. Surely Comineus mought have made the same judgment also, if it had pleased him, of his second master, Lewis the Eleventh, whose closeness was indeed his tormentor. The parable of Pythagoras is dark, but true; Cor ne edito; Eat not the heart. Certainly if a man would give it a hard phrase, those that want friends, to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts. But one thing is most admirable (wherewith I will conclude this first fruit of friendship), which is, that this communicating of a man’s self to his friend, works two contrary effects; for it redoubleth joys, and cutteth griefs in halves. For there is no man, that imparteth his joys to his friend, but he joyeth the more; and no man that imparteth his griefs to his friend, but he grieveth the less. So that it is in truth, of operation upon a man’s mind, of like virtue as the alchemists use to attribute to their stone, for man’s body; that it worketh all contrary effects, but still to the good and benefit of nature. But yet without praying in aid of alchemists, there is a manifest image of this, in the ordinary course of nature. For in bodies, union strengtheneth and cherisheth any natural action; and on the other side, weakeneth and dulleth any violent impression: and even so it is of minds. The second fruit of friendship, is healthful and sovereign for the understanding, as the first is for the affections. For friendship maketh indeed a fair day in the affections, from storm and tempests; but it maketh daylight in the understanding, out of darkness, and confusion of thoughts. Neither is this to be understood only of faithful counsel, which a man receiveth from his friend; but before you come to that, certain it is, that whosoever hath his mind fraught with many thoughts, his wits and understanding do clarify and break up, in the communicating and discoursing with another; he tosseth his thoughts more easily; he marshalleth them more orderly, he seeth how they look when they are turned into words: finally, he waxeth wiser than himself; and that more by an hour’s discourse, than by a day’s meditation. It was well said by Themistocles, to the king of Persia, That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and put abroad; whereby the imagery doth appear in figure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs. Neither is this second fruit of friendship, in opening the understanding, restrained only to such friends as are able to give a man counsel; (they indeed are best;) but even without that, a man learneth of himself, and bringeth his own thoughts to light, and whetteth his wits as against a stone, which itself cuts not. In a word, a man were better relate himself to a statua, or picture, than to suffer his thoughts to pass in smother. Add now, to make this second fruit of friendship complete, that other point, which lieth more open, and falleth within vulgar observation; which is faithful counsel from a friend. Heraclitus saith well in one of his enigmas, Dry light is ever the best. And certain it is, that the light that a man receiveth by counsel from another, is drier and purer, than that which cometh from his own understanding and judgment; which is ever infused, and drenched, in his affections and customs. So as there is as much difference between the counsel, that a friend giveth, and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a friend, and of a flatterer. For there is no such flatterer as is a man’s self; and there is no such remedy against flattery of a man’s self, as the liberty of a friend. Counsel is of two sorts: the one concerning manners, the other concerning business. For the first, the best preservative to keep the mind in health, is the faithful admonition of a friend. The calling of a man’s self to a strict account, is a medicine, sometime too piercing and corrosive. Reading good books of morality, is a little flat and dead. Observing our faults in others, is sometimes improper for our case. But the best receipt (best, I say, to work, and best to take) is the admonition of a friend. It is a strange thing to behold, what gross errors and extreme absurdities many (especially of the greater sort) do commit, for want of a friend to tell them of them; to the great damage both of their fame and fortune: for, as St. James saith, they are as men that look sometimes into a glass, and presently forget their own shape and favor. As for business, a man may think, if he will, that two eyes see no more than one; or that a gamester seeth always more than a looker–on; or that a man in anger, is as wise as he that hath said over the four and twenty letters; or that a musket may be shot off as well upon the arm, as upon a rest; and such other fond and high imaginations, to think himself all in all. But when all is done, the help of good counsel is that which setteth business straight. And if any man think that he will take counsel, but it shall be by pieces; asking counsel in one business, of one man, and in another business, of another man; it is well (that is to say, better, perhaps, than if he asked none at all); but he runneth two dangers: one, that he shall not be faithfully counselled; for it is a rare thing, except it be from a perfect and entire friend, to have counsel given, but such as shall be bowed and crooked to some ends, which he hath, that giveth it. The other, that he shall have counsel given, hurtful and unsafe (though with good meaning), and mixed partly of mischief and partly of remedy; even as if you would call a physician, that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of, but is unacquainted with your body; and therefore may put you in way for a present cure, but overthroweth your health in some other kind; and so cure the disease, and kill the patient. But a friend that is wholly acquainted with a man’s estate, will beware, by furthering any present business, how he dasheth upon other inconvenience. And therefore rest not upon scattered counsels; they will rather distract and mislead, than settle and direct. After these two noble fruits of friendship (peace in the affections, and support of the judgment), followeth the last fruit; which is like the pomegranate, full of many kernels; I mean aid, and bearing a part, in all actions and occasions. Here the best way to represent to life the manifold use of friendship, is to cast and see how many things there are, which a man cannot do himself; and then it will appear, that it was a sparing speech of the ancients, to say, that a friend is another himself; for that a friend is far more than himself. Men have their time, and die many times, in desire of some things which they principally take to heart; the bestowing of a child, the finishing of a work, or the like. If a man have a true friend, he may rest almost secure that the care of those things will continue after him. So that a man hath, as it were, two lives in his desires. A man hath a body, and that body is confined to a place; but where friendship is, all offices of life are as it were granted to him, and his deputy. For he may exercise them by his friend. How many things are there which a man cannot, with any face or comeliness, say or do himself? A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty, much less extol them; a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; and a number of the like. But all these things are graceful, in a friend’s mouth, which are blushing in a man’s own. So again, a man’s person hath many proper relations, which he cannot put off. A man cannot speak to his son but as a father; to his wife but as a husband; to his enemy but upon terms: whereas a friend may speak as the case requires, and not as it sorteth with the person. But to enumerate these things were endless; I have given the rule, where a man cannot fitly play his own part; if he have not a friend, he may quit the stage.

It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and shortcomings. Living in a city, people have certain advantages. First, people enjoy various entertainments, both foreign and domestic. Second, there are more cultural activities in a city. Third, city dwellers gain access to better information service and educational facilities. However, problems exist. The overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and other issues may result in depression, nervousness and diseases. laving in the country, people can enjoy living in pure nature. They lead a simple and trouble free life. But rural life may not be that perfect. People usually lack cultural activities. They are relatively ill informed . Things go fairly slowly there. And people miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune. The chances of their children being admitted to colleges are slim. Obviously, whatever life they lead, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always coexist. People wish that they could enjoy the pleasures of both lives. With the rapid economic development, nowadays city dwellers can relax themselves in the country during vacation; and country people have chance to experience city lifestyle when they come to cities. Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one's curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.



With the development scientific technology and the improvement of people’s life standard, a growing number of e-books have been available for the readers. Therefore, some people hold the idea that e-books will replace traditional books in the future, because the former is more advantageous than the latter, such as more convenient and less expensive.


However, as far as I am concerned, e-books will not and cannot replace traditional books. First, compared with traditional books, we cannot get the same pleasure from reading e-books in that e-books are easier to make our eyes to be tired and dry when reading. Second, with concern about copyright, there are many books are not available in digital form, especially classics. In other words, the resource of e-books is quite limited and cannot satisfy the readers. Third, there is a function of traditional books that e-books do not have—as a gift and a collection. I suppose that those who love reading would be willing to keep a printed form even though he has read the electronic form of it.


In a word, traditional books will continue to be the most important form in our reading.



Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology. It plays a significant role in our daily life. According, our reading habits changes a lot, because there are more and more e-books come to our daily life. There is no doubt that e-books makes reading more convenient and comfortable. Therefore, there are hot debates about e-books will replace traditional books.


Some people assert that e-books will replace traditional books. The following vies can support their views. In the first place, we have been used to reading e-books. When we want to do some reading, we may first search in on the Internet. Moreover, it saves us time and money. With e-books, we don’t have to go to the library to borrow or go to the bookstore to buy. Last but not least, at present, plenty of people like to reading books on the phone or computer, which is convenient to carry.


From the discussion above, I think in the future, the e-books will replace the traditional ones.



With the development of technology, more and more electric books are used by people; in the meantime, many people still read traditional books. I think both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Electric books and traditional books can be very different from each other. Electric books are light to carry, and they are so divers that you can read them on your mobile phone, MP4. To the contrary, the quality of traditional books can be well guaranteed. Moreover, most of electric books are network novel, and most of traditional books are professional books. Many people enjoy reading traditional book. Finally, if you read the electric book too long, you will feel dizzy with agitation. So reading the traditional books can make you healthy.


However, they have one thing in common that is they provide us knowledge. I think they will develop better in the future to make up their disadvantages.




With the development scientific technology and the improvement of people’s life standard, a growing number of e-books have been available for the readers. Therefore, some people hold the idea that e-books will replace traditional books in the future, because the former is more advantageous than the latter, such as more convenient and less expensive.


However, as far as I am concerned, e-books will not and cannot replace traditional books. First, compared with traditional books, we cannot get the same pleasure from reading e-books in that e-books are easier to make our eyes to be tired and dry when reading. Second, with concern about copyright, there are many books are not available in digital form, especially classics. In other words, the resource of e-books is quite limited and cannot satisfy the readers. Third, there is a function of traditional books that e-books do not have—as a gift and a collection. I suppose that those who love reading would be willing to keep a printed form even though he has read the electronic form of it.


In a word, traditional books will continue to be the most important form in our reading.



Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology. It plays a significant role in our daily life. According, our reading habits changes a lot, because there are more and more e-books come to our daily life. There is no doubt that e-books makes reading more convenient and comfortable. Therefore, there are hot debates about e-books will replace traditional books.


Some people assert that e-books will replace traditional books. The following vies can support their views. In the first place, we have been used to reading e-books. When we want to do some reading, we may first search in on the Internet. Moreover, it saves us time and money. With e-books, we don’t have to go to the library to borrow or go to the bookstore to buy. Last but not least, at present, plenty of people like to reading books on the phone or computer, which is convenient to carry.


From the discussion above, I think in the future, the e-books will replace the traditional ones.



With the development of technology, more and more electric books are used by people; in the meantime, many people still read traditional books. I think both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Electric books and traditional books can be very different from each other. Electric books are light to carry, and they are so divers that you can read them on your mobile phone, MP4. To the contrary, the quality of traditional books can be well guaranteed. Moreover, most of electric books are network novel, and most of traditional books are professional books. Many people enjoy reading traditional book. Finally, if you read the electric book too long, you will feel dizzy with agitation. So reading the traditional books can make you healthy.


However, they have one thing in common that is they provide us knowledge. I think they will develop better in the future to make up their disadvantages.



Everyone dreams about the future. I also have a dream about my life in 20 years. I will live inShanghaiwith my families because we like it very much. It will be more beautiful. I will teach in a middle school. I will be a good English teacher.

I will love my students, and my students will love me, too. We will be good friends. I will do sports with my students every day. Swimming and running will be my favorite sports. I will be healthy and strong. There will be more robots everywhere. They will help us do many things. I believe we will have more time to study and play.

This is my future dream. What do you think of it?


My ideal work has many, for instance doctor, police, boss, entrepreneur, scientist .

But I most like working as boss. When boss has many advantage for example: May make money, buy the house, to buy the car, to be filial piety the parents, to make the contribution, the gang disaster area person for the Project Hope to do decides the life the expense .......

I thought that I certainly will work as boss in the future. What but I most am now main is studies well, can work as boss.


My future will be happy. I already graduated at that time from the university. I will have a stable will have my family, my husband,and a lovely child. What will be my future job?

I have many ideals. I want to work as a singer, stands on the stage sings for the people; I want to work as a nurse, cure illness, brings the health for the people; I want to work as a pilot, drives the airplane in the blue sky; I want to work as a gardener, with a little bit sweat irrigation flowers, lets our life forever fill the green. After growing want to ba a will have many day I will give many classes to them. I will become a teacher who is always preparing my can certainly be a good teacher in the future.

I will also be a volunteer of my city. I will help a great deal of many meaningful things. I will Make contribution to my city and the society.

If I can became an teacher, they are my forever hopes. this will be my future, when a grade teacher's dream.

I will have a bright I will study hard and make preperation for my future.


It's my dream to be a teacher .

Why do I have this dream ? Becasue I like this teachers are sometimes strict with us. They are always friendly to us and often help us with our study .They not only teach us too much knowledge, but also tell a lot of principle .So I'd like to became a teacher in the future . From now on , I should go on working hard and listen to the teacher carefully in the I Should


论文评语怎么写?论文评语范例模板大全1. 在五分钟的陈述中,该生介绍了论文的主要内容与结构,以及为此进行的研究,显示出对所研究的问题有一定的认识。视频设计很漂亮,但不太符合专业要求,若多从计算机专业的角度对实现过程进行设计则更好。2. 论文借助统计分析软件对xxxx进行了因素分析,论文内容丰富条理清晰结构完整,资料收集详实,数据准确,论证清晰有力,论据充分可靠,结论可靠。3. 该生专业素养比较好,对所提问题回答流利,正确率高,对实现过程中遇到的难题认识到位,时间把握得当,若能用比较新的运行环境进行实现相对好。4. 论文陈述清晰明白,开门见山,直接入题。对老师的提问能流利作答,思路清晰,但对论文中的部分代码解释不楚,有少量语言错误,望今后的研究中多创新。5. 结合数学知识用计算机技术来处理地质问题,对方法原理掌握透彻,论文有比较好的创新。对快速傅里叶和小波变换图的结果分析到位,处理结果良好,计算机基础素养好。答辩中主要问题回答准确深入。论文中变换的指标若有对比会更好。6. 该生在规定时间内比较流利清楚的阐述论文的主要内容,能恰当回答与论文有关的问题,态度谦虚,体现了比较扎实的计算机基础。建议把图像的打开功能用适当的文字表达出来,继续完善使论文格式规范化。7. 该论文选题合理,为xxxx提供理论支持,研究意义重大。8. 该生流利地陈述了写作该论文的目的理论与实践意义,古玩网站设计过程很规范,但实体和概念之间联系少,整个设计应该尽量符合计算机方面的要求。9. 该论文反映出了作者在本门学科方面坚实的理论基础系统的专业知识以及良好的科研能力。达到了硕士学位论文的要求,建议安排答辩。学士学位论文评语【最新篇】1. 该作品体现作者的原创性。在制作过程中,作者参考的元素很多,同时,能巧妙的灵活运用到实际的创作中,此举值得学习。色彩整体搭配较和谐。结构严谨。但是,广告语和广告标题与图片联系的力度还不够。2. 该生具有扎实的广告专业基础知识。构图结构合理。版面整洁。绘图规范。能较好的表现设计主题。符合设计的基本要求。但是,此平面广告的整体效果一般,应该加强整体效果的设计考虑。3. 该作品具有一定的视觉冲击力。给广告受众一定的视觉感染力。整体效果统一自然。注意整体结构的布局。留给大家想象的空间。但广告语还不够经典,还有些色彩的细节忽略了。4. 该副作品采用对比的手法来表现,灰色调和彩色形成鲜明的对比。代表后学生对地球未来的思考和对环保的关注。具有一定的创意元素。图片整体搭配和谐,标题发人深醒。5. 该作品体现作者具有一定的计算机绘图功底。主题突出明确。创意较好。设计理念清晰。结构基本合理。色彩的搭配较合理。优化处理图片较得当。但是广告标题值得推敲。6. 该作品创意新颖,体现作者的创作能力。布局合理,色彩搭配合理。该生在设计过程中表现积极,态度端正,及时与老师沟通,并能合理听取意见。在创作中,该作品体现一定的创新精神。但是,在整体结构的考虑上还做得不够。7. 该作品设计思路清晰,中心思想突出,主题明确。整体切合毕业设计要求。在制作过程中,作者煞费苦心,积极构思,努力找突破口,基本实现了自主化设计。作品整体布局得当,效果较好。8. 该作品体现作者所学的理论与实践的结合,创作灵感丰富。体现作者的个性和刻苦精神。绘图整体规范,效果较好。结构布局合理。总体设计效果好。但是作品原创性不足,还应改进。9. 该作品具有一定的想象力,同时具有一定的创造力。在制作过程中,作者深思熟虑,把广告学的基本知识融入在具体创作实践中,取得一定的突破。作品整体效果一般,缺乏独创。10. 该作品切合主题,条理清楚,构图协调,广告元素运用充分。在制作过程中,该同学态度认真,虚心向指导老师请教,积极发挥自己的智慧。作品整体符合设计大纲要求。但还缺乏独创性,在色彩的搭配上还做得不够。11. 该生创作灵感丰富,积极运用计算机绘图技术和自己具备的专业知识,完成了这幅作品。此作品结构布局合理,内容丰富,整体效果良好。但缺乏创意点,广告词也不够好。12. 该生广告学功底较好,在设计中虚心听取他人的意见和建议,设计积极。作品色彩鲜明,线条清晰,主题表现明确,整体效果良好,符合平面广告的基本构成要素。是一副合格的作品。13. 该同学在设计过程中,多次与指导老师交流沟通,悉心听取老师的建议,并把它融入到自己的作品创作中。整个过程均自主完成作品。作品整体效果较好,体现广告主题要求。14. 该作品能充分表现主题,构图整体和谐美观大方。作者注重色彩和线条的搭配,能把广告基础理论知识与专业实践有机结合在一起,值得表扬。但是,该平面广告整体缺少吸引要素,不能起到让人记忆深刻的效果。15. 该同学设计理念切合主题,表意鲜明,突出主题。设计中,该生积极寻求指导和帮助,大量吸取他人的意见和建议。作品整体效果美观大方,有一定的广告宣传效果。但广告部够经典,不能发人深省。



















论文选题符合专业培养目标,基本能够达到综合训练目标,题目难度较小,工作量不大。论文选题一般。 该生查阅文献资料能力较差,不能全面收集关于考试系统的资料,写作过程中综合运用考试系统知识,全面分析考试系统问题的能力较差强。







在整个毕业论文设计中,该同学能在老师的严格要求下顺利完成论文的撰写。论文结构完整,各部分基本符合论文的写作规范。作者对比了ADS-B和RNP和传统导航方式,我们可以很清楚的看到ADS-B和RNP的优势。为了写好这篇论文作者显然查阅了大量的资料,论述比较充分,条理也很清晰。当然,在这其间也存在一些不足和需要提高的地方。例如,知识面不够广,不能积极主动的和老师交流工作的进程。希望该同学在以后的工作或学习中注意这些问题,争取更大的提高和进步 。

1. 在五分钟的陈述中,该生介绍了论文的主要内容与结构,以及为此进行的研究,显示出对所研究的问题有一定的认识。视频设计很漂亮,但不太符合专业要求,若多从计算机专业的角度对实现过程进行设计则更好。

2. 该生流利地陈述了写作该论文的目的、理论与实践意义,古玩网站设计过程很规范,但实体和概念之间联系少,整个设计应该尽量符合计算机方面的要求。

3. 该生陈述清楚,回答问题流利。虽论文立意比较好,有一定的研究价值,但构架和内容都比较庞大,需要较强的独立研究能力,论文题目和客户端登陆服务器模块也需稍作修改。该生准备工作充分,环节陈述完整,论文构思清晰,体现了较好的专业基础,时间把握也很好。就是论文中有需求但缺乏需求分析,对部分答辩问题回答不太清楚,图的表示方式不规范。

4. 该生用dreamweave和access数据库等技术对甘孜旅游网站进行设计,设计清新美观,主要问题回答准确,基本概念清楚,望对论文中指正的数据库存放问题进行修改。

5. 该生专业素养比较好,对所提问题回答流利,正确率高,对实现过程中遇到的难题认识到位,时间把握得当,若能用比较新的运行环境进行实现相对好。

6. 该生对数据库的设计细节讲解详细,研究深入,论坛设计部分独立完成,有一定的科研能力,答辩中思路清晰,回答得简明扼要,语言流利。答辩组经过认真讨论,一致同意通过该生成绩为良好,但要求该生纠正论文中尚存的某些错误。

7. 在十分钟的陈述中,该生介绍了论文的主要观点、内容与结构,以及论文的写作过程,条理清晰,语言无大错,对老师的提问做出了基本正确的回答,体现了一定的专业素养。但设计过程有点小问题,流程图不很完善,希望及时纠正。

8. 从答辩可以看出该生总体专业基础比较扎实,准备工作充分,对论文内容非常熟悉,能简洁明了的陈述设计思想和过程,系统展示流畅,回答问题有理有据,基本概念清楚,论文有一定创新。希望继续完善论文中的'部分文字和符号,争取规范使用。

9. 该生在规定时间内比较流利、清楚的阐述论文的主要内容,能恰当回答与论文有关的问题,态度谦虚,体现了比较扎实的计算机基础。建议把图像的打开功能用适当的文字表达出来,继续完善使论文格式规范化。

10. 结合数学知识用计算机技术来处理地质问题,对方法原理掌握透彻,论文有比较好的创新。对快速傅里叶和小波变换图的结果分析到位,处理结果良好,计算机基础素养好。答辩中主要问题回答准确、深入。论文中变换的指标若有对比会更好。

11. 论文陈述清楚,讲解简单明了,存在不足在于缺少自己的新观点、新方法,多为套用他人研究成果,论文格式方面应多规范。

12. 答辩的准备工作充分,对老师的提问能详实回答,并对设计过程中所遇困境能反复探讨研究,找出更好的解决方法,专业技术比较好。若能结合专业改进使静态的网页成为动态的则更好,不足在于数据库中表的描述方式不太对,望改进。

13. 论文陈述清晰明白,开门见山,直接入题。对老师的提问能流利作答,思路清晰,但对论文中的部分代码解释不楚,有少量语言错误,望今后的研究中多创新。

14. 该生能在规定时间内陈述论文的主要内容,但答辩中回答问题不是很流畅,对设计的细节技术不太熟,回答问题不够切题。

15. 从五部分对论文进行阐述,重点突出,答辩流畅、熟练,知识掌握基本到位,时间符合要求。不足是论文中有部分概念错误。

16. 答辩过程中,该生能在规定时间内熟练、扼要的陈述论文的主要内容,条理清晰,创新点明显,回答问题时反映敏捷,表达准确,系统演示熟练,专业素养很高,经答辩委员会商议,一致同意其成绩为优秀。



楼主,直接让人翻译费时费力啊,这样不会有人帮你。你应该先用在线翻译翻译出个大概,然后求大家修改。个人建议。以下是用福昕翻译译出的结果:Abstract: With the improvement of people's living standards and the improvement of material conditions, children's body size is quite different from before. On the other hand, China's vast territory, affected by climatic conditions, economic development and other factors, children of different regions are not the same size. Children's body shape changes have a great impact on children's wear enterprises. At present, China's current children's wear type implementation standards can not meet the current children's wear market, bringing great difficulties to the production and sales of children's wear enterprises and consumer choice. The contact anthropometric method was used to measure 18 parts of a total of 101 children aged 3 to 6 years old in a randomly selected kindergarten in Zhengzhou. The mathematical analysis software spss was used to descriptively analyze the measured human data. Analysis, factor analysis and other methods of analysis, summed up the body shape characteristics of children of this age. On this basis, according to the thoracolumbar difference, the children's body types are divided into three types: A, B, and C. The clothing type series suitable for the body type of this age group in Zhengzhou area, the series values of each series, and each series are developed. Control position value. I hope that I can provide a certain degree of reference for children's wear manufacturers in Zhengzhou and consumers who buy children's wear in : 3-6 years old children; anthropometrics; body type classification; number series

导语:这里要讨论的主要是中文科技论文所附的英文摘要,其内容包含题名、摘要及关键词。GB 7713—87规定,为了国际交流,科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文应附有外文(多用英文)摘要。原则上讲,以上中文摘要编写的注意事项都适用于英文摘要,但英语有其自己的表达方式、语言习惯,在撰写英文摘要时应特别注意。


1) 题名的结构

英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(noun phrase)最常见,即题名基本上由1个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。例如: The Frequent Bryophytes in the Mountain Helanshan(贺兰山习见苔藓植物);Thermodynamic Characteristics of Water Absorption of Heattreated Wood(热处理木材的水分吸着热力学特性)。短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。题名一般不应是陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义;况且陈述句不够精练和醒目,重点也不易突出。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句可有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。例如:Can Agricultural Mechanization be Realized Without Petroleum?(农业机械化能离开石油吗?)。

2) 题名的字数

题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制。例如,美国医学会规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;美国国立癌症研究所杂志J NatCancer Inst要求题名不超过14个词;英国数学会要求题名不超过12个词。这些规定可供我们参考。总的原则是,题名应确切、简练、醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内容的前提下,题名词数越少越好。

3) 中英文题名的一致性

同一篇论文,其英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。例如:工业湿蒸汽的直接热量计算,The Direct Measurement of Heat Transmitted Wet Steam。英文题名的直译中译文是“由湿蒸汽所传热量的直接计量”,与中文题名相比较,二者用词虽有差别,但内容上是一致的。

4) 题名中的冠词

在早年,科技论文题名中的冠词用得较多,近些年有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。例如:The Effect of Groundwater Quality on the Wheat Yield and Quality.其中两处的冠词the 均可不用。

5) 题名中的大小写



每个词的首字母大写,但3个或4个字母以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写。例如:The Deformation and Strength of Concrete Dams with Defects

题名第1个词的首字母大写,其余字母均小写。例如:Topographic inversion of interval velocities.


6) 题名中的`缩略词语



1) 作者


2) 单位

单位名称要写全(由小到大),并附地址和邮政编码,确保联系方便。前段时间一些单位机构英译纷纷采取缩写,外人不知所云,结果造成混乱。FAO,WHO,MIT尽人皆知,而BFU是Beijing Forestry University,恐怕只有“圈内”人知。另外,单位英译一定要采用本单位统一的译法(即本单位标准译法),切不可另起炉灶。


1) 英文摘要的时态



用于说明研究目的、叙述研究内容、描述结果、得出结论、提出建议或讨论等。分别举例如下:This study(investigation) is (conducted, undertaken) to…The anatomy of secondary xylem(次生木质部) in stem of Davidia involucrata (珙桐) and Camptotheca acuminata (喜树) is compared. The result shows(reveals)…,It is found that…The conclusions are…The author suggests….涉及到公认事实、自然规律、永恒真理等,当然也要用一般现在时。


用于叙述过去某一时刻(时段)的发现、某一研究过程(实验、观察、调查、医疗等过程)。例如:The heat pulse technique was applied to study the stemstaflow (树干液流) of two main deciduous broadleaved tree species in July and August,1996.需要指出的是,用一般过去时描述的发现、现象,往往是尚不能确认为自然规律、永恒真理的,而只是当时如何如何;所描述的研究过程也明显带有过去时间的痕迹。


完成时少用,但不是不用。现在完成时把过去发生的或过去已完成的事情与现在联系起来,而过去完成时可用来表示过去某一时间以前已经完成的事情,或在一个过去事情完成之前就已完成的另一过去行为。例如:Concrete has been studied for many years. Man has not yet learned to store the solar energy.?

2) 英文摘要的语态



现在主张摘要中谓语动词尽量采用主动语态的越来越多,因其有助于文字清晰、简洁及表达有力。The author systematically introduces the history and development of the tissue culture of poplar 比 The history and development of the tissue culture of poplar are introduced systematically语感要强。必要时,The author systematically都可以去掉,而直接以Introduces开头。


以前强调多用被动语态,理由是科技论文主要是说明事实经过,至于那件事是谁做的,无须一一证明。事实上,在指示性摘要中,为强调动作承受者,还是采用被动语态为好。即使在报道性摘要中,有些情况下被动者无关紧要,也必须用强调的事物做主语。例如:In this case, a greater accuracy in measuring distance might be obtained.?3) 英文摘要的人称。原来摘要的首句多用第三人称This paper…等开头,现在倾向于采用更简洁的被动语态或原形动词开头。例如:To describe…, To study…, To investigate…, To assess…,To determine…,The torrent classification model and the hazard zone mapping model are developed based on the geography information system.行文时最好不用第一人称,以方便文摘刊物的编辑刊用。

4) 注意事项。应避免一些常见的错误


主要是定冠词the易被漏用。the用于表示整个群体、分类、时间、地名以外的独一无二的事物、形容词最高级等较易掌握,用于特指时常被漏用。这里有个原则,即当我们用the时,听者或读者已经确知我们所指的是什么。例如:The author designed a new machine is operated with solar energy.?由于现在缩略语越来越多,要注意区分a和an,如an X ray.


避免用阿拉伯数字作首词,如:Three hundred Dendrolimus tabulaeformis larvae are collected…中的 Three hundred?不要写成300.?








比如"目的",在多数标题中就已初步阐明,若无更深一层的目的,摘要完全不必重复叙述;再如"方法",有些在国外可能早已成为常规的方法,在撰写英文摘要时就可仅写出方法名称,而不必一一描述其操作步骤。 中英文摘要的一致性主要是指内容方面的一致性,目前对这个问题的认识存在两个误区,一是认为两个摘要的内容"差不多就行",因此在英文摘要中随意删去中文摘要的重点内容,或随意增补中文摘要所未提及的内容,这样很容易造成文摘重心转移,甚至偏离主题;二是认为英文摘要是中文摘要的硬性对译,对中文摘要中的每一个字都不敢遗漏,这往往使英文摘要用词累赘、重复,显得拖沓、冗长。

英文摘要应严格、全面的表达中文摘要的内容,不能随意增删,但这并不意味着一个字也不能改动,具体撰写方式应遵循英文语法修辞规则,符合英文专业术语规范,并照顾到英文的表达习惯。 选择适当的时态和语态,是使摘要符合英文语法修辞规则的前提。

通常情况下,摘要中谓语动词的时态和语态都不是通篇一律的,而应根据具体内容而有所变化,否则容易造成理解上的混乱。但这种变化又并非无章可循,其中存在着如下一些规律: 1、时态:大体可概括为以下几点。

1)叙述研究过程,多采用一般过去时。 2)在采用一般过去时叙述研究过程当中提及在此过程之前发生的事,宜采用过去完成时。

3)说明某课题现已取得的成果,宜采用现在完成时。 4)摘要开头表示本文所"报告"或"描述"的内容,以及摘要结尾表示作者所"认为"的观点和"建议"的做法时,可采用一般现在时。


掌握一定的遣词造句技巧的目的是便于简单、准确的表达作者的观点,减少读者的误解。 1、用词力求简单,在表达同样意思时,尽量用短词代替长词,以常用词代替生僻词。


2、造句 1)熟悉英文摘要的常用句型:尽管英文的句型种类繁多,丰富多彩,但摘要的常用句型却很有限,而且形成了一定的规律,大体可归纳为 (1)表示研究目的,常用在摘要之首In order to……This paper describes……The purpose of this study is…… (2)表示研究的对象与方法The [curative effect/sensitivity/function] of certain [drug/kit/an….] was [observed/detected/studied…] (3)表示研究的结果:[The result showed/It proved/The authors found] that…… (4)表示结论、观点或建议:The authors [suggest/conclude/consider] that… 2)尽量采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,少用关系代词 which , who 等引导的定语从句。由于摘要的时态多采用一般过去时,使用关系代词引导的定语从句不但会使句式变的复杂,而且容易造成时态混乱(因为定语和它所修饰的主语、宾语之间有时存在一定的"时间差",而过去完成时、过去将来时等往往难以准确判定)。

采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,在简化语句的同时,还可以减少时态判定的失误。 以上所述只是撰写英文摘要时应注意的问题中的一小部分,尚有许多问题,需要进一步探讨。




比如"目的",在多数标题中就已初步阐明,若无更深一层的目的,摘要完全不必重复叙述;再如"方法",有些在国外可能早已成为常规的方法,在撰写英文摘要时就可仅写出方法名称,而不必一一描述其操作步骤。 中英文摘要的一致性主要是指内容方面的一致性,目前对这个问题的认识存在两个误区,一是认为两个摘要的内容"差不多就行",因此在英文摘要中随意删去中文摘要的重点内容,或随意增补中文摘要所未提及的内容,。

1.摘要的作用 摘要也就是内容提要,是论文中不可缺少的一部分.论文摘要是一篇具有独立性的短文,有其特别的地方.它是建立在对论文进行总结的基础之上,用简单、明确、易懂、精辟的语言对全文内容加以概括,留主干去枝叶,提取论文的主要信息.作者的观点、论文的主要内容、研究成果、独到的见解,这些都应该在摘要中体现出来.好的摘要便于索引与查找,易于收录到大型资料库中并为他人提供信息.因此摘要在资料交流方面承担着至关重要的作用.2.书写摘要的基本规范和原则 (1)论文摘要分为中文摘要和外文(一般为英文)摘要.摘要在篇幅方面的限定,不同的学校和机构有不同的要求,通常中文摘要不超过300字,英文摘要不超过250个实词,中英文摘要应一致.毕业论文摘要可适当增加篇幅.(2)多向指导教师请教,并根据提供的意见及时修改,以期达到更高水平.(3)摘要是完整的短文,具有独立性,可以单独使用.即使不看论文全文的内容,仍然可以理解论文的主要内容、作者的新观点和想法、课题所要实现的目的、采取的方法、研究的结果与结论.(4)叙述完整,突出逻辑性,短文结构要合理.(5)要求文字简明扼要,不容赘言,提取重要内容,不含前言、背景等细节部分,去掉旧结论、原始数据,不加评论和注释.采用直接表述的方法,删除不必要的文学修饰.摘要中不应包括作者将来的计划以及与此课题无关的内容,做到用最少的文字提供最大的信息量.(6)摘要中不使用特殊字符,也不使用图表和化学结构式,以及由特殊字符组成的数学表达式,不列举例证.3.摘要的四要素 目的、方法、结果和结论称为摘要的四要素.(1)目的:指出研究的范围、目的、重要性、任务和前提条件,不是主题的简单重复.(2)方法:简述课题的工作流程,研究了哪些主要内容,在这个过程中都做了哪些工作,包括对象、原理、条件、程序、手段等.(3)结果:陈述研究之后重要的新发现、新成果及价值,包括通过调研、实验、观察取得的数据和结果,并剖析其不理想的局限部分.(4)结论:通过对这个课题的研究所得出的重要结论,包括从中取得证实的正确观点,进行分析研究,比较预测其在实际生活中运用的意义,理论与实际相结合的价值.4.撰写步骤 摘要作为一种特殊的陈述性短文,书写的步骤也与普通类型的文章有所不同.摘要的写作时间通常在论文的完成之后,但也可以采用提早写的方式,然后再边写论文边修改摘要.首先,从摘要的四要素出发,通读论文全文,仔细将文中的重要内容一一列出,特别是每段的主题句和论文结尾的归纳总结,保留梗概与精华部分,提取用于编写摘要的关键信息.然后,看这些信息能否完全、准确的回答摘要的四要素所涉及的问题,并要求语句精炼.若不足以回答这些问题,则重新阅读论文,摘录相应的内容进行补充.最后,将这些零散信息,组成符合语法规则和逻辑规则的完整句子,再进一步组成通畅的短文,通读此短文,反复修改,达到摘要的要求.5.关于英文摘要 (1)英文摘要的写作方法要依据公认的写作规范.(2)尽量使用简单句,避免句型单调,表达要求准确完整.(3)正确使用冠词.(4)使用标准英语书写,避免使用口语,应使用易于理解的常用词,不用生僻词汇.(5)作者所做工作用过去时,结论用现在时.(6)多使用主动语态.6.关键词 关键词是为了文献标引工作从报告、论文中选出来用以表示全文主题内容信息目的单词术语.每篇报告、论文选取3~8个词作为关键词,以显著的字符另起一行,排在摘要的左方.如有可能,尽量用《汉语主题词表》等词表提供的规范词.为了国际交流,应标注与中文对应的英文关键词.关键词是主题词中的一类.主题词是一种新型检索词汇,多用于计算机网络检索.关键词分为中文关键词和与之对应的英文关键词,分别置于中文摘要和英文摘要之下.为便于他人的检索,不能使用过于宽泛的词语.选择关键词既可以从论文的各级标题入手,也可以从论文本身的内容选取,将选出的关键词按照所涉及领域的范围从大到小顺序列出.。

1. 打好扎实的英语语言基础要写好英语作文,首先必须掌握一定数量的英语单词.英语文章就象是一幢建筑物,单词则象是建筑用砖.此外,还得掌握好一定的英语语法知识,否则在英语便会频频出错.

2. 广泛进行英语阅读:进行英语阅读,既可以开阔视野,扩在词汇,又可以学习地道的英语表达方式,从而运用到自己的英语写作实践当中.

3. 掌握一定的英语写作技巧: 英语写作有许多技巧,如怎样选词,造句,怎样展开段落,各种体裁的英语作文怎样布局等,只有对这些基本的写作技巧加以掌握,在英语作文时才可得心应手.

4. 多观察思考,在日常生活中,有许多人和事可引起我们的注意,我们对他们应多进行观察,进行分析,凡事问个"为什么",并用英语来进行思考,那么在英文写作时,便不至于找不到话写.

5. 多练习,常言道:Practice makes perfect.大凡知名作家并不是一开始就写出了惊人之作,他们的在艰苦的写作实践中得到提高的,我们在学习英语作文时也应多练,可采取英文日记,周记,课文摘要等形式来加以训练,亦可找个writing partner(写作伙伴)相互督促,相互学习,相互提高.

.书 写:在用英语写作时,书写应工整,规范,力求认人容易认读.注意大写字母比小写字母应写得大些高些,注意"a-o" "n-u'书写的差异,I 和 j要记得上面加".",字母t中间的横线亦不要忘记.单词与单词间不要靠得紧,标条符号之后应留一定空间.


Consider...YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion... You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity! You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process. Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today. Paint a Masterpiece. God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to you. 试想一下……你!一个空前绝后的你,不论是以往还是将来都不会有一个跟你一模一样的人。你在历史上和宇宙中都是独一无二的。哇!想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一、兆里挑一的。 在无穷无尽的宇宙中,你是举世无双的!!! 你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错,就是你。你已经是了不起的,是卓越的,你还可以更卓越更了不起。美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会因为年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得“美丽”。 真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧! 上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。不管你想要去哪里,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己。 本文来自: 恒星英语学习网() 详细出处参考:

It is a trend in China to by things look nice, especially when people decide to buy something as a gift for their friends. Doing so has automatically triggered a rapid development in packaging industry, but also caused a huge waste in our national resourses. A good example is buy a bag of Chinese tea, the tea itself may cost more than 500CNY but it includes nearly 200CNY for the package. Does it mean high quality when you buy a goods in a posh case, the answer is 'perhaps'. 'Perhaps' here means 50% of a chance to buy something realy good and another 50% of the chance is to buy something crap or of my friends bought a bottle of Maotai for 1800CNY, he was absolutely embarassed to find it to be water in it in front of his invited guests. It is crazy. Things have become so expensive and so well packed that many companies produce crap products play the same trick. We should criticize the manufacture that produce crap and fake goods, but those companies that charge their customers a large amount of money just for the package should be praised? No. As customers, we need to think about the question: why do we have to chase the superfacial things when we buy things? Why do we have to buy friends expensive gifts? Are a notebook computer, an I-phone and electronics really something we have to buy as gifts to someone? Can we not change our ways to show our love to your beloved ones just with an item suitable instead of telling them how much money it is worth? If we make a statistics in our population, it is easy to find out that 99% of the people would express their hatred for bribery and corrupted officials. However, how many of us have ever asked ourselves a question like 'What I have done in the past year that has promoted corruptions in our country?' (by ztlthb)

means of mum`s loveTime is running out for my friend. While we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are thinking of starting a family. "We're taking a survey,"she says, half-joking. "Do you think I should have a baby?" "It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral. "I know,"she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous holidays..." But that's not what I mean at all. I look at my friend, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will be vulnerable forever. I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without thinking: "What if that had been MY child?" That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. I feel I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for child care, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting, and she will think her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her child is all want my friend to know that every decision will no longer be routine. That a five-year-old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at a restaurant will become a major dilemma. The issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in the lavatory. However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother. Looking at my attractive friend, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the added weight of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her own life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. She would give it up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years—not to accomplish her own dreams—but to watch her children accomplish theirs. I want to describe to my friend the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to hit a ball. I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real it friend's look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. "You'll never regret it," I say finally. Then, squeezing my friend's hand, I offer a prayer for her and me and all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this holiest of callings.时光任苒,朋友已经老大不小了。我们坐在一起吃饭的时候,她漫不经心地提到她和她的丈夫正考虑要小孩。“我们正在做一项调查,”她半开玩笑地说。“你觉得我应该要个小孩吗?”“他将改变你的生活。”我小心翼翼地说道,尽量使语气保持客观。“这我知道。”她答道,“周末睡不成懒觉,再也不能随心所欲休假了……”但我说的绝非这些。我注视着朋友,试图整理一下自己的思绪。我想让她知道她永远不可能在分娩课上学到的东西。我想让她知道:分娩的有形伤疤可以愈合,但是做母亲的情感伤痕却永远如新,她会因此变得十分脆弱。我想告诫她:做了母亲后,每当她看报纸时就会情不自禁地联想:“如果那件事情发生在我的孩子身上将会怎样啊!”每一次飞机失事、每一场住宅火灾都会让她提心吊胆。看到那些忍饥挨饿的孩子们的照片时,她会思索:世界上还有什么比眼睁睁地看着自己的孩子饿死更惨的事情呢?我打量着她精修细剪的指甲和时尚前卫的衣服,心里想到:不管她打扮多么考究,做了母亲后,她会变得像护崽的母熊那样原始而不修边幅。我觉得自己应该提醒她,不管她在工作上投入了多少年,一旦做了母亲,工作就会脱离常规。她自然可以安排他人照顾孩子,但说不定哪天她要去参加一个非常重要的商务会议,却忍不住想起宝宝身上散发的甜甜乳香。她不得不拼命克制自己,才不致于为了看看孩子是否安然无羔而中途回家。我想告诉朋友,有了孩子后,她将再也不能按照惯例做出决定。在餐馆,5岁的儿子想进男厕而不愿进女厕将成为摆在她眼前的一大难题:她将在两个选择之间权衡一番:尊重孩子的独立和性别意识,还是让他进男厕所冒险被潜在的儿童性骚扰者侵害?任凭她在办公室多么果断,作为母亲,她仍经常事后后悔自己当时的决定。注视着我的这位漂亮的朋友,我想让她明确地知道,她最终会恢复到怀孕前的体重,但是她对自己的感觉已然不同。她现在视为如此重要的生命将随着孩子的诞生而变得不那么宝贵。为了救自己的孩子,她时刻愿意献出自己的生命。但她也开始希望多活一些年头,不是为了实现自己的梦想,而是为了看着孩子们美梦成真。我想向朋友形容自己看到孩子学会击球时的喜悦之情。我想让她留意宝宝第一次触摸狗的绒毛时的捧腹大笑。我想让她品尝快乐,尽管这快乐真实得令人心痛。朋友的表情让我意识到自己已经是热泪盈眶。“你永远不会后悔,”我最后说。然后紧紧地握住朋友的手,为她、为自己、也为每一位艰难跋涉、准备响应母亲职业神圣的召唤的平凡女性献上自己的祈祷A Box Full Of Kisses Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, "This is for you, Daddy!" As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction. But when he opened it, he found it was empty and again his anger flared. "Don't you know, young lady,” he said harshly, “when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package!" The little girl looked up at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full." The father was crushed. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger. An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.从前,一位父亲惩罚了自己5岁的女儿,因为她用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。家中余钱无多,在圣诞前夜来临时,父亲变得更加心烦意乱,他看到了圣诞树下的一个鞋盒,女儿原来把金纸贴在了这个鞋盒上做装饰。然而,圣诞日的早上,小女孩满是兴奋得把这个圣诞礼盒呈到了父亲面前,说到:“爸爸,这个送给你!”当父亲打开礼盒时,他为自己先前的过度反应而局促不安着。但是当他打开盒子后,发现里面是空的,他的怒火再次爆发了。“你不知道吗,小丫头,”他严厉地说,“当你送人礼物时,盒子里面应该是有东西的!”小女孩抬头看着气头上的父亲,泪水在她的眼眶中打圈:“爸爸,它不是空的。这里面装满了我的吻。”男人顿时被击垮了。他跪下双膝,双手环抱着自己珍爱的小女孩,祈求她的原谅。之后不久,一场事故夺走了小女孩的生命。据说,父亲便将那个小金盒子放在床头,一直陪伴着他的余生。无论何时他感到气馁或者遇到难办的事情,他就会打开礼盒,取出一个假想的吻,记起漂亮女儿给予了自己特殊的爱。从一个非常真实的意义上说,我们每个人都被赠与过一个无形的金色礼盒,那里面装满了来自子女,家人,朋友及上帝无条件的爱与吻。人们所能拥有的最珍贵的礼物莫过于此了。Love and Time Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,"Richness, can you take me with you?"Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!""I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you.""Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?""It was Time," Knowledge answered."Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."从前有一个岛,所有的情感都住在那里:幸福、悲伤、知识和所有其它的,爱也不例外。一天,所有的情感听说小岛即将沉没,因此建造小船,纷纷离开,除了爱。爱是唯一留下来的,因为它希望能坚持到最后一刻。小岛即将沉没了,爱决定请求帮助。富有驾着一艘大船从爱身边经过,爱说,“富有,你能带上我么?”富有回答说:“不行,我的船上载满金银财宝,没有你的地方。”虚荣坐在漂亮的小船中从爱身边驶过,爱问:“虚荣,你能帮助我么?”虚荣说:“不行,你全身湿透,会弄脏我的船。”悲伤的船靠近了,爱问:“悲伤,请带我走吧。”“哦... 爱,我太难过了,想一个人呆着。”幸福经过爱的身边,它太开心了,根本没听见爱在呼唤。突然,一个声音喊道:“来,爱,我带你走。” 声音来自“年老”。爱太高兴了,甚至忘了问他们即将去何方。当他们来到岸上,年老自己离开了。爱突然意识到“年老”给了它多大的帮助。于是,爱问另一位老者--知识:“谁帮助了我?”知识说:“是时间。”“时间?”爱问:“但是时间为什么帮助我?”知识睿智地微笑道:“因为只有时间了解爱的价值。”The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more but enjoy less. 我们这个时代在历史上的说法就是我们拥有更高的建筑,但是有更暴的脾气;我们拥有更宽阔的高速公路,却有更狭隘的观点;我们花费得更多,拥有得却更少;我们购买得更多却享受得更少。 We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness. 我们的房子越来越大,家庭却越来越小;便利越来越多,时间却越来越少;学位越来越多,感觉却越来越少;知识越来越多,观点却越来越少;专家越来越多,问题也越来越多;药物越来越多,健康却越来越少。 We drink too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. 我们喝得太多,花钱大手大脚,笑得太少,开车太快,易怒,熬夜,赖床,书读得越来越少,电视看得越来越多,却很少向上帝祈祷。 We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to life, not life to years. 我们常常夸夸其谈,却很少付出爱心,且常常心中充满了仇恨。我们学会了如何谋生,而不知如何生活。我们延长了生命的期限,而不是生活的期限。 We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space; we’ve done larger things, but not better things. 我们登上了月球,并成功返回,却不能穿过街道去拜访新邻居。我们已经征服了太空,却征服不了自己的内心;我们的事业越做越大,但质量却没有提高。 We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less; we plan more, but accomplish less. 我们清洁了空气,却污染了灵魂;我们分离了原子,却无法驱除我们的偏见;我们写得更多,学到的却更少;我们的计划更多,完成的却更少。 We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but, lower morals. 我们学会了奔跑,却忘记了如何等待;我们的收入越来越高,道德水平却越来越低。 We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; we’ve become long on quantity, but short on quality. 我们制造了更多的计算机来存储更多的信息,制造了最多的副本,却减少了交流;我们开始渴望数量,但忽视了质量。 These are the days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but more broken homes. 这个时代有双收入,但也有了更高的离婚率;有更华丽的房屋,却有更多破碎的家庭。 These are the days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw away morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. Where are we heading...? 这个时代有了快速旅游,免洗尿布,却抛弃了道德、一夜情、超重的身体,以及可以从快乐中走向静止和自杀的药物。我们将走向何方……? If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. 如果我们明天就死掉,我们为之工作的公司可能会在一天内很轻易地找人代替我们的位置。但是当我们离开家人后,他们的余生将会在失落中度过。 And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family an unwise investment indeed. 考虑一下吧,我们将自己的时间更多地投入到工作中,而放弃与家人在一起的时光,实在并非明智之举。 So what is the morale of the story?那么这则故事的主旨是什么呢?Don’t work too hard... and you know what’s the full word of family? 不要工作得太辛苦,你知道家的全称吗? FAMILY = (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER, (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU.

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