
Abstract: Experts have pointed out that the psychological problems of college students causes of society and individuals, mainly from two aspects, social aspects, to accelerate socio-economic development, to an increasingly competitive, resulting in students a sense of crisis increased, so that suppression of university students, psychological tension caused by imbalance, resulting in psychological barrier, while the heavy school learning tasks, the fierce competition among students, a strong sense of social responsibility and pressure caused by tension, weight scores while ignoring the overall quality of training exam-oriented education and monotonous life after school all have a great impact on the psychological and personal reasons First of all, emotional instability that some students lack when they should think rationally in order to point of frustration on behalf of face, to represent the whole picture, so that casts a dark hue of life, and even the loss of confidence in life; followed by the personality defects, and most of the students themselves isolated, alone, the ultimate and collective isolation, in pain. Selfish, paranoid, eccentric, laziness is often the natural enemies of these people. [1] Therefore, the use of crisis intervention theory in this article, from college students to commit suicide to start an analysis of the status of university students committed suicide and analysis of relevant factors, and the University of suicide prevention for the effective conduct of the intervention measures and intervention strategies in : college suicide-related interventions in a phased intervention factors
1.英语论文-约翰·多斯·帕索斯《曼哈顿中转站》的互文性解读 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][20]本文主要运用互文性理论来分析美国三十年代著名小说家约翰·多斯·帕索斯的小说《曼哈顿中转站》与多个互文本之间的指涉关系,揭示出互文性理论对丰富小说内涵,加深小说意义方面起到的重要作用。 [详情……]2.英语论文-异化与自我实现:伯纳德.马拉默德《杜宾的生活》的主题研究 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][12]摘要:伯纳德.马拉默德是美国二十世纪与索尔·贝娄、艾萨克。巴什维斯。辛格、菲利普。罗斯齐名的著名犹太作家之一。自二战以来马拉默德就一直活跃在美国文坛上,在长达半个世纪的创作生涯当中,他共出版了七部长篇小说以及四部短篇小说集。 [详情……]3.英语论文-现代主义小说风格维度个案研究 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][16]文学翻译译什么、怎么译、以什么为翻译标准,一直以来是中外翻译界争论的焦点。过去翻译家大多倾向于译文学作品的“意”,而忽略其“形’,。当代翻译理论表明文学翻译须做到“形神兼备”,即译出原作的风格。因为风格决定了其文学水准。风格是其之所以为文学作品的根本原因。近些年外国小说翻译已经呈现出越来越重视风格的趋势,但是仍然有很多翻译作品不令人满意。 [详情……]4.英语论文-论《爱娃》中黑人女性的母爱 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][14]美国当代著名黑人女作家托尼·莫里森是迄今为止美国文学史上唯一一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女性。她在小说创作和文学评论上取得的巨大成就深刻地影响着美国乃至整个世界文坛。她的小说由于其意义深远的主题和独特的艺术造诣而在世界上广为流传并赢得了高度的评价。 [详情……]5.英语论文-安.瓦尔德曼诗歌中声音的运用 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][9]安·瓦尔德曼(1945一)是美国当代最具影响力的诗人之一。她的诗歌作品已达四十多部,而且她还编辑出版了许多其他作品。在诗歌生涯的初期,她主要与纽约派第二代诗人包括泰德·贝里根、罗恩·帕吉特、伯纳黛特·梅耶等诗人关系密切。同时她也受到其他流派和群体的影响。她与垮掉派诗人特别是艾伦·金斯堡一直保持着很亲密的关系。瓦尔德曼师从西藏佛教领袖及拿若葩创始人仲巴活佛和仁波切活佛。 [详情……]6.英语论文-文学弑父与黑人抗议文学传统 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][5]在二战后的美国黑人文学发展历程中,詹姆斯·鲍德温是一个举足轻重的人物,起着承上启下的作用。他的首部小说《向苍天呼吁》与理查德·赖特的《土生子》和拉尔夫·艾利森的《看不见的人》被并列为二十世纪四五十年代美国黑人文学的典范。他对其前辈黑人作家理查德·赖特矛盾的态度吸引了不少评论家的关注,人们对他的评价褒贬不一,而他本人也成了美国非裔文学界最受争议的作家之一。 [详情……]7.英语论文-《棕色姑娘,棕色砖房》的棕色梦 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][9]波·马歇尔(1929一)是美国黑人文学中一位出色的女作家,然而她的作品却没有得到应有的重视,尤其是她的第一部长篇小说《棕色姑娘,棕色砖房》。马歇尔的大部分作品集中于刻画黑人女性的形象,然而主题却具有世界性意义。她在美国黑人女性文学中独树一帜。 [详情……]8.英语论文-《紫颜色》的体裁研究 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][1]《紫颜色》(The Color Purple)是当代著名美国黑人女作家爱丽丝·沃克于1982年出版的第三部长篇小说,该书当年就成了人们竞相争读的畅销书,翌年又赢得美国文学界两项大奖------普利策奖和美国国家图书奖。小说成功地描述了一个14岁黑人女主人公西丽如何从一个天真顺从,倍受压迫而失去个体身份的小女孩成长为一个成熟,独立,自由完整的黑人女性的心路历程。《紫颜色》拓宽了黑人文学的主题和视野。可以说它是一部描写黑人女性成长力作。 [详情……]9.英语论文-从离散视浦解读《喜福会》 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][3]身份研究是华裔美国文学中一直颇受关注的主题。当去家离国的人们面对多种不同文化时,身份问题显得尤为复杂和严峻。在美国生活的华裔离散群体因其生活环境的特殊性,对其处境感到迷惑不解,迫切需要寻求一种新的身份属性和归属感。华裔美籍作家谭恩美的代表作《喜福会》真实感人,轰动了美国文坛,它使生活在美国的华人群体及其身后悠久的中国文化传统逐步凸现出来,把美国华裔文学推到了一个新的阶段。 [详情……]10.英语论文-文学翻译中的杂合现象 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][2]杂合由英语中hybrid一词翻译而来,表示不同种类的两方事物结合而产生第三方新的事物。目前,在学术界,无论是社会科学、语言学还是文学,都对杂合赋予越来越浓厚的兴趣。 [详情……]11.英语论文-基于流浪一追寻母题之上的《赫索格》主题阐释 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][1]作为一名自觉的人文主义知识分子,索尔·贝娄一直致力于探索如何解决现代人的精神困境问题。作为继海明威、福克纳之后的又一位美国文学大师,其创作深刻地刻画了在异化、人性缺失的现代社会中,那些满怀梦想的小人物/“反英雄”试图确立个人身份的精神诉求;其六十多年的文学创作生涯就是“对更宽泛、更灵活、更完整、更清晰的对于人类是什么、我们是谁、此生何为的全面理解”。 [详情……]12.英语论文-《甘加丁之路》中男性的呐喊 [Admin|][2010年6月22日][2]虽然美籍华裔在美国已生活了一百五十多年,但他们仍处于美国社会的边缘。主流文化的强权统治和人们对美籍华裔的偏见仍以公式化人物的形式普遍存在。作为美国亚裔文学奠基人之一的赵建秀指出写作即战斗,因此他以笔为武器,回击种族主义和那些华裔主流文化代言人的错误观念,尤其是他们对美籍华裔男子形象的歪曲。 [详情……]13.英语论文-男性人物的生态意识研究 [Admin|][2010年6月21日][20]威拉·凯瑟是20世纪上半叶在美国文坛中出现的一位杰出女作家。她主要以其内布拉斯加小说著称。《啊,拓荒者!》和《我的安东尼亚》就是其中比较重要的两部作品。阅读她的作品,读者可以领略到优美的西部草原风光,身临其境地感受浓郁的乡土气息,体会来自欧洲各国的开拓者们顽强的创业精神和坚忍不拔的刚毅性格,感叹于作者对人类与自然和谐共处的热切期盼。 [详情……]14.英语论文-威廉·福克纳《八月之光》中善与恶的抗衡 [Admin|][2010年6月21日][23]威廉·福克纳被誉为世界文学史上20世纪最杰出的美国小说家之一。《八光》这部被称为其里程碑式的杰作是福克纳创作的篇幅最长的一部小说,也最著名、最有争议的作品之一。19犯年小说一经问世便立即引起了广泛关注,入二十世纪九十年代,欧美文学评论家开始从各种角度解析这部作品,并取引人瞩目的成就。 [详情……]15.英语论文-《伙计》成长主题探析 [Admin|][2010年6月21日][14]伯纳德·马拉默德是美国著名的犹太裔小说家。犹太文学在美国文学领域占有重要地位,而在所有的犹太作家中,马拉默德是犹太性最强的一个。其作品具有强烈的现实主义精神。他生前两次获全国图书奖、一次普利策文学奖。其代表作《伙计》曾获美国全国文艺院颁发的罗森塔尔奖。 [详情……]16.英语论文-舍伍德·安德森的《小镇畸人》主题研究 [Admin|][2010年6月20日][6]作为美国现代小说的开创者之一,舍伍德·安德森在美国现代文学史上享有非常特殊的地位,由于对众多大家的影响而被称为“巨人们的导师”。其代表作《小镇畸人》更是美国文学史上的一支奇葩,栩栩如生地刻画在了美国社会工业化背景下,一群渴望爱与沟通却又疏于交流,为自我所隔离的的“畸人”群体,并以其独特的写作风格和深刻的主题而成为美国文学研究的热点。 [详情……]17.英语论文-解构视野下的《了不起的盖茨比》 [Admin|][2010年6月19日][19]菲茨杰拉德(1896-1940)作为美国爵士时代的“编年史家”和“桂冠诗人”,以他亲身经历的挫折与迷惘和对社会的冷静观察,通过《了不起的盖茨比》这部充满浓郁现实主义气息的作品,再现了美国二十世纪爵士乐时代的社会风貌和时代精神,深刻地反映了崇尚金钱的社会罪恶与美国梦想的破灭。 [详情……]18.英语论文-《布勒特.哈特最佳短篇小说》中的边疆幽默 [Admin|][2010年6月19日][4]本论文除绪论和结论部分外,正文由三章构成。论文第一章将探讨边疆幽默的三个重要元素,即牛皮故事、小骗术及让人忍俊不禁的形体幽默。它们为边疆幽默增添了无尽的活力和民间气息。论文第二章将研究边疆幽默的三个特色,即不和谐性、男子气和方言性。边疆人因其所处的特殊地域性,催生了诸多与传统的不和谐。 [详情……]19.英语论文-《白鲸》中悲剧英雄亚哈船长的原型解读 [Admin|][2010年6月19日][34]赫尔曼?麦尔维尔是美国浪漫主义时期最著名的作家之一。《白鲸》是他的代表作。这部小说的主人公是亚哈船长。由于亚哈船长是这部经典作品中的主要人物,且个性复杂,因此有很大的研究空间。尽管已经有很多人运用不同的文学批评方法从历史、宗教、哲学、地理、种族、资本主义的本质等方面对它进行了研究,但笔者认为原型批评是解读这个人物的绝佳视角,因为作品中存在大量原型引用和原型暗示。 [详情……]20.英语论文-华裔美国作家离散视角下的文化翻译-以三部华裔美国小说为例解析华裔作家的跨文化书写 [Admin|][2010年6月19日][11]华裔美国文学的研究热点通常集中在华裔美国人的文化身份以及与之相关的文化冲突方面,而对华裔作品本身的文化翻译属性论述不多,其中从离散视角切入的更寥寥无几。本文以三位华裔美国文学领军人物的代表作为例,通过将后殖民语境下的翻译理论与文化理论中的离散视角及叙事学理论相结合,对华裔美国作家及其作品的特质—“杂合性”进行跨学科深入探讨。 [详情……] 这里有很多,希望可以帮到你
College students' suicide prevention and the related factorsThe expert points out: pick to college, the causes of the psychological problems mainly from two aspects of social and personal, social, economic and social development, to accelerate the increasingly fierce competition, the cause of the crisis of college students, to suppress, tension and cause psychological balance disorders, psychological barriers, at the same time, school, students study hard task of fierce competition, the strong sense of social responsibility of tension and pressure, scores and ignore the exam-oriented education training of comprehensive quality of life and drab on psychology has greatly influence, and personal reasons first is unstable emotions that some students think calmly, lack of something to point to face setbacks, and make life even in dark tonal, lost confidence of life, Second is the character of the defect, make yourself with most students in isolation, alone, with the collective isolation, pain. Selfish, lazy, withdrawn and paranoid is often these people. [1], so this paper, from theory of crisis intervention suicide with the status quo of college students commit suicide is analyzed with the related factors, and put forward effective prevention university suicide stages of intervention and intervention : college students' suicide related factors interventions phases intervention
摘要:进入本世纪以来,以互联网为核心的的网络通信技术已经得到飞速的发展和广泛的应用,世界经济的全球化趋势不可逆转。 Abstract: in the since the turn of the century, the Internet as the core in the network communication technology has been rapid development and the widespread application, the globalization trend of the world economy is irreversible. 在二十一世纪第二个十年的今天,我们已经走入网络经济时代,企业利用互联网有效开展网络营销活动,寻找新的商机,已经成为了一种必然的选择。 In the second decade of the 21st century, we had walked into the network today economic times, enterprise use the Internet to effectively develop network marketing activities, looking for new business opportunities, has become a kind of inevitable choice. 本文从网络营销的内涵入手,探讨了加多宝集团王老吉凉茶的经典网络营销案例,对这一案例的营销创新、存在的不足及网络营销细节问题进行了分析,,并针对加多宝集团在我国的发展、实施的障碍,提出了措施和对策。 This article from the network marketing, probes into the connotation of WangLaoJi cool tea add much treasure group the classic network marketing case, the case of marketing innovation, the shortcomings of the details and network marketing, analyzes the problems, and in the light of the stupa group in China with the development, implementation, and puts forward measures and obstacles countermeasures. 关键词:网络营销 加多宝集团 王老吉 营销策略 发展 障碍 措施 Keywords: network marketing WangLaoJi add much treasure group marketing strategy development obstacle measures
It's show time||它是表演时间. After months of preparation, your company's initial public offering (IPO) will start trading this morning||在数个月的准备之后, 你的提供 (IPO) 的公司开始民众将会开始今天早晨进行贸易. You spent yesterday afternoon anxiously tracking the market||你昨天午后忧虑地花费了追踪市场. The investment bankers canvassed their institutional brokers to assess interest in your stock||投资银行业者彻底检查他们的制度经纪人估定对你的存货的兴趣. The company finance and accounting staff have spent countless hours preparing for the day||公司财务和会计职员已经度过准备那天的数不尽的小时. The final decision: The company will sell 2 million shares at $20 each, for a total offering of $40 million||最后的决定: 公司将会卖二百万部份在 $20 每个, 对于四千万元的完全提供.The investment bankers say demand for your IPO looks strong, and they expect your stock to open with a "pop||投资银行业者说对你的 IPO 的要求看起来强壮, 和他们期待你的存货打开一 "取出." That prediction proves true—the shares open at $23 and the price moves steadily higher throughout the trading day, finally closing at||那一个预测证明真实的-部份公开在 $23 和价格整个~期间贸易日子稳定地更高地移动, 最后关闭在 $25. Although the stock's strong first-day performance is gratifying, you can't shake the feeling that you might have mispriced the IPO||虽然存货的强烈第一-日子的表现是悦人的,但是你不能摇动那个感觉你可能标错价格 IPO. The calculations run through your mind: Each $1 increase in the offering price would have generated $2 million more for the company||跑过你的思想的计算: 每个 $1 的增加提供价格会产生 $另外二百万个为公司. The thought nags you—did you sell too cheaply||想法不断地唠叨恼人你-你太廉宜卖吗?When an IPO quickly moves to a significantly higher price during its first day on the market, it's natural to wonder if the investment bankers—and the issuing company's officers—didn't misprice the deal||当 IPO 很快地在它的第一天期间在市场上移动到重要比较高的价格的时候,天然的是想知道是否投资银行业者-和发行公司的官员-没有标错价格交易. Although the market for IPOs has cooled recently, some offerings still post impressive first-day gains||虽然给 IPOs 的市场最近已经冷却, 一些提供仍然邮寄令人印象深刻的第一-日子得到. In mid-June, for example, 6 million shares of came to market at $15 and closed at $, after trading as high as||在六月中, 举例来说, 的六百万部份被提出在市场上销售在 $15 而且关闭在 $, 在进行贸易之后当做高度地当做 $. Not too long ago, Internet and technology IPOs routinely doubled in value on their first day||不是太长以前, 在他们的第一天在价值通常两倍的英特网和技术 IPOs. That kind of volatility makes it inevitable to second-guess||那种挥发性使它不可避免到第二-猜测.The offering exemplifies the incredible demand that has existed for these issues|| 提供例证已经为这些议题存在的难以置信的要求. The company, an online financial news service, went public January 15, 1999, with an offering price of||公司 , 一个在线财务的通讯社,一月 15 日公开发售股票了,1999, 藉由提供价格 $17. It closed the day at $, an increase of||它关闭了那天在 $, 增加 474%. In another instance, went up 606%, from $9 to $ on its first day, in November||在另外的一个例证中, 上涨 606%了,从 $9 到 $ 在它的第一天, 在十一月 enormous price surges raise questions about whether traditional valuation methods remain valid||这些巨大的价格巨涌到处提出疑问是否传统的评价方法保持有效. Not surprisingly, however, investment bankers and CFOs who have taken their companies public recently dispute the notion that IPO pricing rules have changed||不是令人惊讶地,然而,投资银行业者和最近已经带他们的公司民众的 CFOs 争论观念 IPO 订价的规则已经改变. WHAT'S IN A NUMBER||什么在一个数字中?Investment bankers say the valuation process is as much an art as a science||投资银行业者说评价程序是像一个科学一样的很多一种艺术. The scientific part of the pricing equation is based on numbers: an issuer's historical and projected financial results, as well as valuations for comparable companies||订价相等的科学部份以数字为基础: 发行者的历史而且为可比较的公司计画了财务的结果 , 连同评价. The art is in the investment banker's assessment of market conditions and investors' demand for the new issue||艺术在投资银行业者的市场情况和投资者的评估对新的议题要求."Pricing an IPO is always a function of the valuation," says Charles J||订定 IPO 的价格总是评价的一个功能," 说查尔斯 J. Kaplan, president of Equity Analytics||Kaplan, 公正分析学的总统. "That's what you have to determine first||那是你必须决定第一的."Kaplan, whose company advises privately held firms wishing to go public, points to a range of valuation multiples used to estimate a company's market value||Kaplan, 公司私下劝告拿着了公司想要公开发售股票 , 多种的评价倍数的点过去一直估计一个公司的市场价格. "Let's assume a food distributor or a food processing company wants to go public||让我们承担一个食物经销商或者一家食品加工公司想要公开发售股票. We look at income before interest and dividends and put a multiple on that||我们在兴趣和被除数之前审查收入而且把倍数放在那. If it is a relatively slow-growth industry, the multiple will be lower; if it's a fast-growing company, we'll use a higher multiple||如果它是一相对地慢地-生长业, 倍数将会比较低; 如果它是一家斋戒-成长的公司, 我们将会使用较高的倍数. The multiple probably won't go higher than 10 or lower than 2 or||倍数或许将不去比较高地超过 10 或低的超过 2 或 3." Estimating a company's value begins well in advance of the IPO date||估计一个公司的价值在 IPO 日期之前开始得好. Businesses planning to go public typically interview several investment banking firms before selecting one to underwrite the offering||计划典型地公开发售股票的生意在选择一签名于下提供之前接见一些投资银行业公司. The investment bankers, in turn, investigate the company to determine if they want to handle the deal||如果他们想要处理交易,在旋转的投资银行业者调查公司决定. They perform a detailed review of the company's finances, the quality of its management team and the company's position in its major markets||他们运行公司的财务的详细检讨, 它的经营团队和公司的位置的质量在它的主要市场中. The investment bankers also consider "comparables," which are publicly traded companies in the same industry as the IPO candidate||投资银行业者也考虑在如同 IPO 候选人一般的工业中公然地被交易公司的 "可比较的 ,".Selecting the right comparables is straightforward when working with established companies in clearly defined or mature industries||选择那正确的可比较的是笔直的当在清楚地定义与确定的公司合作的时候或成熟的工业. It is more challenging, though, to find appropriate benchmarks for younger companies, especially those in new and rapidly changing industries||它更挑战性,虽然, 为较年轻的公司找适当的基点, 尤其那些在新的和快速地变更工业. William J||威廉 J. Ruehle, CFO of Broadcom in Irvine, California—a broadband-communications integrated circuits manufacturer that went public in April 1998—stresses the need for flexibility in developing comparisons||Ruehle, 在欧文的 Broadcom 的 CFO, 加州-一个宽频-沟通整合了在 1998 年四月公开发售股票的线路制造业者-在发展中的比较中强调对柔性的需要. "The universe of comparables is constantly changing, so you're always challenged to find the right firms," he points out||宇宙可比较的正在不变地变更, 因此你总是被挑战找正确的公司," 他指出. "We started with comparable communications-semiconductor companies, then we broadened that to companies that have a unique franchise||我们从可比较的沟通-半导体的公司开始了,然后我们对有一个独特的许可的公司变宽了那. The established companies have one type of multiple||确定的公司有倍数的一个类型. As a new company, should we have a better multiple initially or perhaps a lower multiple because our track record is shorter||如一家新的公司,我们应该最初有较好的倍数吗或者也许较低的倍数因为我们的记录比较短?" Despite the tepid IPO market, Ruehle says, "I would say the current pricing practice definitely favors higher multiples for very promising new companies||尽管微温的 IPO 市场, Ruehle 说,"我会说现在的订价练习一定为非常有希望的新公司支持较高的倍数." But how do you value a company—such as an Internet-related business that's pioneering a new activity—when there are no comparables||但是你如何评价一家公司-像是正在提倡一个新的活动的英特网讲的生意-何时没有可比较的? To compound the difficulty, how do you value a young business that shows losses despite rapidly growing revenues||混合困难, 你如何评价尽管快速增加的收入表示损失的年轻的生意? It's a challenge, but one that Wall Street has overcome before||它是挑战 , 但是以前,华尔街有克服."In the past, a company had to show profits and reasonable revenue growth to do an IPO," Kaplan notes||过去,一家公司必须表示利润和合理的收入生长做 IPO," Kaplan 注意. "Then the cable TV companies came along, in the 1970s and 1980s||然后有线电视公司进展了, 在 1970 年代和 1980 年代中. They needed to do IPOs, but they were showing increasing losses because they had had very large capital expenditures to build and maintain their networks||他们需要做 IPOs, 但是因为他们已经有非常大的首都开支建立并且维持他们的网络,他们是成绩逐渐增加的损失. Investment bankers recognized that the companies were showing large increases in revenue and the losses would dissipate over time because the companies had large customer bases that would buy the service month after month||因为公司有了一月一月地会买服务的大的客户基础,所以投资银行业者辨认出公司正在表现了 , 收入的大增加和损失会使过了时间发泄." A NEW MODEL||一个新的模型The solution: Change the valuation model||解决: 改变评价模型. "Instead of valuing the cable companies traditionally, at some multiple of earnings, for example, they valued the firms based on their installed customer base," Kaplan says||而非传统地评价电缆公司,在所得的一些倍数,举例来说,他们评价了以他们的安装客户基础为基础的公司," Kaplan 说. "This led to a valuation multiple based on the cable company's subscribers||这导致了以电缆公司的签署者为基础的评价倍数."Today's Internet companies are forcing a similar revision||今天的英特网公司正在强迫相似的校订. Since many show losses, investment bankers are focusing on revenue growth, industry leadership and projected profit potential to establish benchmarks||自从许多表演损失以后, 投资银行业者是把重心集中在收入生长, 工业领导而且计画了利润潜能建立基点. "Early profitability is not the key to value in a company like this," says Jerry Kennelly, CPA and CFO of Inktomi, San Mateo, California||早的收益性不是在一家像这的公司中评价的关键," 杰瑞狗舍说, CPA 和 Inktomi ,桑河 Mateo 的 CFO 加州. "You must look at the potential of the firm's markets and its revenue growth potential in evaluating stocks like ours||你一定在评估存货同类我们的方面看公司的市场的潜能和它的收入生长潜能. It would be a disservice to our shareholders if we didn't make the right investments at this stage to gain important market share just for the sake of early profitability||如果我们在现阶段没有作正确的投资为了早的收益性仅仅得到重要的市场占有率,它会是对我们的股东的一个伤害."Inktomi, founded in February 1996, builds the software infrastructure for large Internet portal sites||Inktomi,在 1996 年二月发现, 为大的网路入门位置建立软件系统内各部分. The Inktomi IPO's offering price on June 10, 1998, was $18 per share, and the stock doubled to $36 on the first day||Inktomi IPO 的提供 1998 年六月 10 日定价格, 是每部份 $18, 和存货人两倍到 $36 在第一天. Kennelly reports that there was some give-and-take with the investment bankers over the benchmarks and the offering price||狗舍报告和投资银行业者在基点和提供价格之上有一些互让. "You make projections and the investment bankers discount what you say by some factor that they believe is appropriate||你作发射和投资银行业者打折你所藉着一些因素说他们相信的很适当. You try to find the most authoritative market data you can||你试着找最权威的市场数据你能."
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