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您好,请问您的论文是什么方向呢?1)一般数学专业类SCI杂志论文数量都200篇以下(当然化学、生物等超过1000篇的多的是,所以学化学生物医学等人员发表SCI数量特多屡见不鲜),高数量的专业SCI杂志都很好发,如下:2008年论文数量 2010年中科院大类分区Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1220 2区Applied Mathematics and Computation 1088 2区2009年论文数量Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 1007 2区Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1278 2区(物理)2010年论文数量Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 586 2区Computers and Mathematics with Applications 695 3区(划工程类)Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 421 1区Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 407 2区 (划物理类)International journal of nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation 1区(划工程类)国内许多学者在同一个期刊上一年发表论文超过10篇的大陆学者多的是。浙江大学很英明,最近,学校列了个800多种认可的权威(或名牌)期刊(不看影响因子和分区),把这些期刊全部踢出去了。浙江大学发展如此之快,决策英明呀!投稿学者需慎重!(2)有胸怀大志者,推荐发表如下期刊:(大陆学者在几个知名的数学期刊发表论文十分困难,数量极少Annals of Mathematics2000-2005年,1篇,南开大学Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 2000-2005年,无Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 000-2005年,3篇,北大2篇,J. Am. Math. Soc. 2000-2005年,1篇,香港科技大学1篇Invent.Math.2000-2005年,6篇,中科院1篇,香港大学1篇,南开1篇,川大2篇,中山1篇

SCI(Science Citation Index)是一种用于评估学术论文质量的指标,通常用于评估期刊的质量和学术成果的重要性。每年都会有统计机构发布各国SCI论文数量的数据。以下是对2022年各国SCI数量的解答:1. 中国:2022年,中国的SCI论文数量预计将超过500,000篇,位居全球第一。2. 美国:美国的SCI论文数量预计将在400,000篇左右,排名第二。3. 印度:印度的SCI论文数量预计将超过100,000篇,排名第三。4. 德国:德国的SCI论文数量预计将在80,000篇左右,排名第四。5. 日本:日本的SCI论文数量预计将在70,000篇左右,排名第五。6. 英国:英国的SCI论文数量预计将在60,000篇左右,排名第六。7. 韩国:韩国的SCI论文数量预计将在50,000篇左右,排名第七。8. 伊朗:伊朗的SCI论文数量预计将超过40,000篇,排名第八。9. 法国:法国的SCI论文数量预计将在30,000篇左右,排名第九。10. 意大利:意大利的SCI论文数量预计将在20,000篇左右,排名第十。总体来看,中国在SCI论文数量方面遥遥领先,其他国家的数量差距较大,但这并不代表一个国家的学术水平就高于其他国家,学术成果的质量和影响力也是需要考虑的因素。




学院先后承担了973项目、863项目、国家自然科学基金重大重点项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国际合作重点项目、国防军工项目等一批国家和省部级科研项目。在国际重要学术期刊上发表了一批高水平学术论文,近10年来年均发表SCI/EI论文260篇以上,近5年来年均获得授权发明专利30余项。学院始终坚持基础研究与工程实际紧密结合的理念,承担和完成了一批校企、校地合作项目,许多科研成果实现了成果转化和产业化,产生了显著的经济效益和社会效益,为促进国家和地方经济建设与发展以及行业技术进步做出了突出贡献。自1978年全国科学大会以来,学院共荣获28项全国科学大会奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科技进步奖和国家星火奖,荣获29项省部级科技成果一等奖。2018年,美国ESI(Essential Science Indicators)基本科学指标库公布的最新学科排数据中,我校材料科学学科(Materials Science)ESI 全球排名进入1‰,标志着我校材料科学学科已经进入世界一流学科行列。学院师资力量雄厚,教学与科研经验丰富。现有教职工173人,其中专任教师118名,教授59名,副教授44名,博士生导师63名。专任教师中88.4%拥有博士学位、海外博士占27%,高级职称教师占85.7%,80%以上的教师都有海外访学、进修经历。学院拥有国家及省部级以上的各类高水平人才/团队59人(次)。迄今为止,学院已经培养各类毕业生16000余名。学院现有在校生1800多名。学院发展目标:建成世界一流水平学科。

nature子刊应该挺多的吧2012年某月的三篇如下:山大研究成果在《Nature Medicine》发表 生命学院丁兆军课题组取得重要研究进展 生命学院谷立川课题组取得重要科研成果 还有杨可松在《Nature Materials》发表论文 《Nature》杂志点评物理学院一项成果 今年的话1、张友明教授研究成果在Nature Nanotechnology在线刊发2、丁朝军 Le J, Liu XG, Yang KZ, Chen XL, Zou JJ, Wang HZ, Wang M, Vanneste S, Morita M, Tasaka M, Ding Z, Friml J, Beeckman T, Sack F. Auxin transport and activity regulate stomatal patterning and development. Nature Communications. 2014 Jan 27;5:3090.我不是很关注这些,毕竟和nature子刊平级的杂志也不少,没必要以这个做衡量标准。我知道大多是生命学院或相关的,其他学院应该也不少。养着这么多人,不可能不出成果。


香港大学的研究生申请必须要有论文,这是其一,因为这是直接证明你学术能力的证据,第二,导师还要根据你的意向以及 研究兴趣包括研究能力和研究方法等权衡的,此外还有审核小组对你提交的研究生规划进行审核,综合评定后才考虑是否给你offer,但是一旦录取,港大的研究生待遇很优厚的


香港大学 。香港大学的知名度远远高于清华北大,其学术研究和论文发表也在世界上有相当程度的排名,在中国内地设有研究生院。香港大学不参与中国内地的高考招生,想要进入香港大学必须参加类似自主招生的考试,且英语必须达到8级水平。










陈光浩(Guang-Hao CHEN)博士,现任香港科技大学土木工程系终生教授、环境工程专业主任、环境工程研究生课程主任,浙江大学、中山大学客座教授,香港特区政府污水处理工程技术顾问,国际水协(IWA)污泥处理专家委员会课题组成员,国际水协水力学会(IAHR)下水道联合专家委员会理事,《Water Research》副主编,《IWA Journal:AQUA》亚太区编委,《Water Science & Technology》专辑主编,《Water Science & Technology: Water Supply》专辑主编,《International Journal of Pollution and Environment》特邀主编,清华大学环境科学与技术学刊特邀编委。多年来出版学术专著/论文集12册,发表学术论文125篇,包括SCI论文51篇(其中26篇发表在《Water Research》等环境学科一流刊物上),EI论文5篇,获美国、英国、新加坡发明专利共3项,获日本政府、三菱公司、香港研资局、香港渠务署等研究项目近40项。E-mail: ceghchen@ust.hkTel.: (852) 2358-8752--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Current Research InterestsSustainable decentralized sewage treatment systems 可持续性非集中式城市污水处理新系统Excess sludge minimized activated sludge processes 活性污泥法剩余污泥减量方法Biofilm, denitrification and corrosion control in sewer 污水管道中污染物转化及生物膜Micro-pollutant degradation in membrane bio-reactor (MBR ) and low-cost MBR system development 膜生物处理Re-use of water treatment works sludge in sewage treatment works and phosphorus adsorption on aluminium hydroxide 自来水厂污泥在城市污水处理厂之利用及磷之吸附Courses TaughtCIVL 142 Introduction of Environmental Science and EngineeringCIVL 242 Water and Wastewater EngineeringCIVL 344 Solid Waste ManagementCIVL 345 Environmental Analysis of Aqueous SystemsCIVL 346 Process Design of Environmental Engineering FacilitiesCIVL 542 Biological Waste TreatmentCIVL 543 Aquatic ChemistryCIVL 544 Process Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment SystemsCIEM 548 Wastewater Treatment and ReusePublication (2003~)Book/ Book Chapter/Journal IssueG. H. Chen, J. C. Huang, C Shang, H. H. P Fang, and Y. Watanabe (2004). Editor of the Special Issue of Creative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies for Densely Populated Urban Areas. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. Vol., 04, No. 01, 166 pages.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2004). ATR-FTIR and XPS study on the structure of complexes formed between simple organic acids and aluminium hydroxide. In: Young Researchers 2004 (ed by P Lens and R Stuetz), Water and Environmental Management Series, IWA publisher, 2004.G. H. Chen, C. Shang, and X. R. Zhang (2006). Editor of the Special Issue of Leading-edge Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Urban Water Management. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. Vol., 06, No. 06, 183 pages.G. H. Chen. Water Reuse in Asia. In: International Survey of Water Reclamation and Ruse, edited by B. Jimemez and T. Asano, IWA publisher (in press).G. H. Chen and J. H. Qu (2007). Editor of the Special Issue of Research and Development of Environmental Science and Technology in China, International Journal of Pollution and Environment (in preparation).Invited Overseas Conference/Workshop Presentations/Guest LecturesG. H. Chen (2004). Novel approaches to reduce excess sludge in activated sludge processes. Hokkaido University Centre of Excellence (COE) Lectures on Environmental Biotechnology, Sapporo, Japan, July 07, 2004.G. H. Chen and Chii Shang (2004). Comparison of performance of MBR in treating freshwater and seawater sewage and evaluation of virus rejection. Hokkaido University COE Workshop on Membrane Bioreactor, Sapporo, Japan, July 12, 2004.D. H. W. Leung, K. R. Sharma, and G. H. Chen (2004). Effect of detached/re-suspended solids from sewer sediment on the sewage phase bacterial activity. Keynote presentation at IWA Sponsored International Symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control, Beijing, China, August 14-15, 2004.G. H. Chen (2005). Applications of MBR/MF/RO in sewage reuse/recycle. Hokkaido University COE workshop on MBR, Sapporo, Japan, June 11, 2005.G. H. Chen (2005). Pilot studies of membrane technology for effluent reuse. International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials. Hong Kong, August 8-10, 2005.G. H. Chen (2006). Modelling of biotreatment-Theory and practice. Hokkaido University COE Lectures on Environmental Biotechnology, August 03, 2006.G. H. Chen (2006). Reuse of alum sludge in sewage treatment and phosphorus/Nom adsorption on aluminum hydroxide, Hokkaido University COE Lectures on Environmental Biotechnology, August 03, 2006.G. H. Chen (2006). Is biofilm formation the key player in bio-fouling of MBR? 1st IMECT, Sapporo, 18 August 2006, Japan.Journal PapersS. Saby, M. Djafer, and G. H. Chen (2003). Effect of low ORP in anoxic sludge zone on excess sludge production in an oxic-settling-anoxic activated sludge process (OSA process). Water Research, 37(1), pp.11-20.Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, and G. H. Chen (2003). Appropriate conditions for maximizing catalytic reduction efficiency of nitrate into nitrogen gas in groundwater. Water Research, 37(10), pp. 2489-2495.G. H. Chen, D. H. K. Leung and J. C. Huang (2003). Biofilm in the sediment phase of a sanitary gravity sewer. Water Research, 37(11), pp.2784-2788.G. H. Chen, M. T. Wong, S. Okabe, and Y. Watanabe (2003). Dynamic response of nitrifying activated sludge batch cultures to increased chloride concentration. Water Research, 37(13), pp.3125-3135.G. H. Chen, K. J. An., S. Saby, E. Brois, and M. Djafer (2003). Possible cause of excess sludge reduction in an oxic-settling-anoxic activated sludge process (OSA Process). Water Research, 37(16), pp.3843-3864.X. H. Guan, Shang C, S. M. Yu, and G. H. Chen (2004). Exploratory study on reuse of water treatment works sludge to enhance primary sewage treatment. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 04(1), pp.159-164.G. H. Chen and M. T. Wong (2004). Impact of increased chloride concentration to nitrifying activated sludge process. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE,130(2), pp.116-125.Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. H. Chen, and K. R. Sharma (2004). Hydrogen-based catalytic ceramic membrane for removing nitrate in groundwater. Environmental Technology, 25, pp.227-234.X. H. Guan, Q. Liu, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2005). Reuse of water treatment works sludge to enhance particulate pollutant removal from sewage. Water Research, 39(15), pp.3433-3440.X. H. Guan, Q. Liu, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2005). Surface complexation of condensed phosphate to aluminium hydroxide: An ART-FTIR spectroscopic investigation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 289(2), pp.319-327.M. H. Wong, C. Shang and G. H. Chen (2005). Bacteriophage MS-2 Removal by Submerged Membrane Bioreactor. Water Research, 39 (17), pp.4211-4219.D. H. W. Leung, G. H. Chen and K. R. Sharma (2005). Effect of attached/re-suspended solids from sewer sediment on sewage phase bacterial activity. Water Science and Technology, 52(3), pp.147-152.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, C. Shang, and J. Zhu (2005). ATR-FTIR Investigation on the Complexation of Myo-inositol Hexaphosphate with Aluminum Hydroxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 293(2), pp. 296-302.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2006). Competitive Adsorption of organic matter with phosphate on aluminum hydroxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 296(1), pp.51-58.G. N. Lau, K. R. Sharma, G. H. Chen and M. C. M. van Loosdrecht (2006). Integration of sulfate reduction, autotrophic denitrification and nitrification to achieve low-cost excess sludge minimization for Hong Kong sewage. Water Science and Technology, 53(3), pp.227-235.H. L. S. Tam, D. T. W. Tang, K. R. Sharma and G. H. Chen (2006). A pilot study of a membrane bio-reactor in treating fresh water sewage and saline sewage in Hong Kong (invited paper). Separation Science and Technology, 41 (7), pp.1253-1264.S. Y. C. Lee, L. M. Wang, Y. Xue, N. Ge, X. Yang, and G. H. Chen (2006). Natural estrogens in the surface water of Shenzhen and the sewage of Hong Kong. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 12(2), pp.301-312X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2006). Combining kinetic investigation with surface spectroscopic examination to study the role of aromatic carboxyl groups in NOM adsorption by aluminum hydroxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 301, pp.419-427.X. H. Guan, C. Shang and G. H. Chen (2006). ATR-FTIR investigation on the role of phenolic groups in the interaction of NOM with aluminum hydroxide. Chemosphere, 65, pp.2074-2081.H. L. S. Tam, D. T. W. Tang, K R Sharma and G. H. Chen (2006). A pilot study for sewage reclamation and reuse with MBR/RO and MF/RO systems. Desalination. 202 (1-3), 106-113.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2006). Role of carboxylic and phenolic groups in NOM adsorption on minerals: a review. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 6(6), 155-164.G. H. Chen and S. K. Pang (2006). Development of a low-cost dynamic filter immersed in activated sludge system. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 6(6), pp.111-117.An. K. J. and G. H. Chen. A COD balance analysis of an oxic-settling-anaerobic activated sludge process. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE (attentively accepted).X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang. Competitive adsorption of phosphorus on aluminum hydroxide. Water Science and Technology (in press).International Conference Papers (Referred oral presentations only)X. H. Guan, C. Shang, and G H Chen (2003). Competitive adsorption of reactive, condensed, and organic phosphate on aluminum hydroxide. IWA-ASPAC 2003 Conference, October 13-18, 2003, The Philippines.D. H. W Leung and G H Chen (2004). Effect of detached/re-suspended solids from sewer biofilm on the oxygen uptake of sewage phase in a sewer. IWA 1st Asian Junior Scientist Workshop on Sewer Network Processes & Urban Drainage, 7-10 February 2004, Malacca, Malaysia.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2004). ATR-FTIR and XPS studies on structure of complexes formed between simple organic acids and aluminum hydroxide. The 2nd Young Researchers Conference, May 3-4 2004, Wageningen, The Netherlands.H M Wong, C Shang, and G. H. Chen (2004). Factors affecting virus removal in a membrane bioreactor. IWA Specialized Conference on Water Environment Membrane Technology (WEMT 2004), June 7-10 2004, Seoul, Korea.D H. W Leung, G. H. Chen and K R Sharma (2004). Effect of attached/re-suspended solids from sewer sediment on sewage phase bacterial activity. The 4th IWA Specialized Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks. November 22-24, 2004, Funchal, Portugal.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2004). Competitive adsorption of phosphorus on aluminum hydroxide. The 4th World Water Congress, 19-24 September 2004, Marrakech, Morocco.H L S Tam, D T W Tang, G. H. Chen, C Shang, K M Ho and K R Sharma (2004). A Pilot study on the performance of an membrane bio-reactor in treating fresh water sewage and saline sewage in Hong Kong. The 4th World Water Congress, 19-24 September 2004, Marrakech, Morocco.X. H. Guan, G. H. Chen, and C. Shang (2004). Spectroscopic investigation of the interaction of pyromellitate with aluminum hydroxide. The 228th American Chemistry Association National Meeting, August, Philadelphia, USA.H M Wong, C Shang, and G. H. Chen (2004).Membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment and reuse: virus rejection. European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, April, Oostende, Belgium.H W D Leung, G. H. Chen, T. Ito, S Okabe, and Y. Watanabe (2004). Comparison of community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria and their roles in carbon mineralization in sewer biofilms growing under aerophilic and microaerophilic conditions. IWA Specialized International Conference on Biofilms 2004, 24-16 October, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.G. N. Lau, K. R. Sharma, G. H. Chen and M. C. M. van Loosdrecht (2005). Integration of sulfate reduction, autotrophic denitrification and nitrification to achieve low-cost excess sludge minimization for Hong Kong sewage. The 3rd IWA Leading-edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, 6-8 June 2005, Sapporo, Japan (orally presented at the Workshop on Sludge Management).A. Lau, D. H. W. Leung, and G. H. Chen (2005). Study of Hydrolysis of Particulate Organics in Gravity Sewer. 1st IWA-ASPIRE Conference, 10-15 July, 2005, Singapore.G. N. Lau, K. R. Sharma, and G. H. Chen (2005). Autotrophic denitrification utilizing dissolved sulfides produced during anaerobic treatment of sulfate containing wastewater. 1st IWA-ASPIRE Conference, 10-15 July, 2005, Singapore.H. L. S. Tam, D. T. W. Tang, K R Sharma and G. H. Chen (2005). A pilot study for sewage reclamation and reuse with MBR/RO and MF/RO systems. The 5th International Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Sustainability, 8-11 November, 2005, Korea.F. Jiang, D. H. W. Leung, S. Y. Li, and G. H. Chen (2006). Use of genetic algorithm as an efficient tool to calibrate ASM3-based sewer process model. The 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference on Sewer Operation and Maintenance (SOM 06), October 24-28, 2006, Vienna, Austria.Selected Professional ActivitiesInternationalIssue Editor of Water Science & Technology (2000)Issue Editor of Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2004, 2006)Associate Editor of Water Research (2005-2009)Editorial board member of IWA Journal of Water Supply: Research & Technology (AQUA) (2006~)Task Committee Member of the IWA Sludge Management Specialist Group (2004~)Management Committee Member of the IWA/IAHR Joint Working Group on Sewer Systems & Process (2004~)Organizer and Chairman, IWA Sponsored International Symposium on Development of Innovative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies for the 21st Century, 8-10 October 1999, Hong Kong.Organizer and Chairman, IWA Sponsored International Specialized Conference on Creative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies for Densely Populated Urban Areas, September 18-20 2002, Hong Kong.Regional Organizing Committee Member of the 3rd IWA Leading-edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, 6-8 June 2005, Sapporo, Japan.Organizing Committee Member of IWA Chemical Industries 2005, July 14 -16 2005, Tsukuba & Kashima, Japan.Session Chairman, the 4th Japan-Netherlands Workshop on Integrated Water Quality Management”, October 9-11, 2000, Japan.Session Chairman, the 1st IWA-ASPIRE conference, July 10-15, 2005, Singapore.Organizing and Program Committees Member of the 2nd IWA Conference on Sewer Operation and Maintenance (SOM06), 26-28 October, 2006, Austria.Director of the Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute: Leading-edge Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Urban Water Management, September 16-20, 2006.Director of the Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute: Sustainable Water Resources and Water Quality Management (tentative). 2007/2008.Director of the Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute: New concepts and innovations towards Energy and Resources Reduction and Recovery in Wastewater Treatment (tentative). 2007/2008.National and LocalCo-organizer, the 1st Forum of China Young Leading Scholars in Environmental Science & Engineering, June 19-22, 2001, Shenzhen.Organizer of a special tailor-made training course on modelling biotreatment processes for the Drainage Services Department, January 18-20, 2005, Hong Kong.Organizer of a half-day special seminar on Small Scale Sewage Treatment Technologies for the Drainage Services Department, 1999, Hong Kong.Organizer of a one-day special workshop on Leading-edge Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Effluent Reuse and Recycling Practices in Japan (with Professor Y. Watanabe) on September 07, 2005, Hong Kong.Editorial Committee Member of Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, China (2005~).Editorial Committee Member of Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities, an English journal published by the China Higher Education Press and distributed by Springer-Verlag publisher (2006~).Organizer of a one-day special workshop with the IWA Hong Kong Chamber on Regulations, Technologies, and Risk Assessment in Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse, September 18, 2006, Hong Kong (with Professors T. Asano, G. Amy, S. Matsui, J. Rose).Adjunct Professor of Zhejiang University (2002~).Independent Director of EcoWater Co. (listed in Singapore) (2004-2006).Independent Technical Checker to Mitsubishi Rayon Group (2003).Consultant to the HKSAR Government.Post-graduate Students Supervision at HKUST3 PhD and 18 Master students have been graduated under my supervision/co-supervision. Currently supervising 6 Master and 4 PhD students.Research GrantTotal research money acquired so far from HKRGC, DSD, ECF, HKUST, Croucher Foundation, and industries: ~13 M HK$.







5、GRE/GMAT成绩:部分学校要求GRE成绩,部分商科专业要求GMAT成绩。虽然不强制要求GMAT,但是优先考虑具备这个成绩的申请者。如:Master of Business Administration 工商管理,需要两年的全职工作经验,需要GMAT成绩。



1. 国内学校的本科毕业证及学士学位证,一般来说985、211院校背景的学生更容易申请成功。2. 大学4年完整成绩单,包括毕业论文或毕业设计的成绩。3. 英语语言要求:雅思要达标(传媒类专业要求总分不低于7,单项不低于6,;金融和经济专业要求总分不低于7,单项不低于6.5;工科类总分不得低于6,单项不低5.5;个别专业,如医学及法律要求雅思总分7.5)4.GPA:研究型研究生GPA应达到85,授课式研究生应达到80,港大的话最好达到85成绩单要中英文的,一般找学校教务处要,信封密封,盖骑缝章(封口处还要盖章)5. GRE/GMAT成绩:部分学校要求GRE成绩,部分商科专业要求GMAT成绩。楼主可以参考一下留学志愿参考系统输入你的专业等情况,就能查询出与你情况类似的同学案例,看他们申请了哪些院校和专业。也可以按照留学目标来筛选,看看你的目标院校和专业都哪些背景(语言成绩都多少分、学校背景如何、什么专业、GPA多少等)的学生申请了,也从而对比自身情况,制定大致的目标和方向。

官网上有一些基本条件:获得国际教育部认可的学士学位,雅思6.0或新托福80分以上,个别学校也会承认内地的英语六级成绩,商科的话会要求有GMAT成绩,部分专业的话同时需要有一定的工作经验等要求。但是大家不要误认为这个就是申请的要求,只要达到这个条件就可以申请到,基本上院校官网上放的申请要求都是一些最基本的要求,也可以说是最低要求了,香港是择优录取的,所以申请的成功因素是只单单看本科的硬性条件,需要结合自身的综合条件以及申请的具体院校和专业当年的具体情况(要求+竞争力)和你的文书材料、递交时间、面试表现等等众多因素特别关注二:申请时间香港研究生申请时间一般在每年九十月份陆续开通申请,由于每年不同院校不同专业开通时间都会有所不同,所以大家需要随时关注院校官网,在开通申请的第一时间递交申请。截止期通常在3月底,3月至6月就可以收到学校的录取了。特别关注三:申请材料申请的院校和专业不同部分材料要求也会有所不同,下面为大家提供一份基本的材料要求:1、国内学校的本科毕业证及学士学位证(应届毕业生提供在读证明即可);2、大学8个学期完整成绩单,包括毕业论文或毕业设计的成绩;3、英语语言要求:通常要有托福或雅思的成绩,部分学校也接受六级成绩。虽然英语成绩不是主要录取标准,但一个好的英语成绩显然更有竞争力。4、GRE/GMAT成绩:部分学校要求GRE成绩,部分商科专业要求GMAT成绩5、推荐信:香港的大学一般要求两封必备的推荐信,但必须是学术领域中的人,其他人则不被接受。推荐信是一、两份表格,而不是洋洋洒洒的一大篇,其内容是对你学术才能的评价。此外还要求对你的研究计划做出评价和建议,这一点也不可忽略。特别关注四:面试准备几乎不变的开场问题“请你做一下简单的自我介绍?”这个几乎是每一位面试官都会一上来抛出的问题。很多学生用英语和汉语做了很多准备,但完全不知道自己说的是不是对方想要的。这个自我介绍一定杜绝长篇大论,要言简意赅。表明自己的身份后,用一两句话突出院校背景和亮点就ok了。不要让短短的面试时间都浪费在输入对方不需要的信息上。学历背景“你的成绩如何、学分积点多少? ”;“你为什么会选择这个专业? ”; “你会往什么专业方向发展?”;“你们这门课用的哪一本书?”;“你对这门专业课知识点的理解”等等,这些其实很多都是在申请材料里体现的,一方面是面试官想要确认一下你的真正想法,另一方面你对这样问题的回答可以看出你究竟是不是一个我们单纯层面上理解的“爱学习的好学生”。知道了对方的目的,回答的方式便可想而知了。一定做到专业的回答你的专业问题。不会的可以真实的说自己的忘记或者没学过,切记不要瞎编乱造。特别关注五:特殊情况下跟学校的接洽在申请过程中 , 很多学生会后补成绩或者之前递交的材料存在一定的问题等; 因此如何有效的跟进学校 , 准确领悟学校的要求 , 以及如何确保自己的材料准确无误的接收到了香港 , 也是一门很重要的学问。每个专业的教授对申请者的提问与联系都有不同的态度 , 有热情也有烦躁 , 学生们应该言简意赅的表达自己的观点 , 弥补之前的缺失或遗漏 , 准确的传达对方自己的信息,并且在精准判断教授对受理你案例的兴趣程度后作出相应的行为 , 这也是成功录取的关键之处。甚至推研后也会产生种种问题 , 大家可别松懈了哦。注:2015年研究生申请最新动态开通时间:15年秋季商科专业开通时间比往年早了很多,甚至九月底有专业已经截止了第一轮的申请,所以大学要多关注官网的申请开通时间以免错过第一轮的申请哦!目前香港大学,香港中文大学的金融专业均已开通申请了,如有申请该专业的同学抓紧时间递交申请吧!祝你们能拿到自己心仪的offer!!!一般入学要求:申请人已经获得或在开学前可以获得本科学位证。语言要求:本科为非英语授课的院校需要满足以下条件(a) 托福成绩80以上(IBT)或550以上(PBT);(b) 雅思成绩6以上(单科5.5以上)(c) 其他语言成绩C或C以上(比如剑桥英语测试)特殊学院语言要求:1、文学院(Faculty of Arts)要求托福写作25分以上(申请中文系专业和佛学专业除外),雅思7分或以上(单科5.5以上)(佛学专业除外);2、MBA要求雅思6.5(单科5.5以上);3、法学院(Faculty of Law)要求托福97以上(IBT)或593以上(PBT),雅思7以上(单科6.5以上);4、新闻学专业(Master of Journalism)要求托福80以上(IBT)或550以上(PBT),雅思6.5以上(单科6以上)。注意事项:1、香港大学的亚洲和国际上的排名很好,在大陆的知名度也是最高的,这也就意味着每年的申请人数会非常多。能够满足以上要求的学生很多很多,不是说满足了学校的基本要求就可以录取的。2、其他可能会影响到成功率的有:本科学校背景,本科平均成绩,实习工作经验,论文发表,奖状证书以及申请材料的准备。3、香港研究生留学是先申请先审核的原则,以往的经验告诉我们,早申请有绝对的优势。

申请香港大学研究生条件如下:1、本科毕业证及学士学位证,一般来说985、211院校背景的学生更容易申请成功。2、大学4年完整成绩单,包括毕业论文或毕业设计的成绩。3、语言成绩要求:雅思要达标(传媒类专业要求总分不低于7,单项不低于6,;金融和经济专业要求总分不低于7,单项不低于6.5;工科类总分不得低于6,单项不低5.5;个别专业,如医学及法律要求雅思总分7.5)。4、GPA:研究型研究生GPA应达到85,授课型研究生应达到80,港大的话最好达到85。成绩单要中英文的,一般找学校教务处要,信封密封,盖骑缝章(封口处还要盖章)5、GRE/GMAT成绩:部分学校要求GRE成绩,部分商科专业要求GMAT成绩。虽然不强制要求GMAT,但是优先考虑具备这个成绩的申请者。如:Master of Business Administration 工商管理,需要两年的全职工作经验,需要GMAT成绩。留学以自己的水平能申请到什么层次的香港大学,可以使用留学志愿参考系统:使用方法:把你的GPA、语言成绩、专业名称、院校背景(211/985/双非)等信息输入到系统中,系统会自动匹配出与你成绩情况类似的同学案例,可以依据自己的条件看看有没有适合自己的留学案例,了解一下与自己情况类似的人,他/她们都去了哪些院校,作为自己选择院校的参考。系统中存在很多本科各种条件背景申请香港研究生的案例。


