麻烦问下大家Tech. Dev. Chem. Ind.是哪个期刊的缩写啊??
Peer Review 15 1月 2020
Assign Editor 15 1月 2020 15 1月 2020 Editor Assigned
Peer Review 09 1月 2020 15 1月 2020 peerreviewMain_EditorDeclined
Assign Editor 09 1月 2020 09 1月 2020 Editor Assigned
Peer Review 08 1月 2020 09 1月 2020 peerreviewMain_EditorDeclined
Assign Editor 08 1月 2020 08 1月 2020 Editor Assigned
Quality Check 07 1月 2020 08 1月 2020 Quality Check Passed
Submit Manuscript 07 1月 2020 07 1月 2020 Submission Complete
为什么两次主编拒绝,然后又进行了peer review
有没有审稿周期比较快,又比较容易中的sci 四区期刊,专业机器人智能感知,谢谢
SCI期刊 Materials (ISSN 1996-1944) IF 3.4,JCR二区,中科院材料科学大类3区—约稿
约稿主题:Additive Manufacturing and Microstructure Characteristics of Metallic Material
微信:17822091039 (薛老师)
under review状态日期更新了,状态未更新,问编辑部这是我的审稿意见快要回来了吗?编辑部回信说:“I find that some of the required reviews are completed for the manuscript. We yet to receive the comments from the agreed reviewer. Once all the comments are in, the editor will render decision.”
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Your code submission will be verified by Code Ocean team for computational reproducibility. This means the CO team will check to make sure it runs and delivers results and it is all self-contained. For more information please visit this help article. The verification review is not blind, and the CO support team may contact you to ask for clarifications or changes to ensure that the guidelines are followed. During the code review process your article remains in an "Accepted - Pending R Badge" state. It will be published as soon as the code review process terminates (normally, this happens in two weeks). If the code is approved, the Reproducibility Badge will appear on your published article.
除了国产期刊journal of advances ceramic稳坐1区以外,欧陶国陶 2区,美陶3区,还让不让人活了
Has this manuscript been rejected previously by 杂志名?
If Yes, please enter the manuscript number and attach the reviewers' comments. If not, please mention as No.
拒稿重投时,爱思唯尔投稿系统只允许上传“Limit 200 characters”(如上所示),这不够上传审稿人意见怎么办?
Reviewer #1: I would like to thank the authors for addressing the comments. Although I am satisfied with the answers to my comments, I am confused after reading the answer to one of the comments of the other reviewer.
The authors have mentioned ONLY IN THE ABSTRACT that type II diabetic patients with a (fasting I guess) blood sugar level of >7.0 mmol/L have been "concluded", and they have not written this in the main text.
My question: Do the authors mean only T2DM patients with a glucose level of >7.0 mmol/L have been included in the analysis?? Or they have included all T2DM patients but there was a correlation only with the patients who had a glucose level of >7.0 mmol/L ???
Therefore, can the authors please clarify the inclusion criteria of the patients (only T2DM to T1DM + T2DM) and in which group of patients the correlation was found BOTH in the abstract and the main text?
如题,有幸中了一篇ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL,结果版面费3980USD,让人望而却步,想自己掏钱买个版面费优惠码减轻一下课题组经费负担,不然孩子们做实验的钱很紧张啦