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基本戚风蛋糕 材料 材料:8寸模1个A.蛋清4个,塔塔粉1/4匙,细砂糖70克;B. 蛋黄4个,细砂糖20克C. 色拉油3大匙,牛奶3大匙;D.低筋粉100克,吉士粉1大匙,盐1/8匙,泡打粉1/4匙,椰子香粉1/4匙(或香草香粉1/8匙), 制作方法 步骤:1. 将B材料混合搅拌至淡黄色(液体变浓),分次加入油和牛奶;2. 将过筛后的D材料放入1中,静置备用;3. 将A材料中的蛋白与塔塔粉搅拌到松发,分三次加入细纱糖;打发至硬性发泡状态;4. 将打发的蛋白分三次加入到2中的面糊中;5. 注模后,用力摔几下,让气泡放出,入炉烤;6. 190度烤40分钟。 Production elements: (1) eggs to be careful, Wu Shi-Zhandao slightest oil, water or egg yolk. (2) Sugar takes two minutes, add the egg yolks, an increase in protein. (3) refueling and milk, it is necessary to join the拌匀a spoonful of the key with another, not all at one go into. (4) after lightly flour sieve into拌匀can, do not force mixing or stirring too long. (5) protein must reach the hard foam, that is, its sharp front ptosis才行be erected not otherwise Kaohao-cake after the collapse. (6) of the bubble and the yolk batter拌匀, to be light and fast action, if the mix for too long or too forced, thin batter volatile. Baked into the furnace, the more dense batter, the cake bulk Kaohao more difficult after the collapse, if the batter was thin soft state is likely to fail. (7) cake model of an Oiler, as chiffon cake batter must build on the strength of adhesion model wall swelling up, the oil will lose its adhesion, so only at the bottom of the model to put to paper at the end. Specifically, as follows: 1. Material: 3 eggs, sugar 7 spoons, butter (salad oil) 3 keys, 5 spoons of milk, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, Fafen a spoon (or use their own instead of 100 grams of powder), salt 1 / 4 spoon, tartar 1 / 4 spoon (no drops of lemon juice or vinegar can be used instead), the electric Mixer, of the key. Second, add egg yolks 4 spoons of sugar, with straight Mixer hit so far was milky white. Third, a spoonful of salad oil a spoonful of accession, together with another force拌匀keys, and then adding milk, the same reason. 4, flour, salt and sieve into the Fafen, lightly拌匀, not to over-mixing, put aside. 5, a protein with Mixer and tartar, to a crude protein bubbles, by adding three spoons of sugar to continue to fight hard foam. 6, from 1 / 3 of the bubble拌匀paste with egg yolk, then the whole set of bubble into the egg yolk paste in拌匀, action should be light and fast 7, will be blowing into the cake batter has a pad of paper model, Ma Ping surface, the table to throw the earthquake within the larger bubbles, into the oven down layer, and bake 180 degrees about 15 minutes and then lowered to 160 Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. 8, after the release of Gekai model with a knife edge, Flip out Chenre removed at the end of paper, on the cooler shelf cooling.

制作要点:(1) 分蛋要小心,勿使蛋白沾到一丝油、水或蛋黄。(2) 糖需分两份,加在蛋黄中,一份加在蛋白中。(3) 加油和牛奶时,要一匙加入拌匀再加另一匙,不要一口气全倒入。(4) 面粉筛入后轻轻拌匀即可,不要用力搅拌或搅拌过久。(5) 蛋白一定要打到硬性发泡,即其尖锋能竖立不下垂才行,否则烤好后蛋糕易塌陷。(6) 将蛋白泡沫与蛋黄面糊拌匀时,动作要轻且快,如果拌得太久或太用力,面糊易变稀。入炉烘烤时,面糊越浓,蛋糕烤好后就越膨松不易塌陷,如果面糊呈稀软状态则可能失败。 (7) 蛋糕模型不可涂油,因为戚风蛋糕面糊必须借助黏附模型壁的力量往上膨胀,有油就失去黏附力了,所以只需在模型底部垫上底纸即可。 具体做法如下: 一、 材料:蛋3个、糖7匙、牛油(色拉油)3匙、牛奶5匙、低筋面粉100克、发粉1小匙(或用自发粉100克代替)、盐1/4小匙、塔塔粉1/4小匙(无可用几滴柠檬汁或白醋代替)、电动打蛋器、量匙。二、蛋黄中加入4匙糖,用直型打蛋器打到呈乳白色为止。三、色拉油一匙一匙加入,用力拌匀再加另一匙,然后加入牛奶,道理一样。四、面粉、发粉及盐筛入,轻轻拌匀,不要过度搅拌,放在一旁。五、用打蛋器打蛋白及塔塔粉,至蛋白呈粗泡沫,加入3匙糖继续打至硬性发泡。六、取1/3蛋白泡沫与蛋黄糊拌匀,再把整盘蛋黄糊倒入蛋白泡沫中拌匀,动作要轻且快七、将蛋糕面糊刮入已垫纸的模型中,抹平表面,在桌上摔一下震出内部较大的气泡,入烤箱放下层,用180度烤约15分钟,再调低至160度烤10~15分钟。八、出炉后用小刀割开模型边缘,倒扣出来,趁热撕去底纸,放在凉架上散热。Production elements: (1) eggs to be careful, Wu Shi-Zhandao slightest oil, water or egg yolk. (2) Sugar takes two minutes, add the egg yolks, an increase in protein. (3) refueling and milk, it is necessary to join the拌匀a spoonful of the key with another, not all at one go into. (4) after lightly flour sieve into拌匀can, do not force mixing or stirring too long. (5) protein must reach the hard foam, that is, its sharp front ptosis才行be erected not otherwise Kaohao-cake after the collapse. (6) of the bubble and the yolk batter拌匀, to be light and fast action, if the mix for too long or too forced, thin batter volatile. Baked into the furnace, the more dense batter, the cake bulk Kaohao more difficult after the collapse, if the batter was thin soft state is likely to fail. (7) cake model of an Oiler, as chiffon cake batter must build on the strength of adhesion model wall swelling up, the oil will lose its adhesion, so only at the bottom of the model to put to paper at the end. Specifically, as follows: 1. Material: 3 eggs, sugar 7 spoons, butter (salad oil) 3 keys, 5 spoons of milk, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, Fafen a spoon (or use their own instead of 100 grams of powder), salt 1 / 4 spoon, tartar 1 / 4 spoon (no drops of lemon juice or vinegar can be used instead), the electric Mixer, of the key. Second, add egg yolks 4 spoons of sugar, with straight Mixer hit so far was milky white. Third, a spoonful of salad oil a spoonful of accession, together with another force拌匀keys, and then adding milk, the same reason. 4, flour, salt and sieve into the Fafen, lightly拌匀, not to over-mixing, put aside. 5, a protein with Mixer and tartar, to a crude protein bubbles, by adding three spoons of sugar to continue to fight hard foam. 6, from 1 / 3 of the bubble拌匀paste with egg yolk, then the whole set of bubble into the egg yolk paste in拌匀, action should be light and fast 7, will be blowing into the cake batter has a pad of paper model, Ma Ping surface, the table to throw the earthquake within the larger bubbles, into the oven down layer, and bake 180 degrees about 15 minutes and then lowered to 160 Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. 8, after the release of Gekai model with a knife edge, Flip out Chenre removed at the end of paper, on the cooler shelf cooling.


什么是戚风蛋糕?(英文的哦,我不高兴翻译了,用机器翻就太没诚意了,不过挺简单的,你应该可以的)A chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings. Unlike butter, the traditional fat used in cake making, it is difficult to beat air into oil, so chiffon cakes, like angel cakes and other foam cakes, achieve a fluffy texture by beating egg whites until stiff, and folding them into the cake batter before baking. The high oil and egg content creates a very moist cake, and as oil is liquid even at cooler temperatures, chiffon cakes do not tend to harden or dry out as traditional butter cakes might. This makes them much better-suited than many cakes to filling or frosting with ingredients that need to be refrigerated or frozen, such as pastry cream or ice cream. Chiffon cakes also tend to be lower in saturated fat than butter cakes, making them potentially more healthy than their butter-heavy counterparts. The lack of butter, however, means that chiffon cakes lack much of the rich flavor of butter cakes, and they are hence typically served accompanied with flavorful sauces or other accompaniments, such as chocolate or fruit chiffon cake was invented in 1927 by a California insurance salesman named Harry Baker, who also ran a small, part-time cake catering business. Mr. Baker used his recipe in catering, but did not disclose it to the public until he sold it to Betty Crocker in 1948. Crocker proclaimed the chiffon cake to be the "cake discovery of the century".戚风蛋糕制作配方(recipes)这个是原版翻译了,可以直接用3-4 pcs Egg yolks 115 g Cake flour 3 g Vanilla powder 135 g Sugar 1 tsp Baking powder 50 g Salad oil 85 ml Hot water 5 pcs Egg whites ½ tsp Lemon juice or white vinegar3-4个 蛋黄 115克 低筋粉 3克 香草粉 135克 细砂糖 1小勺 烤粉 50克 色拉油 85毫升 热开水 5个 蛋白 1/2小勺 柠檬汁或是白醋 together the cake flour, baking powder and vanilla powder and set aside. Mix well the 80g sugar with egg yolks. Blend the oil and hot water together and add in the egg mixture.低筋粉,烤粉和香草粉混合过筛备用。80克砂糖加入蛋黄中,用打蛋器轻轻搅打至均匀。热水和沙拉有混合后加入蛋液,混合搅拌均匀后,筛入粉类拌匀。 the mixing bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a wire whip, beat the egg whites at medium speed until frothy and foamy. With the mixer running, gradually add the remaining 50g of sugar, about 1 tablespoon at a time, and beat until very thick and stiff but not quite dry, about 6 minutes if using a stand mixer, or about 10 minutes if using a hand mixer.蛋白加入柠檬汁放到台式搅拌器的盆里,中速打至粗泡,一边搅打,一边加入剩下的50克砂糖。每次约1大汤勺的量。搅打至干性发泡,用台式搅拌器,大约需要6分钟,如果是普通手提的,大约需要10分钟。 about one-third of the egg whites to the cake batter and stir gently to incorporate and lighten the mixture. Add the remaining egg whites and, using a large rubber spatula, gently fold them into the batter just until incorporated. Gently scrape the batter into a 8-inch ungreased bundt cake pan (Angel Food Cake pan preferred) or a 10-inch removable springform (If you want to do this, simply cut out rounds of wax or parchment paper for the pan, then spray them with cooking spray and lay them in the bottom. Do not grease the pan itself.) and smooth the surface with a rubber spatula.取1/3蛋白加入蛋黄面糊中先混合均匀,然后再加入剩下的蛋白拌匀。混合均匀后将其倒入一个8寸的中空烤模(最好是专用天使蛋糕烤模),烤模请勿抹油。或是10寸可脱的活动烤模,可脱烤模的底需要铺上烤纸,但是烤模不能抹油,周圈也不需要围烤纸。 in a preheated 165C/325F oven for about 40-45 minutes until the cake springs back when lightly touched. Cool the cake up-side-down on the neck of a bottle until completely cooled.入预热165C/325F的烤箱中烘焙40-45分钟。烤好后把烤模倒扣在酒瓶上面直到完全凉透。 好累哦 希望能帮助到你呀


写论文可以需要参考资料可以去学校图书馆查询,找相关权威期刊学习,不应该在知道是发问的。所引用的文献要切实可靠并且亲眼所见的,不可是传闻。下面是一些食品行业期刊目录希望对你有帮助。TS2 食品工业 1.食品科学 2.食品与发酵工业 3.食品工业科技 4. 中国油脂5.中国粮油学报6. 食品科技7.食品与生物技术学报8. 中国乳品工业9. 食品工业10. 茶叶科学 11. 食品与机械12.河南工业大学学报.自然科学版 13. 中国调味品14. 粮食与油脂15.粮食与饲料工业 16.中国食品添加剂17.粮油加工与食品机械(改名为:粮油加工)18. 中国食品学报19.中国酿造20. 食品研究与开发


英文是网上找的,中文是自己翻的,比较简单,但意思到了。Chiffon Cake威风蛋糕Frost this chiffon cake with your favorite frosting or dust with powdered sugar and serve with fruit.威风蛋糕可以淋上你喜欢的霜糖或配上水果食用。 * 2 1/4 cups sifted cake flour, sift before measuring 2又1/4杯筛过的面粉 * 1 teaspoon salt 一小勺盐 * 1 tablespoon baking powder 一大勺发酵粉 * 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 一杯又两大勺糖 * 1/2 cup vegetable oil 半杯菜油 * 5 egg yolks5个蛋黄 * 3/4 cup cold waterX杯水 * 2 teaspoons vanilla2勺香草粉 * 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind2勺柠檬皮碎 * 5 egg whites5个蛋白 * 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar半勺塔塔粉 * 6 tablespoons sugar6勺糖Have all ingredients at room temperature.所有材料放在室温下。Into a mixing bowl, sift together the sifted flour, salt, baking powder, and the 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar.面粉+糖+发酵粉+糖,放在大碗里。Add the oil, egg yolks, water, vanilla, and lemon peel to dry ingredients; beat with spoon until batter is smooth.+油+蛋黄+水+香草+柠檬,搅匀In a large mixing bowl, beet the eeg whites and cream of tartar until egg whites are glossy and stand in soft peaks with beaters are lilfted. Add the 6 tablespoons of sugar gradually, beating until all sugar is used and peaks are stiff when beaters are lifted.另找一个大容器,蛋白+塔塔粉 ,慢慢将糖加入,打到蛋白发起为止。Pour the batter, a little at a time, over the beaten egg whites and sugar. Gently fold in with a rubber spatula or spoon. Continue until all of the batter has been added, blending well. Batter should be smooth.慢慢的将两个容器里的东西混在一起,切菜式搅拌,不要搅过了。Pour batter into an ungreased 10-inch tube pan. Bake cake at 325° for 55 minutes. Increase heat to 350° and continue to bake 10 to 15 minutes cake can be baked in a 13x9x2-inch pan at 350° for 50 to 55 cake from oven. Invert pan and let cool for about an hour.放在10寸蛋糕模里,放入烤箱325度55分钟,然后350度再烤十到十五分钟。烤好后倒置冷却

基本戚风蛋糕 材料 材料:8寸模1个A.蛋清4个,塔塔粉1/4匙,细砂糖70克;B. 蛋黄4个,细砂糖20克C. 色拉油3大匙,牛奶3大匙;D.低筋粉100克,吉士粉1大匙,盐1/8匙,泡打粉1/4匙,椰子香粉1/4匙(或香草香粉1/8匙), 制作方法 步骤:1. 将B材料混合搅拌至淡黄色(液体变浓),分次加入油和牛奶;2. 将过筛后的D材料放入1中,静置备用;3. 将A材料中的蛋白与塔塔粉搅拌到松发,分三次加入细纱糖;打发至硬性发泡状态;4. 将打发的蛋白分三次加入到2中的面糊中;5. 注模后,用力摔几下,让气泡放出,入炉烤;6. 190度烤40分钟。 Production elements: (1) eggs to be careful, Wu Shi-Zhandao slightest oil, water or egg yolk. (2) Sugar takes two minutes, add the egg yolks, an increase in protein. (3) refueling and milk, it is necessary to join the拌匀a spoonful of the key with another, not all at one go into. (4) after lightly flour sieve into拌匀can, do not force mixing or stirring too long. (5) protein must reach the hard foam, that is, its sharp front ptosis才行be erected not otherwise Kaohao-cake after the collapse. (6) of the bubble and the yolk batter拌匀, to be light and fast action, if the mix for too long or too forced, thin batter volatile. Baked into the furnace, the more dense batter, the cake bulk Kaohao more difficult after the collapse, if the batter was thin soft state is likely to fail. (7) cake model of an Oiler, as chiffon cake batter must build on the strength of adhesion model wall swelling up, the oil will lose its adhesion, so only at the bottom of the model to put to paper at the end. Specifically, as follows: 1. Material: 3 eggs, sugar 7 spoons, butter (salad oil) 3 keys, 5 spoons of milk, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, Fafen a spoon (or use their own instead of 100 grams of powder), salt 1 / 4 spoon, tartar 1 / 4 spoon (no drops of lemon juice or vinegar can be used instead), the electric Mixer, of the key. Second, add egg yolks 4 spoons of sugar, with straight Mixer hit so far was milky white. Third, a spoonful of salad oil a spoonful of accession, together with another force拌匀keys, and then adding milk, the same reason. 4, flour, salt and sieve into the Fafen, lightly拌匀, not to over-mixing, put aside. 5, a protein with Mixer and tartar, to a crude protein bubbles, by adding three spoons of sugar to continue to fight hard foam. 6, from 1 / 3 of the bubble拌匀paste with egg yolk, then the whole set of bubble into the egg yolk paste in拌匀, action should be light and fast 7, will be blowing into the cake batter has a pad of paper model, Ma Ping surface, the table to throw the earthquake within the larger bubbles, into the oven down layer, and bake 180 degrees about 15 minutes and then lowered to 160 Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. 8, after the release of Gekai model with a knife edge, Flip out Chenre removed at the end of paper, on the cooler shelf cooling.


一般需要3-9个月,但时间越长学到的烘焙品类越多,学习越精,不过在选择专业学校可以注意了,多从师资力量,教学产品,学校实力考量。我在武汉学习的,我觉得你学西点还是得选 择那种正规的大学校。我在武汉的上市品牌学的,主要是教学产品和师资力量好,学出来也比较成手,我直接开了私房店了现在。












