[ last edited by brain~ on 2023-4-26 at 01:08 ]
[ Last edited by brain~ on 2023-4-26 at 10:11 ]
5.1 submitted to journal
主编发的接收邮件的附件有一个word版的AUTHOR CHECKLIST,列出了许多注意事项和要求,这个表要填完上传,怎么填打√还是回复yes,no??
还有图表说要单独上传检查格式,我不知道怎么弄?那个图形检查网站,一直打不开,特来请教一下,AUTHOR CHECKLIST内容如下:
Transactions on ****** AUTHOR CHECKLIST
This form must be completed by the author and uploaded with the final manuscript of a paper accepted for publication in the Transactions. It can be designated as a supplemental file during submission. All requested items must be provided prior to transmittal to the printer. The final version of your manuscript must comply with IEEE Periodicals requirements for text and graphics processing. The key links for final manuscript preparation can be found in the “IEEE Tools For Authors”.
1. Please check to make sure the title of your paper is correct in the final version and on Manuscript Central.
2. Please make sure all author and co-author data is correct in the final version and on Manuscript Central.
3. Please upload the following items:
a) This fully completed AUTHOR CHECKLIST in Microsoft Word version.
b) A pdf version of the final manuscript.
c) A WORD or LaTeX file of the final manuscript that exactly matches the pdf file, which conforms to the Transactions on Mechatronics style requirements. (Please note that a pdf is NOT sufficient for publication. We must receive the source files of your text and figures to process your paper.)
d) Individual graphic files in electronic format accepted by the IEEE Graphics Checker. Figure and table files should be named following this convention: FIG1.TIF, FIG2.PPT, FIG3.PDF, TABLE4.DOC, TABLE5.PDF, etc. IEEE now offers color on IEEE Xplore free of charge. All papers submitted with color will automatically be processed for free color online. If you would like your color figures to appear in print, please specify this here: You will be expected to honor the color charges of $1045.00 for each block of 4 color pages, as well as an additional $62.50 per color figure for all color figures in print.
e) Brief professional biography and a photograph of each author required for REGULAR papers. JPEG is an acceptable format for author photos, but may not be used for any other figure uploads.
4. The material in this paper was __ partially presented __ presented at: (conference name, location, date).
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7. A mandatory over-length page charge is imposed on extra pages. This charge is $200.00 per page of each page over the first eight of regular papers and four of short papers on the final typeset length and not on manuscript length, and is a prerequisite for publication. IEEE also charges for pages not submitted electronically. By submitting this form, I am agreeing that if my paper is found to be in excess of this length, or is not submitted electronically, I will pay the page charges upon receipt of an invoice from IEEE.
8. Please note that the final version of your paper should, under no circumstances, exceed 12 pages for regular papers and 6 pages for short papers, including the bios.
在未应变的L10-Pt2CuGa/Pt核-壳板表面,晶格参数与Pt(111)相同,EO比Pt(111)高0.07 eV,表明氧的过度结合得到了缓解。
L10-Pt2CuGa表面Pt原子的空位形成能(Evac),并与Pt(111)表面的空位形成能进行了比较。Pt的Evac从Pt(111)上的0.98 eV增加到L10-Pt2CuGa NPs上的1.28 eV,表明L10-Pt2CuGa NPs表面Pt原子的结构稳定性和耐溶解性有所提高。
之前投了Cell的某个子刊,经过两轮返修后最终被拒,十天前投了science advances,目前本人拿到了毕业证没拿到学位证,着急拿证,投这个比较慢的期刊,还被送审了,不知道是福是祸,也不知道该喜还是该忧
Stage Start Date
Under Review 2021-06-16
Reviewing Editor Assigned 2021-06-16
With Editor 2021-06-15
Initial QC 2021-06-13
Manuscript Submission Incomplete 2021-06-13
投稿ASM 旗下 mSphere 已经过半月,每天都进系统看几遍,不知道有没有大神投过这个杂志,什么时候能返回意见?