结果1,探测器A的数值 ≈ 探测器B的数值,则啥也不是,可能理论推导错了或实验精度不够。
结果2,探测器A的数值 > 探测器B的数值,则实验论文100%能发顶刊,还有可能拿炸药奖。
小弟去年11月在technology in society(ssci 一区top)投了一篇交叉型研究论文。
reviews completed: 0
review invitations accepted: 0
review invitations sent: 2+,
最近投了Chinese Chemical Letter这个期刊,under review一周之后状态变成了decision in process。请问这是不是想凶多吉少
Ieee grsl已录用可以延期一个月见刊吗
最近投中一个ACS期刊论文,编辑提了几点格式要求,其中一个是"Structures too small; text needs to be within 1-2 points of main text"
其中,text needs to be within 1-2 points of main text 怎样理解?
投了plos one意见回来,但是不明这句话什么意思,In your Methods section, please provide additional information regarding the permits you obtained for the work. Please ensure you have included the full name of the authority that approved the field site access and, if no permits were required, a brief statement explaining why.大家有遇到这种情况吗
Content Acquisition Specialist for MethodsX. During your recent submission to Journal of Alloys and Compounds, you indicated that you would like to publish a novel or customized method or protocol alongside your original research article as an additional paper. I am contacting you to outline the preparation and submission process for publishing your work in MethodsX.
MethodsX is a multidisciplinary, open access, peer-reviewed journal which publishes short, templated articles that describe methodological advances. It contributes to open science by making methods and protocols - and the associated original research - more discoverable, improving reproducibility and encouraging collaboration.
Prepare your manuscript using MethodsX's methods or protocol template and please take a look at the Guide for Authors for further details.. MethodsX is only relevant for novel or customized methods or protocols which represent a substantial advance on current practice. Papers must include evidence of the efficiency of the method or protocol and/or a comparison with pre-existing practices. The article template will guide you through the process of preparing a manuscript for submission.
All manuscripts submitted to MethodsX are independently peer-reviewed. If your manuscript is accepted, we will link your papers in Journal of Alloys and Compounds and MethodsX together on ScienceDirect, driving readers to and from your method or protocol and your original research paper.
As an open access journal, MethodsX has an APC of USD $530. The APC will be payable by you or your institution or funding body if your manuscript is accepted for publication.
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求助期刊SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,SPT,返修时有一项叫做source file,该选择什么文件提交呢,是不是不标红的最终版本?revised manuscript是标红版本吗,如下图,感谢各位,不经常玩,我的币很少。