impossible is nothing广告词:Hi, I’m Gilbert Arenas and this is my story,Hi,我是吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯,这是我的故事。When I entered the NBA,当我刚进入NBAthe first 40 games of my career I sat on the 职业生涯的前40场,我是在板凳上度过的。They said I was gonna play zero 他们认为我打不上比赛,You know I just think they didn’t see the talent that I 我想,他们根本没看到我的天赋。They thought I was a 他们觉得我就是个0,一无是处。Instead of sitting there being bitter,I just practiced, 但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断的训练,训练。If no one believes in you,anything you do is a 在没有人相信你的时候,你的任何努力都会为自己加分。It wasn’t even about basketball any more,这已经不是我能否打好篮球的问题了,It was about proving them wrong,而是我要证明他们是错误的。Now the reason I wear N 0 is because it lets me know that I need to go outthere and fight every 现在我仍然穿着0号球衣,因为我要告诫自己每天都要努力。我是马晓旭,这是我的故事。刚开始踢球的时候,觉得根本就没什么困难。第一次进国家队还不到16岁。练了一短时间,他们就让我回来了。那是很难的一道坎,但还是没有难住我。要让再大的挑战也变得简单,最好的办法就是把自己变得更强。“My name is David Beckham and this is my I still look back to ‘98,Of course I wish it hadn’t have happened,How I sort of reacted as a young boy,I think I cried for about 5 or 10 minutes literally,I’m feeling goose bumps I was having death threats,I never felt safe for 3 and a half It can knock a person down so much that they just go under,After I scored the goal against Greece,All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me,To have that from the harshest critics,That was a huge thing,You will go through tough times,It’s about coming through ”我叫大卫贝克汉姆,下面是我的故事我仍然不时地想起98年当然我很希望那从来不曾发生过我那时候表现的多像个不成熟的男孩子啊我想那时我哭了有5到10分钟了我现在仍感到不安那时我受到了死亡的威胁3年半的时间里我从未有安全感在这些事情发生的时候它甚至可以把一个人彻底打倒在我们对阵希腊我进球之后所有的体育记者,他们站起来为我鼓掌在经历过最严厉的批评后这是一次大的转折你这一生中会经历挫折但重要的是坚强的度过它