性 别: 男职 称: 教授职 务: 金融信息化系主任学 历: 博士出生年月: 1977年9月 群智能;进化计算;计算智能;web数据挖掘讲授课程数据库系统 [1] Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, Zhewen Shi, Jiang Lu. Center Particle Swarm Optimization. Neurocomputing, 2007,70(4-6),672-679. [2] Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, Zhewen Shi, Junying Chen. Training Radial Basis Function Networks with Particle Swarms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 3173, 317-322. [3] Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, Zenglin Xu, Xingshi He. Feature Selection with Particle Swarms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 3314, 425-430. [4] Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, Zhewen Shi, Junying Chen. Rule Discovery with Particle Swarm Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 3309, 291-296. [5] 刘宇, 覃征, 史哲文, 卢江. 多模态粒子群集成神经网络. 计算机研究与发展. 2005, 42(9):1519-1526. [6] 刘宇,覃征,等.简约粒子群优化算法.西安交通大学学报. 2006, 40(8).. [7] Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, Xianghua Wang, et al. Momentum Particle Swarm Optimization. Journal of System Engineering and Electronics. 2005,16(4),941-946. [8] Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, et al. Supervisor-Student Model in Particle Swarm Optimization. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Portland, USA: IEEE Press, 2004, 542-547. [9]Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, et al. Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimizer with Line Search. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Hague, Netherlands: IEEE Press, 2004, 3751-3755. [10]Yu Liu(刘宇), Zheng Qin, et al. Using Relaxation Velocity Update Strategy to Improve Particle Swarm Optimization. Proceeding of the Third IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Shanghai, China: IEEE Press, 2004, 2469-2472. [11] Yu Liu (刘宇), Zheng Qin, Xianghua Wang, Adaptive multi-granularity partition to divide and conquer paradigm in grid environment by cloning mobile agent, International conference on parallel algorithms and computing environment (ICPACE2003), HongKong, .