你好,类似的参考文献也比较多,我们简单写出几条。 日本厚生劳动省 「健康食品」を取り巻く现状[A]http∥jp /shingi/2003/04/s0423-6b2 html, Akira U An Overview of the Current Situation and Problems of the Japanese Health Food MThe Association of the European Self-Medication Industry 37th Annual Meeting[J]Rome Italy, 唐小山 传统药物与国际市场[M]北京:人民卫生出版社,62- Jorg G The European Phytomedicines Market :Figures,Trends,Analyses[J]Herbalgram, Konstantin K Herbal medicinal products in Germany and Europe,Experiences with national and European assessment[J]Drug Information Journal,993- ProFound Advisers in D EU Market Survey 2002,Ingredients for Pharmaceuticals[J]Rotterdam:CBI,16-19, David M E Trends in Alternative Medicine Use in the United States,1990-1997[J]Journal of the American Medical Association,1569- The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) Report to FDA,Re:Good Manufacturing Practices for Dietary Supplements[J]Washington:The Council for Responsible Nutrition(CRN),15- Wayne B J Alternative Medicine-Learning From the Past,Examining the Present,Advancing to the Future[J]Journal of the American Medical Association,1616- 欢迎交流,如果我的回答能帮到你一点,请及时采纳,也是一份鼓励。