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在前面的帖子中,我提到一句中国谚语“三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮”。这个帖子发表后,网友vmax给我留言,问我这个谚语是否可以翻译成下面的句子。我回答他说,当然可以,但我不鼓励您这样做,主要原因是:您的译文,我们中国人看得懂,但外国人看不懂,他们根本不知道诸葛亮是什么人,如果您想让外国人也能看得懂,您就必须在译文的后面,额外增加一段注释,介绍一下《三国演义》,再介绍一下诸葛亮,只有这样,外国人才能真正理解这个谚语,您说麻烦不麻烦?! Three cobblers are more clever than Mr. Zhuge Liang.(三个皮匠会比诸葛亮先生更聪明。) 其实,我们中国的许多谚语,都有对应的英语谚语,两者意思相同或者相似,完全可以互相代替,一般情况下,不需要我们自己翻译。比如“三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮”这个谚语,就有一个对应的英语谚语,请看下面第一行。另外一个与《三国演义》人物有关的谚语“说曹操,曹操到”,也有对应的英语谚语,请看下面第二行。 ①Two heads are better than one.(两个脑袋比一个脑袋更好。) ②When we talk about the devil, he will appear.(当我们谈论魔鬼的时候,他将会出现。) 看到这里,有些朋友可能会问:在哪里可以找到这些对应的英语谚语呢?我曾在北京王府井的外文书店中,看到过这方面的书,书名好象叫做《汉英谚语词典》(时间长了,记不清楚了),我们可以从这种词典中,查出大多数中国谚语的对应英语谚语。现在国内是“英语热”,英语图书(包括英语词典)多如牛毛,我想这种词典应当不难找到。 一个中国谚语,只有在词典中找不到对应的英语谚语时,我们才考虑自己翻译,不过这种情况好象并不多见。比如“周瑜打黄盖,一个愿打,一个愿挨”这个谚语,我就一直没有找到对应的英语谚语,因此我把它翻译为: One is willing to sell, and the other is willing to buy.(一个人愿意卖,另外一个人愿意买。)


摘 要英语 谚语是英国人民智慧的结晶。作者从语言形式上介绍了英语谚语的特点:简练的文字,短小的形式,鲜明的比喻,深刻的寓意,具有鲜明的民族特色和地方色彩等。同时,作者从文化背景方面介论文联盟整理绍了英语谚语的产生与英国的传统习俗,宗教信仰,典故及其文学作品有关, 正是以上这些因素使得英语谚语翻译比较困难。最后,作者分析了英语谚语的四种翻译方法:直译,同义谚语套用法,意译,直译与意译相结合。Part I IntroductionLike other nation’s proverbs, English proverbs are the essence of English people’s wisdom. A well-translated English proverb can not only teach, enlighten and persuade people, but also can enrich our Chinese language and culture. So it is necessary to study a nation’s proverbs when we try to study its language and culture.English proverbs have many characteristics, such as religious structure, concise form, deep moral, bold image, unique geographical and ethnic characteristics. These characteristics make difficulties for us to translate English proverbs if we want to keep the original proverb’s language form and taste. Moreover, because of the differences of religious beliefs,habits and customs,fables and myth,and culture and art,English proverbs and Chinese proverbs carry on the different national cultural characteristics and information. If we do not know these cult论文联盟整理ural backgrounds, we cannot understand the English proverb’s connotation and cannot translate them precisely. To our Chinese people with a little cultural knowledge about English, it is very difficult for us to understand and translate English proverbs. So when studying English, we should try to study its culture order to present an adequate translation of a proverb,we can use the four translation methods flexibly:literal translation,free translation,substitution translation,literal translation combined with free translation.When translating, we should try to choose a proper translation method firstly. Secondly, we should translate the proverb’s connotation. Meanwhile, we should try to keep the original proverb’s form. In this paper, the author aims to introduce the characteristics of English proverbs, and discuss the four translation methods and thEir advantages respectively. Three cobblers are more clever than Mr. Zhuge Liang.(三个皮匠会比诸葛亮先生更聪明。) 其实,我们中国的许多谚语,都有对应的英语谚语,两者意思相同或者相似,完全可以互相代替,一般情况下,不需要我们自己翻译。比如“三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮”这个谚语,就有一个对应的英语谚语,请看下面第一行。另外一个与《三国演义》人物有关的谚语“说曹操,曹操到”,也有对应的英语谚语,请看下面第二行。 ①Two heads are better than one.(两个脑袋比一个脑袋更好。)②When we talk about the devil, he will appear.(当我们谈论魔鬼的时候,他将会出现。) 看到这里,有些朋友可能会问:在哪里可以找到这些对应的英语谚语呢?我曾在北京王府井的外文书店中,看到过这方面的书,书名好象叫做《汉英谚语词典》(时间长了,记不清楚了),我们可以从这种词典中,查出大多数中国谚语的对应英语谚语。现在国内是“英语热”,英语图书(包括英语词典)多如牛毛,我想这种词典应当不难找到。 一个中国谚语,只有在词典中找不到对应的英语谚语时,我们才考虑自己翻译,不过这种情况好象并不多见。比如“周瑜打黄盖,一个愿打,一个愿挨”这个谚语,我就一直没有找到对应的英语谚语,因此我把它翻译为: One is willing to sell, and the other is willing to buy.(一个人愿意卖,另外一个人愿意买。)



没想到,还有人和我一样和找相关的参考文献:About Translation P. Newmark《论翻译》A Practical Guide for Translators G. Samuelsson-Brown《译者实用指南》Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface A. Chesterman & E. Wagner《理论对译者有用吗?象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》Corpora in Translator Education F. Zanettin et al.《语料库与译者培养》Corpus-based Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies S. Granger《基于语料库的语言对比和翻译研究》Crosscultural Transgressions: Research Models in Translation studies Ⅱ, Historical and Ideological Issues T. Hermans《跨文化侵越——翻译学研究模式(Ⅱ):历史与意识形态问题》Electronic Tools for Translators F. Austermuhl《译者的电子工具》Intercultural Fautlines: Research Models in Translation Studies Ⅰ, Textual and Cognitive Aspects M. Olohan《超越文化断裂——翻译学研究模式(Ⅰ):文本与认知的译学研究》Method in Translation History 《翻译史研究方法》Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation- Orented Text Analysis(Second Edition) C. Nord《翻译的文本分析模式:理论、方法及教学应用》(第二版)The Translator’s Turn D. Robinson《译者登场》Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies . Holmes《译稿杀青!文学翻译与翻译研究文集》Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context《文学翻译:比较文学背景下的理论与实践》Translation and Empire : Postcolonial Theories Explained D. robinson《翻译与帝国:后殖民理论解读》Translation and Language : Linguistic Theories Explained 《翻译与语言:语言学理论解读》Translation and Literary Criticism: Translation as Analysis . Rose《翻译与文学批评:翻译作为分析手段》Translation and Nation : Towards a Cultural Politics of Englishness R. Ellis & L. Ley-Brown《翻译与民族:英格兰的文化政治》Translation and Norms C. Schaffner《翻译与规范》Translation and Norms C. Schaffner《翻译,权力,颠覆》Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives G. Anderman & 《今日翻译:趋向与视角》Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies L. Bowker et al.《多元下的统一?当代翻译研究潮流》Western Translation Theory: from Herodotus to Nietzsche D. Robinson《西方翻译理论:从希罗多德到尼采》 以上全是外研社的,建议你挑几个.千万别全写上,一定穿帮

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[20] Larson, Translation. . 1984

[21] Gentile, Interpreting or Not. The Critical Link:Interpreters in the Community . 1995


退避三舍 春秋时候,晋献公听信谗言,杀了太子申生,又派人捉拿申生的弟弟重耳。重耳闻讯,逃出了晋国,在外流忘十几年。 经过千幸万苦,重耳来到楚国。楚成王认为重耳日后必有大作为,就以国群之礼相迎,待他如上宾。 一天,楚王设宴招待重耳,两人饮洒叙话,气氛十分融洽。忽然楚王问重耳:“你若有一天回晋国当上国君,该怎么报答我呢?”重耳略一思索说:“美女待从、珍宝丝绸,大王您有的是,珍禽羽毛,象牙兽皮,更是楚地的盛产,晋国哪有什么珍奇物品献给大王呢?”楚王说:“公子过谦了。话虽然这么说,可总该对我有所表示吧?”重耳笑笑回答道:“要是托您的福。果真能回国当政的话,我愿与贵国友好。假如有一天,晋楚国之间发生战争,我一定命令军队先退避三舍(一舍等于三十里),如果还不能得到您的原谅,我再与您交战。” 四年后,重耳真的回到晋国当了国君,就是历史上有名的晋文公。晋国在他的治理下日益强大。 公元前633年,楚国和晋国的军队在作战时相遇。晋文公为了实现他许下的诺言,下令军队后退九十里,驻扎在城濮。楚军见晋军后退,以为对方害怕了,马上追击。晋军利用楚军骄傲轻敌的弱点,集中兵力,大破楚军,取得了城濮之战的胜利。 问鼎中原 传说古代夏禹铸造九鼎,代表九州,作为国家权力的象征。夏、商、周三代以九鼎为传国重器,为得天下者所据有。 成语典故:洛阳是东周的都城。楚庄王亲自领兵打败在陆浑一带的戎族以后,又到周定王的边境阅兵,显示楚国势力的强大,想以此威胁周天子,与他分治天下,吓得周定王立即派大臣王孙满去慰劳他。 庄王一见王孙满就问:“我听说大禹铸有九鼎,从夏传到商,又从商传到周,成为世界上的宝贝,现在放在洛阳。这鼎有多大?有多重?” 这一劈头盖脑的问话,把王孙满吓呆了。因为九鼎是大禹治水时,用九州进贡的铁铸成的,它是九州的象征,也是国家政权的象征,夏、商、周三个朝代,都把它作为世代相传的国宝,它标志着天子的尊严,象征着王位的神圣,从来都是奉若神明,不容许任何人过问的。 王孙满呆了一会,赶忙哈起腰,皮笑肉不笑地说:“大王,这九鼎嘛……小人不敢应答啊!” 庄王用轻蔑的口气说:“那九鼎有什么了不起呀?从楚国的仓库里随便拿出一点废铁就足够铸成九鼎!” 王孙满一听这口气,吓得不敢在这里多停留,赶忙向楚王告辞回洛阳。他一边走一边想:自古以来,任何人不敢过问九鼎,今天楚王问九鼎的轻重和大小,而且那样蔑视九鼎,是把周天子没放在眼里,莫非是想灭周朝而统领天下!他越想越害怕,连忙快步往回跑。 此时,周定王在宫里坐立不安,正等着王孙满的消息。王孙满一进宫,周定王劈头就问:“楚国那个叫旅(庄王的名字)的小子说些什么?他对你的态度如何?” 王孙满急忙下跪,结结巴巴地说:“哎呀,不,不得了呀!这世道变、变、变了啊!”说着呜呜地哭了起来。 周定王见此情景,更着急了,赶忙追问:“你快说,是怎么回事?” 王孙满一边套一边说:“楚子狗胆包天!他,他问九鼎有多大、多重,他还说,从楚国仓库里随便拿出一点废铁,就足够铸成九鼎。” 庄王问鼎,有损于天子的尊严,更是对周朝政权的威胁。这平素被尊奉如神的周定王一听到这个消息,又生气又害怕,一时沉默不语,呆若木鸡。过了一会,他起身一遍又遍地抚摸九鼎。大臣们知道了这个消息,都来安慰周定王说:“陛下放心,陛下万福!九鼎天命所系。天命不可改变,苍天会保佑您!” 围魏救赵 是讲战国时期齐国与魏国的桂陵之战。公元前354年,魏惠王欲释失中山的旧恨,便派大将庞涓前去攻打。这中山原本是东周时期魏国北邻的小国被魏国收服,后来赵国乘魏国国丧伺机将中山强占了,魏将庞涓认为中山不过弹丸之地,距离赵国又很近,不若直打赵国都城邯郸,既解旧恨又一举双得。魏王从之,欣欣然似霸业从此开始,即拨五百战车以庞涓为将,直奔赵国围了赵国都城邯郸。赵王急难中只好求救于齐国,并许诺解围后以中山相赠。齐威王应允,令田忌为将,并起用从魏国救得的孙膑为军师领兵出发。这孙膑曾与庞涓同学,对用兵之法谙熟精通。魏王用重金将他聘得,当时庞涓也正事奉魏国。庞涓自觉能力不及孙膑,恐其贤于己,遂以毒刑将孙膑致残,断孙两足并在他脸上刺字,企图使孙不能行走,又羞于见人。后来孙膑装疯,幸得齐使者救助,逃到齐国。这是一段关于庞涓与孙膑的旧事。 且说田忌与孙膑率兵进入魏赵交界之地时,田忌想直逼赵国邯郸,孙膑制止说:解乱丝结绳,不可以握 拳去打,排解争斗,不能参与搏击,平息纠纷要抓住要害,乘虚取势,双方因受到制约才能自然分开。现在魏国精兵倾国而出,若我直攻魏国。那庞涓必回师解救,这样一来邯郸之围定会自解。我们再于中途伏击庞涓归路,其军必败。田忌依计而行。果然,魏军离开邯郸,归路中又陷伏击与齐战于桂陵,魏部卒长途疲惫,溃不成军,庞涓勉强收拾残部,退回大梁,齐师大胜,赵国之围遂解。这便是历史上有名的“围魏救赵”的故事。又后十三年,齐魏之军再度相交于战场,庞涓复又陷于孙膑的伏击自知智穷兵败遂自刎。 朝秦暮楚 在秦统一中国之前,这里是秦楚两国你争我抢的拉锯之地,本地的百姓在秦兵楚将的滋扰之中,学会了聪明的生存方法。早晨,秦兵打过来了,百姓们便说自己是秦国的良民,把秦国的门牌翻过来,晚上楚军攻过来了,百姓们便说自己是楚国的顺民,把楚国的门牌翻过来,以此保护了自己的生命财产。 卧薪尝胆 公元前496年,吴王阖闾派兵攻打越国,但被越国击败,阖闾也伤重身亡。两年后阖闾的儿子夫差率兵击败越国,越王勾践被押送到吴国做奴隶,勾践忍辱负重伺候吴王三年后,夫差才对他消除戒心并把他送回越国。 其实勾践并没有放弃报复仇之心,他表面上对吴王服从,但暗中训练精兵,强政励治并等待时机反击吴国。艰苦能锻炼意志,安逸反而会消磨意志。勾践害怕自己会贪图眼前的安逸,消磨报仇雪耻的意志,所以他为自己安排艰苦的生活环境。他晚上睡觉不用褥,只铺些柴草(古时叫薪),又在屋里挂了一只苦胆,他不时会尝尝苦胆的味道,为的就是不忘过去的耻辱。 勾践为鼓励民众就和王后与人民一起参与劳动,在越人同心协力之下把越国强大起来,最后并找到时机,灭亡吴国。 纸上谈兵 赵括从小就学习兵法,谈论兵事,认为天下没有比得上他的。曾经和他的父亲赵奢谈论兵事,赵奢都难不倒他,但是并不称赞他。赵括的母亲问赵奢其中的原因,赵奢曰∶“打仗,是生死攸关的地方,而赵括太轻率地讨论它了。如果赵王不让他当将军就罢了,如果一定要让他当将军,他一定会使赵军遭受失败。” 赵括代替了廉颇以后,全部变更了军法,轻率的任用军官。秦国的将军白起听说以后,指挥奇兵,假装打败撤退,而断绝赵军的粮道,把赵军一分为二,赵军士气不能统一。被困四十多天,赵军非常饥饿,赵括亲自指挥精兵博战,秦军用箭射死了赵括。 赵括的军队大败,数十万赵军投降了秦国,秦国全部将它们活埋了。


优质解答keep somebody at arm's length,形影不离 be on one's back,卧病在床 make somebody's blood boil,热血沸腾 Keep one's shirt on,忍辱负重 Shout something from the rooftops ,登高而呼 Be all ears,洗耳恭听 out of the blue,猝不及防 at sixes and sevens,乱七八糟 A bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳love you love your dog 爱屋及乌 a bad apple,金玉其外,败絮其中It rains dogs and cats.倾盆大雨 Fish in trouble water.混水摸鱼 Teach fish to swim.班门弄斧 Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡敬猴。


bǎo jīng fēng shuāng





【正音】经;不能 读作“jīn”。








【英译】endure all the hardships of exposure

我在 1982 年写过一篇短文,题为《论中文四字成语的英译》,刊于台北《中英文周刊》(590期)。所讨论的主要对象为香港出版的《林语堂当代汉英词典》,主旨在指出一般汉英词典,对于中文广泛使用的四字成语(例见后)仅给予字面上的解释便算满足,从来不管它们在实际应用句中该如何翻译的问题。 我之所以特别挑选四字成语来谈它的翻译,乃因为中文的四字成语常具有句子的形态,很容易让人把它当做一个独立的短句或谓语(即无主语的句子)来翻译,因此常造成在表面上看起来似乎没有问题的翻译,而在实际应用上却格格不入,完全不能适用,必须另起炉灶,重新翻译。 当时我随意提出了十多个四字成语,一一检视了林氏汉英词典所给的翻译,其中有当做短句翻译者,如: (1) 危言耸听:A startling statement creates a sensation. (2) 夜长梦多:prospect is dark and dreary 有当做谓语(predicate)翻译者 (=无主语的句子),如: (3) 得意忘形:lose all bearings in moment of pride and satisfaction (4) 骑虎难下:’riding on a tiger’ — afraid to go on and unable to get down 问题是,如何把这些翻译直接套进一个完整的句子,如: (A) 请你不要在这里危言耸听,好不好? (B) 此事必须速谋解决,以防夜长梦多。 (C) 像你这样得意忘形,是会得罪人的。 (D) 看样子他是骑虎难下,只好硬干下去了。 所举其它的成语还包括:明哲保身、日新月异、破镜重圆、兵荒马乱、莫名其妙、无时无刻等,但均无例句。 今天,欣见《新时代汉英大词典》(以下简称《新时代》)对于上述的成语,除了给予字面上解释性的翻译以外,还有实际涵意的翻译,并且各举一个或两个例句,以明其在实际造句中该如何翻译,可说弥补了向来汉英词典的一大缺点,尽到了一部理想的汉英词典所应尽的责任,代表了汉英词典出版界的一大进步。 然而,编一部规模如此钜大的词典,参加的人手如此之多,对于我体例上的统一要求,实在是一项极大的挑战。尤其所举例句中相关字词的意义,常有与定义不完全配合的情形。就以前面所举的各成语而言,《新时代》的处理,便有以下若干分歧现象。大部分也都是在「定义」中只给字面上的解释,而在例句中另作翻译,例如: (a)「明哲保身」:use one’s wits to ensure one’s own survival (and shirk moral responsibility); be worldly wise and play safe. 【例句】他一向信奉 ~ 的处世哲学。He has always believed in the philosophy of self-preservation. 有许多情形,中文一个四字成语,在翻译时常只等于一个英文字的意思,这便是一个很好的例子。问题是为什幺不能把 self-preservation 放入「定义」之内,俾使定义能与用例更为密切配合?也就是说,定义实应分为两部分:一部分是字面上的解释,一部分则是在例句翻译中之英文的等值语(equivalent)。在《新时代》中,已有一些成语的「定义」是这幺处理的,但仍常有未能与例句翻译完全配合的情形。 (b)「兵荒马乱」:troops on the rampage; chaos of war; turmoil of war. 【例句】~ 的年月turbulent years of war. 那时 ~,动荡不安。In those days of lawlessness and disorder, life was chaotic. 这也是一个例句中之英译,未能与定义配合的例子。这里有一点值得特别一提的是,「兵荒马乱」常与时间词一起用,如年月、时候,作为它们的修饰语。如果能对此点加以说明,这时便可以把 turbulent 和 of lawlessness and disorder 加入「定义」,岂不两全其美。 (c)「破镜重圆」:join together a broken mirror; put together the wreckage of a married life; retie a marriage knot after a separation (of a couple); achieve a reunion and reconciliation after a rupture. 【例句】王老师的帮助使他俩 ~。Thanks to Mr. Wang’s help, the estranged coupled were reunited. 这一次的字面解释,似嫌过于累赘,重三复四,只点出了一个最关紧要的字reunion。所谓「破镜」只不过是中国文化所惯用的一个比喻,而此成语的重心只在后面的「重圆」,所以英文只需要一个字 reunion 就可以包括了。不过有趣的是,这个例句中所用的不是名词 reunion,而是(被动式)动词 were reunited。这可以说明,中文的一个四字成语,在英文中所扮演的角色,视情况而定,可以是名词,也可以是动词,或形容词,或副词等等。就目前而言,一般汉英词典(包括《新时代》),无论对于单字或两字以上组成的词语,均未分辨「词类」 (parts of speech)处理,而「词类」对于英文却是很重要的。定义分「词类」处理,这一点是否可以作为汉英词典未来发展的目标之一,值得思考。 (d)「日新月异」:change with each passing day; undergo changes day by day. 【例句】家乡面貌 ~ 。My hometown has been undergoing great changes with each passing day. 科学技术的发展 ~。Science and technology have been developing at an amazing speed. 这里有两个例句,前一句完全符合定义,但后一句却是从另一个角度—速度—思考的。原来「日新月异」还有「高速度 amazing speed 」的意思,这一点,「定义」似乎没有理由漏掉,不加处理。当事者可能辩称,当「定义」过多时,自然不可能面面顾到,但当执笔者自己所举的例句摆在眼前,还能算是没想到吗?另一方面,如果说任何用法只要有例句就可以交代了,那岂不等于说全部「定义」都可以省了? (e)「夜长梦多」:when night is long, dreams are many; a long delay may mean trouble. 【例句】这事要快点办成,免得 ~。Please get it done without delay, otherwise something untoward may happen. 其实这句英译的后半句,并非必要如此大费周张,另起炉灶。如果能依照定义已有的译法,将这后半句改为for a long delay may mean trouble,岂不简单明了又省事。 (f)「骑虎难下」:ride a tiger and find it hard to dismount; get a tiger by the tail and be unable to let go; have no way to back down. 【例句】事到如今,已经是 ~ 了。 As things stand, it is already impossible to back down. 这个成语的重点也是在后二字「难下」,如果要让「定义」内容更为周全一点,则可以说:(如果主语指「人」) have no way to back down; (如果主语非指「人」) be impossible to back down.这样使读者对于例句中为何不用have no way,而用 is impossible,会有更深一层的认识。 (g)「得意忘形」:be intoxicated by one’s success; get dizzy with success. 【例句】胜利使他 ~ 。He got dizzy with success. or Success turned his head. 一个人 ~ 的时候常常会遭霉运。More often than not, bad luck approaches a person quietly when he is beside himself with elation. 个人认为,这里出现在例句中的 turn one’s head和beside oneself with elation皆可进入「定义」,以求圆满一致。 (h)「莫名其妙」:(1) be unable to make head or tail (of sth.); be puzzled. 【例句】他匆匆离开上海也不跟朋友打个招呼,真弄得我 ~。I was baffled at his sudden departure …。 大家搞不清他这话是什幺意思,都 ~ 地望着他。Nobody could make out what he meant, so they all looked at him in perplexity. (2) without rhyme or reason; for no apparent reason; unaccountable; inexplicable. 【例句】他 ~ 地发起脾气。Quite unaccountably he flew into a rage.我常常 ~ 地受到呵斥和挑剔。I was often berated and picked on for no apparent reason. 「莫名其妙」这个成语,在句中经常用作副词,由例句中四分之三都是作副词用这一事实可以说明。因此,定义中的 unaccountable 似应作 unaccountably 较符合事实,或二者皆列 unaccountable; unaccountably) 。前例中之 ‘in perplexity’ 系以介词词组形式作副词用。目前 ‘定义’虽不区分词类,但遇此特殊情形,似可加入:“(作副词用时)in perplexity; unaccountably; for no apparent reason.” — 岂不功德圆满? (i)「无时无刻」:all the time; at every moment; always.【例句】宇宙万物 ~ 不在发展变化。Everything in the universe is changing unceasingly. 这里的问题性质,与前面稍有不同。第一、「无时无刻」译作 ‘all the time; at every moment; always’ 到底正不正确?第二、例句的翻译似乎也漏译了一个字。因为unceasingly如果等于「无时无刻」 all the time ,那幺中文原句中还有一个 「不」 字,怎幺不见了?被吃掉了?关于「无时无刻」这个习语的翻译,所有汉英词典一向都是大而化之,不予深究的态度。连林氏《当代汉英词典》也不例外,他的翻译也类似: every hour and moment 。但我们仔细研究一下,「无时无刻」在中文里似乎总是用在否定句,例如「我无时无刻不在想念你」,实际就等于说「我时时刻刻都在想念你」。说到这里,难怪本节例句的英译 「吃」掉了一个「不」字,原来是把「无时无刻」译为 ‘all the time; always’ 惹的祸。要厘清问题的所在,我们试把 ‘I’ve been thinking of you all the time’ 倒转来翻成中文,能翻成「我无时无刻想念你」吗?必然是翻成「我无时无刻不在想念你」才对,不是吗?所以我们的结论是:要把「无时无刻」改为「无时无刻不」,英文才能译作 ‘all the time; at every moment; always’!仅「无时无刻」只能译作 ‘at no time; never’! 总结 : 综观以上的讨论使我们觉得,汉英词典今后发展的方向有二: 需要作字面解释的词语(如四字成语),定义应分两部分:a.字面解释;b .翻译,即在实际英文造句中直接可用的翻译。 中文词典向来不分词类,也可以说根本没有词类的观念。但汉英词典不同,它的目的语是英文,而英文是注重词类的。所以,在一本完善的汉英词典中,所有的定义能依其在英文造句中所扮演的词类角色,给予一个适当的词类标示,对读者的帮助会是很大的。


原文太长,我给你的是节选,你需要全文的话,文后我给你附上网址。 Abstract At present, with the rapid pace of economy’s development, advertising tends to be a main way to, so it is natural that international Ads translation becomes decisive for the products’ successful launching to the world market. Advertisements’ translation is a cross-cultural communication. Cultural differences determine that it would be far from easy for Ad to reach its function for the world market. The cultural connotation reflected in translation must win receptors’ acceptance. Just like the idiom says “when in Rome do as Romans do”. Advertising language should be kept in corresponding with cultural background of the target language, whenever this is done, it becomes possible for advertisements to exert its function to attract the receptors. Combining with translation practices this paper will analyze how the cultural differences influence Ad function in six aspects, including cultural habits, social political constitution, courteous principle, reasoning, aesthetic thought and language structure, Ad translation will not reach its function if such cultural differences are neglected, and how much importance should be attached to the cultural identity, which plays a positive role in Ad translation Key Words: Ad Translation, Cultural Differences,摘要: 广告语言作为一种特殊的实用文体,有其独有的特点,并蕴含一定的文化内涵。广告语言的翻译,是跨文化的交流活动,它不仅仅是将一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字,而且使读者自然而然地认同广告的深层文化内涵,通过被吸引而产生广告的效应。 广告翻译必须注重目的语的文化背景,高质量的翻译不仅可以准确传达信息,还能引发读者的文化联想和审美想象,产生良好的广告效应,同时也宣传了本民族的文化,起到了对外交流的作用。为能灵活、有效和得体地表达出原语中的文化内涵以及广告信息,这就要求译者必须了解原语言和译语言的文化,确保信息准确传递。 本文结合广告翻译成功和失败的案例,从风俗习惯、社会政治制度、礼貌原则、推理模式、审美思想、语言结构六个方面文化差异对广告翻译的影响,忽视文化的差异,必将一定程度上影响广告信息的传递,产生误解,使广告翻译难以实现信息的等效交流,而进一步探讨应如何注重文化认同,分析其对广告功能、目的产生的影响。 关键词:广告翻译、文化差异Contents Introduction Chapter 1:Introduction of Cultural Differences Chapter 2: Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding Different Social Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure Different Reasoning May Cause Misunderstanding Different Aesthetic Thought Result in Different Appreciation View Different Language Structure May Make Information Depart from the Original Meaning Chapter 3: Role of Cultural Identity Conclusion References Introduction Advertisement should express a certain expectation. It is a special pragmatic type of writing with a unique feature, and it also contains a certain cultural connotation. It should not as easy as a word-to-word exchange, but much of a flexible work. Cultural background of the target language is significant to Ad translation; much impotence should be attached. A good translated version will not only convey the information in accuracy, reaching a good advertising effect, but also stimulate receptor’s cultural and appreciating association, which will be of much help to the cultrural communication, thus it also is a impulse in cultural diffusion. Cultural differences as the main factor give much hindrance to the translation work. Misunderstandings will come about if it is ignored, the advertisement may consequently fail to meet its goal. How the cultural differences influence the advertisement’s function and target and how to make the cultural differences optimized when translating? What kind of role does culture identity play in this course? All these questions are the main discussions in this paper. Chapter 1 Cultural Differences As the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. Advertisement is a comprehensive art with commercial identity, which persuades people for a certain publicity goal. On some extent, it is a special pragmatic type of writing with unique feature, which contains a certain cultural connotation; only when put into the same or a similar social culture can its function and efficiency be completely explored. However, Ad translation is an across-cultural communication, which determines that it is not as easy as word-to-word exchange. It must win the receptor’s acceptance on the cultural connotation reflected in the Ads, then receptors are attracted and be willing to follow the Ad’s guide. Thus only by knowing the grammar, lexical and relating capabilities of listening, writing and speaking about the two languages is far from enough to ensure cultural connotation of the source language is properly and effectively expressed. The translator is required to know both cultures of the source language and target language to guarantee the best convey of the original information. For instance, “延年益寿”, “宫廷秘方”, “百年陈酿”,etc. These advertising language always turn up in domestic Ads, which are difficult to be translated, even though translated, target receptors would not understand the original cultural connotation, and a doubt to the quality of the product may arises in their minds. Different culture leads to different cultural identity. Domestic receptors are deeply influenced by the traditional culture. They like following the public, showing great awe to the authoritative people, this psychological phenomenon results in the existence of much advertising language with Chinese specialty, like “……,用了都说好”, “我们都喝……,今天你喝了没有”, “……时尚内衣”, “部优”, “省优”, “中国消费者协会推荐产品”, etc. While in western countries, people pursue independence. Everyone tends to be independent. Everyone is unique (why should I do the same as others? They always think in this way). So Advertisements there never advocate people to follow the public, rather to arise admiration to the so-called authoritative people. What reflects in the advertisement are “individuality”, “independence” and “privacy”. Different cultures determine that the product’s promotion will turn out failure if the Ad succeed inland is translated literally. Severe research must be done on the cultural differences, or a bad impression of irresponsible or muddling through might arise, a certain doubt about the quality might strike the consumer. Ad’s natural duty will end up with a failure. Thus, when conducting international propagation it is very important to study the differences between Chinese culture and western culture, and make sure not too much exaggeration is contained in the Ad. Cultural differences make their existence in many aspects, political, language, religion, custom, habits, etc. They have much importance to Ad translation. Once they were neglected, misunderstandings must turns up. Chapter 2 Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences Advertising language is a special art form, which has profound cultural background and can be influenced by the tendency of the day. Ad translation is a motion of cultural communication. To avoid misunderstanding, comprehensibility of different cultural background should be strengthened in the translation. When translating, not only the exact meaning of the advertisement should be clear, but also the extended meaning namely the cultural connotation involved should be agreed on. Due to the differences in language, culture, politic, and custom, different understanding and cognition will form; the translation must go in line with the target cultural habits by which the communication shall reach an ideal effect. Mr. Wang zuoliang have said, “what translators deal with are some particular words, but what they face are two completely different cultures.” Another famous translation theorist Eugene A. Nida (1993) said, “Translating means communicating, what important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text.” Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding Cultural differences and conflicts make their existence wherever and whenever, they influence people’s perspectives and their ways of generalization. Although people of different cultural backgrounds may have different tastes, their psychological inclination has much in common, that is to say, all human should pursue elegance and luck, but avoiding cynic and ominous, thereby translator should respect the cultural customs and be cautious in choosing words to avoid misunderstanding. For example, a pen product of Shanghai named “白翎”, the trade mark is translated as white feather. Unfortunately there is a saying in English, to show the white feather, which means escaping from the forefront. White feather is the symbol of cowardness in English. As a result, this pen got a bad selling in western countries. Another example, “金鸡鞋油,颜色有黑、棕、白、红、黄、蓝等.” It is translated into Golden Cock shoe-polish comes in black, brown, white, red, yellow and blue. In China, Golden has a meaning of valuable and of high quality, as well as “Cock” always leads to a positive association, then the translation of “金鸡” naturally comes to Golden Cock, which seriously mislead receptor’s association, because in English cock is a usual indication of male genital. Some words containing good cultural connotation in Chinese would mean the opposite in western world. Take Fang Fang a lip-stick as an example , “芳芳” in Chinese is a very nice word , usually it is used to describe beautiful things with flowerlike smell. It might make people imagine a pretty girl with fragrant smell. There is no doubt it is an excellent originality for Chinese consumers, but in English Fang Fang may arise a horror feeling because fang in English means poison fang that causing danger. Another instance Bees scented soap is literal translated from “蜜蜂”, Bee in China history is a very lovely insect as a symbol of diligence, its cultural association should be a flowerlike smell that appealing to bees, certainly this soap may attract a large number of Chinese consumers. On the contrary, westerners would not follow suit, the association of bee gives them an uncomfortable feeling caused by the thinking of fuzz on bee’s body. Different Social and Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information Due to the differences on social politics, words reflecting social specialties may hinder people know little about the reality from understanding. For instance, “某公司自1981年成立以来,在改革开放,加快企业转换机制方针指引下,以强烈的竞争意识,勇于开拓,积极进取,出口额逐年上升与世界80多个国家和地区的120多家厂商建立了良好的业务关系。” “ABC Corporation has built up excellent business relations with more than 120 companies and manufacturers in over 80 countries and regions since it was founded in 1981. We make progress actively with a strong sense of competition. Our exports have been increasing year after year.” Compare the two versions, “在改革开放,加快企业转换机制方针指引下”was neglected, since it will be difficult for foreigners to know about Chinese enterprise’s historical and moral background of management mechanisms shifting, it is not necessary to add some information that should not be helpful to foreigners understanding. In some circumstances, the information about political or that cause difficulty to understanding can be omitted, this omission is reasonable and it makes no influence for the company promotion. Another example, a pencil sharpener with “大鹏” as its trade mark, and it is translated as “ROC hardeners”. Hardener is the biggest bird in Han’s national myth, having a positive meaning of ambitious and prosperous. While in westerners’ minds, “ROC” stands for “Republic of China”, certainly this will lead to a misunderstanding and unnecessary association, consequently this trademark will be neither helpful to create good impression of the products nor to defend national dignity. Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure Courtesy is the common conducting norm followed by people when they get to communicate. A mild tone is publicly welcome. Improper wording or harsh tone might result in failure for communication. Here is an example, in china, public good Ads always get “禁止……”, public take this natural, no one think it is amiss, but as you weigh about its commanding tone, a slight domineering must be felt. “禁止” in English should be “Do not”, which is not mild but a word of harsh, . “Do not pick the flower!” “Do not make noise!”……, since such a stiff tone will unavoidably raise a sense of distance, it won’t help to create a happy and sweet public atmosphere, foreign friends might feel uncomfortable; they think their personalities are not fully respected. Changing into a much milder tone the translation should be “keep away from the flower!” “Take care of the flower, please!” which will certainly inspire people love flowers and take care of flowers. 怎样?满足你的要求吗?

我觉得你上网搜索中文 肯定能搜到 然后到google上翻译一下就好了

我的论文就是这个题目,和你的是一样的 先给个目录吧,内容太多。 有兴趣就留个emailContents摘要 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iAbstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiContents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiiI. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1II. The Overview of Advertising and Advertisement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Development of Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition of Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functions of Advertisements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Types of Advertisements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4III. Language Features of English and Chinese Advertisement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lexical Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple and Concise Vocabulary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frequent Use of Adjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exact Use of Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syntactical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Affirmative Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interrogatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellipsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Popularized and Colloquial Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhetorical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simile and Metaphor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hyperbole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repetition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13IV. Translation Techniques of Advertisement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Literal Translation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creative Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abridgement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplementary Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 李祥 摘 要:双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。双关语的翻译本身就是一个难点,而广告中双关语的翻译则更加复杂。本文从语音双关、语义双关、语法双关和成语、俗语双关等几方面对双关语的运用技巧作了阐述。并在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的基础上,从契合译法、分别表义法、套译法、侧重译法和补偿译法等方面对英语广告双关语的翻译作了初步的探讨。 关键词:广告语言;双关语;翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements MENG Lin & ZHAN Jing-hui (Foreign Languages Dept., Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China) Abstract: Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind. Key words: advertising language; pun; translation 引 言 不论是商品广告,还是公益广告,广告的创作都是一门综合性艺术。它集社会学、美学、心理学、市场营销学、声电学、文学、语言学等于一身。这门艺术中的文案写作比其它形式的写作都更需要技巧。它要利用推销原理写出雅俗共赏、生动有趣的文字,要具有特殊的感染力,能在瞬间引起读者注意,刺激其购买欲望,最终促成购买行为。因此广告文案中文学语言运用精当会使得广告语言的内涵与影响远远超出广告本身。双关语这一修辞手段是广告创作常用的技巧。双关,顾名思义,就是在特定的语言环境中用一种语言文字形式表达出一明一暗双重意义,既引人注意,又能引起联想。双关语具有简洁凝练,风趣幽默,新颖别致等修辞效果,能够突出广告的特点,因而在广告中得到大量应用。 1. 双关语在广告中的运用 作为一种修辞手段,双关语在广告中比较常用,它存在于语音、词汇、句法等各个语言层面。在广告中,广告制作者为了增加广告的吸引力,挖空心思地追求新的创意,使得双关语在广告中的运用技巧更加纷繁复杂。巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、给人以回味和想象的余地。较为常见的有以下几个方面。 . 谐音双关 “谐音双关是用拼写相似,发音相同或相近的词构成的” 1 。广告制作者非常乐于使用谐音双关,因为此类双关具有风趣、幽默、俏皮、滑稽的语言风格,能增强广告的说服力和感染力,从而给消费者留下深刻的印象。 (1) More sun and air for your son and heir. 2 译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子孙后代。 在这则海滨浴场的宣传广告中,制作者巧妙地运用了sun-son, air-heir这两对谐音字,使广告语言不仅和谐悦耳,读来朗朗上口,而且颇风趣、幽默,具有感召力。 (2)Trust us. Over 5000 ears of experience. 3 译文:相信我们吧。历经5000多只耳朵的检验,有着5000多年的经验。 这是一则助听器推销广告。从字面看,它说明了该产品已经接受了众多消费者的考验,但字里行间巧妙地嵌入一对谐音字ears-years,充分暗示了该产品悠久的历史,久经考验的上乘质量。 许多广告都在商品品牌的名称上做文章。品牌名称中的双关语不仅能增加广告的趣味性和幽默感,更重要的是使品牌名称更能吸引人们的注意力,便于记忆,增加宣传攻势力度,以此达到宣传产品的目的。品牌名称中的双关语大多采用谐音的方法。 (3) WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY. 4 译文:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给你一个全新的概念:洁净。 这里生产商利用其商标WEAR-EVER一词多义的特点,大力推销其产品:一方面WEAR-EVER为其品牌名称,另一方面该词又另有含义:既为wear forever(体现产品结实耐用),又为wherever(说明到处受人欢迎)。该广告从多角度推销其产品,能够激起顾客的购买欲望,具有一定的劝说作用。 . 语义双关 “语义双关是利用词语或句子的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关” 5 。这种双关在广告中运用得也非常广泛,它与谐音双关有异曲同工之妙。 (4) The label of achievements. Black Label commands more respects. 6 译文:酒是功成名就的标志。黑色标志使您更显尊贵。 语义双关也多见于品牌名称中。这是一则威士忌酒的广告,Label有两层含义,一为“标志”,一为酒的牌子—Black Label。该广告通过双关手段的运用,使人联想到功成名就时就要饮用该酒;同时,用品牌名称形成双关,又便于消费者对品牌的记忆,从而对商品发生兴趣。 (5) Spoil yourself and not your figure. 7 译文:尽情大吃,不增体重。 这是Weight-Watcher冰淇淋的广告标题,这种冰淇淋是专为节食者生产的。双关不仅存在于商品商标名称中,标题中的spoil也是双关所在。spoil oneself意为“尽兴”;而spoil one’s figure则意为“破坏了体形”。这则广告通过一语双关,使减肥者在轻松幽默的语气中很自然地接受该广告,并能使其产生购买欲望。 (6) A deal with us means a good deal to you. 8 译文:和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。 该句的妙处在于很好地利用了句中deal的三种含义,“做买卖”、“一笔好买卖”和“许多”。a good deal构成一个绝妙的双关。 . 语法双关 语法双关是指由于语法方面的问题产生的双关,如省略结构、某词或词组具有两种以上语法功能等。 (7) Which lager can claim to be truly German? This can.(旁边画有一罐啤酒) 9 译文:哪种大罐啤酒可称得上是地道的德国货?这罐。 这是一则Lager牌淡啤酒的广告。句中的can既可作情态动词,又可作名词(饮料罐)。由于can一语双关,加上Lager的品牌名称双关,以及旁边插图的妙用,使广告产生了一定的幽默效果,给读者以深刻的印象。 无独有偶,可口可乐公司也在这个can字上做文章。 (8)Coke refreshes you like no other can. 10 译文:没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。 句中can既可理解为名词“罐,听”,又可看成是情态动词“能”,全句可理解为Coke refreshes you like no other (can: tin, drink) can (refresh you)。 11 这则广告诙谐机智,富于文字情趣,能使商品连同这一广告词一起久久印在读者记忆里。 . 成语或俗语双关 广告语言特别善于引用一些人们耳熟能详的成语或俗语。这些广告以人们原有的社会、文化知识为基础,以鲜明、独特的语言形式形成双关,既增强了广告的吸引力,又体现了广告语言的艺术性,更使广告具有令人回味的弦外之音。 (9) You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. 12 译文:纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。 从广告的字面意义看,to go nuts是“去买坚果”,但它同时还是一句成语,意为“疯狂、发疯”。双关语的运用表明了纳克斯牌坚果对人们的吸引力是无以抗拒的。 (10) A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 13 译文:一天一块玛斯巧克力,让您工作像工作,娱乐像娱乐。 这则广告让人们联想起两条非常熟悉的成语:An apple a day keeps the doctors away和All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。该广告不仅在语言形式上借用了成语的模式,同时还引用了两条成语的内容,让人们从久已熟知的成语中得出一个新的判断:玛斯牌巧克力不仅能使人们健康,而且让人们工作时精力充沛,休息时放松自如。 2. 广告双关语的翻译 广告语言是一种精炼、含蓄、富有表现力和鼓动性的语言,而双关又是双重意义的表达,在语言结构和表达上存在着难以逾越的可译性障碍。因此,英语广告双关的翻译应根据广告的内容和特点,选用适当的汉语表达方式,既要充分照顾到原文的语体风格,又要尽量传达出原文的信息。采用辩证的翻译方法,尽可能减少双关语在翻译中信息量的流失,增强广告语体特征,英语广告双关语的翻译还是可能的。 契合译法 一般认为,双关语由音、形、义等手段构成了可译性障碍,存在不可译性。但“有些双关语也不是绝对不可译。双语偶合,是可能的” 14 。契合译法在双语偶合的基础上,兼顾了广告双关语的形式和内容,是广告双关语翻译的最高境界。 (11) Easier dusting by a stre-e-etch! 15 stretch一词除了作为除尘布的品牌名称“拉长”外,其拼写还被别出心裁地拉长,传达出该词的本意“延伸”。让人很容易感到除尘布能延长人手臂的功能,真切而形象地渲染了“拉拉拉长,除尘力强”的功效。译文中“拉”字的重复再现了原文中stretch一词被拉长的效果,形成感觉上的延伸。四字短语及押韵的使用都符合汉语广告的语体特征。 分别表义法 如果要把双关语的双层意义完整地表述于译文中,除了在双语偶合的情况下,采用契合译法外,“也可以采取变通手法,将双关语义剥开,拆成两层来表达”。 16 (12) The Unique Spirit of Canada. 17 在这则加拿大酒广告中,spirit一词是传神之作,它既可作“烈性酒”解,又可作“精神”解。为了保留双重意义,可将双重语义拆开,译为“别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大精神”。 18 (13) I’m More satisfied. 19 (14) Ask for More. 20 这是摩尔香烟在广告语中树立的两个双关典范。它们巧妙地使用more一词的双重意义:more是一个副词,表示“更加,更多”;大写之后,变成了品牌名称。这两则广告使人们轻松记住了商品的品牌,同时又给人留下了一个印象:该产品优于同类产品,能更使消费者满意。译文分别为:“摩尔香烟,我更满意”;“再来一支,还吸摩尔”。双关语义被拆成两层,在译文中分别表述,而且四字结构,读来朗朗上口。 值得指出的是,这种翻译方法虽然保留了双关语的双重含义,但原文那种凝炼,诙谐的韵味和一词两义的妙趣却丧失了。 套译法 有些广告双关语的产生是建立在一定的文化背景之上的。英语语言、文化在汉语中的传播形成了双语翻译之间的桥梁。套译法就是套用英语在汉语中已经沉积下来的固有模式,对英语广告进行翻译。 (15) All is well that ends well. 21 这则广告实际是一条英语成语,意思是“结局好,全都好”。但广告制作者把它用于香烟广告中,ends就具有了双重意义:动词“结束”和名词“香烟蒂”。这句香烟广告词可以套用原来成语的翻译模式,译成“烟蒂好,烟就好”。 (16) Better late than the late. 22 这一妙句出自成语“Better late than never”(晚来总比不来好)。它妙就妙在不仅引用了成语的结构,还利用了late的双关意义,the late这里指the dead。双关的运用使这则交通公益广告产生了强大的震撼力。其译文可套译为“迟到总比丧命好”。 23 (17) We take no pride in prejudice. 24 这是《泰晤士报》为自己做广告时用的一句妙语,它源于奥斯汀的一部传世名著“Pride and Prejudice”,报社援引该书名作广告,以标榜自己不偏不倚,主持公道。这则广告可译为:“对于您的偏见,我们没有傲慢”。对于知道《傲慢与偏见》这部作品的人来说,这种译法的双关内含便不言自明了。 套译法的长处在于它能传递广告原文的文化内涵,同时又基本能保证原文简洁、凝炼的语言特征,但双关的内涵往往不能得到充分展示,所以译文也就失去了原文风趣、机智、幽默的色彩。 侧重译法 广告中别具匠心的双关表现手法有时“难以表述于译文中,结果只好牺牲形式意义、谐音寓义及暗含情态”, 25 尤其是有些广告含有多组双关和一语多关,只好采取侧重译法,守住概念意义。 (18) The driver is safer when the road is dry; The road is safer when the driver is dry. 26 这则宣传交通安全的广告运用了dry一词的两重词义(干燥的;没饮酒的)构成双关,对司机很有警示作用。翻译时,dry一词的两重意义在上、下句中只能各取一意:路面干燥,司机安全;司机清醒,道路安全。 (19) When the wind has a bite…and you feel like a bite…then bite on a whole Nut. 27 bite一词在这里有多层意思:刺痛;食物;咬。它的多层含义使全营养坚果给饥寒交迫的人们带来的感受跃然而出。这句广告词的翻译可分别把bite一词表达的多重意义表述出来:“当寒风刺骨而您又想吃点儿什么的时候,请嚼嚼全营养坚果”。 (20) Butlin’s –the right choice. Don’t labour the point, or be conservative in your choice, or liberal with your money. Come to Butlin’s for the real party. Great Party Ahead. 29 这是旅游公司利用各政党之间的竞争为自己做的广告。广告中labour,conservative, liberal是三个政党的名字,同时labour the point作“详尽说明”解,be conservative in your choice意为“在做选择时保守”,be liberal with money指“大手大脚地花钱”。Party也是一个双关词,既指“政党”,又指“聚会”。广告中几组双关词的运用给人们留下了该旅游公司可以信赖的印象,可以说广告作到了绝妙的地步。但遗憾的是像这样的多重双关译起来难以多全其美,只好采取保留概念意义,牺牲双关的译法: “布特林旅游公司——您的正确选择。 不要劳烦讲个没完, 不要保守,也别犹豫, 不要放任自由地乱花钱。 到布特林旅游公司,参加实实在在的聚会吧。 盛大的聚会正等着你!” 侧重译法是对广告双关的双重乃至多重意义的一种无可奈何的取舍。经过这种取舍后,双关的双重意义在译文中只剩下一层,所以也就没有双关可言了。大多数的广告双关语都适合这种翻译方法,事实上,这种侧重译法正是双关语具有可译性障碍的例证。 补偿译法 大多数的广告双关语都能通过侧重译法译出。但是有时双关语的一层意义译出后,另外一层意义也很重要,但却无法同时译出,这时,可采用一些补偿手段加以弥补。对于广告来说,这些补偿手段主要指承载广告的媒体,如电视的图像、广播的声音及报纸的版式设计等。 (21) OIC 这是一则眼镜广告,三个简洁的大写字母形状像眼镜,读音为“oh, I see”。该广告既利用视觉语言来吸引人们的注意力,又利用听觉语言表现此眼镜给视力不佳的顾客带来的欣喜之情。然而,该广告的翻译很难同时兼顾到视觉和听觉,只能从听觉上译为:“哇!我看见了”。视觉上三个字母形成的眼镜形状却可以通过承载广告的媒体,利用图形这一视觉语言要素来弥补。对于依靠媒体而存在的广告来说,这不失为一种重要的补偿手段。 3. 结 语 总之,双关语是广告文体中十分常用的一种修辞手法,它不仅能使广告语言简炼、丰富、诙谐,而且能使广告引人注意,便于记忆。但广告双关语的翻译问题值得进一步研究。以上我们只是讨论了广告双关语翻译的几种模式,在实际翻译中,要真正做到译文和原文最大限度等值,我们不可能在任何时候都只使用某一两种手段,而须从具体情况出发,辩证地选择最合适的手段来传达原文的意义。 注 释 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 26, 28 项成东,试谈广告英语中的复义[J],山东外语教学,1996。2 胡一,广告英语的修辞魅力[J],英语学习,1999,(8)。3 单祝堂,英语双关语探讨[J],江苏外语教学研究,1999,(1)。5 丁柏铨、夏文蓉、周斌,当代广告文案写作[M],陕西:陕西师范大学出版社,1998。8, 11, 20, 22, 23, 24 候维瑞,英语语体[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1988。12 , 19, 21, 27 崔刚,广告英语300句[M],北京:北京理工大学出版社,1993。14, 16, 25 刘宓庆,当代翻译理论[M],北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999。15 蒋磊,谈商业广告的翻译[J],中国翻译,1994,(5)。29 徐仲炳,英语双关的类型和翻译[J],外国语,1988,(6)。 参考文献 [1] 陈文伯,一词两义的翻译[J],中国翻译,1994,(4)。[2] 崔 刚,广告英语300句[M],北京:北京理工大学出版社,1993。[3] 丁柏铨、夏文蓉、周斌,当代广告文案写作[M],陕西:陕西师范大学出版社,1998。[4] 候维瑞,英语语体[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1988。[5] 胡一,广告英语的修辞魅力[J],英语学习,1999,(8)。[6] 蒋磊,谈商业广告的翻译[J],中国翻译,1994,(5)。[7] 刘宓庆,当代翻译理论[M],北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999。[8] 单祝堂,英语双关语探讨[J],江苏外语教学研究,1999,(1)。[9] 项成东,试谈广告英语中的复义[J],山东外语教学,1996,(2)。[10] 徐仲炳,英语双关的类型和翻译[J],外国语,1988,(6)。[作者简介] Dr Richard Lee 李祥


