Subject: RE: Re:TPC2023-RA-00200DR1 Receipt of revised MS by The Plant Cell.
Dear Dr. Li,
I sincerely apologize for the lengthy delay in our response. The issue is an unusual one: a discussion within the society (ASPB) about how to handle manuscripts with Russian Institutions as affiliations. Since the start of the dreadful, unprovoked, and cruel war on Ukraine, there have been discussions and debates about what to do with these papers, which are relatively few. While in no way comparable to the humanitarian disaster that Russia has caused, Ukrainian science has been decimated, and the scientists and their families are in terrible situations, along with their countrymen. While we are of course reluctant to penalize our Russian colleagues and authors – for as individuals, they are often friends and collaborators – but allowing Russian institutions to go about their business as if nothing has happened hardly seems appropriate.
It’s slightly analogous to the situation in sports, including the Olympics, in which Russian athletes have faced unusual circumstances for the same reasons (plus the history of doping). In that case, the international decision was to allow individuals to compete, but not representing the institution of Russian national athletics, and instead as unaffiliated athletes.
I referred your manuscript to the ASPB’s “Publications Committee” for their input. They have been slow to reach a decision. I will follow up with them. We know that you originally submitted before Russia attacked Ukraine, and that the paper went through one or two other decision points after the invasion, and the institutional affiliations weren’t noticed at that time.
Again, my apologies for the complexity of the situation, and that your paper was caught up in this.