为了给小星星们更多展示自我的机会,创造独属于自己的舞台,和全国的同龄人思维碰撞、激发灵感,“希望之星暨希语盛典”携手《英语周报》社打造了融专业度、趣味性和互动性于一体的英语演讲月刊——《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》,自征稿活动启动以来,就引起热烈的反响,受到家长和同学们的广泛好评!多位同学出色的文章已正式被《演讲专刊》选用,登上12月刊《我有我的Young》版面,下面就让我们一起来看看登报的小星星的文章吧!同时恭喜以下优秀的小星星获得由《英语周报》社颁发的刊发证明,和印有投稿稿件的精美纸质刊。12月刊-小学版12月刊小学版主题:有弟弟或妹妹对孩子来说是否是件好事A: Having a little brother or a little sister is a good thing for a kid in the B: Having a little brother or a little sister is not a good thing for a kid in the 让我们看看登报的小星星们有什么独特的见解!李佳明河南省郑州市惠济区实验小学Having a little brother or a little sister is a good thing for a kid in the familyHi! I'm Li Jiaming, I think that having a younger brother or a sister is a good Here are the reasons:First, having a younger brother or a sister can make children learn to share with others, so that children will be more generous and Second, having a younger brother or a sister can teach children how to get along with others and cooperate, which is helpful to cultivate teamwork spirit and lay a good foundation for children from school to Third, having a younger brother or a sister is beneficial to cultivate children's sense of The elder child can take care of the younger brother or sister, it can also increase the happiness of the Frankly speaking, I have a little I’m very happy with Of course, I will try my best to be a good In general, I believe that having a younger brother or a sister is a good thing!贺致远浙江台州市书生小学Having a little sister is not goodMany parents want to have little sons or Some children think it is good to have brothers or sisters for us, while some think it is As for me, I think there are a lot of Take my sister as an Firstly, she always disturbs my She often uses my objects without asking When we both make mistakes, mum always shouts at me instead of my Sometimes when she is angry with me, she usually hits me on my I feel unhappy because I have to bear all of Secondly, she often makes noises and I can’t focus on my Once, she finished her homework, but I didn’ She asked me to play with At last, I forgot to do homework on time and my mum punished I felt very sad for Thirdly, my sister shares the love from parents with When we are ill, my mum gives more care to my sister and doesn’t care me so She always says: “You are the brother and you should take care of ”Finally, I think my sister is not polite at If my mum is angry with my sister, she will talk back The above reasons are why I think having a sister is not a good However, since she is my sister, I will still look after her as an elder But I hope parents should talk with us before having a brother or sister, because maybe it is not so good to have little 李依儒育才学校Sibling’s benefitsAre you the only child in your family? I But I think having a little brother or a little sister is a brilliant There are two main The first reason is that you won't feel I find it easier to tell my friends things that I might not say to my So, if I have a younger sister, there'll always be someone who understands me and comforts me when I'm I want a social circle at Another reason is taking care of parents in the I can't imagine that when I'm old enough to leave home, my parents can't rely on me because I'm too busy at If I have a sibling, we can take turns to take care of our parents and other seniors in our I believe it's one of the reasons that the government allows every family to have up to three However, some students are sensitive and worry that their parents' amount of love will be less if they have a little I have the opposite We love each other in our So, do you want more brothers or sisters?罗一心西安灞桥区纺织城小学三(5)班Having A Sister Or Brother Is Not So GoodThe arrival of a new baby is a truly joyous event for most of But for the elder child in the family, it is The family atmosphere, family relationship and fellowship change since the birth of the younger child, which has a great impact on the elder They cannot get all love and care of their family and cannot be the center of attention as They may be depressed for a long Take my personal From the day I was born to the moment my brother was born, I was the queen of my family for several I could ask for everything I wanted such as yummy food, interesting toys and so on, and didn't have to share it with anyone In addition, I could enjoy my parents' company as soon as possible, But everything has changed since my little brother was Needless to say, I have to give up the exclusive ownship of everything at I even feel more lonely, although it seems that the family is more lively because of one more family When I want to have some sports with my parents or do some parent-child reading or just have a leisurely chat, they usually don't have time for me because they are taking care of my little Frankly speaking, having a sister or brother is not a good thing for a kid in the family, especially for his or her physical and mental 12月刊-中学版12月刊中学版主题:爱与被爱哪个更重要A: It's important to love B: It's important to be 吴卓霖佛山市华英学校It’s important to be lovedThere’s a highly contentious topic discussed among people regarding the affection to receive or to Some people are of the opinion that there’s no denying the fact that the ones who are loved by others are blessed and the blessings play a major role in lifetime journey, while other people stick to the idea that devotion is a virtue and should be advocated for a better place to be for I am in favor of the former idea with persuasive Being loved by others is the driving force for us to advance to higher level of what we In the setting of education institution where we are routinely surrounded by teachers and classmates, we need their recognition on our ability to learn and our achievement made on the school subjects, since their admiration always serves as the power for us to stay motivated, even when we are under pressure and facing difficulty in The understanding and unconditional love given by our parents makes home a haven against all odds in During our lifetime journey, it’s inevitable to avoid the setbacks and frustrations of all At this crucial moment, our parent’s love enables us to survive and move They give the priority on the problem we have a hard time dealing with through chatting and words of All their time and efforts encourage us to overcome the hardship Thanks to the loves given by the people around us, we make miracles both in life and Without their affection, we would never deal with the major drawbacks or even conquer 唐翊峻合肥市第四十八中学Loving others overweight being lovedLove is one of the most important things in the world and love is needed by each I suppose that loving others overweight being If you think that it's important to be loved, then what the world will be like if everyone thinks so? The world will be filled with selfish and people won't pay much attention to loving others, which will cause the disappearance of the source of As a result, no one can get However, instead of valuing being loved,if people consider loving others as the more important thing, what can be seen then? Your neighborhood may take out the trash for The poor may get enough money to survive from the kind-hearted Disabled people will be helped instead of being laughed As can be seen, the world will become a better place to live and work, which can bring us a higher life Meanwhile, happiness will rush towards you, just as the old saying goes “rose presented, smell remained ” Love will be passed from one to another as fire be passed from torches to The whole world will be lit up Only if people love others, can people get love from More love,better Thus, I think loving others is more important than being 王天佑安徽省合肥市望湖48中Which is more important,love or be loved?Different people have different As for I suppose it's significant for us to love others Loving others means Someone will ask what we will get from giving? Some people may give you something as a Some probably give you sweet smiles in order to show their Sometimes you will get nothing after giving so I just want to say that love others don’t need pay However, why someone still choose to love others?Because it is the traditional virtue of China and it is also the main idea of C This kind of love is not limited to love some people but all living things in the It is a great When you really love them they can feel Everyone you loved will give you a helping hand when you get into Thus,you ought to believe good people have good Additionally, the medical workers during the Covid-19 made every effort to save the lives of But why they did it without any hesitation? Were they not afraid to die? No! There’s no doubt that they have great love for the country and the What they get was not only bonuses, but also the respect from people all over the World! They use action to explain how to In my point of view, every teenager are expected to learn to them on loving All in all, if we can start with small things, our society will be more That's 鄢保航湖北省咸宁市温泉中学It’s important to loveThere was a long time I couldn’t see love in my heart, I was ungrateful, for all the things that I’ve earned, for all the journeys that I’ve taken and all the lessons that I’ve I wondered where I was going, what my role was meant to I didn’t know how to travel, to a future that I couldn’t Until I found love in my heart, I understood, it’s important to Loving someone is more important than all the things that I’ve I helped a friend in need, I was there to help him see the love that shines from a true At that moment, we understood, it’s important to We can be providers, provide everyone with There was an amazing army in C It’s Red A It won a lot of wars and created new C Why did Red Army win? Because the soldiers love They protected people and brought then lands, food, money and Then people loved them, When the soldiers were fighting, the people always joined them and gave then There was an interesting story, one of Jiang Jieshi’s soldiers said angrily, ‘We can’t win! The people all love Red A We eat noodles, but they eat How can we win!’ Now you see, it’s important to So, when we love each other, combine the love that shines within us, there’s nothing we can’t do, there’s no battle we can’t It’s important to It is History can prove When you understand that, you’ll shine like rainbows, you’ll be better than 恭喜各位同学,投稿稿件登上《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》12月刊。1月征稿即将截止!《我有我的Young》《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》 每期将发布一个有趣的辩论话题,并向各位优秀选手征集精彩观点。入选稿件将刊登在《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》上,并获得由《英语周报》社与希望之星暨希语盛典联合颁发的稿件发表证明书。01征稿主题小学版制定一份新年决心清单是否有用?A: It's useful to make a new year's resolution B: It's useless to make a new year's resolution 中学版真正的智慧是源于经验还是与生俱来?A: True wisdom comes from B: True wisdom is 02投稿要求1、篇幅以200字以内为宜2、纯英文稿件03投稿方式1、投稿稿件请以Word文档的形式发送,并以“投稿人姓名-年龄-学校”的格式命名此文档2、投稿邮箱:04截稿日期将于2022年1月20日截稿,截稿后10个工作日内全国组委会将以邮件形式通知稿件是否被录用刊发。05刊发证明凡稿件被刊发的学生,将获得由《英语周报》社颁发的刊发证明!邀请每一个渴望表达的你把最棒的观点内容淋漓尽致地展现在大家面前吧!Outlook Superstars!Your Time to Share!