Neural Computing and Applications /Special Issue 邀稿
Neural Computing and Applications
IF6, 中科院三区;Quarterly
Special Issue on Cognitive Computing for Intelligent Application and Service
Cognitive Computing breaks the boundary between two separate fields, neuroscience and computer science. It paves the way for machines to have reasoning abilities which is analogous to human. The research field of cognitive computing is interdisciplinary, and uses knowledge and methods from many areas such as psychology, biology, signal processing, physics, information theory, mathematics, and statistics. The development of cognitive computing will keep cross-fertilizing these research areas. However, in information applications and services there still remain many open problems for cognitive computing. Technologies like cloud computing and big data are essential to upgrade the existing systems with near human intelligence by using new capabilities such as machine learning, cognitive sensing, data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing.
The journal invites submissions for a special issue on “Cognitive Computing for Intelligence Systems” that aims to attract high-quality papers that describe state-of-the-art technologies and new findings. Some of the most important areas include, but are not limited to:
. Cognitive support and cognitive automation for human sense-making and decision making ?processes ?
. Linguistic intelligence - computational linguistics, spoken language recognition and synthesis, ?etc. ?
. Spatial intelligence – AI, computer vision, spatial and imagery reasoning ?
. Interpersonal intelligence - AI agents that interact to each other, self-awareness and emotion in ?AI ?
. Formal conceptual models of human brain data, architectures and machine intelligence. ?
. Novel feature representation via deep learning, biometric modalities to enhance cognitive ?computing environments ?
. Machine learning techniques (e.g., deep learning) with cognitive knowledge acquisition ?frameworks ?
. Cognitive computing approaches, reactive and proactive systems particular to engineering ?psychology ?
Paper Submission: July 30, 2023.?First Round of Reviews: September 30, 2023.
Submission of Revision: November 30, 2023.
Decision of Acceptance: Nov 30, 2024.
征稿小组联系 QQ 3175123230