3.14投稿Ecotoxicnology and environmental safety,三番五次的被send back。
Manuscript and Figure Source Files (mandatory)
We cannot accommodate PDF manuscript files for production purposes. We also ask that when submitting your revision you follow the journal formatting guidelines. Figures and tables may be embedded within the source file for the submission as long as they are of sufficient resolution for Production. For any figure that cannot be embedded within the source file (such as *.PSD Photoshop files), the original figure needs to be uploaded separately. Refer to the Guide for Authors for additional information.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety features the Interactive Plot Viewer, see: Interactive Plots provide easy access to the data behind plots. To include one with your article, please prepare a .csv file with your plot data and test it online at before submission as supplementary material.
Editor Comments:
Dear author's many modifications were made in the manuscript. To make the life of reviewers easiest, please accept all the modification and submit a clean version of the manuscript.