《小妇人》用两句英语概括带翻译简介《Little Women》is epitomized with two English words with translation brief introduction《Little Women》is summarized/generalized with two English words with translation brief introduction
Alcott prefaces Little Women with an excerpt from John Bunyan’s seventeenth-century work The Pilgrim’s Progress, an allegorical novel about leading a Christian life. Alcott’s story begins with the four March girls—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—sitting in their living room, lamenting their poverty. The girls decide that they will each buy themselves a present in order to brighten their Christmas. Soon, however, they change their minds and decide that instead of buying presents for themselves, they will buy presents for their mother, Marmee. Marmee comes home with a letter from Mr. March, the girls’ father, who is serving as a Union chaplain in the Civil War. The letter inspires the girls to bear their burdens more cheerfully and not to complain about their Christmas morning, the girls wake up to find books, probably copies of The Pilgrim’s Progress, under their pillows. Later that day, Marmee encourages them to give away their breakfast to a poor family, the Hummels. Their elderly neighbor, Mr. Laurence, whom the girls have never met, rewards their charitable activities by sending over a feast. Soon, Meg and Jo are invited to attend a New Year’s Party at the home of Meg’s wealthy friend, Sally Gardiner. At the party, Jo retreats to an alcove, and there meets Laurie, the boy who lives with Mr. Laurence. While dancing, Meg sprains her ankle. Laurie escorts the sisters home. The Marches regret having to return to their daily routine after the holiday visits Laurie when he is sick, and meets his grandfather, Mr. Laurence. She inadvertently insults a painting of Mr. Laurence in front of the man himself. Luckily, Laurie’s grandfather admires Jo’s spunk, and they become friends. Soon, Mr. Laurence meets all the sisters, and Beth becomes his special favorite. Mr. Laurence gives her his deceased granddaughter’s girls have various adventures. Amy is caught trading limes at school, and the teacher hits her as punishment. As a result, Mrs. March withdraws her daughter from school. Jo refuses to let Amy go with her to the theater. In retaliation, Amy burns Jo’s manuscript, and Jo, in her anger, nearly lets Amy drown while ice-s-kating. Pretty Meg attends her friend Annie Moffat’s party and, after allowing the other girls to dress her up in high style, learns that appearances are not everything. While at the party, she hears that people think she intends to marry Laurie for his year, the Marches form the Pickwick Club, in which they write a family newspaper. In the spring, Jo smuggles Laurie into one of the club meetings, and he becomes a member, presenting his new circle with a postbox. At the beginning of June, the Marches decide to neglect their housework. At the end of a lazy week, Marmee takes a day off too. The girls spoil a dinner, but everyone ends up laughing over it. One day, Laurie has English friends over, and the Marches go on a picnic with them. Later, Jo gets a story published for the first dark day, the family receives a telegram saying that Mr. March is sick in the hospital in Washington, . Marmee goes to tend to him, and Jo sells her hair to help finance the trip. Chaos ensues in Marmee’s wake, for the girls neglect their chores again. Only Beth goes to visit the Hummels, and after one of her visits, she contracts scarlet fever from the Hummel baby. Beth teeters on the brink of death until Marmee returns. Meanwhile, Amy spends time at Aunt March’s house in order to escape the disease. Beth recovers, though not completely, and Mr. Brooke, Laurie’s tutor, falls in love with Meg, much to Jo’s dismay. Mr. Brooke and Meg are engaged by the end of Part One. Three years pass before Part Two begins. Mr. March is home from the war, and Laurie is nearly done with school. Soon, Meg marries and moves into a new home with Mr. Brooke. One day, Amy decides to have a lunch for her art school classmates, but poor weather ruins the festivities. Jo gets a novel published, but she must cut it down in order to please her publishers. Meanwhile, Meg struggles with the duties of keeping house, and she soon gives birth to twins, Demi and Daisy. Amy gets to go to Paris instead of Jo, who counted on the trip, because their Aunt Carroll prefers Amy’s ladylike behavior in a begins to think that Beth loves Laurie. In order to escape Laurie’s affections for her, Jo moves to New York so as to give Beth a chance to win his affections. There Jo meets Professor Bhaer, a poor German language instructor. Professor Bhaer discourages Jo from writing sensationalist stories, and she takes his advice and finds a simpler writing style. When Jo returns home, Laurie proposes to her, but she turns him down. Beth soon and Laurie reunite in France, and they fall in love. They marry and return home. Jo begins to hope that Professor Bhaer will come for her. He does, and they marry a year later. Amy and Laurie have a daughter named Beth, who is sickly. Jo inherits Plumfield, Aunt March’s house, and decides to turn it into a boarding school for boys. The novel ends with the family happily gathered together, each sister thankful for her blessings and for each other.
小妇人中四姐妹的性格分析——从《小妇人》看美国家庭教育对性格的影响 及 解析评论温馨的圣诞烛光 —浅议《小妇人》 在十九世纪上半叶崛起的美国妇女作家中,出现了一位出生于费城的作家,她的名字叫莎.梅.阿尔考特( I,o}rlsr}rnY nLCarr)。她的成名作《小妇人》以年轻读者为对象,成功地塑造了无与伦比的少女乔.马奇的形象,表现了一百多年前美国社会和家庭的文化价值取向以及拓荒精神。阿尔考特也写过其他的作品,但这本书却受到美国及其他国家的青睐,百余年来,仍脍炙人口,历久不衰,并曾被好莱坞搬上银幕,一再放映。《小妇人》出版后,美国文坛也引以为傲,因为他们终于也产生了一部可以和英国女作家奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》媲美的文学杰作。 }}l、妇人》全书20余万字,人物包括一个家庭中父母及四个年幼的女儿,邻人,以及他们交往的几个朋友。故事情节贯穿了两个圣诞节,描述一年中四个待嫁的女儿生活周遭发生的点点滴滴的生活琐事。作者文笔描写细腻,人物对话饶富趣味,语调平淡哀惋。无论从情节、人物,还是字数来说,《小妇人》都是一本“小”书,但却是一部杰作,一部令读者阅后难以忘怀的小说,因为她的叙述中显示了一个伟大的主题。这个主题就是友爱、互助、自强不息以及美国民族早期所具有的拓荒者的精神。 所谓拓荒者的精神(PIONEER SPIRTI'),是美国建国之初,在早期移民中产生的一种生活、生存意识。他们披荆斩棘,力启山林,与各种灾难搏斗,用必胜的意志和信念去面对和建设全新的世界。这种生活意识已成为美国民族社会创业的精神基石,为美国创造了伟大的业绩,同时也成了全人类不断开拓谋求发展的宝贵精神遗产。 拓荒者的精神不仅成为美国社会的普遍意识和精神沉淀,也同时被美国的许多作家作为显形意识而引入文学的主题。从19世纪初叶梅尔维尔的《白鲸记》,梭罗的《湖滨散记》,凯塞的《我的安东妮尔》,以及近代史坦贝克《伊甸园东》等,书中皆隐然地注人了这种意识,或是对这种意识所产生的社会面的各种回应。这些以不同角度写出的作品都成了美国文学的名著。但《小妇人》似乎另具一番柔美的魅力。书中没有一望无际的荒原,没有惊心动魄的起伏情节,但它以生动活泼的笔调,道出四个年幼女儿,在父亲在外作战未归,家庭困苦中一年来的奋斗历程,从细琐的生活中娓娓透出崎岖的生活情景。 它的开场很不凡,四个小女儿在客厅中每人一句的对话中,不仅道出她们的心境,也生动地给家庭状况作了简明的素描。同时,也不知不觉地把读者拉进了这揭开的帷幕,随着她们融人了剧中情景。这几小段文字是: 绍一面躺在地毯上,一面嘴里咕噜着说:“如在圣诞节没有礼物,怎样可算是圣诞节 呢?,, 美克低声叹着气,对着她破旧的衣服感慨地说,“贫穷,是最可怕的了。” 小的爱米带着啼嘘的神情,插进来说:“在世界上有许多女孩子有许多很好的东西。 有许多却什么都没有,这未免太不公平了。” 倍斯从屋角里,显出得意的态度说着:“但是我们无论如何是父母双全,并且还有姊妹 呢!” ……“然而我们现在的父亲呢?并且他不能在最近期内使我们见到他,”绍这样暗然 地说。 这是《小妇人》的“开卷第一回也”。生动的字幕,隐隐地透出本书幕后将来可能发牛的种种。对父亲的思念,家计困难下的烦恼,年长姐姐对情感的困扰·一均在小桥流水式的笔触下一幕幕的展开,直到父亲在第二年的圣诞节回家,全家才结束了这困苦跋涉的一年。 《小妇人》全书充满了大量柏拉图式的对话:母亲对女儿们的开导,姐妹之间的慰诫,邻人朋友之间充满友爱互助的交谈,莫不以挚诚的语气道出,使人读后油然产生亲切的共鸣。小说在对话中包涵着大批启示性的谈话,这在创作上是一个大胆的尝试。低手笔的作家往往会弄巧成拙,沦为教条性的口号或说教,但阿尔考特却处理得极为自然。她之所以把这些大道理不露痕迹地融入日常的对话中而不令人生厌,主要是把握了一个道出“真实”的原则。托尔斯泰曾说:“在人生中也象在艺术中一样,有一件事很必要,那就是道出真实。”阿尔考特便把握住了这一点,她在《小妇人》中以真实的态度,道出了生活中的点点滴滴,用“真诚”说出他们心中的情感和对生活的看法。 ((}!、妇人》所述的虽是儿女身边的琐事,但琐细的情节中常常出现极感人的段落:四个姐妹和妈妈正准备欢度圣诞的早晨,母亲说出附近一个贫苦的女人和一个生了不多时的婴孩躺在那里,她们没有取暖的炉,为了不受寒冷,还有六个没有东西吃的孩子紧紧拥抱着挤在一张床上·。…于是,四个姐妹在母亲的建议下,将她们的早餐送往这个贫苦的家庭,作为圣诞礼物。另外,在全书进行到大半时,家中突然收到父亲在华盛顿身染重病的不幸消息,母亲一时手足无措,热心的邻人慷慨解囊,终于让短缺旅费的母亲启程前往,得以使卧病远方的父亲获得照料和康复,喜爱音乐,梦想有一架钢琴的年幼儿女,在日后获得邻人赠送一座新钢琴时热泪盈眶的喜悦……凡此种种充满了友爱及人情味的文字不胜枚举。 任何国家的文学名著,会很自然地受到其他经典大师们的影响,尤其是自己本国的前辈作家们。《小妇人》自亦不例外。拓荒和发挥爱心的精神,以及对拓荒后美国社会出现的形形色色的困扰现象,在阿尔考特以前的许多作家中,皆以不同形式的笔调显示出。在她之前,也可以说是她前辈中,出现了数位把美国文学推至高峰的大师。这些人是惠特曼、梭罗、梅尔维尔、霍桑等,他们皆以不同的风格,给美国拓荒后的社会,留下诸多感人而不朽的著作。1x19年出生的惠特曼,以天马行空,一泄千里的笔法,写出了代表当时美国东西部开拓精神的《草叶集》;梅尔维尔以光怪陆离的笔法写出刻画美国冒险精神的《白鲸记》;梭罗则对当时美国拓荒者开创的繁荣社会作出反抗性的回应,他以返璞归真的态度一人跑到幽静的华尔腾居住,写出静化心灵的《湖滨散记》。阿尔特或多或少都受到他们的一些影响。而在这些她前辈的名家中,她似乎特别推崇梭罗。梭罗是她父亲的好友,过往颇密,幼年的阿尔考特纯洁的心灵很可能无形中受到他的感染,梭罗对当时美国专重财富的堕落无法忍受的心态,后来在《小妇人》书中淋漓透出。阿尔考特在1865年所出版的第一部小说《抑恋》,有的文学分析家认为是阿尔考特倾心于梭罗而写的。不知终生未嫁的阿尔考特,在她情感的核心处是否与这有关? 如果是从拓荒及友爱这个主题精神来看,阿尔考特的《小妇人》不唯有“承先”的影子,同时也可熊给后来的美国文化产生了“启后”的作用。这个蛛丝马迹的现象可从维娜.凯塞写的《我的安东妮亚》以及在1968年去世的史坦贝克代表作《伊甸园东》中可看到。凯塞女士的《我的安东妮亚》,描绘了美国垦拓时期居民和大自然的斗争以及人和自然的相互接纳。优美的笔调写出田野的风光与靠土地为生的纯朴居民和土地相喜相泣,共同成长的生活画面。史坦贝克的《伊甸园东》,不仅生动地描述了一个移居到西部的家庭史,同时在情节中深刻地表露了人类在共同努力开创美满生活中所应有的忍耐和宽恕。两书皆以不同的角度提升了《小妇人》中拓荒和友爱的主题。我们无法在这些近代名家的文学传记中找到他(她)们相互影响的确证,但我们很容易发现,他(她)们对这类精神皆有极深厚的认同和体悟。 20余万字的《小妇人》中,前后包括了两个圣诞节,一头一尾,前后照应,以圣诞节开始,又以圣诞节结束。美国文学中提到圣诞节的不止这一本,有的是在情节中自然出现,有的是一笔带过。像《小妇人》这种头尾连续出现两次的情况实不多见。前面提到《白鲸记》,故事就是从一个圣诞节开始的,但那与书中发展的情节并无多大的关联,写的是一群具有冒险犯难精神的水手,在圣诞节那天启程开航,走向惊涛骇浪的大海,最后遇到白鲸,全船和白鲸搏斗,人船俱毁,仅有一人生还。作品固然伟大磅礴,但给人一种惊心动魄的悲壮感。不若《小妇人》那样,给人带来的是乐观进取、亲切温和。阿尔考特似乎也隐然强调:人在应该欢乐的时光中经常会有不幸的事情发生,但为迎接另一个美好的时光,必须作出努力和付出牺牲,《小妇人》一家由父亲不在,没有礼物的圣诞节开始,一直到父亲在第二个圣诞节回家团聚的跋涉困苦一年中,对这种精神作了真实写照。 新大陆的发现已有五百年,新大陆的居民也历经了五百个圣诞节。节日的意义并没有改变,但开国两百年的美国却发生了显著的变化。它从18世纪的移居,19世纪的开拓,20世纪的鼎盛,而在本世纪末期高度繁荣发达的背后却呈现了退化和堕落:人与人之间的疏离,享乐主义,经济萧条,失业者剧升,罪犯增加,社会道德沉沦等等相继并起。这也是二百年前美国的一批开国先贤所始料未及的。 解析.评论 是美国女作家路易莎·梅·奥尔科特根据对自己的家庭及成长过程的回忆,是一本小说化的家庭日记,一本道德家世小说。书中描写了一个家庭中四个迥异的女儿的成长历程。她们经历了一连串的生离死别与生活的磨炼,并在母亲的爱心教导下,终于脱去幼稚的外衣,发挥着各自所长走向成熟。马奇家四姐妹对自立的权力的追求以及她们对家庭的忠诚眷顾构成了一对贯穿全书的矛盾,使故事熠熠生辉,情节生动感人。梅格可以如何高贵、虚荣,却仍然属于马奇家的一员?乔的创造力和躁动的感情可以去到什么程度,而不至于扰乱家庭的安宁,贝思可以如何忘我无私,同时又得以生存下去?艾美可以表现得如何优雅、自私,却仍然得到家人的爱?四姐妹明智、自由地选择了自己的生活道路,她们的归宿虽然各不相同,但都是自强自立精神的结果。马奇家四姐妹对自主权力的追求,以及她们对家庭的忠诚眷顾,成为贯穿全书的两条主要线索《小妇人》一书,处处都受美国著名思想家爱默生的影响。爱默生强调人的个性与尊严,但又主张自我约束。而自立自强却是本书人物性格的共同点,梅格为爱而甘于贫困,乔通过自己的艰苦奋斗而最后成为作家,贝思坦然面对死亡以及以扶弱济困为已任的艾米,她们都具有这样的精神实质。
\"Little women\" by American author Louisa may Alcott, a civil war in the United States as the background,
in the 19th century the United States in New England an average family of four sisters,
is based on the life trivia between family ethics with autobiography color fiction.
Novels by at that time, the influence of the great thinkers of Emerson,
highlights the concept of personal dignity and independence of self-discipline;
Content plane but delicate, simple structure and fable, rich strong appeal.
《小妇人》出版后成为公认的美国名著,100多年以来,一直受到热烈的欢迎。我为大家带来几篇《小妇人》读后感供大家阅读。下面是我为你们整理的内容,希望你们喜欢。 小妇人读后感英文版篇1
Under the formidable war background, concerns national and collective destiny and the honor time, individual all are such not worthy of mentioning. Perhaps gradually will retreat its trace to a national war along with the years, but to an ordinary ordinary person, a bullet sufficiently will change his only life.
I think perhaps the man most sorrowful is inside this actor's final feeling, originally is most own two people simultaneously leaves himself.
" A FAREWELL TO ARMS " this novel quite successful, makes one feel clear credible, this is and the author has attended the First World War personally, and has been seriously injured, has stayed in the hospital, has the personal life to experience and directly felts the experience not to be able to separate. In performance method, what the author uses is the Chinese reader very familiar novel skill, namely lets character own words and deeds move the reader, but does not make any discussion, he is also good at causing the scenery and the plot, the character organically fuses in together, achieves serves the plot, character's positive effect. The novel is popular in the language aspect writing, uses some basic vocabularies, the sentence type to be simple mostly, mostly uses Jian Danju. Anglicizing, is very good, therefore is good for both young and old, appeals to both cultured and popular tastes, this is the artistic achievement which this novel obtains.
" A FAREWELL TO ARMS "opposed that war’s distinct subject and the mature artistic skill have had the emormous influence,the greatest degree had reflected after First World War,a youth generation the mood which visits the fear and is at a loss,is all the rage the world very quickly.
Today, i have read the book "Little Women" .The deepest feeling is it is simple to be happy! Happiness is kinship, friendship, health, labor and peace of mind. Having it, people just feel no
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