
> 学术期刊知识库

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^_^,我这里有几个:Stanford 大学 Graduate School of Business 论文库: Term-paper, report and research paper database: Paper Online: Science Research Network: (this is very famous, but some papers require fees here)Mendeley Research Network: 希望对你能有帮助 =)

朋友: 给您几个好的网址,是有关论文的,很全! 真心希望能够对你有所帮助!! 若需具体内容200分请与我联系。 自己找找吧! 祝你好运! 中文免费论文地址集锦 一、 综合类 1、蓝之韵论文 门类较全。 2、学生大论文中心 3、蜂朝无忧论文网 门类很全。 4、论文下载中心 门类很全。 5、论文帝国 二、 教育类 1、教研论文交流中心 以中小学教育为主,基础教育、英语教学文章居多。 2、教育教学论文网 以教育论文为主,包含:语文论文 美术论文 物理论文 化学论文 英语论文 历史论文 德育论文 教学论文 数学论文 音乐论文 生物论文 自然论文 体育论文 地理论文 摄影论文 劳动技术 农村教育 毕业论文 素质论文 医学论文 电子电器学 思维科学 计算机论文 活动课教学 书法篆刻论文 创新教育研究 心理健康教育 西部教育论文 信息技术论文 3、教育论文 4、中国园丁网论文大观 5、北大附小学校教师的文章: 三、 专业类 1、优秀论文杂志 以科技类为主。 2、论文资料网 以财经经济管理类为主。 3、法律图书馆 文如其名。 4、法学论文资料库 文如其名。 5、中国总经理网论文集 6、mba职业经理人论坛 7、中国农业在线-农业论文 8、体育论文 9、财经学位论文下载中心 10、公开发表论文_深圳证券交易所 11、中国路桥资讯网论文资料中心 12、论文商务中心 13、法律帝国: 四、 论文写作教学类 1、学术论文 其实是学术论文的写作网站。 五、 博硕士论文 1、论文统计 实际上就是万方的论文统计。 2、台湾博硕士论文咨讯网 3、北京大学学位论文样本收藏 4、学位论文 (清华大学) ] 中国科技论文在线 论文中国 : 新浪论文网分类: 中国论文联盟: 大学生论文库 论文资料网: 论文下载中心: 毕业论文网: 学位论文: 无忧论文网: 北京语言文化大学论文库:

去学校的图书馆或者是机房都可以的.那里可以找到那些搜索论文的地址和相关论文.在大学三年下学期学的文献检索就是用来找论文的. 以下是些英语论文,你可以参考下:)~~ 英语(科技/经贸英语)毕业论文 英语论文类文章1001篇,里面有很多的:)~ 英文的毕业论文 或:) 英语毕业论文[1829] 毕业论文的引文[208] 毕业论文选题和观点方面的…[139] 毕业论文的评价[83] 教育论文网:)很多的



英文文献检索网站有Forgotten Books、古腾堡计划、World Public Library世界公共图书馆、Social Science Research Network、Open Access Library、Blackwell电子期刊、科研出版社OA资源、HighWire出版社电子期刊、Free ebooks、JustFreeBooks。

WitGuides、Many Books好多书、Free-eBooks、Bioline International、Internet Archive互联网档案馆、ebook-free、Digital Book Index、McMaster大学经济思想史书库、加利福尼亚大学国际和区域数字馆藏。


ProQuest是博士论文全文检索系统,PQDD的全称是ProQuest Digital Dissertations。而ProQuest的母公司是UMI,The answser Company (UMI有问必答公司),UMI成立于1938年,是全球最大的信息存储和发行商之一。


学术文献下载器()汇集海量中外文献数据库资源,如:ScienceDirect(Elsevier)、Web of Science、SpringerLink、PubMed、Wiley、EI、Taylor & Francis、IEEE、ProQuest等等以及世界顶级知名期刊:nature《自然》、science《科学》、CELL《细胞》、PNAS《美国科学院院报》等等。涵盖各种文献类型,包含全部学科,只要有网在哪里都可以检索下载中外文献。

Web of Science是获取全球学术信息的重要数据库,它收录了全球13000多种权威的、高影响力的学术期刊,内容涵盖自然科学、工程技术、生物医学、社会科学、艺术与人文等领域。Web of Science 包括著名的三大引文索引数据库(SCI、SSCI、A&HCI)。由于其严格的选刊标准和引文索引机制,使得Web of Science在作为文献检索工具的同时,也成为文献计量学和科学计量学的最重要基本评价工具之一。

EI(工程索引 )在全球的学术界、工程界、信息界中享有盛誉,是科技界共同认可的重要检索工具。每年摘录世界工程技术期刊约3000种,还有会议文献、图书、技术报告和学位论文等,涉及领域:机械工程、机电工程、船舶工程、制造技术、矿业、冶金、材料工程、金属材料、有色金属、陶瓷、塑料及聚合物工程等。


SpringerLink是全球最大的在线科学、技术和医学(STM)领域学术资源平台。Springer 的电子图书数据库包括各种的Springer图书产品,如专著、教科书、手册、地图集、参考工具书、丛书等。具体学科涉及:数学、物理与天文学、化学、生命科学、医学、工程学、计算机科学、环境科学、地球科学、经济学、法律。

Wiley 作为全球最大、最全面的经同行评审的科学、技术、医学和学术研究的在线多学科资源平台之一,Wiley Online Library为全学科期刊全文数据库,出版物涵盖学科范围广泛——包括化学、物理学、工程学、农学、兽医学、食品科学、医学、护理学、口腔医学、生命科学、心理学、商业、经济学、社会科学、艺术、人类学等多个学科大约1600多种期刊,以及很多其它重要的跨学科领域的期刊。

PubMed 是一个免费的搜寻引擎,提供生物医学方面的论文搜寻以及摘要的数据库。它的数据库来源为MEDLINE。其核心主题为医学,但亦包括其他与医学相关的领域,像是护理学或者其他健康学科。PubMed 的资讯并不包括期刊论文的全文,但可提供指向全文提供者(付费或免费)的链接。

Taylor & Francis科技期刊数据库,拥有全球最多社会科学期刊,提供550余种经专家评审的高质量科学与技术类期刊,该人文社科期刊数据库包含14个学科:人类学、考古学与文化遗产,人文与艺术,商业管理与经济,犯罪学与法学,教育学,地理、城市、规划与环境,图书馆与信息科学,媒体、文化与传播研究,心理健康与社会保健,政治国际关系与区域研究,心理学,社会学及其相关学科,体育、休闲与旅游,策略、防务与安全研究。

ProQuest商业信息、学术研究、应用科技数据库是ProQuest Information and Learning公司(原名UMI公司)通过ProQuest检索平台提供的一组数据库,涉及商业管理、社会与人文科学、科学与技术、金融与税务、医药学等广泛领域。提供期刊、报纸、参考书、参考文献、书目、索引、地图集、绝版书籍、记录档案、博士论文和学者论文集等各种类型的信息服务,其中ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global(PQDT Global)是目前世界上规模最大、使用最广泛的博硕士论文数据库。



ACM Digital Library-Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library

ACS Publications [美国化学学会电子期刊]

A&HCI [艺术与人文引文索引]

AIP-American Institute of Physics [美国物理联合会数据库]

APS-American Physical Society [美国物理学会数据库]



CPCI [会议录引文索引]

EBSCO ASP 学术期刊集成全文数据库

EBSCO BSP 商业资源电子文献全文数据库


Elsevier ScienceDirect



ESI(Essential Science Indicator)基本科学指标数据库


HeinOnline 法律数据库

IEL(IEEE/IET Electronic Library)


Innography 高端专利分析工具

JCR - Journal Citation Reports(期刊引证报告)


MathSciNet 美国数学评论


ProQuest Dialog 国际联机检索平台

RSC-Royal Society of Chemistry [英国皇家化学学会电子期刊]

Science Citation Index(科学引文索引)


Social Science Citation Index(社会科学引文索引)

Springer E-journal(SLCC 斯普林格电子期刊)

Springer 电子书

Westlaw 法学专业数据库

Wiley Online Library(Wiley Online Library电子期刊和在线图书)





1. 律师实务文书向导 测试版


2. 博乐助写



4. 博乐公文助写


5. helpMATIC Pro



6. helpMATIC Pro













分类: 教育/学业/考试 >> 高考 解析: 中文免费论文地址集锦 一、 综合类 1、蓝之韵论文 21blue 门类较全。 2、学生大论文中心 studa/newpaper/ 3、蜂朝无忧论文网 51lunwen/main/index 门类很全。 4、论文下载中心 studa/paper/ 门类很全。 5、论文帝国 papersempire/ 二、 教育类 1、教研论文交流中心 k12/teacher/resource/lunwen/ 以中小学教育为主,基础教育、英语教学文章居多。 2、教育教学论文网 minaol/gb/art/ttd/index 以教育论文为主,包含:语文论文 美术论文 物理论文 化学论文 英语论文 历史论文 德育论文 教学论文 数学论文 音乐论文 生物论文 自然论文 体育论文 地理论文 摄影论文 劳动技术 农村教育 毕业论文 素质论文 医学论文 电子电器学 思维科学 计算机论文 活动课教学 书法篆刻论文 创新教育研究 心理健康教育 西部教育论文 信息技术论文 3、教育论文 4、中国园丁网论文大观 teacher/papers 5、北大附小学校教师的文章: bdfx/5jslw 三、 专业类 1、优秀论文杂志 interpapers/kj/ 以科技类为主。 2、论文资料网 51paper/ 以财经经济管理类为主。 3、法律图书馆 law-lib/ 文如其名。 4、法学论文资料库 law-lib/lw/ 文如其名。 5、中国总经理网论文集 ceo/school/lwj 6、mba职业经理人论坛 7、中国农业在线-农业论文 agrionline/keji/lunwenzy/ 8、体育论文 zxty/product4 9、财经学位论文下载中心 forum/ *** lw/ 10、公开发表论文_深圳证券交易所 sse/sse/yjkw/gkfblw 11、中国路桥资讯网论文资料中心 lqzx/lunwen 12、论文商务中心 13、法律帝国: fl365/gb/lawthinker/bbs/default 四、 论文写作教学类 1、学术论文 hrexam/advanced1 其实是学术论文的写作网站。 五、 博硕士论文 1、论文统计 sci/ 实际上就是万方的论文统计。 2、台湾博硕士论文咨讯网 3、北京大学学位论文样本收藏 4、学位论文 (清华大学) ] 中国科技论文在线 论文中国 :chinawrite/ 新浪论文网分类: 中国论文联盟:lwlm/ 大学生论文库syiae/lunwen 论文资料网:51paper/ 论文下载中心:studa/paper/ 毕业论文网:bylw/ 学位论文: 无忧论文网:51lunwen/ 北京语言文化大学论文库:








有很多啊,比如:榕树下,榕树下全球中文原创作品网源于1997年12月25日美籍华人朱威廉创作的一个个人主页。“榕树下”坚持“文学是大众的文学”,倡导“生活·感受·随想”,使文学通过网络这一快捷的载体真正变成了大众的文学,使许多爱好文学的人好梦成真。 晋江原创网创立于2003年8月1日,是全球最大女性文学基地。具备投稿系统、个人文集系统、媒体联络发表系统及高创作水平的原创书库。2010年2月,晋江原创网正式更名晋江文学城。晋江是福建泉州所属的一个县级市,晋江文学城的前身是晋江电信所创办的一个小BBS,后有了晋江文学城和晋江原创网。 华夏文学网是一个集原创文学、文学发布、文学推荐出版、小说书库、读者会员交友以及其他书友会员增值服务为一体的综合型文学网站,本站致力于打造最完美、最优秀的中文在线作品发布和阅读平台, 华夏文学网是集原创文学,网络文学,军事文学,游戏文学、玄幻修真、浪漫言情等娱乐小说为一体的大型原创文学网站,本站将以鬼神、仙侠、武侠小说为主体,军事、网游和玄幻小说为普及的发展方向。 红袖添香为超过340万注册用户提供涵盖小说、散文、杂文、诗歌、歌词、剧本、日记等体裁的高品质创作和阅读服务,在言情、职场小说等女性文学写作及出版领域独占高地。网站拥有长、短篇原创作品总量超过192万部(篇),日浏览量最高超过6400万次。 类似这样的网站还有很多,你可以按照自己的喜好来发表。

问题一:新手写小说去哪个网站发表比较好 平心而论,起点目前是网络小说的龙头网站,如果你自认为有一定成熟的作品,可以去那里发展,从薪水,待遇,人气方面来讲,起点都是当之无愧的一哥。但毕竟,龙头网站有龙头网站的标准和规则,新人到那里,一般有两种可能,一个是时来运转,出头之日。一个就是浪涛滚滚,被淹死在太多的写手中。如果你对自己的第一部作品仅仅是抱着练笔,看情势的心态话,建议找个较小的网站去发展,用较小的网站作为你进军写手界的一个跳跃平台。(起点,新人推荐指数三,虽然前途渺茫,毕竟有着一飞冲天的机会!) 这其中,纵横、17K无疑是第二选择了。毕竟,17K曾辉煌过,只不过是被起点压下了风头。而纵横现在则是风头正劲,从JJ、无罪、烽火、方想等一线写手转入纵横,就可以看出了。纵横的福利虽然目前还比不上起点,但却有一个优势,那就是签约全勤,这无疑给了新人写手更大的动力,不需上架,不需出版,即可享受底薪全勤。这打破了网络写手通过VIP,出版赚钱的界限,创造了一个新纪元,如果有着稍显成熟文笔,有过完本经验的作者,那还等什么,快投入纵横中文网,在那里,会给你们更多的机会、更好的待遇)。但据我所知,纵横的门槛是较高的,本着宁缺毋滥的原则,一般对作品正题控制不太好的新人还是不甚适合。(纵横,新人推荐指数三,虽然未必能够签约,但却能得到很好的磨练,对以后的文笔操纵有着较大的益处。而且,此站点欣欣向荣,有着腾飞九天的趋势。) 17K,就不多介绍了,网编是绝对的近人,负责任,虽然是有双休日的,但网编也是人,怎么就不能休息了,难道让他们一年到头精神紧绷着?写手有疲劳期,编辑同样也很疲劳,他们也需要休息。另外,从目前纯银耳坠的红火可以看出,17K是能够发掘有潜力的新人,给新人以良好展示平台的,个人认为,这个网站再适合不过有着远大抱负的新人写手了,值得所有写手一试。(新人推荐指数五,虽然昔日的辉煌不再,但大网站的基础还在,网站自身的良好态度、是有抱负的新人们的理想之地。) 另外,除了这两个网站,剩下的就是逐浪、看书网、小说阅读网、天下书盟、幻剑书盟这一类的近期改进的网站了。之所把起点,纵横、17K和逐浪,看书这些网站分三次说,这也代表了各大网站目前在网络文学界中所占据的地位。 幻剑书盟,曾经玄幻的霸主,但现在已经渐渐趋向于没落了,这个我了解的不是甚多,就不妄作评论了。而逐浪,这个起源于盗版的网站,却是有了几分向上的姿态,近年来,逐浪的写手日益增多,像夜独醉、和尚等各位小神级写手崭露头角,为逐浪带来了一定的人气。只是逐浪的薪水对于新人来说显然有些低调。我曾在写手界混过一段时间,所以对各大网站的写手有着一定的了解,有很大一批抱着写手梦的人从逐浪开始流失出去。十五万字上架的规则,让作者不能很好的聚集人气。但也有一定的优势,让作者提前获得了收益。但这点收益又有多少呢,我建议,逐浪也应该开创一个新局势,打破上架、写手才能获利的范畴。让写手们更有 *** ,更有动力创造。另外,逐浪也是一个不错的网站,但其中权衡利弊,需要写手们自己抱我了。从六道的留站,可以看出逐浪能够给与各种能力的写手以适合的待遇,自然,对于能力一般,或者是刚入门的新手,就要考虑一下了。(目前新人推荐指数三,毕竟,逐浪还出国一位黑道大神级人物:六道) 然后是看书网,这个2004年建站的网站,论年龄也不算小了,但一直处于低迷状态,读者也还算不少,但写手却很少,看书网,在起点、纵横、17K荣耀光环的照射下,只不过算是一个小网站,直到最近,才开始有了改进制度,吸收新鲜活力的势头,签约即可获得全勤奖的制度改善,有一定模仿纵横的意味,虽然奖励金额比纵横小了很......>> 问题二:有没有可以写小说的网站? 17k小说网 起点中文网 晋江文学城 飞卢小说网 问题三:在哪个网站写小说好??? 最好是JJ(晋江文学城),那里人多,喜欢的小说也五花八门。我就在那里写,小说快出炉了,服务态度一级棒,只要你文笔好又不断更,得到人气是肯定的。 当然,RN(小说阅读网)也还不错,大多都是萝莉喜欢看的小说网,就是那里的编辑架子有些大,我在那里写小说,吃了好几个闭门羹,那里的作者如果没有和编辑打好关系是很难如鱼得水的。 然后就是香网,哇咔咔我最喜欢这里了,那里的编辑人好性子好还有自己与读者的交流群,真是好得没话讲!签约什么的如果你不懂编辑就会帮你,属于你的责编在群里还会教导你写作,指出你的不足。总之,那里就是写作天堂!但唯一的缺点就是人气不佳…… 起点,女生网的话,小说大多都是很好看很好看的,总之,那里是个没有实力就不可能成功的网站,但只要你有实力,在那里得了人气,极有可能会出书甚至可能会上百度百科。 纵横,呃,还不错那里,人气不错,但大多都是男性青睐的,当然女性再那里也可以写的,一句话,还是实力问题。 潇湘书院,这个嘛……我在那里写过,很好上手,就是感觉很怪异,当然也可以考虑考虑去那里发展。 创世中文网,还不错,那里的凡人修真很有名。 问题四:在哪个网站可以写小说 起点中文网,创世中文网,掌中文学,塔读文学,纵横中文网,逐浪网,作客中文网,天地中文网,磨铁中文网,黑岩网,凌云网 问题五:在哪个网站上可以写小说 女性向 若果是写小白文的就去小说阅读网比较好,最开始文笔不好但是剧情符合口味就可以。 要是写有理有据可以去晋江,红袖添香和起点女生版。 男生版 若果写种马文就去起点,但是起点要VIP有最低字数要求 但是上面小说阅读和晋江红袖都是几万字就可以开V,七点的话好像要提前存好十几万字才可以 问题六:想写小说 在哪个网站能连载 ? 这个就有很多了,比如网易云阅读,起点读书,这些都是可以连载的哦 问题七:什么网站写小说好 如果你是男生,建议如下: 1 起点网(人气超高,赚钱相对稳定,但新手出头很难。最常见的是YY玄幻种马文) 2 17K网或逐浪网(人气比起点差,但新人出头比起点容易) 如果你是女生,建议如下: 1 晋江网(与起点一样,是盛大作靠山,不会差啥) 2 四月天或红袖添香或潇湘书苑(好像都差不多) 如果你的小说太正规,则建议你直接出实体书。 因为网络VIP赚钱小攻 = 每日至少2次更新 + YY + 大众化、低俗化。 想好,再签约。 问题八:在哪个网站上写小说比较好,推荐一下 我个人认为在17k比较好,因为审核很快,而且申请签约的要求也比较低,只要满三万字就行,首次签约就可以拿100,那里还有个网大青训营能培训作者,你可以去那里试试。 问题九:在网上自己写小说可以上哪个网站?具体稿费是多少? ……可以去起点 纵横 创世这类小说网 ……至于稿费……这得看你书的人气和签的合同了 ……签了合同 你的书可以入v 也就是收费了 ……差不多订阅一章能有一毛左右 ……订阅的人越多 你赚的越多 ……说到底还是看书火不火 ……具体稿费 我只知道全勤奖有五百 一个月每天按要求更文就能拿全勤奖 ……其他的 貌似都是和订阅挂钩的 没有准确的数字的



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英语是国际经济、技术、信息等交流中应用最广泛的语言,下面就是我给大家整理的英文小 文章 ,希望大家喜欢。英文小文章:爱如鲜花盛开 I was nine when my father first sent me flowers. I had been taking tapdancing(踢踏舞) lessons for six months, and the school was giving its yearly recital. As an excited member of the beginners' chorus line, I was aware of my lowly status. So it was a surprise to have my name called out at the end of the show along with the lead dancers and to find my arms full of long-stemmed red roses. I can still feel myself standing on that stage, blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly. Those roses were the first in a series of large bouquets(花束,宴会) that accompanied all the milestones in my life. They brought a sense of embarrassment. I enjoyed them, but was flustered by the extravagance. Not my father. He did everything in a big way. If you sent him to the bakery for a cake, he came back with three. Once, when Mother told him I needed a new party dress, he brought home a dozen. His behavior often left us without funds for other more important things. After the dress incident, there was no money for the winter coat I really needed--or the new ice skates I wanted. Sometimes I would be angry with him, but not for long. Inevitably he would buy me something to make up with me. The gift was so apparently an offering of love he could not verbalize that I would throw my arms around him and kiss him--an act that undoubtedly perpetuated(保持) his behavior. Then came my 16th birthday. It was not a happy occasion. I was fat and had no boyfriend. And my well-meaning parents furthered my misery by giving me a party. As I entered the dining room, there on the table next to my cake was a huge bouquet of flowers, bigger than any before. I wanted to hide. Now everyone would think my father had sent flowers because I had no boyfriend to do it. Sweet 16, and I felt like crying. I probably would have, but my best friend, Phyllis, whispered, "Boy, you're lucky to have a father like that. As the years passed, other occasions--birthdays, recitals(朗诵), awards, graduations--were marked with Dad's flowers. My emotions continued to seesaw between pleasure and embarrassment. When I graduated from college, though, my days of ambivalence(矛盾情绪) were over. I was embarking on a new career and was engaged to be married. Dad's flowers symbolized his pride, and my triumph. They evoked only great pleasure. Now there were bright-orange mums for Thanksgiving and a huge pink poinsettia at Christmas. White lilies at Easter, and velvety red roses for birthdays. Seasonal flowers in mixed bouquets celebrated the births of my children and the move to our first house. As my fortunes grew, my father's waned, but his gifts of flowers continued until he died of a heart attack a few months before his 70th birthday. Without embarrassment, I covered his coffin with the largest, reddest roses I could find. Often in the dozen years since, I felt an urge to go out and buy a big bouquet to fill the living room, but I never did. Often in the dozen years since, I felt an urge to go out and buy a big bouquet to fill the living room, but I never did. I knew it would not be the same. Then one birthday, the doorbell rang. I was feeling blue because I was alone. My husband was playing golf, and my two daughters were away. My 13-year-old son, Matt, had run out earlier with a "see you later," never mentioning my birthday. So I was surprised to see his large frame at the door. "Forgot my key," he said, shrugging. "Forgot your birthday too. Well, I hope you like flowers, Mum." He pulled a bunch of daisies from behind his back. "Oh, Matt," I cried, hugging him hard. "I love flowers!" 英文小文章:适应力的 故事 Don't worry if you have problems! Which is easy to say until you are in the midst of a really big one, I know. But the only people I am aware of who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods. Most communities have at least one. We call them cemeteries(墓地). If you're breathing, you have difficulties. It's the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you! Let me explain. Maybe you have seen the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to view the reef. On one tour, the guide was asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon(环礁湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful," a traveler observed. "Why is this?" The guide gave an interesting answer: "The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves, storms -- surges of power. It has to fight for survival every day of its life. As it is challenged and tested, it changes and adapts. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces." Then he added this telling note: "That's the way it is with every living organism." That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive! Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow. Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency. Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness. So, you have problems -- no problem! Just tell yourself, "Here I grow again " 英文小文章:放弃是一种美丽 One of tests used by a company to enroll fresh blood helps you know whether you stand the trial from yourself. In a stormy night, you drive your car through a stop where three people are waiting for a bus: a dying and poor old man, a doctor who is your benefactor(恩人) because he saved your life so that you are eager to render back, and a woman or a man who is your dreamgirl or your dreamboy and likely dissapears from your life once you miss the chance. Unfortunately, there is just room for one person in your car. Which one would you pick up? Then give your reasons. Think it over before looking at the following text. I have no idea whether it is a characteristic test, because every answer has its reason. The dying old man should be first helped,however, his final destination is death. It's reasonable for you to pick up the doctor first--your benefactor and is a good chance to reciprocate(报答,互换) what he did for you. Meanwhile, some people think it available to render the doctor back in someday in future. And if you miss the chance, you will never meet such an attractive person. Only one of two hundred people was hired. He wrote his answer without providing his reason: "Give the key of my car to the doctor, and let him take the old man to the hospital. But I wait in the stop for the bus with my dreamboat(梦中人,爱人) together." Every acquaintance of mine regarded it as the best answer but nobody (including me) realized it at first. It is caused by our idea of not giving up the advantage (the car key) we have had? Sometimes, if we abandon some of our parochialism(狭隘), advantages, and intransigence(不妥协), we can get more.

英语作为一门国际通用语,在21世纪已经向着多元化、多功能化的方向发展。下面就是我给大家整理的短小的英语 文章 ,希望大家喜欢。短小的英语文章:The art of living What is it like to be old in the United States? What will our own lives be like when we are old? Americans find it difficult to think about old age until they are propelled into the midst of it by their own aging and that of relatives and friends. Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. Though we have begun to examine the socially taboo subjects of dying and death, we have leaped over that long period of time preceding death known as old age. In truth, it is easier to manage the problems of death than the problem of living as an old person. Death is a dramatic, one-time crisis while old age is a day-by-day and year-by-year confrontation with powerful external forces, a bittersweet coming to terms with one's own personality and one's life. Old age is neither inherently miserable nor inherently sublime-like every stage of life it has problems, joys, fears and potentials. The process of aging and eventual death must ultimately be accepted as the natural progression of the life cycle, the old completing their prescribed life spans and making way for the young. Much that is unique in old age in fact derives from the reality of aging and the imminence of death. The old must clarify and find use for what they have attained in a lifetime of learning and adapting they must conserve strength and resources where necessary and adjust creatively to those changes and losses that occur as part of the aging experience. The elderly have the potential for qualities of human reflection and observation which can only come from having lived an entire life span. There is a lifetime accumulation of personality and experience which is available to be used and enjoyed. But what are an individual's chances for a "good" old age in America, with satisfying final years and a dignified death? Unfortunately , none too good. For many elderly Americans old age is a tragedy, a period of quiet despair, deprivation , desolation and muted rage. This can be a consequence of the kind of life a person has led in younger years and the problems in his or her relationships with others. There are also inevitable personal and physical losses to be sustained, some of which can become overwhelming and unbearable. All of this is the individual factor, the existential element. But old age is frequently a tragedy even when the early years have been fulfilling and people seemingly have everything going for them. Herein lies what I consider to be the genuine tragedy of old age in America -- we have shaped a society which is extremely harsh to live in when one is old. The tragedy of old age is not the fact that each of us must grow old and die but that the process of doing so has been made unnecessarily and at times excruciatingly painful, humiliating, debilitating and isolating through insensitivity, ignorance and poverty. The potentials for satisfactions and even triumphs in late life are real and vastly under explored. For the most part the elderly struggle to exist in an inhospitable world. 短小的英语文章:The lowest animal Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country-takes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the ages. There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed. Man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who enslaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another. In our day he is always some man's slave for wages, and does the man's work; and this slave has other slaves under him for minor wages, and they do his work. The higher animals are the only ones who exclusively do their own work and provide their own living. Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man"-with his mouth. Man is the Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion-several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and cuts his throat if his theology isn't straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother's path to happiness and heaven. He was at it in the time of Caesars, he was at it in Mahomet's time, he was at it in the time of the Inquisition, he was at it in France a couple of centuries, he was at it in England in Mary's day, he has been at it ever since he first saw the light, he is at it today in Crete-as per the telegrams quoted above*-he will be at it somewhere else tomorrow. The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out, in the Hereafter. I wonder why? It seems questionable taste. Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to dispute. Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the Unreasoning Animal. Note his history, as sketched above. It seems plain to me that whatever he is he is not a reasoning animal. His record is the fantastic record of a maniac. I consider that the strongest count against his intelligence is the fact that with that record back of him he blandly sets himself up as the head animal of the lot: whereas by his own standards he is the bottom one. In truth, man is incurably foolish. Simple things which the other animals easily learn, he is incapable of learning. Among my experiments was this. In an hour I taught a cat and a dog to be friends. I put them in a cage. In another hour I taught them to be friends with a rabbit. In the course of two days I was able to add a fox, a goose, a squirrel and some doves. Finally a monkey. They lived together in peace; even affectionately. 短小的英语文章:Living a solitary life The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the "empty" time looking at things in solitary bliss. For him it proved to be a shock nearly as great as falling in love to discover that he could enjoy himself so much alone. What had he been afraid of, I asked myself? That, suddenly alone, he would discover that he bored himself, or that there was, quite simply, no self there to meet? But having taken the plunge, he is now on the brink of adventure; he is about to be launched into his own inner space to the astronaut. His every perception will come to him with a new freshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original. For anyone who can see things for himself with a naked eye becomes, for a moment or two, something of a genius. With another human being present vision becomes double vision, inevitably. We are busy wondering, what does my companion see or think of this, and what do I think of it? The original impact gets lost, or diffused. "Music I heard with you was more than music." Exactly. And therefore music itself can only be heard alone. Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience. "Alone one is never lonely: the spirit adventures, walking in a quiet garden, in a cool house, abiding single there." Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others,even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament,mood. Human intercourse often demands that we soften the edge of perception, or withdraw at the very instant of personal truth for fear of hurting, or of being inappropriately present, which is to say naked, in a social situation. Alone we can afford to be wholly whatever we are, and to feel whatever we feel absolutely. That is a great luxury! For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life, and mine has been that for the last twenty years, is that it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days, and know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog, lie down in the afternoon for a long think (why does one think better in a horizontal position?), read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness. I'm lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when from the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out. Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants and perhaps,by looking again at each one as though it were a person. It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains at the end of the field, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious, bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood, when I can converse again with my hidden powers, and so grow, and so be renewed, till death do us part.


