挤出发泡聚苯乙烯防水隔板工艺及车间设计The Technology and Workshop Design of Extruded Polystyrene(XPS) Waterproof Clapboard摘要Abstract挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(XPS)是以聚苯乙烯树脂或其共聚物为主要成份,添加发泡剂和相关助剂,通过加热挤塑而制得的具有闭孔结构的硬质泡沫塑料。它在世界上得到了广泛的使用。本课题主要设计了挤出发泡聚苯乙烯防水隔板生产工艺。Extruded polystyrene (XPS) is a rigid foam with closed poresstructure made by heating and extruded forming process, using polystyrene resinor its copolymer as main ingredients, and adding foaming agent and otherrelevant auxiliaries. XPS has been widely used in the world. This topic ismainly focused on the design of manufacturing process of extruded foaming XPSwaterproof clapboard.本文是通过对PS材料性质的了解和分析,利用PS的各种优良性能,对生产量为2万m3/年的挤出发泡聚苯乙烯防水隔板成型工艺的设计。Through the comprehension and analysis of polystyrene (PS),this article proposes an extruded foaming process design for the production of XPSwaterproof clapboard with the capacity of 20,000 m3/year, using the various superiorperformances of PS.详细叙述了各个阶段的设计,包括:XPS的发展形势及应用、挤出成型工艺概述、选料与配方设计、生产工艺流程的确定、物料衡算与热量衡算、设备选型与计算、车间管理与生产组织等。It describes the design in detail at each stage, including thedevelopment and application of XPS, overview of the extruded molding process,material selection and compound design, confirmation of manufacturing process, materialbalance, heat balance, equipment selection and calculation, workshop managementand production organization etc.并且对挤出机等型号的设备进行了明确的计算,对挤出机常见的故障做出了解释。计算了工艺过程中物料衡算和热量衡算。另外对废料的处理提出了解决方案,最后对车间管理和生产组织、工程经济概算进行了规划。Moreover, it reports clear-cut reckon on the types of equipmentsuch as the extruder, explains the common faults, and calculates the chemicalcompound balance and heat balance in the process. It further proposes asolution for waste disposal, and finally makes a planning for workshopmanagement, production organization and project cost estimate.关键词:PS,XPS,挤出发泡,工艺流程,设计Keywords: PS, XPS, extruded polystyrene, extruded foaming, technology, design