Recreations are an important part of people’s life. For example, after hours of attentive study, students will feel like having a game to relax their nerves. Workers may find it very satisfying to sit in front of a TV set when they e back from a day’s tiring work. Besides, recreations serve as a pleasant way for the retired people to pass their job-free time. Generally speaking, there are o kinds of recreations: physical activities and intellectual activities. Physical activities keep one fit and develop team spirit.
As the development of the economy, more and more people live the good life. As they have more money to satisfy the material issue, so they chase for entertainment. The old people like to dance in the square and the young people like to KTV. As for me, my favorite form of entertainment is to travel. Going to travel is my favorite form of entertainment, I learn a lot and I will continue my travel when I have the time and money.
“人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。”这句话可是家喻户晓的了,正所谓生死由命啊! 那是在我毕业的那年,爷爷身体不适,又有病在身,一次病情突发,吓得爸妈连忙把他送去医院,医生说爷爷需要开刀做手术,经过几个小时的“战争”,他逃过了鬼门关。 数月的治疗,他精神好了,便决定出院。出院后一直开开心心地与爷爷玩乐,可就在2月份的最后一天,发生了令我终生难忘的事。 那夜,我在阿姨家陪表妹睡,可不知道为什么那天眼皮跳的很厉害,心里总感觉不塌实,很难受,可又说不上来为什么。直到半夜阿姨叫我回家,说爸爸打电话来!我的害怕油然而生。 路上,我想了千万中可以:或许叫我回家说成绩,或许叫我回家睡不放心我……可是那都不可能。突然,脑里出现一个画面:爷爷躺在床上,身边围着一群人呼他喊他……我的心突然颤了一下,摇摇头告诉自己那只是幻觉罢了!虽然这样说,但是我的脑海里总是浮出那个画面一遍又一遍! 到家门口了,我不想进去,也不敢进去,突然有人推了我一下,原来是一直在送我的阿姨!看了看她,我小心翼翼的推开门,慢慢的走进去,画面又出现了,错!那不是画面。“不可能的,不可能的……”我自言自语道。揉揉双眼,看向前方,爷爷在床上,身边围着一群人喊他叫他,跟画面一模一样。为什么会这样? “孩子,过来!”爸爸的言语打断了我的思路,我走了过去,大家看着我,点了点头,示意我去叫爷爷。“爷爷~~”我的声音带着点颤音。“爷爷!”我稍微放大了点声音,他睁开了眼睛,只说了一句:“唉!”但是又躺下了,而且在也没醒来!我多希望时间就那样停止,我多希望他不要睡着…… 那瞬间,我才懂得亲情的可贵,我才懂得亲人的重要性。 最美丽的瞬间仅仅只有5个字的对话,最美丽的瞬间仅仅是我和爷爷的最后一次对话,但是它却是我最美好的回忆!但是宁可不要这个回忆,我不要爷爷离开我,我不要!
The way to relax ourselves The thumb and middle finger gently mutual pressure,feeling of fatigue and pressure seems to be pressed the open arms,head and chest to keep straight,close your eyes,experience their own tensions slowly from the in vivo release. Research shows,doing sports can be blood in the body -- stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine levels decrease,make you excited or depressed mood,tension and stress,eliminate. So drink plenty of water to work. But water can not drink too fast,but should as far as possible not intermittently,slowly,evenly it of the uniform,by downing action can function in the brain,the brain immediately upon release of pressure,reach the sedative gum also have different approaches but equally satisfactory results on earth.
My hobbies are watching movies and swimming. Movies can lead me to everywhere all around word, which can widen my horizon. It also can help me with understanding others' live. With the help of movies,
我也不只到,不知道这文章对你有没有用,真不好意思,作文和你题目不符合 My favourite Festival There are a lot of holidays for chinese people, such as National day, May Day, etc. However, chinese people look on spring festival as their most important one of it's also my favorite festival, especially when I was a child, because In those days, I could have a plenty of delicious food to eat, enjoy a very long holiday and wear beautiful clothes. And what is more important is that I could received much new year's gift money. So, everyyear, I expected the spring festival would e soon. After I grew up, it's no longer as important to me as before . For I can have my delicious food and wear my favorite clothes every day. It's like I'm having spring festival every day! 一年有很多节日,如国庆节,劳动节等等,但中国人看的最重的还是春节。我也很喜欢做春节。尤其是小时候,因为一到春节不但可以吃到好多好吃的,而且还能放很长的假,穿漂亮的衣服,最主要的是可以收到好多压岁钱,小时候总盼望着春节的到来。长大了,春节好像没那么重要了。因为现在天天都能吃到好吃的,穿自己喜欢的衣服,就想天天都在过年
英语作文“我喜欢的节日”怎么写 写文章的几点技巧 一、提高认识事物和表达事物的能力。 我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生指出:写任何东西决 定于认识和经验,有什么样的认识和经验,才能写出什么样的东西来。反之,没有表达认识的能力,同样也写不出好作文。 二、把认识结构作为作文的核心,包括学习知识,观察积累,记忆储存,训练思维,丰富 想象,培养情感,锻炼意志;从说到写,推敲修改,多读勤写。 三、树立大作文观,听、说、读、写有机结合 一要注重审题;二要明确写作目的,立意要新;三是选材要有根据;四要讲究谋篇技巧,安排好篇章结构;五要注意文章分段,事先列小标题,作文提纲;六要注重文章写法,因文用法;七要妙用语言,用思想调遣语言。
We all know that water is very important for human beings, while rainwater is also very important for plants. Their mother gives their first life, but rainwater provides them the second life. Without rainwater, the plants, especially the wild plants will thirst to die. As living in the wilderness, they can’t get the attention from human beings. So they have to drink the natural water, which is from the rainwater. We all know that we can bear hunger for a short time, but we couldn’t stand thirsty. So do the plants. So, you can see how important rainwater is to plants.