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Single-Chip Microcomputer有的时候,也可以用SingleChip来代替下面链接的第六章有讲单片机Single Chip Microcmputer 第148页开始这是一段中汉对照的。中文:单片机是把主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块芯片上的微型计算机。它是一种集计数和多中接口于一体的微控制器,被广泛应用在智能产品和工业自动化上,而51单片机是个单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种。本课题选择89S51为核心控制元件,设计了一个日常生活中用到的电子音乐门铃系统。当功能按键按下,音乐响起,发光二极管随着音乐的节拍进行闪烁,LED显示相应的定时器初值。音乐演奏过程中再次按下按键无效,只有当音乐段结束再次按下才有效。如果是电子音乐门铃在响,按下复位按键就终止,显示初始状态。经过实践证明,本系统运行稳定,具有一定的实用价值。-------------翻译:SCM is a major piece of computer components are integrated into the chip micro-computer. It is a multi-interface and counting on the micro-controller integration, and intelligence products are widely used in industrial automation. and MCS-51 microcontroller is a typical and topics chosen for the 89S51 control of the core components used in the design of a daily electronic music doorbell system. When the function button is pressed, the music sounded and the music beats with light emitting diodes for flickered. Initial corresponding LED timer. Musical process again pressed the button ineffective, and only when pressed again before the end of the music effectively. If the doorbell ring for electronic music, press the button on the reduction and termination, showed initial state. Practice has proved that the system is stable and has some practical value.本设计是以凌阳16位单片机为重心,介绍语音控制在机械手中的应用,实现微型舵机的运作,完成所指定的动作。其中通过凌阳16位单片机输出的脉冲信号来准确的控制机械手的摆动角度,机械手的捏拿动作由电磁铁完成,电磁铁的通断由凌阳16位单片机的I/O口控制,硬件和软件都在具体的实验中证明了其可行性This design is take insults the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits as a center of gravity, introduced the pronunciation control in manipulator's application, the realization miniature servo operation, completes the movement which assigns. Through insults the pulse signal which the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits outputs to come the accurate control manipulator to swing the angle, the manipulator pinches takes the movement to complete by the electro-magnet, the electro-magnet passes the legal reason for judgment to insult the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits I/O control, the hardware and the software all have proven its feasibility in the concrete experiment

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In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of single chip is accepted broadly in real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer. Although it’s often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students’ abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction. Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.

Since the introduction of computer-chip technology in society, in every field in a wide range of light control systems, the microcontroller is replaced by the gear regulating the delay time of old growth rate in future in the heart of this to the MCU has several benefits: small size, light weight, a single power supply; features, low power consumption and low; and the data transfer, one finds in SCM internal, run fast, uding, high reliability, so single-chip is widely used in measurement and control system, data acquisition, instrumental, Mechatronics product, smart interface, computer communications, as well as single-chip multilevel system, article is primarily deals with a subject name is single-chip-chip, flowing water and light control, which enables we learned how to use the SCM control our lives in the application of the design of this subject at a later time, introduced me to many aspects of the topic describes in detail by the MCS-89C51 manifold programming the control circuit, it completed the single-chip flowing water and light control features, and gives specific hardware circuits and the appropriate kind of control circuit reliability, flexibility, use the wide-ranging especially suitable for medium-sized cities of traffic lights, neon lights, , it on other similar system has certain significance.

Single-chip microcontroller that micro-computer (Single-Chip Microcomputer) gathering CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of interface integrated microcontrollers. Widely used in various fields. In this paper, the music alarm clock designed by AT89S53 SCM control. The music alarm clock from SCM system is the smallest system and the expansion of LED display circuit and voice circuit. Using single-chip C programming language, can be set to achieve a number of alarm clocks, alarm clocks on time to play music, and showing the date and other functions. This paper introduces the music alarm clock software and hardware design, and design, debugging process of the problems encountered and solutions. The topics designed music alarm system is simple, cost, low-cost, multifunctional, with a very strong sense of practicality. Keywords : music, simple arrangements, clock timing 题目:SCM Application Development-music electronic clock design 希望对您有所帮助,祝您成功!

SCM is microcomputer (Single-Chip Microcomputer) is a set of CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of integrated micro-controller interface. MCS-51 microcontroller which is all typical and representative of a widely used in various fields. The planned main topics designed by chip - microcomputer control of the music. The music by the SCM system is the smallest system and the planned expansion of LED display circuit and voice circuit. MCU for the use of assembly language programming, press the button on Bell. and regularly interrupted LED showed that the initial value of the notes function. This paper introduces the doorbell music software, hardware design, and in design, Commissioning the problems encountered and solutions. The topics designed musical doorbell system is simple, cost low-cost, fully functional, very practical.


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of SCM is unceasingly thorough. In real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer application system, its often as a core component to use. But only the microcontroller knowledge is not enough, should be based on the hardware structure, perfect soft combination. Most current universities have established the microcontroller laboratory, basically equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But experiment box hardware circuit fixed, experiment content more difficult change, is hard to adapt to the rapid development of single chip microcomputer and cultivate students' SCM development ability, innovation ability. Using the Proteus software simulation technology, can to a certain extent make up for the shortage, build a virtual experimental platform, can achieve more practice, provide students to learn to disciplinary construction of conditions, has a positive meaning. In view of this, this article based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, Proteus MICOCHIP company by the PIC microcontroller as the main control chip series with data storage units, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating DianLuSi, alarm equipment, written in C control program main control chip design combines a automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment is an organic whole, have alarm function of temperature control system. This design fully exert Proteus characteristics, reduce the cost and enhance practicability, benefit in university promotion.


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of single chip is accepted broadly in real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer. Although it’s often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students’ abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction. Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.

Single-chip microcontroller that micro-computer (Single-Chip Microcomputer) gathering CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of interface integrated microcontrollers. Widely used in various fields. In this paper, the music alarm clock designed by AT89S53 SCM control. The music alarm clock from SCM system is the smallest system and the expansion of LED display circuit and voice circuit. Using single-chip C programming language, can be set to achieve a number of alarm clocks, alarm clocks on time to play music, and showing the date and other functions. This paper introduces the music alarm clock software and hardware design, and design, debugging process of the problems encountered and solutions. The topics designed music alarm system is simple, cost, low-cost, multifunctional, with a very strong sense of practicality. Keywords : music, simple arrangements, clock timing 题目:SCM Application Development-music electronic clock design 希望对您有所帮助,祝您成功!



毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

近年来随着工业的发展,人们对过程控制的精密度和可靠性提出了更多更高的要求,因而液位控制也向着功能齐全,控制灵活,操作简单,控制精度准确的方向发展。液位调节器是生产中应用很广液位测量和控制的设备,所以测量的精确性和控制的准确性是本设备的关键。在研究国内现有传统的液位调节器的基础上,设计的了采用AT89C51单片机为核心,A/D转换器采用ADC0809、D/A转换器采用DAC0832、键盘显示芯片采用74LS165、74LS164。外部数据存储器采用PCF8583;硬件电路包括:温度检测电路、A/D转换电路、D/A转换电路、键盘显示电路、V/I转换电路、电源电路,由这些构成一个单片机液位调节系统。软件包括PID控制算法、液位控制。本系统把单片机应用于液位测量控制中,既提高了产品的功能和质量,又降低了成本。本系统还具有结构先进合理、功能完善、满足控制精度的要求、抗干扰能力强、较高的灵活性和可靠性、通用性好、价格低,使用方便等特点。Withindustrialdevelopmentinrecentyears,processcontrolforprecisionandreliabilityofmorehigherrequirements,andalsotowardtheliquidlevelcontrolfunctions,controlofaflexible,simpleoperation,. AvailableinthetraditionalliquidlevelregulatoronthebasisofthedesignusingAT89C51single-chipmicrocomputerasthecore,A/DconverterusingADC0809,D/AconvertersusedDAC0832,keyboarddisplaychip74LS165,;hardwarecircuitincluding:temperaturedetectioncircuit,A/Dconversioncircuit,D/Aconvertercircuit,akeyboarddisplaycircuit,V/Iconversioncircuit,powercircuit,. Thesystemappliestothesingle-chipcontrolofliquidlevelmeasurement,notonlytoenhancetheproduct'sfeaturesandquality,.

引言 在城市居民日常生活中%防盗门上的门铃用得比较频繁%但这种门铃不具有对讲功能%并且可视性也不好%这给市民的日常生活带来了诸多的不便&例如当有人按门铃时%房主一般走到门口%通过防盗门上所谓的’猫眼(来辨认来访者是谁%这不仅费劲%而且当来访者是你不愿接见的人时%由于走动到门口发出的脚步声已告知来访者你在家%有时碍于情面%你不得不接见来访者& 本文介绍的基于单片机 !"AB%&JDF 的单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机便很好的解决了这些问题& 该可视对讲门铃室内分机和与其配套使用的防盗门上的室外机特别适合于别墅式住宅防盗门安装使用%也适合于普通市民入户防盗门安装使用& ( 单户可视对讲门铃室内分机工作原理 图 F 所示为该单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机的工作原理框图& 它以单片机 !"AB%&JDF 作为系统控制核心%配以呼叫检测模块)摘挂机检测模块)视频显示及控制模块)开锁和音频信号输入K出控制模块)音频信号输入放大模块)音频信号输出前置放大模块以及按键组成* 当来访者按门铃开关传来呼叫主人的门铃信号时%!"#B%C(’F 的 LFM 脚通过呼叫检测模块检测到门铃呼叫信号% 其 LFN 脚输出开启视频显示控制信号到视频显示及控制模块+ 其 LFO 脚输出允许通话控制信号到音频控制模块%同时进行 PJ, 定时* 若主人不在家或通过辨认 %Q" 显示器中显示的来访者决定不接见% 则 PJ, 后 !"AB%CJDF 通过 LFN和 LFO 脚分别输出关闭视频显示信号和禁止通话信号+ 若主人决定接见来访者% 则摘机* !"AB%CJDF 通过 LFD 脚检测到已摘机%则终止 PJ, 定时* 主人的话音音频信号经过前置放大模块放大后%经 %R 的 N 脚 !ST 线传到门口室外机供来访者听话%而来访者的话音音频输入信号经放大模块从 !ST 线取出放大后送耳机发声%完成通话动作*主人通过通话询问并从显示屏中观察来访者的表情%进一步判明来访者的身份和意图%判明后主人按下开锁键 ’URVT%W(%!"AB%&JD) 经 L)O 脚输出的开锁信号经由 !ST 线传到门口室外机% 控制防盗门的电控锁的电磁铁动作%门被打开*客人进门后%防盗门依靠闭门器的作用再次关上*主人挂机%!"AB%&JD) 通过 L)D 脚检测到已挂机% 则由 L)X 和L)O 脚分别输出关闭视频显示信号和禁止通话信号% 恢复收铃状态* 另外%主人还可通过按主动监视键’YTQRS"TQ(%来开启显示屏显示来访者或查看门外的情况* & 单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机硬件设计及实现 该单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机硬件电路原理图略可向作者索取* &I) 呼叫及摘挂机检测模块设计及实现 呼叫检测模块由图中的 ZD,Q)O)Q)M)%))[M 及 !"AB%CJD)的 L)M 脚及其上的上拉电阻 Q)A 构成& 当来访者按下门铃开关%由 %R 的 M 脚的 \] 线传来的门铃呼叫信号一路经扬声器发出门铃呼叫声% 另一路经过 ZD 反向截止%Q)O 与 %) 组成的充放电电路%由 Q)M 驱动三极管 [M 导通%使 !"AB%CJD) 的 L)M 脚由高电平变为低电平%完成呼叫检测& 图中的压键开关)!"AB%CJD) 的 L)D 脚及其上的上拉电阻QO 构成摘挂机检测模块%当主人摘机后压键开关转换状态%L)D脚的电平由高变低%完成摘机检测& 反之%完成挂机检测& CIC 视频显示及控制模块设计及实现 设计的视频显示及控制模块图^略_%主要由 [‘)[X)[D)[O)继电器 \Q])视频显示屏及 !"#B%&JDF 的 LFX 脚及其上的上拉电阻 QF& 构成&视频显示屏选用具有显像作用%工作电压为 F&a的国产金阳牌 X 寸黑白扁平显像管& 设计时为了同时对显示屏的 F&a 直流工作电源和 %R 的 D 脚 aSZ 输入的视频信号进行控制% 选用 \]Q 型双刀双掷电磁式继电器并利用其常开触点%QX对继电器线圈起限流保护作用%Z‘ 对继电器线圈起续流保护作用& 待机时%LFX 脚输出高电平%[O 导通%[X 和 [D 截止& 当!"#B%&JDF 检测到呼叫信号或主人按下主动监视键时%LFX 脚输出低电平%[O 截止%[X)[D 导通& [X 导通使大功率三极管!BXJ 导通%由 %R 的 F 脚 ab送来的 F#a 直流电源%经 !BXJ 的集电极输出%提供继电器线圈工作电压和 F&a 集成稳压器的输入电源%并经 %R 的 O 脚 aZ% 给室外机的视频摄像镜头提供受控的输入电源# !" 导通$继电器吸合给视频显示屏提供工作电压及视频信号以显示视频图像# #$% 开锁和音频信号输入&出控制模块设计及实现 图中的压键开关%’#%’%%!(%!#%)*+,-#."( 的 /(0 脚及其上的上拉电阻 ’( 构成了开锁和音频信号输入&出控制模块# 待机时$即使摘机使压键开关转换状态$但 /(0 脚输出低电平$!(截止$!# 基极得电导通$ 使 )12 对地短路而禁止通话# 当)*+,-#."( 检测到门铃呼叫信号时$/(0 脚输出高电平使 !( 导通$!# 因基极对地短路而截止$允许通话# 但若主人未摘机$则压键开关不转换状态$来访者仍不能与主人进行通话#这很好地解决了同类产品或其它未使用单片机控制的单户可视对讲门铃任何状态下$摘机即可通话$以及来访者呼叫后$即可从室外机的扬声器听到室内发出的声音等缺陷# #$3 音频信号放大处理模块设计及实现 声电转换器件选择灵敏度高$频率响应好的驻极体传声器$但经传声器转换形成的音频电压信号比较微弱$ 不适宜直接传输$为此需要设计音频输出信号前置放大处理模块#为了降低成本$ 音频输出信号前置放大采用三极管进行两极放大# 如图所示$分压电阻 ’(,%’#.%’#( 和滤波电容 -(. 为传声器提供直流工作电压$传声器产生的音频信号经 -(( 耦合$-(# 滤波输入到!+ 的基极$ 经 !+ 放大后$ 由集电极输出直接耦合到 !, 的基极$再经 !, 放大由集电极输出#’%. 起到两个作用$一是给 )12电路供电$ 二是将 !, 集电极输出的音频信号混合到音频输入输出线 )12$并送到室外机&防盗门端’$经再次放大$供来访者听话# 图中的 ’#"%’#0%’#4%’#+ 及 ’#, 为 !+%!, 的直流工作限流电阻# 来访者传声器产生的并经前置放大的音频输入信号$ 由于传输衰减需要再次放大$为此需设计输入音频信号放大模块#设计时$ 可选用通用集成运算放大器来设计$ 但所需外围器件较多$ 并且音频放大效果不够理想$ 为此选用具有所需外围器件少$工作电压为 35!(#5$低变形和低功耗等特点的专用音频集成功率放大器 67%+0$ 并且采用放大倍数为 #. 倍的典型接法#如图所示$-+ 从 )12 线取出的输入音频信号经 -, 和 ’## 滤波后$由 67%+0 的 % 脚输入$经过 #. 倍放大后由 " 脚输出$再经-4 和 ’#3 滤波$由 -0 耦合到频率特性好$谐波失真小的平膜动圈式耳机发声$完成通话动作# 另外$还设计了两个独立式按键$用于开锁和主动监视$设计的独立式按键如图所示# ! 单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内机软件设计及实现 单片机软件主要完成门铃呼叫信号检测%摘挂机检测%按键检测及相应控制信号的输出$完成来访者呼叫后及主动监视 %.8定时等功能# 用 7-9:"( 语言编写的具体软件实现程序如下( 2’; ....< 7)1=> 725 9/?@".< -6’ /($0 A输出关闭音频控制信号 -6’ #%< A清呼叫标志位 ;B> B=C /($"?7DEF A摘机呼叫无效 BC /($4?7DEF A 无呼叫信号则转检查是否按下主动监视键 9E*C #%< A置呼叫标志 6B7/ *17%.8 A转 %.8 定时 7DEF> BC /($%?;B A未按主动监视键则跳转挂机检查 *17%.8> -6’ /($3 A允许电源输出和开启视频显示 725 04 725 0+ B=C #% -)66 GE6F"H8 A调 "H8 定时子程序 GB=I 0+ 9E*C /($0 A允许通话 -6’ #%< A清呼叫标志 J=62-D> BC /($#?;B( A若未按开锁键则跳转检查挂机 -6’ /($0 A若按下开锁键则输出开电控锁信号 -)66 GE6F"H8 9E*C /($0 A恢复通话 ;B(> B=C /($"?J=62-D A若未挂机?继续检查是否按开锁键 -6’ /($0 A若挂机?则禁止通话 9E*C /($3 A关视频显示及视频&音频通话电源 6B7/ ;B GE6F"H8> 725 0" 725 00



单片机SCMsinglechipSingle-Chip Microcomputer 有的时候,也可以用SingleChip来代替 -------------- 中文: 单片机是把主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块芯片上的微型计算机。它是一种集计数和多中接口于一体的微控制器,被广泛应用在智能产品和工业自动化上,而51单片机是个单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种。 本课题选择89S51为核心控制元件,设计了一个日常生活中用到的电子音乐门铃系统。当功能按键按下,音乐响起,发光二极管随着音乐的节拍进行闪烁,LED显示相应的定时器初值。音乐演奏过程中再次按下按键无效,只有当音乐段结束再次按下才有效。如果是电子音乐门铃在响,按下复位按键就终止,显示初始状态。经过实践证明,本系统运行稳定,具有一定的实用价值。 ------------- 翻译: SCM is a major piece of computer components are integrated into the chip micro-computer. It is a multi-interface and counting on the micro-controller integration, and intelligence products are widely used in industrial automation. and MCS-51 microcontroller is a typical and representative. The topics chosen for the 89S51 control of the core components used in the design of a daily electronic music doorbell system. When the function button is pressed, the music sounded and the music beats with light emitting diodes for flickered. Initial corresponding LED timer. Musical process again pressed the button ineffective, and only when pressed again before the end of the music effectively. If the doorbell ring for electronic music, press the button on the reduction and termination, showed initial state. Practice has proved that the system is stable and has some practical value.本设计是以凌阳16位单片机为重心,介绍语音控制在机械手中的应用,实现微型舵机的运作,完成所指定的动作。其中通过凌阳16位单片机输出的脉冲信号来准确的控制机械手的摆动角度,机械手的捏拿动作由电磁铁完成,电磁铁的通断由凌阳16位单片机的I/O口控制,硬件和软件都在具体的实验中证明了其可行性This design is take insults the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits as a center of gravity, introduced the pronunciation control in manipulator's application, the realization miniature servo operation, completes the movement which assigns. Through insults the pulse signal which the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits outputs to come the accurate control manipulator to swing the angle, the manipulator pinches takes the movement to complete by the electro-magnet, the electro-magnet passes the legal reason for judgment to insult the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits I/O control, the hardware and the software all have proven its feasibility in the concrete experiment

“单片机”是我们国人的称呼,即single chip microcomputer (SCM),但国际上的说法应该是Micro Control Unit(MCU),即微控制单元。

单片机英文single-chip computer。


adj. 单一的,单个的;单身的,未婚的;各自的,分别的;单人的,单人用的;<英>(票)单程的;统一的;由一个部分构成的;(花)单瓣的;唯一的;(酒的)一份

n. 单曲唱片;(板球中的)一分打,(棒球中的)一垒打;单身者,未婚者;<英> 单程票;(旅馆等的)单人房间;单打(比赛);<美,非正式> 一元纸币;(鸣钟术)不同次序鸣钟法;<美>(影剧院的)一张票,一个座位;一份酒

v. 挑选,选出;(棒球)击出一垒打;对(幼苗,幼树)进行间苗;将(铁轨)变成单线;以一垒打使(跑垒)得分


single room 单人房 ; 单人间

A Single Man 单身男人 ; 单身男子 ; 单身汉

single market 统一市场 ; 单一市场


single, virgin, maiden


single 指尚未结婚的人,但更多指终生不结婚的人。

virgin 通常指未婚者,贞洁未被玷污的人,或指婚烟关系尚未完成者。

maiden 与virgin含义相近,但更着重年轻与未婚,或未曾发生过任何两性关系。


