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Contrastive Stylistic Analysis to the Chinese Version of Walden by Xu and Pan


Walden written by Henry David Thoreau is a masterpiece in American literature.

3、在《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)一书的开头,梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)用简短的篇幅抨击了现代生活的复杂性。他写道:

At the beginning of' Walden, 'Henry David Thoreau makes a concise case against the complexity of modern life.'

4、他真应该在康科德下车,然后把他的设备都扔到瓦尔登湖(Walden Pond)湖里去,也就是梭罗从现代生活退隐后游泳的湖泊。

He should have alighted at Concord and thrown his devices in Walden Pond, the lake where Thoreau swam after retreating from modern life.


When he was a boy, his father had read him Thoreau's "Walden," and its pastoral message resonated with the landscape of his childhood.

"A paper due soon on Walden? The Walden Express may be just your ticket."


你好,已经发送给你8篇英文论文,20来篇中文论文了,关于跨文化交际和中西文化差异的,查收下哈~ 希望对你有帮助!以后还需要检索论文的话可以再向我或者其他举手之劳队员提问哦,举手之劳助人为乐!——百度知道 举手之劳团队 队长:晓斌11蓝猫

Walden (first published as Walden; or, Life in the Woods) by Henry David Thoreau is one of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American. It was Published in 1854,Henry David Thoreau was graduated from Harward University,instead of being a government official or becoming a businessman or being a star. he choose to live a simple and original came to Walden pond in july 1845,when he left there,it was september 1847. Thoreau regarded his sojourn at Walden pond as a noble experiment with three purpose. First, he was escaping the humanizing effects of the Industrial Revolution by returning to a simpler, agrarian lifestyle. Second, he was simplifying his life and reducing his expenditures, increasing the amount of leisure time in which he could work on his writings. Third, and most important, Thoreau was putting into practice the Transcendentalist belief that one can best transcend normality and experience the Ideal, or the Divin(神圣), through nature. The book details Thoreau's sojourn in a cabin near Walden Pond, amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor Ralph Emerson, near Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau lived at Walden for two years, two months, and two days, but Walden was written so that the stay appears to be a year, with expressed seasonal divisions. Thoreau did not intend to live as a hermit, for he received visitors and returned their visits. Instead, he hoped to isolate himself from society in order to gain a more objective understanding of book is not a novel, a narrative poem, or a play; there is no clear story line, no plot line. Nor is it autobiography, although much of it is based on Thoreau's life at Walden book has 18 question of its structure has puzzled many critics, with some focusing on the cycle of the seasons as symbolic death and rebirth, and others on whether it is unified in spite of the oppositions it contains. It is not an easy book for a reader -- especially a first time reader -- to sort out and to find order in. Walden emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, solitude, contemplation, and closeness to nature in transcending the crass existence that is supposedly the lot of most the book is not simply a criticism of society, but also an attempt to engage creatively with the better aspects of contemporary culture is suggested both by his closeness to Concord society and by his admiration(赞美) for classical believes that it`s beneficialy to live solitary and close to nature. He loves to be alone, for "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude," and he is never lonely as long as he is close to nature. He believes there is no great value to be had by rubbing shoulders with the mass of humanity. At the final chapter, Thoreau criticizes Americans' constant rush to succeed, to acquire superfluous(多余的)wealth that does nothing to augment their happiness. He urges us to change our lives for the better, not by acquiring more wealth and material possessions, but instead to "sell your clothes and keep your thoughts," and to "say what you have to say, not what you ought." He criticizes conformity: "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." By doing these things, men may find happiness and self-fulfillment.


我用过的。只不过这个题材作为班级每日演讲的效果并不好。Walden Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), the author of Walden, was born in Concord, Massachusetts. When he was a child, he always went to the woods and field with his old brother. So he loves the nature very much. In the middle of 19th century, American economies developed so rapidly that most people pursuit the material life and ignore the spiritual life. But Thoreau wants to live a simple life. Also for the Transcendentalist Movement was centered in Concord and Emerson had a great influence on him. All these made Thoreau go to build a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond and live alone to close to the nature in 1845. Later, he wrote the famous book, Walden, which mainly talks about his life and thoughts during he lived alone in the woods near Walden Pond.  When Walden was published in 1854, it was not well accepted by people. Instead it was regarded as "wicked and heathenish" .It was published only one time until Thoreau died of disease. But many years later especially in twentieth century, it was gradually known and appreciated by lots of readers all over the world.  This is a book which tells in spring Thoreau starts building a cabin in the woods, thinking about life, reading some books, and listening to the sound of nature. In autumn, he cultivates beans, observes Walden Pond. In winter, the Walden Pond freeze, lots of animals accompany with him. As spring's coming, the Walden and other ponds melt. Every thing in nature is awake and reborn including Thoreau. After two years, Thoreau leaves.  Thoreau first writes that most people pursuit their necessary things of life such as fashionable clothes, houses and equipment. They pursuit these things while Thoreau go to the woods to building a cabin which only costs $, eating simple food and needing little furniture. So one of chapters in his book, “Higher Law", emphasizes more on the spiritual 'aspect instead of the satisfaction of material. Further more; he urges people to read more classic literature such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and other great writers’ masterpiece.  He also writes that though he lives alone in the woods, he is close to nature and makes himself as a part of nature. He lives alone, but sometimes he also talks with his visitors who are honest, sincere, thinkable and loving their life.  Thoreau also mentions that the noise in the town and the whistle of train disturb the quite life of the town. However, in the woods life is quite. When he lives in the woods, he can listen to animals' sounds such as bird's singing, owl’s hooting, cockerel’s crowing etc. He lives with animals friendly. He also describes the Walden Pond. The water, blue and green, clear and pure, freezes in winter and melts in spring.  When I was reading Walden, I felt that I was listening to a wise man’s talking. The words and phrases about the nature especially the Walden Pond are beautiful and fascinating. The sentences are full of wisdom and philosophy. Reading this book reminds me of those people who work hard to earn money, waste lots of money to buy luxury, waste time to entertain themselves. In my point of view, they may easily lose themselves, and though their bodies are full, their minds are hungry. The real life is to make every complicated thing to be simple and enrich our heart and soul. In a word, just simplicity simplicity and simplicity!  One of Thoreau's thoughts about solitude attracts me deeply for I’m the person who likes to be alone. There are some reasons for why I like to be alone: Firstly I think that living with others is easy to have a conflict whatever you are best friends. Secondly just as Thoreau saying ‘a man thinking or working always alone and let him be where he will’. I always live alone and people who around me think I must be lonely. Actually it's not true. They don't understand me at all. When I'm learning or reading, I don't think other things, just immersing in the ocean of knowledge .My heart is quite calm. And if learn new knowledge I got a feeling of happiness, satisfaction and fullness. So I was so surprised that what Thoreau said was exactly same to what I thought. I was so glad to find a person who has the same idea with me. When Thoreau lived alone in the woods, people did not understand him, even Emerson thought what he did was wrong. And now, people who around me think my life is not good. But I think Thoreau’s life was successful, meaningful and happy, so is mine. Because I think that the success and happiness of life all come from exactly value. Everyone deeply desires of themselves life. When you know what the value of yourself is, meanwhile you can enjoy your life according to the value every time. You will find that everyday you have full of energy and enthusiasm to do anything, hear the sure sound from your heart, and often feel intense achievebility, the most important is that your heart is peace and calm.  Although I may not understand Thoreau's thoughts completely, I’m really benefited from reading the book, Walden.




《瓦尔登湖》是本静静的书,极静极静的书,并不是热热闹闹的书。它是一本寂寞的书,一本孤独的书。它只是一本一个人的书。如果你的心没有安静下来,恐怕你很难进入到这本书里去。我要告诉你的是,在你的心静下来以后,你就会思考一些什么。在你思考一些什么问题时,你才有可能和这位享利·戴维·梭罗先生一起,思考一下自己,更思考一下更高的原则。 这位梭罗先生是与孤独结伴的。他常常只是一个人。他认为没有比孤独这个伴儿更好的伴儿了。他的生平十分简单,十分安静。 1817年7月12日梭罗生于康科德城;就学并毕业于哈佛大学(1833—1837年);回到家乡,执教两年(1838—1840年。然后他住到了大作家、思想家拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生家里(1841—1843年),当门徒,又当助手,并开始尝试写作。到1845年,他就单身只影,拿了一柄斧头,跑进了无人居住的瓦尔登湖边的山林中,独居到1847年才回到康城。1848年他又住在爱默生家里;1849年,他完成了一本叫作《康科德河和梅里麦克河上的一星期》的书。差不多同时,他发表了一篇名为《消极反抗》(On Civil Disobedience)的极为著名的、很有影响的论文。按字面意义,这也可以译为“论公民的不服从权利”。后面我们还要讲到它。然后,到了1854年,我们的这本文学名著《瓦尔登湖》出版了。本书有了一些反响,但开始的时候并不大。随时间的推移,它的影响越来越大。1859年,他支持了反对美国蓄奴制度的运动;当这个运动的领导人约翰·布朗竟被逮捕,且被判绞刑处死时,他发表了为布朗辩护和呼吁的演讲,并到教堂敲响钟声,举行了悼念活动。 此后他患了肺病,医治无效,于1862年病逝于康城,终年仅44岁。他留下了《日记》39卷,自有人给他整理,陆续出版,已出版有多种版本和多种选本问世。 他的一生是如此之简单而馥郁,又如此之孤独而芬芳。也可以说,他的一生十分不简单,也毫不孤独。他的读者将会发现,他的精神生活十分丰富,而且是精美绝伦,世上罕见。和他交往的人不多,而神交的人可就多得多了。 他对自己的出生地,即马省的康城,深感自豪。康城是爆发了美国独立战争的首义之城。他说过,永远使他惊喜的是他“出生于全世界最可尊敬的地点”之一,而且“时间也正好合适”,适逢美国知识界应运而生的、最活跃的年代。在美洲大陆上,最早的欧洲移民曾居住的“新英格兰”六州,正是美国文化的发祥之地。而正是在马省的康城,点燃起来了美国精神生活的辉耀火炬。小小的康城,风光如画。 一下子,那里出现了四位大作家:爱默生,霍桑,阿尔考特,和他,梭罗。1834年,爱默生定居于康城,曾到哈佛大学作了以《美国学者》为题的演讲。爱默生演讲,撰文,出书,宣扬有典型性的先知先觉的卓越的人,出过一本《卓越的人》,是他的代表作。他以先驱者身份所发出的号召,给了梭罗以深刻的影响。 在爱默生的推动之下,梭罗开始给《日晷》杂志寄诗写稿了。但一位要求严格的编辑还多次退了他的稿件。梭罗也在康城学院里作了一次题为《社会》的演讲,而稍稍引起了市民的注意。到1841年,爱默生就邀请了梭罗住到他家里去。当时爱默生大事宣扬他的唯心主义先验论,聚集了一班同人,就像办了个先验主义俱乐部似的。但梭罗并不认为自己是一个先验主义者。在一段日记中他写着:“人们常在我耳边叮咛,用他们的美妙理论和解决宇宙问题的各种花言巧语,可是对我并没有帮助。我还是回到那无边无际,亦无岛无屿的汪洋大海上去,一刻不停地探测着、寻找着可以下锚,紧紧地抓住不放的一处底层的好。” 本来梭罗的家境比较困难,但还是给他上了大学,并念完了大学。 然后他家里的人认为他应该出去闯天下了。可是他却宁可回家乡,在康城的一所私立中学教教书。之后不久,只大他一岁的哥哥约翰也跑来了。两人一起教书。哥哥教英语和数学,弟弟教古典名著、科学和自然史。学生们很爱戴他们俩。亨利还带学生到河上旅行,在户外上课、野餐,让学生受到以大自然为课堂,以万物为教材的生活教育。 一位朋友曾称梭罗为“诗人和博物学家”,并非过誉。他的生活知识是丰富,而且是渊博的。当他孤独时,整个大自然成了他的伴侣。据爱默生弟弟的回忆,梭罗的学生告诉过他:当梭罗讲课时,学生们静静地听着,静得连教室里掉下一支针也能听得清楚。 1839年7月,一个十七岁的少女艾伦·西华尔来到康城,并且访问了梭罗这一家子。她到来的当天,亨利就写了一首诗。五天后的日记中还有了这么一句:“爱情是没有法子治疗的,惟有爱之弥甚之一法耳。”这大约就是为了艾伦的缘故写的。不料约翰也一样爱上了她,这就使事情复杂化了。三人经常在一起散步,在河上划船。登山观看风景,进入森林探险,他们还在树上刻下了他们的姓氏的首字。谈话是几乎没完没了的,但是这个幸福的时间并不长久。 这年春天,哥儿俩曾造起了一条船。八月底,他们乘船沿着康科德河和梅里麦克河上作了一次航行。在旅途上,一切都很好,只是两人之间已有了一些微妙的裂纹,彼此都未言明,实际上他们已成了情敌。后来约翰曾向她求婚而被她拒绝了。再后来,亨利也给过她一封热情的信,而她回了他一封冷淡的信。不久后,艾伦就嫁给了一个牧师。这段插曲在亨利心头留下了创伤。但接着发生了一件绝对意想不到的事。1842年的元旦,约翰在一条皮子上磨利他的剃刀片刀刃时,不小心划破了他的左手中指。他用布条包扎了,没有想到两三天后化脓了,全身疼痛不堪。赶紧就医,已来不及,他得了牙关紧闭症,败血病中之一种。他很快进入了弥留状态。十天之后,约翰竟此溘然长逝了。突然的事变给了亨利一个最沉重的打击。他虽然竭力保持平静,回到家中却不言不语。一星期后,他也病倒了,似乎也是得了牙关紧闭症。幸而他得的并不是这种病,是得了由于心理痛苦引起来的心身病状态。整整三个月,他都在这个病中,到四月中他又出现在园子里了,才渐渐地恢复过来。 那年亨利写了好些悼念约翰的诗。在《哥哥,你在哪里》这诗中,他问道:“我应当到哪里去/寻找你的身影?/沿着邻近的那条小河,/我还能否听到你的声音?”答复是他的兄长兼友人,约翰,已经和大自然融为一体了。他们结了绸缪,他已以大自然的容颜为他自己的容颜了,以大自然的表情表达了他自己的意念……大自然已取走了他的哥哥,约翰已成为大自然的一部分:从这里开始,亨利才恢复了信心和欢乐。他在日记中写着:“眼前的痛苦之沉重也说明过去的经历的甘美。悲伤的时候,多么的容易想起快乐!冬天,蜜蜂不能酿蜜,它就消耗已酿好的蜜。”这一段时间里,他是在养病,又养伤;在蛰居之中,为未来作准备,在蓄势,蓄水以待开闸了放水,便可以灌溉大地。 在另一篇日记中,他说:“我必须承认,若问我对于社会我有了什么作为,对于人类我已致送了什么佳音,我实在寒酸得很。无疑我的寒酸不是没有原因的,我的无所建树也并非没有理由的。我就在想望着把我的生命的财富献给人们,真正地给他们最珍贵的礼物。我要在贝壳中培养出珍珠来,为他们酿制生命之蜜。我要阳光转射到公共福利上来。我没有财富要隐藏。我没有私人的东西。我的特异功能就是要为公众服务。惟有这个功能是我的私有财产。任何人都是可以天真的,因而是富有的。我含蕴着,并养育着珍珠,直到它的完美之时。” 恢复健康以后的梭罗又住到了爱默生家里。稍后,他到了纽约,住在市里的斯丹顿岛上,在爱默生弟弟的家里。他希望能开始建立起他的文学生涯来。恰恰因为他那种独特的风格,并不是能被人,被世俗社会所喜欢的,想靠写作来维持生活也很不容易,不久之后,他又回到了家乡。有一段时间,他帮助他父亲制造铅笔,但很快他又放弃了这种尚能营利的营生。 于是到了1844年的秋天,爱默生在瓦尔登湖上买了一块地。当这年过去了之后,梭罗得到了这块土地的主人的允许,可以让他“居住在湖边”。终于他跨出了勇敢的一步,用他自己的话来说:





全部有开题报告242.论劳伦斯《虹》中的异化 (字数:6637.页数:19 ) 243.从哲学角度看中西餐具文化的差异 (字数:6052.页数:18 ) 244.双关语在广告英语中的语用分析及其运用 (字数:6055.页数:19 ) 245.如何引导后进生学习英语 (字数:5138.页数:17 ) 246.论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 (字数:5773.页数:17 ) 247.关联理论框架下的反语研究——《傲慢与偏见》个案分析 (字数:9774.页数:27 ) 248.从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识 (字数:6771.页数:19 ) 249.《瓦尔登湖》中自然主义的现实意义 (字数:5155.页数:17 ) 250.浅析中西鬼文化 (字数:6755.页数:19 ) 251.建构主义理论下计算机辅助大学英语视听说——以 英语专业为例 (字数:7471.页数:24 ) 252.论英语和汉语色彩词的文化内涵 (字数:8111.页数:22 ) 253.信达雅在旅游宣传资料翻译中的应用 (字数:6771.页数:19 ) 254.英汉植物词文化内涵的比较研究 (字数:6440.页数:18 ) 255.影视翻译的特点及技巧—阿甘正传个案研究 (字数:6957.页数:21 ) 256.美国和中国感恩文化的精髓:合格公民的必备素质 (字数:6097.页数:17 ) 257.先进的英语阅读理念与英语快速阅读的关系 (字数:6737.页数:21 ) 258.透过广告创意看中西文化差异 (字数:6481.页数:19 ) 259.从“死亡”委婉语看中西方文化差异 (字数:6208.页数:18 ) 260.以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 (字数:6437.页数:18 ) 261.教师的课堂情感表现在小学英语教学中的关键性作用 (字数:5729.页数:18 ) 262.性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现 (字数:5414.页数:18 ) 263.口译中的文化差异:现象与对策 (字数:6381.页数:19 ) 264.浅析中西方喜剧文化---以《武林外传》和《老友记》为例 (字数:6381.页数:19 ) 265.关联理论的语境价值与英语专业四级考试听力理解 (字数:6259.页数:19 ) 266.比较中西方礼仪差别 (字数:5626.页数:17 ) 267.英汉数字词语认知比较研究 (字数:7916.页数:21 )

242.论劳伦斯《虹》中的异化 (字数:6637.页数:19 ) 243.从哲学角度看中西餐具文化的差异 (字数:6052.页数:18 ) 244.双关语在广告英语中的语用分析及其运用 (字数:6055.页数:19 ) 245.如何引导后进生学习英语 (字数:5138.页数:17 ) 246.论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 (字数:5773.页数:17 ) 247.关联理论框架下的反语研究——《傲慢与偏见》个案分析 (字数:9774.页数:27 ) 248.从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识 (字数:6771.页数:19 ) 249.《瓦尔登湖》中自然主义的现实意义 (字数:5155.页数:17 ) 250.浅析中西鬼文化 (字数:6755.页数:19 ) 251.建构主义理论下计算机辅助大学英语视听说——以 英语专业为例 (字数:7471.页数:24 ) 252.论英语和汉语色彩词的文化内涵 (字数:8111.页数:22 ) 253.信达雅在旅游宣传资料翻译中的应用 (字数:6771.页数:19 ) 254.英汉植物词文化内涵的比较研究 (字数:6440.页数:18 ) 255.影视翻译的特点及技巧—阿甘正传个案研究 (字数:6957.页数:21 ) 256.美国和中国感恩文化的精髓:合格公民的必备素质 (字数:6097.页数:17 ) 257.先进的英语阅读理念与英语快速阅读的关系 (字数:6737.页数:21 ) 258.透过广告创意看中西文化差异 (字数:6481.页数:19 ) 259.从“死亡”委婉语看中西方文化差异 (字数:6208.页数:18 ) 260.以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 (字数:6437.页数:18 ) 261.教师的课堂情感表现在小学英语教学中的关键性作用 (字数:5729.页数:18 ) 262.性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现 (字数:5414.页数:18 ) 263.口译中的文化差异:现象与对策 (字数:6381.页数:19 ) 264.浅析中西方喜剧文化---以《武林外传》和《老友记》为例 (字数:6381.页数:19 ) 265.关联理论的语境价值与英语专业四级考试听力理解 (字数:6259.页数:19 ) 266.比较中西方礼仪差别 (字数:5626.页数:17 ) 267.英汉数字词语认知比较研究 (字数:7916.页数:21 )


