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医学人文英语教程答案Unit 1. History of medicineKeysText ALanguage FocusFill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary, and payattention to the tense, voice and collocations of the . is credited with;2. are sometimes referred to as;3. was supposed to;4. were espoused by;5. in addition to;6. was attributed to;7. categorize;8. is given credit for;9. Simulation(略)Translate the following sentences into proposed the humoral theory that the body of man has four distinct bodily fluidsin itself: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, different mixture of which leads todifferent ancient Greece, career as a doctor was passed on from father to son, so Hippocrates studiedmedicine under his father from his early Greek medicine was a field restricted by religious superstition where wizards cureddiseases by means of prayer, magic or ritual recitation of now appears that Hippocrates was incorrect in his explanation of the causes of humantemperament, but his temperament categories and names have been in use ever Western doctors about to enter medical practice were required to take an oath onmedical ethics, which was derived from the oath of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physicianrevered as "father of medicine” in the the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates is the first to formulate the code of ethics thatdoctors are required to comply with. Furthermore, his medical opinions and medical practicehave exerted a huge influence on the development of Western medicine for BAnswer the following questions according to text B you have . Four traditional examination methods: looking, listening and smelling, asking, and .①TCMcanmakediagnosesandtreatpatientswithoutneedingascientificunderstandingofcauseandpathogenesis.②thefundamentalsofTCMremainlargelyunchangedanditstheoriesinexplicable to .①the methodological quality of trials is low.②Most of these trials are published in Chinese,inaccessible to western doctors, and not included in systematic reviews.③Selective publicationof positive trials is another . All natural phenomena could be categorised into Yin and Yang (two opposite, complementary,interdependent, and exchangeable aspects of nature), everything in the universe consisted of fivebasicelements(wood,fire,earth,metal,andwater),andtheuniversewasconstantlychangingtowards dynamic balance or harmony. Yin refers largely to the material aspects of the organismand Yang to functions. There is a circulation of Qi (energy) and blood. The organs work togetherby regulating and preserving Qi and blood through the so-called channels and collaterals. Diseaseoccurs after a disturbance in Yin-Yang or flow of Qi or blood, or disharmony in the organs causedby pathogenic (eg, sadness, joy, lifestyle) and climatic factors (dampness, heat, cold). Treatmentaims to expel or suppress the cause and restore 2Health professionals for a new centuryText ALanguage FocusFill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where pace view the following sentences into science is no longer simply biomedicine, but a comprehensive discipline ofhumanities, social sciences and and technology development, along with social progress, has put forward higherdemands and greater challenges on higher medical education is characterized by a high degree of specialization and practicality, as wellas a comparatively high cost and a long training is the main task of medical schools to train good doctors needed by the objective of clinical medical education is to train capable and well qualified academicdoctors with a solid professional foundation and a broad spectrum of innovation of teaching methods has not only improved the students' initiative andenthusiasm to learn, but also enhanced the quality of clinical teaching and spite of its great progress, our country’s medical education still fails to keep pace withsocial progress, development of science and technology, and needs for medical and the following passage/sentence into .过去一个世纪教育的进步在于三个时代的教育改革。第一个时代始于20世纪初,注重教授科学课程。大约于20世纪中期,第二个时代的改革开启了问题导向式的教学革新。现在,我们需要进行体系导向式的第三个时代的教育改革,通过调整核心专业技能使其适应特定环境,同时借鉴国际化知识,从而提升医疗体系的性能。2.迁移学习是一种重要成果,其包含了三个基本的转变:从对事实的记忆转变为对信息的搜索、分析和综合从而作出决策;从追求专业文凭转变为实现核心竞争力从而达到医疗体系里有效的团队协作;还有,从对教育模式不带批判的照搬应用转变为对整体资源的创造性改造以应对局部的重点问题。3.医护人员在过去一个世纪以来对人类健康和发展做出了巨大贡献,然而,自满只会让人们继续徒劳地采用20世纪的教育策略,而无法应对21世纪的挑战。Text BAnswer the following questions according to text B you have it is crucial to tackle the obstacles of the 21st outcome-based core curriculum has served as a framework in many countries, and can beadjusted for specific local needs as postulated by the (namely,theWorldHealthcareStudentsSymposium). The benefits of the annual World Healthcare Students Symposia are for studentstolearntounderstandthedifferentprofessionsanddiscussthebestwaysofeffectiveandfruitful countries with a lack of resources can especially benefit from such initiatives asthe website Health Sciences Online, although such free initiatives should not counteract theproposal to focus development assistance more strongly on health professionals’ and national of the Global Commission mainly by developing their own outcome-basedcorecurriculaandlaunchinganinternationalforumwhichbringstogetherstudentsofmedicine, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions, among other initiatives.


智慧树知到《英语学术论文写作》见面课答案 1、Suppose you have met some translation errors in the English version of public signs in tourist attractions in Xi’an, you want to carry out a thorough research on it so as to reveal the current status, analyze the causes of the existing problems in translation and provide possible solutions to improve the situation. You plan to visit more tourist attractions to collect sources for your analysis and discussion. The sources you will collect in the tourist attractions are: sources. sources. sources. 正确答案:Primary sources. 2、In an American literature class, the students are assigned the task of carrying out a research to find out the current studies on William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, and writing a literature review on it. So what kind of research will it be? A. Primary research. research. 正确答案: Primary research. 3、Yuan Longping is known as China’s “father of hybrid rice”. His research for hybrid rice is __. research B. non-experimental research 正确答案:experimental research 4、There is a published paper, titled “Metafictional Strategies in Muriel Sparks’ Novels.” (斯帕克元小说叙事解读)From the title, we may see that the research should be a _. A. quantitative research research 正确答案:qualitative research 5、 Professor Zhang Zhongzai once wrote a paper, titled “Misinterpretation of Tess in Tess of the D‘Urbervilles” (对苔丝的误读). From the title, we can see it is ____. analytical research paper B. an argumentative research paper 正确答案: an argumentative research paper 1、Research Process & Close Reading研究课程及文本细读ExercisesInstructions:Decide whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, write T for TRUE, and F for FALSE in the parenthesis provided after each . We can use concept mapping to define our research subject. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 2、Research Process & Close Reading研究课程及文本细读ExercisesInstructions:Decide whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, write T for TRUE, and F for FALSE in the parenthesis provided after each . We can break a research project into different major steps and minor steps. ( ) A.正确 B.错误





s why more and more people are being active in various kinds of sports and exercises.

If people follow these three ways of keeping fit. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise.

First, block the flow of blood, and therefore should be given up, walk or dance to music. This strengthens the heart. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.

Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health, it is essential to do the following. Some play basketball or volleyball or table tennis? Different people may give different answers to this question. Unfortunately few people follow this advice. Through sports and exercise, people bee healthier and stronger;s health a great deal. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure one'. Fat can build up in the arteries. That'.

Getting rid of bad habits like *** oking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy, reduces the chance of heart attack. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. In my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day, and cause a heart attack or stroke. In the afternoon, others go in for gymnastics or track events,there are also many people keen on sports, and helps lower blood pressureHow to Keep Healthy

Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy, they greatly improve their health, jog

All people in urban and rural areas will enjoy basic medical care and health services by increasing government responsibility and spending, we will also encourage greater participation of private capital from both home and abroad in the reform covers a wide range of subjects including insurance, drug manufacturing, distribution and supervision, and legislation of medical put into place basic medical and health care systems covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure that every resident has access to safe。

The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits. 令人不安的现象引起了广泛的社会关注。



In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price. 在我看来,现在应该采取紧急措施来改善目前的形势了。首先,医生应该对病人的期望值,并把人的生命放在其他任何东西上面。


The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits.


In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price.


Campus Life 有关校园生活的英语作文

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has e true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me pany, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Inter.


My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is o characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high school's intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is plex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system'e69da5e6ba903233363533362s requirement *** ysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS sofare is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, o needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a pletely aiding decision system are required.。





正确答案:A 3、Research Process & Close Reading研究课程及文本细读ExercisesInstructions:Decide whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, write T for TRUE, and F for FALSE in the parenthesis provided after each . A solid research draw evidences from print sources and empirical sources. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 4、Research Process & Close Reading研究课程及文本细读ExercisesInstructions:Decide whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, write T for TRUE, and F for FALSE in the parenthesis provided after each . We need to stick to our hypothesis in research even if it differs from what the evidences suggest. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 5、Research Process & Close Reading研究课程及文本细读ExercisesInstructions:Decide whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, write T for TRUE, and F for FALSE in the parenthesis provided after each . Close reading of a text can help us readers dig out the complex ideas hidden between lines in the text. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 1、An old topic may become researchable if we can find a new perspective. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 2、 Good research questions can help us get focused in research and writing. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 3、The structure of a research paper remains the same in different disciplines. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 4、The analysis section of a research paper is actually a pile of sources. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 5、The more quotes there are in the paper, the more convincing the paper will be.() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 6、Language errors in a research paper may damage its quality severely. ( ) A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 1、本科论文选题应该考虑的因素包括:() A.个人兴趣 B.学术价值 C.驾驭能力 D.资料情况 E.专业相关性 正确答案:个人兴趣#学术价值#驾驭能力#资料情况 #专业相关性 2、选题首先要考虑你是否对话题感兴趣。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 3、选题越新越好。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 4、与选题相关的资料越多,选题就越好。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 5、英语专业本科生的选题来源包括:() A.专业书籍和期刊论文阅读 B.自身英语学习经历 C.英语文学阅读 D.生活中的语言现象 正确答案:专业书籍和期刊论文阅读 #自身英语学习经历#英语文学阅读#生活中的语言现象 6、一个好的题目在表述中应该包括以下哪三个部分:() A.研究问题 B.研究对象 C.研究视角 D.研究方法 正确答案:研究问题#研究对象#研究视角


医学英语论文的基本格式内容:Title-论文题目Author(s)-作者姓名Affiliation(s)and address(es)-联系方式Abstract-摘要Keywords-关键词Body-正文Acknowledgement-致谢References-参考文献Appendix-附录,可空缺Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定Covering letter投稿信其中正文为论文的主体部分,包括以下五部分:Introduction-引言/概述Materials and Methods-材料和方法Results-结果Discussion-讨论Conclusion-结论/总结2



s why more and more people are being active in various kinds of sports and exercises.

If people follow these three ways of keeping fit. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise.

First, block the flow of blood, and therefore should be given up, walk or dance to music. This strengthens the heart. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.

Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health, it is essential to do the following. Some play basketball or volleyball or table tennis? Different people may give different answers to this question. Unfortunately few people follow this advice. Through sports and exercise, people bee healthier and stronger;s health a great deal. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure one'. Fat can build up in the arteries. That'.

Getting rid of bad habits like *** oking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy, reduces the chance of heart attack. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. In my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day, and cause a heart attack or stroke. In the afternoon, others go in for gymnastics or track events,there are also many people keen on sports, and helps lower blood pressureHow to Keep Healthy

Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy, they greatly improve their health, jog

All people in urban and rural areas will enjoy basic medical care and health services by increasing government responsibility and spending, we will also encourage greater participation of private capital from both home and abroad in the reform covers a wide range of subjects including insurance, drug manufacturing, distribution and supervision, and legislation of medical put into place basic medical and health care systems covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure that every resident has access to safe。

The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits. 令人不安的现象引起了广泛的社会关注。



In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price. 在我看来,现在应该采取紧急措施来改善目前的形势了。首先,医生应该对病人的期望值,并把人的生命放在其他任何东西上面。


The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits.


In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price.


Campus Life 有关校园生活的英语作文

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has e true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me pany, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Inter.


My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is o characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high school's intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is plex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system'e69da5e6ba903233363533362s requirement *** ysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS sofare is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, o needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a pletely aiding decision system are required.。



































智慧树知到《英语学术论文写作(西安外国语大学)》章节测试答案 第一章测试 1、People do research in order to have a better understanding of our world. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 2、We don’t need to be creative in research as any research is based on evidences. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 3、Good research questions are important in research. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 4、Literature review is needed in some research papers. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 5、A good research paper needs careful revising and proofreading. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 6、Unintentional plagiarism can be excused as it is not committed deliberately. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B 7、Academic falsification is one common type of academic dishonesty. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 8、What role does a literature review play in a research paper? A、It synthesizes the existing studies in your area. B、It proves the existence of a research gap. C、It provides evidences for your argument. D、It enhances the credibility of your paper. 正确答案:BD 9、Which of the following is NOT an essential step in a research paper writing? A、Choosing a topic B、Locating sources C、Outlining the Paper D、Consulting instructors 正确答案:D 10、Which of the following may lead to academic dishonesty? A、Academic interest B、Academic plagiarism C、Academic promotion D、Academic fabrication 正确答案:D 第二章测试 1、In choosing a research topic, which of the following do we need to consider? A、Our manageability B、Our research interest C、Academic importance D、Publication possibilities 正确答案:ABC 2、To check the validity of a research topic, we need to be critical enough. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 3、It is an act of plagiarism if one simply paraphrases a book for a research paper. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 4、Students should be brave enough to try challenging issues for their BA theses. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B


