中学生社团活动之我见(中文)在当今社会,社团已经成为同学们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。社团活动可以带给我们许许多多生活的经验锻炼和培养我们的能力与意志力,为日后我们走向社会奠定基础。社团活动在中学生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,上帝并没有给人类创造“完美”的能力,任何人为的事物总是会有不同的两面。中学社团活动是一个让学生展示自我,释放自我的平台,也是具有共同爱好者聚集的天空。论其利弊,就如硬币的两面,要辩证的看待。只要进行适当的调整,参加社团活动就会是值得欣喜的事。相信它会为更多中学生带来更宽广的空间,相信会有更多人从社团活动中找到乐趣。Middle school students association activities I see ( English)In today's society, community has become the students are an indispensable part of daily life. Social activities can bring us many experiences in life exercise and cultivate our ability and willpower, as we move toward the society lays a foundation. Community activities in middle school life plays a more and more important role, God did not give the mankind to create the "perfect" ability, any man-made things always have two different community activities is a let students to show themselves, release the self platform, but also has the common lovers sky. On its advantages and disadvantages, just as a coin has two sides, to dialectical view. As long as the appropriate adjustment, participate in community activities will be pleased. I believe it will provide more students bring a broad space, I believe there will be more people from the community to find fun.