有一句话我没翻译,不太知道怎么翻译才好。。。很久没写英文,所以翻译应该不完美,但大概是这样子的。 High School Physics is one of the basic courses taught in ordinary high schools, physics and science courses being compulsory for nine years according to law, so as to improve students' scientific skills. Following the new education reform, people's views have changed, and now people esteem quality education more than exam-based education. Within the current framework of reducing students' workload and nurturing their interest for studies, the teaching method which consists in giving problems to students so as to improve their skills and knowledge faces a dilemma. If problems are numerous and difficult, then it increases students' workload, which is unwanted ; but if problems are reduced and made easier, then the resolution aiming at contending the current exam-based selection system and improving students' skills thanks to education reform may not be efficiently applied. The problems-teaching method used nowadays leads teachers to merely pay attention to the number of exercises given, thus neglecting the quality and efficiency of this exercises, which is why we are now stucked in a logic of “doing exercises just to do exercises”. The main point about the solving-problems-teaching-method is the type of exercises and the skills used to solve the problem. Usually the teacher tells the students how to solve the problem, and then give them a similar problem they will have to solve using the same method, thus helping the students remembering the method. So that they do not even mention why students have to use this way to solve the problem, nor do they mention the physic theory behind, thus neglecting 素质教育注重过程和情感态度价值观的培养。多少数量、多大难度的习题才能够达到我们理想的“恰到好处”?How to teach efficiently with exercises according to the new education reform then becomes the unsolved problem we have to for the functions of exercises, they allow students to review repeatedly, enrich their knowledge, improve their skills, dote them with new knowledge, test their study efficiency, expand their knowledge ; four main methods are used in that purpose, which are explaining and solving a problem example, doing exercises in class, making experiments and learning through practice. Whether it be during the teaching or learning process, problems may help understanding deeply further physics concepts and laws, and improve students' analysing and solving skills. Solving physics problems are a major way for students to apply theory to to the promotion of this education reform, junior high school physics and other subjects such as scientific techniques, social development, practical information, chemistry or biology are treated more closely, and the reform improved the innovation skills and thinking skills of students too. Education reform points out that, in order to improve junior high school scientific teaching quality, change is the key, especially changes concerning pedagogy and learning methods. The present study will proceed as follow : analyzing teaching methods and exercise types used in junior high school following the education reform ; exploring an efficient model of high school physics teaching, by taking into account the characteristics of scientific subjects such as physics, pedagogic and psychological rules or pedagogic : Junior High Physics, exercise teaching method, new curriculum, solving problems skills