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52. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu,* Jing Yin, Cuili Tan, Xiaosong Zhou, Xuedong Bai, and Enge Wang,Synthesis of continuous boron nitride nanofibers by solution coating electrospuntemplate fibers,Nanotechnology 20 (34), 345603-1-345603-7 (2009).51. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu,* Javed Rafique, Jing Yin, Xuedong Bai, and Enge Wang,Large-Scale Production of Aligned Long Boron Nitride Nanofibers by Multijet/Multicollector Electrospinning,Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (26), 11228–11234 (2009).50. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu,* Gang Fang, Hao Shi, Xiaosong Zhou, and Xuedong Bai, Synthesisof Carbon/Carbon Core/Shell Nanotubes with a High Specific Surface Area,Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (1), 61–68 (2009).49. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, xiaosong Zhou, Synthesis of Porous NiO and ZnO Submicro- andNanofibers from Electrospun Polymer Fiber Templates,Nanoscale Research Letters 4 (2), 173-177 (2009).48. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, Cuili Tan, Preparation of honeycomb-like NiO with nanogrooves byusing electrospun nanofibrous webs as templates,Materials Letters 63 (2), 200-202 (2009).47. Jie Yu*, Yejun Qiu, Production of aligned helical polymer nanofibers by electrospinning,European Polymer Journal 44 (9), 2838–2844 (2008).46. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, Synthesis of titanium dioxide nanotubes from electrospun fibertemplates,Solid State Communications 148 (11-12),556-558 (2008).45. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, Cuili Tan, Jing Yin, and Xiaosong Zhou, Fabrication of ZnOMicrotubes by Using Electrospun Polymer Fiber Templates,Chemistry Letters 37 (11), 1114-1115 (2008).44. J. Rafique, J. Yu*, J. L. Yu, and G. Fang, K. W. Wong, Z. Zheng, H. C. Ong, W. M. Lau,Electrospinning highly aligned long polymer nanofibers on large scale by using a tipcollector,Applied Physics Letters 91 (6), 063126 (2007).43. J. 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Wang, Growth and structure of aligned B-C-N nanotubes,Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 19 (3), 671-674 (20001).28. J. Yu, E. G. Wang, and X. D. Bai, Electron field emission from carbon nanoparticlesprepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition ,Applied Physics Letters 78 (15), 2226-2228 (2001).27. J. Yu, J. Ahn, S. F. Yoon, Q. Zhang, Rusli, M. B. Yu, B. Gan, X. D. Bai and E. G. Wang,Semiconducting boron carbonitride nanostructures: nanotubes and nanofibres,Applied Physics Letters 77 (13), 1949-1951 (2000).26. J. Yu, X.D.Bai, J.Ahn, S.F.Yoon, and E.G.Wang, Highly oriented rich boron B-C-Nnanotubes by bias-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition ,Chemical Physics Letters 323 (5-6), 529-533(2000).25. J. Yu, E. G. Wang, J. Ahn, S. F. Yoon, Q. Zhang, J. Cui, and M. B. Yu, Turbostraticboron carbonitride films produced by bias assisted hot filament chemical vapordeposition,Journal of Applied Physics 87 (8), 4022-4025 (2000).24. J. 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第1作者发表学术论文13余篇,其中核心期刊6篇。1、SrZnO2:Eu3+红色荧光体的SHS合成及荧光性能,材料导报,2009,23(9):15-17,32,第1作者。2、燃烧法合成SrZnO2:Eu3+,Li+及荧光性能,化工新型材料,2010,38(2):82-84,第1作者。3、低温燃烧法合成SrZnO2:Sm3+, Li+及其发光性能研究,广州化工,2010,38(8):3-5,16,第1作者。4、电荷补偿对SrZnO2:Eu3+材料发射光谱的影响,广州化工,2010,38(9):5-6,69,第1作者。5、SrZnO2:Sm3+红色荧光体的低温燃烧合成及发光性能研究,无机盐工业,2010,42(12):20-22,第1作者。6、稀土掺杂SrZnO2基发光材料的合成方法,无机盐工业,2010,42(3):4-6,第1作者。7、牛血清白蛋白与Hg(Ⅱ)配合物作用的热力学研究,化工时刊,2010,24(8):1-4,第1作者。



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