各位虫友好,我6月3日收到了主编的邮件(内容如下),大意是让我抓紧时间做最后的修改,修稿后便能马上接收。因为之前已经改过一次了,所以我收到这封邮件后再次检查了全文的语法和错别字以及所有的参考文献的准确度。然后当天夜里按照邮件的要求把所有文档提交到了Taylor and Francis的系统和ScholarOne系统,并另外写邮件告诉了主编已完成了修改这些任务。但6月5日我发现ScholarOne的系统又自动回到了未提交完成状态,于是我再次在ScholarOne系统中完成投稿,并再次写邮件告诉主编ScholarOne系统有问题,我重新提交了修改稿。
I've had a very careful read of your revisions and now find the article suitable for publication without the need to re-send it to the referees. You did a fine job on the revisions, and I'll be happy to publish the article as soon as I receive the following.
This is what needs to be done before publication:
1. Read and re-read the article to make sure that the prose is as precise as possible and that there are no grammatical errors. There will be little opportunity to make revisions later.
2. Make sure that the document is in APA reference style. Guidelines are attached.
3. Complete the attached title page.
4. Put all materials for the article into one Word document (title page, text, notes and references, illustrations and tables, if any). Submit that as your "author detail" version.
It will greatly speed the process of publication if you adhere to the above.
Thank you for submitting such a good article to ……………….