+v x 173 23 98 41 25
2.2 submit
2.6 with editor
2.9 under review
2.17 under review
3.2 required reviews completed
3.10 revise-minor (两个审稿人,一共4个问题)
3.14 补做了一个实验 submit revision,with editor
3.15 accept
感谢主编E. J. Lavernia 效率很高
第四次返修,大修返回4天了还是with editor,祈福这次直接接收🙏🙏🙏
一直是 Submissions in Production 状态,是需要签完版权转让后才能Proof后,我还听说版权转让邮件和Proof一起的,新人第一次投稿不懂呀
Please share this link with potential guest authors to submit their abstracts using the button at the top of the collection. If possible, please have abstracts submitted by February and the deadline for the authors to subsequently submit a manuscript is April. I will help you with the recruitment process. https://app.jove.com/methods-collections/3006/research-methods-in-autophagy-and-neurodegenerative-diseases
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences-IJRMMS
Dear Professor XXXXX,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript to International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.
I regret to inform you that the reviewers recommend against publishing your manuscript, and I must therefore reject it. My comments, and any reviewer comments, are below.
We appreciate you submitting your manuscript to International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
Kind regards, Professor XXX XXXX Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Editor and Reviewer comments:
This manuscript is primarily focused on geophysical imaging and processing techniques and in my opinion is outside the scope of IJRMMS. The work presented is largely mathematical with little rock mechanics. My recommendation is to encourage the authors to transfer their manuscript to Elsevier's Journal of Applied Geophysics, where it is better suited both in terms of interests of the readership and securing knowledgeable reviewers.
Angew 两个审稿人一个5%,一个50%。第一个小修接受,第二个说这是一片不错的论文,英语有待提高,简单提了三个问题。编辑给了据稿重投,不明白为啥?重新投回去会送到第三个人那里去仲裁吗?
这是我头一次投稿,现在是想尝试一下核心 就是试试 T T。小木虫好多之前有帮助的帖子都看不了了,只能自己提问下了,希望有好心人能指点迷津。