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With the general improvement of the quality of life, the sea and land are not the only ways for people's travel, tourism , as the aviation industry has the advantage of time and gradually,it become the mainstream trend in transportation. In order to meet the needs of modern society the concept of a high time for a strong, ticket booking management system for the ticket booking office has brought great convenience. The purpose of this paper is to study the management of ticket booking system software development and application of ways, mainly because the management of today's cumbersome ticket reservations to the concept of time has a strong staff of the airline has brought a lot of inconvenience and the lack of a complete airline Booking of ticket management software, for Record of the booking, flight information, such as passenger information to facilitate the management, so the development of this software. In this paper, VC programming language as a system to support the software to WIN9X/NT/XP operating system as a platform to support the VC to control the operating system software. Around the machine on database design and programming work in these two areas of practice, through some kind of database products and development tools (Access, SQL Server, Oracle, VFP, PB, VB, VC, Delphi, etc.) are familiar with and know, for a given of a specific problem, first of all, through its comprehensive analysis of the conceptual model for database design, relational database design logical structure to achieve 3NF or BCNF mode then RDBMS at the finish the design and specific features of the programming module require debugging, testing the success of the final submission of a small database applications. In this paper, through computer networks to the client and the server connected to the database from the client to deal with information received, achieve flight information, ticket generation, sales statistics, etc. General information subsystem. Cost for the computer center, a computer sales business automation, as airlines reduce costs, improve sales, management decision-making based on timely and precise. Function of the software system at the completion of the internal source code directly. Through the operation manual, the user can know the basic working principle of the software. Operators only need to input some simple Chinese characters, numbers, can achieve their goal. Keywords: VC, Access, Delphi, SQL Server. 翻译如有出入,请您再做修正!


摘要: Abstract 关键词: Key words 参考文献: Reference

【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)


With the general improvement of the quality of life, the sea and land are not the only ways for people's travel, tourism , as the aviation industry has the advantage of time and gradually,it become the mainstream trend in transportation. In order to meet the needs of modern society the concept of a high time for a strong, ticket booking management system for the ticket booking office has brought great convenience. The purpose of this paper is to study the management of ticket booking system software development and application of ways, mainly because the management of today's cumbersome ticket reservations to the concept of time has a strong staff of the airline has brought a lot of inconvenience and the lack of a complete airline Booking of ticket management software, for Record of the booking, flight information, such as passenger information to facilitate the management, so the development of this software. In this paper, VC programming language as a system to support the software to WIN9X/NT/XP operating system as a platform to support the VC to control the operating system software. Around the machine on database design and programming work in these two areas of practice, through some kind of database products and development tools (Access, SQL Server, Oracle, VFP, PB, VB, VC, Delphi, etc.) are familiar with and know, for a given of a specific problem, first of all, through its comprehensive analysis of the conceptual model for database design, relational database design logical structure to achieve 3NF or BCNF mode then RDBMS at the finish the design and specific features of the programming module require debugging, testing the success of the final submission of a small database applications. In this paper, through computer networks to the client and the server connected to the database from the client to deal with information received, achieve flight information, ticket generation, sales statistics, etc. General information subsystem. Cost for the computer center, a computer sales business automation, as airlines reduce costs, improve sales, management decision-making based on timely and precise. Function of the software system at the completion of the internal source code directly. Through the operation manual, the user can know the basic working principle of the software. Operators only need to input some simple Chinese characters, numbers, can achieve their goal. Keywords: VC, Access, Delphi, SQL Server. 翻译如有出入,请您再做修正!

The Ning Chang is a historic town which has a long history. Ning Chang Salt has gone through a long development, creating a distinctive culture of salt. The culture of salt of Ning chang consists of:architectural salt culture; ancient plank road salt culture; the folk festivals salt culture; folk songs salt culture. Ning chang salt culture is disappearing, we have a responsibility to make it being inherited and protected. Key words:Ning chang town;salt culture;building;ancient plank road;folk festival;folk songs

Abstract: The Business English Correspondence is in the business environment, the use of correspondence with clients with different cultural backgrounds to communicate cross-cultural behavior. Business English Correspondence in the style and genre has its particularity, its translation is also the translation of the laws of ordinary different, Nida's dynamic equivalence translation theory emphasizes translation effects on and so on, rather than the formal right, etc. This Business English Correspondence found a translation of the theoretical basis to achieve the elimination of cultural barriers to the successful use of correspondence for the purpose of communication. Keywords: Business English Correspondence cultural differences between dynamic equivalence



问题一:论文摘要及关键词的英语翻译 Abstract: At present, real estate is one of the most indispensible industries. Land Appreciation Tax, being as a taxation lever of state macro-control upon real estate industry, plays an import role in regulating the appreciation ine of real estate enterprises and restraining investment impulse. Land Appreciation Tax is powerful in guaranteeing the equitable distribution of ine and improving the sound development of real estate. Tax authorities at any level are demanded to implement the State Council’s notice and essence, attach great importance to the collection and management of Land Appreciation Tax, reinforce the tax liquidation and enhance tax regulation, meanwhile, bining pre-requisition system and enterprise system. Key Words: Land Appreciation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax Liquidation, Land Appreciation Tax pre-requisition. 问题二:毕业论文 关键词怎么写 什么意思 首先对文献进行主题分析,弄清该文的主题概念和中心内容; 尽可能从题名、摘要、层次标题和正文的重要段落中抽出与主题概念一致的词和词组; 对所选出的词进行排序,对照叙词 表找出哪些词可以直接作为叙词标引,哪些词可以通过规范化变为叙词,哪些叙词可以组配成专指主题概念的词组; 还有相当数量无法规范为叙词的词,只要是表达主题概念所必需的 ,都可作为自由词标引并列入关键词。 问题三:论文中的关键词和英文摘要题目格式怎么会一致 日.区里面的李叔叔,张阿姨都来看望亮亮,并 且拿了一个蛋糕和好好心人捐助的钱.虽然不怎么多,但是毕竟是人们的一份心意啊!亮亮看到他妈妈来 便用央求的语气问他妈妈:“妈妈,我到底得了什么病?我真的好想去学校上学,和同学们一起玩.”妈 妈也说:“你的病马上就要好了,马上就可以读书了.”亮亮对着生日蛋糕许了一个愿,张阿姨问他许了 什么愿,他笑着说:“我希望这里的小朋友都能摆脱病魔,

With the general improvement of the quality of life, the sea and land are not the only ways for people's travel, tourism , as the aviation industry has the advantage of time and gradually,it become the mainstream trend in transportation. In order to meet the needs of modern society the concept of a high time for a strong, ticket booking management system for the ticket booking office has brought great convenience. The purpose of this paper is to study the management of ticket booking system software development and application of ways, mainly because the management of today's cumbersome ticket reservations to the concept of time has a strong staff of the airline has brought a lot of inconvenience and the lack of a complete airline Booking of ticket management software, for Record of the booking, flight information, such as passenger information to facilitate the management, so the development of this software. In this paper, VC programming language as a system to support the software to WIN9X/NT/XP operating system as a platform to support the VC to control the operating system software. Around the machine on database design and programming work in these two areas of practice, through some kind of database products and development tools (Access, SQL Server, Oracle, VFP, PB, VB, VC, Delphi, etc.) are familiar with and know, for a given of a specific problem, first of all, through its comprehensive analysis of the conceptual model for database design, relational database design logical structure to achieve 3NF or BCNF mode then RDBMS at the finish the design and specific features of the programming module require debugging, testing the success of the final submission of a small database applications. In this paper, through computer networks to the client and the server connected to the database from the client to deal with information received, achieve flight information, ticket generation, sales statistics, etc. General information subsystem. Cost for the computer center, a computer sales business automation, as airlines reduce costs, improve sales, management decision-making based on timely and precise. Function of the software system at the completion of the internal source code directly. Through the operation manual, the user can know the basic working principle of the software. Operators only need to input some simple Chinese characters, numbers, can achieve their goal. Keywords: VC, Access, Delphi, SQL Server. 翻译如有出入,请您再做修正!

英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗。







3、英文字体与行间距:统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”,倍行间距。



6、英文关键词:“Key Words”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。每个关键词使用四号字。









在Microsoft office word里,英文默认字体是TimesNew Roman,比较常用的还有 Arial, Calibri,字号以磅表示,从7px-96px。依据文章要求使用不同磅数的字,常用12 pt/ 14 pt/ 16 pt。





3、英文字体与行间距: 统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”,倍行间距。

4、英文题目: 使用三号字加粗。

5、英文摘要: “Absract”顶格,使用四号字,并加粗。


6、英文关键词: “Key Words”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。

亲 ~~ 过来人,理解你的心情。 其实,原创的论文网上没有免费为你dai写的!网上形同陌路的。有谁愿意花时间给你写呢?难道你在空闲的时间原以为别人提供这种不能给你带来价值的服务嘛?从网上寻求帮助,即便是有好心人给你发来一片,不是原创也是枉然呀。 所以,还不如自己查找资料自己写。花一些时间我相信你能成功的。还有就是网上混杂,万一碰到dai写人的,还要你花钱损失就大了。 亲 ~~~你说是不是吧!================【写作参考资料可以从这里找】====================== CNKI数据库也好、万方数据也好都有大量的原创论文供你参考的。 中国科技期刊数据库,它收录了近千种中文期刊和报纸以及外文期刊。 学校都有接口下载的,真没有免费的下载接口,到百度知道悬赏求助下载! 如果外文的你看不懂,不要紧直接找【谷歌学术】,相当好的、 网络之大,资源之强,相信任何语言的搜索都不在话下的。 如果要翻译,可以直接谷歌翻译一下,自己把语句梳理通顺就可以了!========================【写作方法】============================= 写作论文的简单方法,先要围绕着论题去占有和选择材料。然后在网上查找几份类似的文章。 通读一些相关资料,对这方面的内容有个大概的了解!看看别人都从哪些方面写这个东西! 参照你们学校的论文的格式,列出提纲,接着要将提纲给你们老师看看,再修改。等老师同意你这个提纲之后,你就可以补充内容! 也可以把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章!然后把按自己的语言把每一部分换下句式或词,经过换词不换意的办法处理后,网上就查不到了! 最后,到万方等数据库进行检测,这里便宜啊,每一万字才1块钱,将扫红部分进行再次修改! ~~ 你还感觉很难吗? ~~ 嘻嘻 。。。 ~~ 希望能帮到你。


算了吧Abstract:The long dragon scale insect, chicken for king of the birds, dragons give a person majesty and mystery, do not come near the awesome feeling; Chicken symbolize and beauty, peace or happiness and love, let a person feel warm, close, safety. This article from the historical development of the dragon grain, then depicts the perspectives of present-day jewelry design role and : dragon grain, the traditional pattern, innovation

摘要: Abstract 关键词: Key words 参考文献: Reference



