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Abstract: The village is one of China's most important grass-roots level of rural social organizations, to promote the economic development of the village, play an important role in democratic politics. However, many villages in China, the village committee is ineffective, its legitimacy questioned, with the result that the village committee of the many important functions of the original can not play, the village was being shown "atomization" of the trend. This article holds that the township government as a result of "infringement" of the actual power to make the source of the village committee is authorized by the State, represented by the village committee and local grass-roots political power interests of the community separation, leading to the village committee and community to support the foundation and the lack of legitimacy weakening.

Abstract Personnel Management System is a business unit indispensable part of its content for business decision-makers and managers, are essential, so the personnel management system should be able to provide users with adequate information and efficient means for. Company to the initial implementation of a computerized personnel management, personnel management computer in the preliminary application received. So that personnel managers are always based on accurate and timely information to decision-making personnel, and management. Only computer to be modern society, have increased the amount of information and personnel, the timely collection, processing, finishing, storage, retrieval, transmission, feedback to policy makers. To play its unique features. Namely: (1) on the importation of personnel data, numerical computing and logical operators, to solve various problems. (2) the personnel information processing to solve the problem of data processing, personnel decision-makers to provide the basis for the decision-making. (3) of the personnel management of data and computer sequence, a memory storage capacity. Practice has proved that when the amount of information management and complexity of the reach a certain limit, that is, the management of labor intensity over its sustainability, it must adopt new management tools, namely the use of computer technology information collection, processing, transmission and depositors Receptacles, and personnel can use the basis of information, efficient, reasonable, appropriate management. In this way, personnel information system with computer applications, development and continuous improvement, computer information management personnel in the position of benefits is important. Because of this, to achieve modernization of Personnel Management, a scientific management methods and advanced technological means in order to maximize the efficiency of personnel management. Modern personnel work in increasing the amount of information, confidentiality is growing, and continuously improve the density of information, relying on traditional management methods and means of operation have been unable to do a good job in personnel management. The computer as a data-processing systems, personnel management has gradually become an important means of modernization, in personnel management are playing an important role. Generally speaking, computer information systems and personnel in the role are: (1) were faster than the computer can provide information to the value of personnel data; (2) than the computer can provide updated personnel data; (3) than the computer can provide more accurate personnel data; (4) the computer can handle more than one of the personnel data, and so on. That is why we use the computer replace the personnel manual to establish information systems, computer and personnel information systems, the primary function can be summarized in the following three points: First, can be highly efficient, high-capacity gathering, processing, storage and personnel information, significantly improve the personnel management information system for the quality and efficiency. Second, can make the best of the entire personnel management system of comprehensive, accurate system to provide the personnel information, personnel can work to promote the standardization and management system and the system of indicators and sound, thereby enhancing the level of administration. Third, can provide the processing of personnel information, to meet the special requirements of personnel management, adapt to the new situation on the faculty ranks of the new requirements and help options, the optimal decision-making. At present, the number of units and personnel departments for computer applications also limited to a simple stand-alone applications, with the passage of time, the complex task, the needs of users, their applications will be expanded. In short, the extensive application of computer, computer and personnel management information system established, adapted to the socio-economic objective of the requirements of modern personnel management is a big step forward. Today we use computers to the personnel files of the initial management of the modernization of the development and use, it has greatly enhanced the personnel management of the working efficiency of workers, the personnel management (file, wages) in heavy manual extricate themselves with more Creative energy in the management of activities which enable decision-making, planning and other management activities more scientific, accurate and flexible. Therefore, the establishment of computer and personnel management information system is an inevitable trend in the development of an objective. While in the area of personnel management generally can not use a computer, but the long term, personnel management and computer modernization is not split. Neglect or refuse to use computer technology, it is impossible to truly and fully realize the modernization of Personnel Management. As China's economy, technology, and strengthen the development of human resources management, we must strive to create conditions, promote the use of modern computer and personnel management. For the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard

The village committee is the most grass-roots level in rural areas and most important social organizations, to promote the economic development of the village, play an important role in democratic politics. However, many villages in China, the village committee is ineffective, its legitimacy questioned, with the result that the village committee of the many important functions of the original can not play, the village was being shown "atomization" of the trend. This article holds that the township government as a result of "infringement" of the actual power to make the source of the village committee is authorized by the State, represented by the village committee and local grass-roots political power interests of the community separation, leading to the village committee and community to support the foundation and the lack of legitimacy weakening.

That the village shifts a meeting is China grass-roots unit is also the most important rural area Kultur most , have the important effect to promoting village economic growth , strengthening democracy and encouraging democratic participation. But the village committee meeting in Chinese many village exists in name only , whose legitimacy accepts people's questioning , cause a village to shift the former a lot of important meeting function also having no way to bring into play, the village is assuming an exhibition "atomization" that trend. That the actual authority thinking that the village shifts a meeting since "tort" of the countryside government can be used, stems from the main body of a book is that the country authorizes , the village shifts the political power at the grassroots level that the house represents and local society benefit parts for, lead to village meeting society of committee thereby support the insufficiency that the basis joins and the legitimacy reduction.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、






毕业论文(graduation study)是专科及以上学历教育为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前撰写的论文。一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行。

从文体而言,它也是对某一专业领域的现实问题或理论问题进行 科学研究探索的具有一定意义的论说文。一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行。学生须在教师指导下,选定课题进行研究,撰写并提交论文。目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力;加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练;从总体上考查学生学习所达到的学业水平。

违法,论文代写是一种学术造假行为,更是一种违法行为。需求方不仅面临着被取消学位或职称等风险,而且一旦出现涉及论文代写的纠纷时,法律将不予保护当事人的利益。违反了民法很重要的诚实性原则,对社会大众有欺行为。如确认被举报人在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当认定为构成学术不端行为:(一)剽窃、抄袭、侵占他人学术成果; (二)篡改他人研究成果; (三)伪造科研数据、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果; (四)未参加研究或创作而在研究成果、学术论文上署名,未经他人许可而不当使用他人署名,虚构合作者共同署名,或者多人共同完成研究而在成果中未注明他人工作、贡献; (五)在申报课题、成果、奖励和职务评审评定、申请学位等过程中提供虚假学术信息; (六)买卖论文、由他人代写或者为他人代写论文; (七)其他根据高等学校或者有关学术组织、相关科研管理机构制定的规则,属于学术不端的行为。 学位申请人员的学位论文出现购买、由他人代写、剽窃或者伪造数据等作假情形的,学位授予单位可以取消其学位申请资格;已经获得学位的,学位授予单位可以依法撤销其学位,并注销学位证书。取消学位申请资格或者撤销学位的处理决定应当向社会公布。从做出处理决定之日起至少3年内,各学位授予单位不得再接受其学位申请。法律依据:《中华人民共和国著作权法》 第四十九条 侵犯著作权或者与著作权有关的权利的,侵权人应当按照权利人的实际损失给予赔偿;实际损失难以计算的,可以按照侵权人的违法所得给予赔偿。赔偿数额还应当包括权利人为制止侵权行为所支付的合理开支。



















Second, edutainment, learning, in which - to create a rich type of activity, so that the child be happy to communication. Jean Piaget said: "Children who do not have their true activities, education can not succeed." So just to learn in class can only be self-enclosed, from the perspective of human development is far from enough. Teachers should try to expand time and space, to provide practical experience for young children opportunities. Because the origin of speech is a specific situation, in certain situations can produce the language motivation, so as to promote language development. Therefore, we have a wealth of activities for young children to create a form, so that children take the initiative with interest into oral communication training to actively observing, thinking, imagination, so that their language would, such as trickle, flow Xintian . 1, "Yan Dao" - take a look at to help tell Vision is the first sensory awareness of things. We have arranged a number of education-based activities in order to look at in order to stimulate students to the visual senses to help the child visual image to understand things, so that children Chujingshengqing quickly into his new role. See in-kind: the use of a specific kind of physical creation of the scene to speak of child care training. Such as: We are in the active course "Understanding Fruit", they can put a large glass dish filled with fruit and produce, in front of the children so that they carefully observed all kinds of fruit shape, color, taste a variety of fruit taste, in such situations , child fun, a great need to speak, but also happy to exchange ideas. Look at pictures, animation: early childhood oral communication in order to plug-communication-based, image pictures, animation for students to demonstrate a specific oral communication scenarios, can always "grabbed" the children's heart. In composing stories "over timber wolf", when, with tense music on a computer screen to produce a small gathering of animals in the river, dodging the trees behind the scenes of a wolf. The animals in the end how the Lobos beat it? Full of playful element of the picture immediately aroused the spark children's creative thinking, they opened a heated debate: Some say the animals lured into a river and drowned the timber wolf, timber wolf, some say they are birds peck it died ... ... by looking at the animation, children's desire to explore has been mobilized immediately, which makes oral lesson achieved good results. See Nature: Nature is the birthplace of artistic language. Led the children came to the embrace of nature, they will enjoy more wonderful and strange scenes of Four Seasons: Spring, the sun shining gently on the earth, everywhere a vibrant green; summer, the rumbling of thunder shaking the earth, eye-catching The lightning pierced the gray sky; fall, bright red covered with branches of the persimmon, it is watering for a snatch; winter, snow, powder makeup jade puzzle world presented in front of kids ... ... all of this, are naturally already theme ready to speak. Through hikers, look for the fall of the Garden and other activities to guide their children into nature, and observe the four seasons of the landscape, and inspire their desire to speak, to conduct oral training. 2, "ears" - to listen to say that Hearing the information the brain receives another major source of spoken language training, an important way to foster hearing. Our activities to stimulate children to use voice hearing organs, to mobilize them to soul music school, Lee studied the psychological factors that make kids love that, Weaver said. Listen Tel: kids love to call, we have designed: Tintin called to ask my grandmother disease is cured not; Teacher's Day is up, you call the teacher wish a happy holiday and so on. Such training with a strong game, conformance with the children's psychological characteristics, the children quickly into his new role, and was happy that the looting, said. Hear hear: We let the children see from their side, and hear the most favorite thing, or from television, radio, movies, newspapers and advertising absorbed the information, select one or two, seize the center, at a certain Simply put the order pass on to you. Since about the contents of what they see in daily life, pro-ear heard, and therefore rich in content and emotional nature, making oral communication for the exchange of ideas and promote feelings of educational activities. To listen to the dialogue: Multi-and the children talk their favorite topic. Upon joining the park children, lively, everyone has lots to talk about the case, as long as you have the patience to sit there, you'll hear endless talk about the words. Therefore, we often vote for those they love, they talk about familiar topics. Such as "my family", "My good friend," "my favorite kind of fruit," "I love the game," "Ultraman" "Journey to the West" and so on, on hearing these topics, the children have been active: the others, talking with his father's appearance, while performances; Some children spoke their own side of good friends, while laughed; others, talking with his favorite watermelon, strawberries, while Yan Koushui ; talked about their favorite game is rushed, dancing, and no slightest bit nervous vigor.

毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

“毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation

Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n]  美 ['dɪsɚ'teʃən]

n. 论文,专题;学术演讲


1、academic dissertation 学位论文 ; 学术论文

2、Graduation Dissertation 毕业论文

3、Doctorate dissertation 博士论文

4、Dissertation Committee 论文委员会

5、dissertation topics 毕业论文题目


article, paper,dissertation, essay, prose, thesis这组词都有“文章”的意思,其区别是:

1、article 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。

2、paper 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。

3、dissertation 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。

4、essay 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。

5、prose 专指散文。

6、thesis 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。


1、Exploring "Trinity Working Mode" of Integrating Graduation Field Work, Graduation Dissertation and Employment on Graduation.


2、On Problems in Writing Graduation Dissertation











Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.

1.我们以一篇论文摘要为例。 打开智能翻译官,在首页三大板块中点击【文档翻译】。








