上个月投的applied intelligence,一直是with the editor状态,前几天状态未经under review突然变成了major revision,网上查了一下原来这个期刊搞了一个编辑预审环节。
我的论文给的审稿意见是:based on the advice received, the editor feels that your manuscript could be reconsidered for publication should you be prepared to incorporate major revisions. when preparing your revised manuscript, you are asked to carefully consider the reviewer comments which are attached, and submit a list of responses to the comments. your list of responses should be uploaded as a file in addition to your revised manuscript.
Reviewer #1: This paper lacks originality and novelty from applied intelligence perspective. Authors have used well recognized and published methodologies with some modifications. Thus, the paper is not suitable for publication in Applied Intelligence.
[ Last edited by kerenxing on 2021-5-21 at 16:48 ]
Reviewer #1: This paper lacks originality and novelty from applied intelligence perspective. Authors have used well recognized and published methodologies with some modifications. Thus, the paper is not suitable for publication in Applied Intelligence.