Along with the amazing development speed in education science,more and more people contend that IQ is not the only way to has proved EQ take very crucial role in a person's success. Ever since a long time, under the exam-oriented education system there really exist "make iq break eq" problem in this partial conception of education, which quotes many issues about students. a host of students display their aspect of frailly, selfish, alienation, unconfident, even for a few groups of students appear some phenomenas about suicide, the crime, extremely is worth to worry about our students' eq 21st century,our country educates' primary mission is to enhance and promote the people quality and full scale development, one of the improtent content in quality educaion is to cultivate our students' goodliness and active emotion to figure out their perfect personality. the UNESCO proposed that in the future talented person's three standards“the academic society will study”, “the academic society survival”, “the academic society cooperation”, “the academic society survival”and “the academic society cooperation”,which all contain the factor about combining our country students' present situation and the new century to talented person's request,a request of cultivating EQ education is to be imperative. This thesis establishs on the pass studies in the predecessor, through to the references about EQ and EQ education to analysis and the resonsideration, elaborated the value which discusses a request and discusses a request aspect and so on education significance, importance contents, and aims at our country to discuss a request the education present situation, proposed the improvement method and the key to deal with. 这都是我自己翻译的,也给你翻了20多分钟呢,我觉得你这不是很难的就当帮你吧,你应该以别人的为参考,然后自己稍加修改