毕业论文是英国留学生无法避免的事情,大家想要顺利地毕业,那就必须得把毕业论文写好。对于英国毕业论文来说,最重要的两点莫过于文献综述与论证的写作。只要同学们把这两部分写好,那么你的毕业论文基本就过了一半。首先要知道在写作中文献综述的重要性和写作内容。因为文献综述是对自己前期工作的总结,也是论文极其重要的一部分,更是在为下文的写作做好准备,让读者知道此文的研究内容和研究价值。综述一般安排在第一章,就是针对该论文的主题对前人工作进行的总结性的段落,主要是简述自己研究的背景材料,有关这个主题的那些文献的观点,之前的研究历史,未来要研究的和过去已经研究的关系;现在的主要研究方法、主要的研究的结果,当下存在的一些问题,最后引出自己的研究目标,并且交代了研究的重要意义。该部分的特点是:1、最好是能够围绕研究主线进行,可以是按照时间的发展,可以按照某一个观点的演变进行;2、对主要成果的展示,指出当前存在的问题,标注出处;3、引出自己的论文是延续哪一个方法进行的;4、综述一般是在10-20页左右。其次是论证部分的写作。Dissertation的主体是大幅度地介绍自己的研究,该部分内容占到了论文的60%以上,也就是论证部分。论文的主体应做到:1、论点明确,对于有创新的点叙述突出一些;2、写作者的理论基础扎实,逻辑推理严密;3、尽量多用专业术语,避免平铺直叙和白话连篇。尤其要强调的是论证要严密。因为论证时用论据去证明论点的方法和过程,只有严密和富有逻辑性的论证才能使文章具有说服力。从文章全局来说,毕业生提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,要符合事物的客观规律,符合人们对客观事物认识的程序,使人们的逻辑程序和认识程序统一在一起,整篇毕业论文形成一个逻辑整体。从局部上来说,对于某一个问题的分析和某一现象的解释,要体现出较为完整的概念、判断和推理的过程。其实我觉得毕业论文太重要了,建议你还是找那些专业的机 构帮你写吧,那样就没什么问题了。
* explain the concepts
* critically examine the view that
* critically review the evidence/theory
* compare two conditions/approaches/theories
* discuss the strengths and limitations
1. 拆分段落,理清思路
2. 做好计划,安排字数,单独攻克
比如说:在心理学领域,依照APA的模版,一篇完整的心理学论文(published paper)由四部分组成:简介(Introduction),研究方法(Method),结果(Outcome)和讨论(Discussion)。
1. Introduction
A. Background Information
B. Thesis
C. Preview of Supporting Reasons
2. Main Body
A. Main Point 1
B. Main Point 2
3. Conclusion
简介(Introduction)1. 首先说明研究或者论文的目的
This essay was aimed at examining, this study was performed to investigate…
2. 陈述假说
It was hypothesized that, our hypothesis is…
3. 表示研究过程和方法
An experiment was conducted, Questionnaire was given to participants, secondary data analysis was performed, by a systematic review of literature…
4. 报告研究结果
The results showed that, we have come to a conclusion that, the statistic revealed that…
5. 呼应假说的结论
Therefore, consequently, these findings support the hypothesis that, the result indicated that…
下面简单举例说明如何表明一个论点(Main point):
1. 关联已设定的假说,确定立场
It highlights the importance of..
Unable to attend the problem, the relationship between… remains unclear.
Overall, current research has shifted from.. to..
2. 提供证据支持论点
A study conducted by Bob (2017) reported that..
Evidence suggests that..
3. 得出小结论
结论(Conclusion)1. 连接介绍,说明论述文章的意义
The essay has addressed the problem/ highlight the importance of…
This study provided new insights about the issue of...
This study adds to the current understanding of…
2. 概括几个论点,重新整理逻辑。回答问题 so what
简单说明局限性和提出未来研究的方向。需要注意的是结尾和开头的区别。开头就像一个蓝图(ideal plan),应该逻辑缜密,条理清晰;结尾的结论,应该将我们的分析,实验和研究(actual work)切入到这个蓝图内。一个结论它很可能不够完美,也不够全面,然而说明自己的局限性,也是批判性思维的表现。
Further research needs to consider the issue..
The reliability of the study is limited due to the methodological flaws including..
Another important aspect that is not addressed in the current study is…
After all,以教授5分钟评5000字的速度,能看到我们正确理解核心概念,写作调理清晰,各部分面面俱到,就已很不容易了。
A Dream's Worth, Lesson on Psychology of DreamsA picture is worth a thousand words. You've heard it so many times that it sounds trite. But a picture really IS worth a thousand words. And if a dream is a very special kind of picture, how much is IT worth? Maybe more? What about very simple pictures and very simple dreams? No doubt they're worth a little bit less than complex, elaborate ones. Or are they? In my psychotherapy course one day, I presented my undergraduate students with these questions. "Here's a very simple dream from a psychotherapy client I worked with years ago. I won't tell you anything about the client. I'll just tell you his dream, and then lets see what we can discover about him by exploring it...... Here's the dream:" "I was wearing a white shirt and a purple tie." The students just stare at me, expecting more to come. "No," I explain, "that's it. That's the dream. Now let's start to explore it." I then lead them through a group process of free associating to the dream (much like I describe on the Working and Playing with Dreams Page). "Just let your imagination go. Take every element of the dream and just let your mind wander on it. Whatever comes to mind. Don't censor anything, that's important. There is no right or wrong. It can be a fun, playful exercise - although the results sometimes may be serious and powerful. Freud thought that free association bypasses the defenses of rational, logical thinking and unlocks deeper links within the unconscious. It opens one up to fantasy, symbolism, and emotion - the very place from which dreams spring." Here is a list of some of the associations the students come up with. For the purpose of this article I've organized them somewhat, whereas during the actual exercise the ideas surface in a much more freewheeling stream of consciousness: PURPLE .... royalty, bruises, choking, holding one's breath, grief, a combination of blue and pink, goes well with black, The Color of Purple TIE .... formal attire, going to work, phallic symbol, tied up, being tied to something, chokes the neck, confining PURPLE TIE .... unconventional, stands out, rebellious, showing off WHITE .... clean, pure, unstained, "good," light SHIRT .... the top part, covered up, tucked in, stuffed shirt, where are the pants? WHITE SHIRT.... conventional, boring, going to work, going to church, corporate America WHITE SHIRT AND PURPLE TIE.... unusual combination, contradictory combination, very unconventional, tie really stands out DEPLETION?.... there's nobody else in the dream, it's so static, there's nothing happening, where are the feelings? After we finish this free associating, I then describe the client to the class. At the time Dan had the dream, he was 23 years old. I would describe him as a quiet, held-back person who was very confined (the tie) in how he talked, behaved, and felt towards others. Put bluntly, people found him rather boring to be with (white shirt). His emotional and interpersonal life were choked (the tie). He had almost no friends and felt little connection to his family (the tie again). Other than going to his tedious job (white shirt) as a low level technician for a computer company, essentially nothing was happening in his static, uneventful life (depletion). Dan was also very limited in understanding anything but the most surface, top-level (shirt) characteristics of his personality. Although outwardly conventional in how he dressed and acted at his job (white shirt), secretly he felt rebellious against authority (purple tie on white shirt) and generally superior (purple) to most people. He liked to think of himself as a political activist who firmly believed in the rights of abused (purple) people and felt more tied to them than anyone else. Comparing outside to inside, he was a bit of a contradiction (white shirt on purple tie). But none of these issues is what consciously drove him to therapy. What he most desperately needed to discuss and resolve was the fact that he was homosexual (purple tie). Yet he didn't know whether he wanted to come out of the closet or not (the tie). Part of him wanted to let everyone know, to even show off and parade the fact that he was gay (purple tie on white shirt), to escape the feeling that his identity was being restrained and choked (more tie). His rebellious, unconventional side liked that idea. He sometimes did indeed bravely experiment with revealing his gay identity by wearing a purple triangle, which to him symbolized being homosexual (a combination of pink and blue). But another side of him (purple tie versus white shirt) was afraid to come out. He sometimes felt dirty, tainted, sick, for being gay. That part of him wanted to be somehow cleansed and redeemed (white shirt). Part of the problem was that sex in general was a very unpleasant issue for him. When he was young he had had surgery on his genitals. He still felt insecure and "bruised" (purple) down there. He was so conflicted about sex that I sometimes wondered if he had been sexually abused as a child (purple tie?, suffocating tie?). A dream, even a simple one, is worth at least a thousand words. Freud thought that there was no limit to how much you could analyze a dream. You can always go further and further into the symbols, the links of associations, the memories that generate a dream. At some deep unconscious level, any dream fans out into the infinite horizon of emotion and thought that constitute the individual psyche... that even transcends the individual psyche and constitutes us all. 920字左右,觉得不够你还可以再在开头或者结尾加一小段。本片小论文短小精悍,包括了理论与案例分析。觉得还能用的话希望能尽快加分:)
1、选题根据专业与拟定方向选题,搭建清晰的写作框架。2、文献学习学术文献的检索与阅读方法,筛选出有效文献并根据文献的使用途径进行整理、分类。3、提案根据已有的思路和框架理清 Proposal 的写作方法,明确研究方法、4、会议Proposal 提交后,分析导师的 Feedback ,明确后续研究指明方向。5、写作学习写作方法,重点 Introduction 和 Literature review 的写作要领和注意事项。6、建模解析数据分析中所使用公式、模型、及数据的获取方式,学习Methodology 的写作方法7、写作检查前四部分的论文内容, Discussion , Conclusions 及 Abstracts 的写作方法。8、检查进行第一次全面检查,重点检查全文的内容、语法和词汇,改善并校对论文的提交格式检查。
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