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问题一:中文杂志影响因子多少算高 2012年国内(不包括台湾地区)有150多种学术期刊被SCI收录,影响因子最高的是(CELL RES),影响因子>2的有15种,1-2之间的有40种,之间的有50种。影响因子的高与低是相对的,大于2的算高,大于1的可以算比较高,看你如何比较。 问题二:如何查询中文期刊的影响因子 访问中国知网(CNKI)的跨库检索页面:epubki/grid2008/index/ZKCALD 然后点击“检索范围控制条件”里面的“文献来源列表” 即可看到目前中国所有学术期刊的影响因子评价列表 问题三:如何查询中文核心期刊影响因子,急用! 访问中国知网(CNKI)的跨库检索页面:epubki/grid2008/index/ZKCALD 然后点击“检索范围控制条件”里面的“文献来源列表” 即可看到目前中国所有学术期刊的影响因子评价列表 问题四:中文核心期刊影响因子是怎么计算的? 其实影响因子(Impact Factor)的计算并不涉及当年的文章数, 其计算方法为前两年文章在当年(前两年)的引用次数除以前两年的文章数; 涉及到当年文章数的是即年指标(Immediacy Index),计算方法为当年文章在当年被引用的次数除以当年的文章数。 问题五:中文期刊有影响因子吗 按照影响因子的定义,貌似任何期刊都可以计算影响因子,中文期刊的影响因子和期刊被检索情况可以使用站内中文期刊点评工具 问题六:如何查询中文期刊的影响因子 在中国知网、维普、万方搜索期刊名字,就有该期刊的影响因子的。 问题七:如何查询到中文核心期刊近几年的影响因子 楼下提到的CNKI即可。操作方法见。有图有真相。 问题八:怎么查一个杂志的影响因子 ]学术期刊影响因子查询 前言:当你要写论文要投稿时要知道那些杂志的水平啊,影响因子是某期刊前两年发表的论文在当年的被引用次数除以该期刊在前两年发表的论文总数。影响因子是评估期刊的重要参数之一,但影响因子并不是对论文质量、期刊质量进行有效评价的唯一标准。 1,proteomics/sci-if/ 国家生物医学分析中心蛋白质组网 科技期刊影响因子查询,包括2001-2005年的 2, JCR全称为:Journal Citation Reports,中文名称为《期刊引用报告》。它的主办者为美国科技信息研究所(简称为ISI)。JCR的历史可以追溯到1975年。从那年开始,ISI在《科学引文索引》(SCI)年度累积本中,增加了一个新的部分―“期刊引用报告”。它是在《科学引文索引》数据库的基础上,用计算机对期刊文献引用与被引用情况进行系统地归类、整理、分析而得出的结果。它是目前为止国际上一种权威的用于期刊评价的工具书。 JCR版本情况:按照其学科范围而言,分为科技版和社科版两种;按照其载体形式,分为印刷版、光盘版和网络版三种。科技版:收录科学技术领域5000余种期刊的评估信息;社科版:收录社会科学领域1500余种期刊的评估信息。本使用指南主要是针对JCR网络版而言的。 JCR 出版周期情况:JCR 出版周期为一年。JCR中收录的期刊绝大部分为SCI收录的期刊。 JCR可以告知用户的信息包括:每种期刊在当前年被引用的总次数(Total Cites)、每种期刊的影响因子(即该刊前两年发表的文章在当前年的平均被引次数(Impact Factor))、每种期刊当前年发表的文章在当前年的平均被引次数(Immediacy Index)、每种期刊当前年的文章总数(Articles)、每种期刊论文研究课题的延续时间(Cited Half-life)、每种期刊的引用期刊列表(Citing Journal)、每种期刊的被引用期刊列表(Cited Journal)、每种期刊的影响因子在近几年的变化情况(Trends)、每种期刊的来源数据情况(Source Data)等。 问题九:中文期刊影响因子较高的有哪些 畜牧,兽医科学类 排 名,代码, 期刊名称,总被引频次, 影响因子 1,H527,草业学报,571, 2,H234,草业科学,533, 3,H525,草地学报,226, 4,H213,中国草地,512, 5,H225,中国兽医学报,386, 6,H023,畜牧兽医学报,320, 7,H240,家畜生态,63, 8,H241,中国草食动物,121, 9,H218,畜牧与兽医,140, 10,H242,中国畜牧杂志,173, 问题十:最新2014年收录中文期刊影响因子如何查询 599 铁道科学与工程学报 599 中国皮革 599 中华耳科学杂志 602 工业工程与管理 602 水生生物学报 602 西南大学学报自然科学版 602 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 602 中华老年医学杂志 607 西北工业大学学报 607 中国临床解剖学杂志 607 中国医学计算机成像杂志 610 地震工程与工程振动 610 水资源保护 610 应用化学.论.文.服.务QQ81995535 610 有机化学 614 矿产与地质 614 燃料化学学报 614 铸造 617 核农学报 617 生物化学与生物物理进展 617 眼科 620 中国康复理论与实践 620 中国造纸学报 622 海洋环境科学 622 上海交通大学学报农业科学版 622 中国骨与关节损伤杂志 622 中国食品添加剂 622 中国运动医学杂志 622 中华急诊医学杂志 622 中华小儿外科杂志 629 化工科技 629 中国实用眼科杂志



一般都是省级的比较多,你要用于评职呢 还是?







广州中医药大学学报 [1007-3213] 本刊收录在: 中国科技期刊引证报告(2010年版)提示: 《引证报告》2010年版影响因子:本刊收录在: 中国科技期刊引证报告(2011年版)提示: 《引证报告》2011年版影响因子:本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版)提示: 排序:中国医学类 - 第19位主题分类:Health Sciences: Clinical MedicineHealth Sciences: General and Others医药卫生: 大学学报(医药卫生)R2 中国医学1.中国中药杂志 2.中草药 3.中药材 4.中国针灸 5.中国中西医结合杂志 6.北京中医药大学学报 7.中成药 8.中华中医药杂志 9.天然产物研究与开发 10.针刺研究 11.中国中医基础医学杂志 12.中药新药与临床药理 13.中药药理与临床 14.中医杂志 15.世界科学技术.中医药现代化 16.时珍国医国药 17.南京中医药大学学报 18.中国实验方剂学杂志 19.广州中医药大学学报



您好 刊名: 国际中医中药杂志主办: 中华医学会;中国中医研究院中医药信息研究所周期: 双月出版地:北京市ISSN: 1673-4246CN: 11-5398/R邮发代号: 2-611复合影响因子:综合影响因子: 该刊物有一定的影响因子,主板单位为国家级,入选过92和96的核心期刊目录,但不是2008版北大核心期刊。可以这样讲,目前属于普通期刊,学术水平尚可。 具体信息可搜索参考 山西职称学习网 科技核心期刊,一般是指国家CSCD期刊,该刊物不属于

广州中医药大学学报属于省级核心期刊,位于2011第六版别的核心期刊目录“R2 中国医学类核心期刊表”位置 复合影响因子:综合影响因子: 主管: 广东省教育厅 主办: 广州中医药大学周期: 双月ISSN: 1007-3213CN: 44-1425/R邮发代号:46-275曾用刊名:广州中医学院学报创刊时间:1984

广州中医药大学学报 [1007-3213] 本刊收录在: 中国科技期刊引证报告(2010年版)提示: 《引证报告》2010年版影响因子:本刊收录在: 中国科技期刊引证报告(2011年版)提示: 《引证报告》2011年版影响因子:本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版)提示: 排序:中国医学类 - 第19位主题分类:Health Sciences: Clinical MedicineHealth Sciences: General and Others医药卫生: 大学学报(医药卫生)R2 中国医学1.中国中药杂志 2.中草药 3.中药材 4.中国针灸 5.中国中西医结合杂志 6.北京中医药大学学报 7.中成药 8.中华中医药杂志 9.天然产物研究与开发 10.针刺研究 11.中国中医基础医学杂志 12.中药新药与临床药理 13.中药药理与临床 14.中医杂志 15.世界科学技术.中医药现代化 16.时珍国医国药 17.南京中医药大学学报 18.中国实验方剂学杂志 19.广州中医药大学学报



近五年作为通讯作者,共发表了研究论文200余篇,其中被SCI收录180余篇,主要发表在国际著名的Adv. Funct. Mater.、Chem: .、Chem. Commun.、J. Mater. Chem.、 J. Phys. Chem. B、J. Phys. Chem. C、J. Comput. Chem.、Inorg. Chem.、Appl. Catal. B、Nanotechnology、J. Phys.: Condensed Matter等学术期刊上,影响因子在以上的论文有50余篇,其中影响因子在以上8篇。成果被SCI收录期刊正面引用1400余次。出版专著两部,美国科学出版社邀请为纳米科学技术大百科全书撰写了完整的一章。申请发明专利14项。已发表和已录用的主要论文清单如下(以下均为SCI期刊收录论文,*代表通讯联系人)·Pan Qing-Jiang,Guo Yuan-Ru,Li Li,Fu Hong-Gang*,and Zhang Hong-Xing “Structures,Spectroscopic Properties and Redox Potentials of Quaterpyridyl Ru(Ⅱ) Photosensitizer and its Derivatives for Solar Energy Cell: A Density Functional Study” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011,DOI:.·Gao Xiao-Qin,Pan Qing-Jiang,Li Li,Guo Yuan-Ru,Zhang Hong-Xing,Fu Hong-Gang* “Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Ruthenium Phenanthroline Solar-Cell Sensitizers: A Computational Study” Chemical Physics Letters,2011,506,146-151.·Zhou W,Sun FF,Pan K,Tian GH,Fu HG*. Well-ordered large-pore mesoporous anatase TiO2 with remarkably high thermal stability and improved crystallinity: Preparation,characterization and photocatalytic performance. Advanced Functional Materials,2011,21,1922-1930..·Jiang Baojiang,Tian CG,Fu Honggang*,et al. In-Situ Growth of TiO2 in Interlayers of Expanded Graphite for the Fabrication of TiO2-Graphene with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. Chemistry-A European Journal,2011,Accepted,.· Li Sun,Chungui Tian,Lei Wang,Jinlong Zou,Guang Mu,Honggang Fu*,Magnetically Separable Porous Graphitic Carbon with Large Surface Area as Excellent Adsorbents for Metal Ions and Dye. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,2011,21,7232-7239.· Zhao H,Yang J,Wang L,Tian CG,Jiang BJ,Fu HG*. Fabrication of palladium nanoparticles/graphene nanosheets hybrid via sacrifice of copper template and its application in catalytic oxidation of formic acid. Chemical Communications,2011,47,2014-2016.· Yang J,Tian CG,Wang L,Fu HG*. An effective strategy to small-sized and high-dispersed palladium nano particles supported on graphene with excellent performance for formic acid oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21,3384-3390.· Tian GH,Chen YJ,Zhou W,Ren ZY,Tian CG,Fu HG*. Facile solvothermal synthesis of hierarchical flower-like Bi2MoO6 hollow spheres as high performance visible-light driven photocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21,887 – 892.· Hu ZF,Shen PK*,Fu HG*,et al. Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis Enhanced by Nanosized Cubic Vanadium Carbide. Electrochemistry Communications,2011,Accepted,ELECOM 3881.· Tian Guohui,Chen Yajie,Zhou Wei,Pan Kai,Huang Xu-ri and Fu Honggang *,3D hierarchical flower-like TiO2 nanostructure: morphology control and its photocatalytic property. CrstEngComm,2011,13,2994.· Dong Youzhen,Pan Kai,Zhou Wei,Pan Qingjiang,Xie Tengfeng,Wang Dejun,Fu Honggang*,Dye-sensitized solar cells based on TiO2-B nanobelt/TiO2 nanoparticle sandwich-type photoelectrodes with controllable nanobelt length. Dalton Transactions,2011,40,3808–3814.· Cai ZC,Tian CG,Wang L,Zhou W,Wang BL,Fu HG*. One-pot synthesis of silver particle aggregation as highly active SERS substrate. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,2011,1,5-11.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. Glucose-mediated solution-solid route for easy synthesis of Ag/ZnO particles with superior photocatalytic activity and photostability,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011,509,6935-6941.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. Controllable Fabrication of Various ZnO Micro/nanostructures from a Wire-like Zn-EG-AC Precursor via a Facile Solution-based Route,Materials Research Bulletin,2011,MRB5116.· Zhao H,Fu HG,Tian CG,et shape-controlled synthesis of palladium nanostructures on copper for promising Surface-enhanced Raman scattering,MATERIALS LETTERS,2010,64,2255-2257· Zhao H,Fu HG,Tian CG,et al. Fabrication of silver nanoparticles/single-walled carbon nanotubes composite for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2010,351,343-347.· Jiang BJ,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Facile Fabrication of High Quality Graphene from Expandable Graphite: Simultaneous Exfoliation and Reduction. Chemical Communication. 2010,46,4920 - 4922.· Feng SS,Ren ZY,Fu HG*,et al. Synthesis and application of hollow magnetic graphitic carbon microspheres with/without TiO2 nanoparticle layer on the surface. Chemical Communication. 2010,46,6276-6278.· Liu Y,Ren ZY,Fu HG*,et al. Synthesis and applications of graphite carbon sphere with uniformly distributed magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (MGCSs) and MGCS@Ag,MGCS@TiO2. Journal of Material Chemistry 2010,20,4802- 4808.· Wang L,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Mass production of graphene via an in situ self-generating template route and its promoted activity as electrocatalytic support for methanol electroxidization. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010,114 (19),8727–8733.· Qu Y,Zhou W,Fu HG*,et al. Hierarchical anatase TiO2 porous nanopillars with high crystallinity and controlled length: An effective candidate for dye-sensitized solar-cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2010,12,9205 - 9212.· Wang BL,Tian CG,Fu HG,et al. Chitosan: a green carbon source for the synthesis of graphitic nanocarbon,tungsten carbide and graphitic nanocarbon/tungsten carbide composites. Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 025606 (9pp).· Li YJ,LV RJ,Fu HG*,et al. Fabrication and evaluation of chiral monolithic column modified by β-cyclodextrin derivatives. Talanta 80 (2010) 1378–1382· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Photodegradation of organic contamination in wastewaters by bondingTiO2/single-walled carbon nanotube composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Chemosphere 81 (2010) 555–561.· Guohui Tian,Chen Yajie,Pan Kai,Fu Honggang*,Efficient visible light-induced degradation of phenol on N-doped anatase TiO2 with large surface area and high crystallinity. Applied Surface Science 2010,256,3740-3745.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. One-pot Synthesis of the Ag Nanoparticles modified ZnO Microspheres in Ethylene Glycol Medium and Their Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance. Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2010,183,2720-2725.· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. The sandwich structure electrodes based on wire-likeTiO2–β-cyclodextrin–SWCNT composite for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2009,207,306–310.· Tian XQ,Wan LJ,Fu HG*,et al. Facile synthesis of mesoporous ZnAl2O4 thin films through the evaporation-induced self-assembly method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009,488,320–324.· Wang RH,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. In situ simultaneous synthesis of WC/graphitic carbon nanocomposite as a highly efficient catalyst support for DMFCw. Chemical Communication 2009,3104-3106.· Pan QJ,Fu HG*,Zhang HX*,et al. Theoretical Studies on Metal−Metal Interaction,Excited States,and Spectroscopic Properties of Binuclear Au−Au,Au−Rh,and Rh−Rh Complexes with Diphosphine Ligands: Buildup of Complexity from Monomers to Dimers. Inorganic Chemistry,2009,48,2844–2854.· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Solar-induced Self-assembly of TiO2-β-cyclodextrin-MWCNT Composite Wires. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009,11,1713-1718.· Kang CH,Jing LQ*,Fu HG*,et al. Mesoporous SiO2-Modified Nanocrystalline TiO2 with High Anatase Thermal Stability and Large Surface Area as Efficient Photocatalyst. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009,113,1006–1013.· Wang BL,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. A simple and large-scale strategy for the preparation of Ag nanoparticles supported on resin-derived carbon and their antibacterial properties. Nanotechnology 2009,20,025603(7pp)· Tian GH,Fu HG*,Jing LQ,et al. Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of stable nanocrystalline TiO2 with high crystallinity and large surface area. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009,161,1122-1130.· Zhang GX,Yu HT*,Fu HG,et al. First-principles calculations of the stability and electronic properties of the PbTiO3 (110) polar surface. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2009,30,1785-1798.· Tian GH,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of S-doped TiO2-ZrO2 nanoparticles under visible-light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009,166,939-944.· Pan K,Dong YZ,Fu HG*,et al. TiO2-B narrow nanobelt/TiO2 nanoparticle composite photoelectrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta 2009,54,7350-7356.· Kan K,Fu HG,Shi KY*,et al. Amidation of single-walled carbon nanotubes by a hydrothermal process for the electrooxidation of nitric oxide. Nanotechnology 2009,20,185502 (7pp).· Wang L,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Controllable Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nanostructures from Ion-Exchange Resin-Iron Complex via Solid-State Pyrolysis Process. Chemical Communication 2008,5411-5413.· Zhou W,Fu HG*,Pan K,et al. Mesoporous TiO2/α-Fe2O3: Bifunctional Composites for Effective Elimination of Arsenite Contamination through Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation and Adsorption. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,19584-19589.· Liu KS,Fu HG*,Xie Y,et al. Assembly of β-Cyclodextrins Acting as Molecular Bricks onto the Multiwall Carbon of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,951-957.· Tian GH,Fu HG*,Jing LQ,et al. Preparation and Characterization of Stable Biphase TiO2 Photocatalyst with High Crystallinity,Large Surface Area and Enhanced Photoactivity. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,3083-3089.· Zhou W,Liu KS,Fu HG*,et al. Multi-modal mesoporous TiO2–ZrO2 composites with high photocatalytic activity and hydrophilicity. Nanotechnology 2008,19,035610(7pp).· Pan QJ,Zhou X,Fu HG*,et al,“Isovalent Gold(I),-(Ⅱ),and -(Ⅲ) and Mixed-Valent Gold(I)/Gold(Ⅲ) Phosphorus Ylide Complexes. Combined ab Initio and Density Functional Study of Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties” Organometallics 2008,27,2474–2482.· Wan LJ,Fu HG*,Shi KY,et al. Facile synthesis of ordered nanocrystalline alumina thin films with tunable mesopore structures. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2008,115(3),301-307.· Pan QJ,Zhou X,Fu HG*,et al. A theoretical probe on the ground- and excited-state properties of heterobinuclear Au–Pt complex with phosphine ligands. Comparison with analogous homobinuclear Au–Au and Pt–Pt complexes. Chemical Physics Letters 2008,453,7-12.· Jing LQ*,Li SD,Fu HG*,et al. Investigation on the electron transfer between anatase and rutile in nano-sized TiO2 by means of surface photovoltage technique and its effects on the photocatalytic activity. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2008,92,1030– 1036.· Wan LJ,Fu HG*,Shi KY,et al. Facile synthesis of iron oxide with wormlike morphology and their application in water treatment. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2008,181(4),735-740.· Chi YJ,Fu HG*,Qi LH,et al. Preparation and photoelectric performance of ITO/TiO2/CdS composite thin films. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2008,195(2-3),357-363.· Xie Y,Yu HT,Fu HG*,et al. Lattice dynamics investigation on different transition behaviors of cubic BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 by first-principles calculatoins. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter,2008,20,215215 (8pp)· Wan LJ,Fu HG*,Shi KY,et al. Simple synthesis of mesoporous alumina thin Letters 2008,62(10-11),1525-1527.· Song S,Jing LQ*,Fu HG*,et al. Superhydrophilic anatase TiO2 film with the micro- and nanometer-scale hierarchical surface structure. Materials Letters 2008,62,3503–3505.· Zhu YJ,Yuan FL*,Fu HG,et al. Direct NO decomposition over La2-xBaxNiO4 catalysts containing BaCO3 phase. Appl. Catal B-Environ 2008,82,255-263.· Li MX,Zhang HX*,Fu HG,et al. Theoretical Studies of Electronic Structuresand Spectroscopic Properties of Ru Complexes. Inorg. Chem 2008 47(7),2312-2324.· Xie Y,Yu HT,Fu HG*,A First-Principles Investigation of Stability and Structural Properties of the BaTiO3 (110) Polar Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2007,111,6343-6349.· Kan W,Yu HT,Fu HG*,et al. Theoretical investigation on the protonation reactions and products of the stable [N,C,C,S] isomers,Journal of Computational Chemistry,2007,28,2472-2482.· Zhao YL,Yu HT*,Fu HG,et al. Combined DFT,QCISD(T),and G2 mechanism investigation for the reactions of carbon monophosphide CP with unsaturated hydrocarbons allene CH2CCH2 and methylacetylene CH3CCH,Journal of Computational Chemistry,2007,28,1221-1233.· Pan QJ,Zhang HX*,Fu HG,et al. Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Mono- and Binuclear d8 Complexes: a Theoretical Exploration on Promising Phosphorescent Materials. Journal of Physical Chemistry A,2007,111(2); 287-294.· Pan QJ,Zhou X,Fu HG*,et al. Theoretical studies on spectroscopic properties of binuclear palladium(Ⅱ) halide with phosphine ligands Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,2007,188(2-3),287-292.· Xie Y,Fu HG*,Yu HT,et al. A first-principles investigation into the ferroelectric and antiferrodistortive instabilities of cubic SrTiO3,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2007,19,506213(9pp)· Pan QJ,Zhou X,Fu HG*,et alStructures and electronic spectra of [Pt2(P2O5H2)4X2]4– (X = Cl,Br and I): a comparative study of ab initio and density functional theory Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2007,10,183–186.· Li SD,Jing LQ,Fu HG*,et al. Photoinduced charge property of nanosized perovskite-type LaFeO3 and its relationships with photocatalytic activity under visible irradiation. Materials Research Bulletin 2007,42,203-212.· Yang PP,Fu HG,Lin J*,et al. MCM-41 functionalized with YVO4: Eu3+: a novel drug delivery system. Nanotechnology 2007,18,235703(6pp).· Yang PP,Fu HG,Lin J*,et al. Luminescence functionalization of SBA-15 by YVO4: Eu3+ as a novel drug delivery system. Inorg. Chem. 2007,46,3202-3211.· Jing LQ,Fu HG*,Wang BQ,et al. 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