The main research object is the master operator of the Legal Terms. Format terms of the contract is a prerequisite for King, so this paper has done a form contract for the brief. Since the format of the terms of the transaction in the play to improve the efficiency of the maintenance of fair and secure trading values, but also there are still shortcomings and deficiencies, format providers often contract to use its dominant position, in the format included in the contract terms of a number of inequality, according to evade a legal obligation to reduce its responsibilities. With the use of the format of its own advantages in terms of erosion of the rights and interests of consumers. The negative impact of these defects can not, and these defects is the existence of legal provisions to form the basis for regulation. Thus, the second part of this paper, the terms of the King of destructive analysis, and detailed analysis of its causes and adverse effects: the right medicine in the third part, from the legislative level and judicial level to prevent and regulations. The full text of the legal theory, the availability of informative materials on the basis of a theoretical analysis And Empirical Analysis, General Analysis and Case Study of a combination of methods, how the regulatory system in China King to start in-depth and detailed terms of research, from the legal system in order to achieve the eradication of the terms of Overlord.