健康上网、文明上网 随着经济的迅速发展,网络成为了人们必不可少的办公娱乐工具.它的出现,让我们的工作大大的节省了时间,让我们的娱乐生活更加丰富多彩.当然凡事都有两面性,网络也是如此!有很多朋友,在上网时,利用黑客攻击别人的电脑系统,或者是盗取别人的机密文件,这是很不道德的.希望大家都来维护这个健康的网络环境. Health Internet,civilized Internet Along with the rapid economic development,the network become the people of the essential office entertainment presence,let us work greatly saves time,let our entertainment life more course there are always two sides to everything,everything is so network!Have a lot of friends,in the Internet,the use of hackers,or other people's computer system is to steal other people's confidential documents,this is very everyone to safeguard the health network environment.