目前还没有editor assigned。已经投稿14天了,一直都是manuscript received。分配编辑
请问有没有人投过Chinese Medicine这个杂志,审稿周期多久?
IEEE access审稿意见- The article is more a technical report than a journal article. It needs to be improved.请问怎么修改能突出是journal article?以前投稿其他期刊没遇到类似问题。
投JACS显示Associate Editor Assigned,Your manuscript has been assigned to an Associate Editor (Erick Carreira) for further evaluation.
Future Internet 特刊征稿 - Software-Driven Federated Learning for/in Smart Environment
Since the term “smart environment” was coined in the late 1980s, there has been an increase in the amount of interest and effort in various smart environmental scenarios. For example, the early definition of smart homes derived from home automation terminology in 1992, while the term smart city emerged in the literature in 1998 and derived from urban simulations and different knowledge bases. Nowadays, along with the evolution of technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) increasingly play a crucial and combined role in achieving all kinds of data-centric smart environments. However, such enabling technologies also bring challenges to smart environments involved in large-scale data collection, analysis, and decision-making processes. Three typical challenges are as follows:
- Individual IoT devices generally have limited computation, storage, and network capabilities (e.g., the embedded RAM has only 4 KB in the current taxi-mounted GPS devices). Consequently, the heavy computation overhead makes conventional ML techniques impractical due to the resource constraints of IoT devices.
- An IoT system may involve the non-scalable integration of heterogeneous technologies produced by different manufacturers; thus, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for ML implementations in smart environments.
- The distributed, diverse, and uncertain end-user situations of an IoT system would face more data privacy, security, and ethical risks from nefarious attacks within smart environments.
To address these challenges, following the software-driven trend in making computing environments programmable and software defined, smart environments should also pay more attention to software with significant heterogeneity and diversity in IoT technologies. In fact, despite the widely recognised and possibly overemphasised aspects of hardware, it is software that eventually makes an environment smart. Inspired by the well-known “mind/brain” metaphor, users essentially rely on software applications to communicate and work with smart devices and objects around them.
By considering the privacy-friendly paradigm of federated learning, we propose this Special Issue on Software-driven Federated Learning for/in Smart Environments. This Special Issue aims to bring together professionals from academia and industry to explore the latest experiences, advancements, challenges, methods, techniques, and solutions related to the engineering of federated learning systems for/in smart environments. Thus, we invite researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to submit their original contributions that cover the conjoint area of software engineering, federated learning, and smart environments, including, but not limited to, the following:
问下有没有人在iOS press平台投过期刊?想问下这个返修需要提交几个文件?是三个文件吗?一个latex包,针对意见回复的Word文档和有修改痕迹的高亮PDF吗?这三个文件分别上传到投稿系统里的有具体的选项提示吗?
征文通知 | “密码技术创新与应用”专题征文——《信息网络安全》
随着数字时代的到来,信息安全问题逐渐成为社会、政府和企业的首要关注点。密码技术作为信息安全的核心技术之一, 经历了几十年的发展和演变。它从原始的机械加密方法发展到现代的复杂计算机加密算法,已经成为保障数据安全、确保网络通信和电子交易安全性的关键技术。
1. 投稿人应确保所投稿件的内容从未公开发表,是本人原创作品,且不违反相关法律法规,不涉及国家、工作秘密、企业秘密,稿件文责自负。
2. 投稿内容要与密码技术相关,具体可以是创新学术见解、研究成果的完整论述、前沿技术的总结,对学术研究或技术开发的综述等。
3. 来稿字体为“宋体”,字号为小四号,字数 8 千字及以上,具体体例格式请参考《信息网络安全》近期文章格式。
丁 勇 桂林电子科技大学
王 潮 上海大学
尹华磊 南京大学
付绍静 国防科学技术大学
孙建国 西安电子科技大学
李发根 电子科技大学
李增鹏 山东大学
杨宇光 北京工业大学
林璟锵 中国科学技术大学
罗 敏 武汉大学
胡红钢 中国科学技术大学
崔 霆 解放军信息工程大学
熊 虎 电子科技大学
各位大佬们,我属于放养状态,希望得到各位的帮助,先在此致谢。我投的材料快报(学校有毕业要求,现在研三了)。一审是2号审稿人说文章非常poor. 我补充数据修改后二审意见,2号说“有了这些努力应该在很多方面扩展,增加实验,作为常规论文发表”。我该怎么回复,从哪些方面回复,再次谢谢各位大佬。