Germ, microbe, bacterium, bacillus, virus: Though not strict synonyms, are comparable because all denote organisms invisible to the naked eye, including organisms that are the causative agents of various Germ and microbe are the ordinary nonscientific names for such an organism and especially for one that causes Bacteria, the plural of bacterium and the form commonly in general use, is often employed as the equivalent of designation of a large group of prokaryotic microbes which are found widely distributed in water, air, soil, living things, and dead organic matter, which have structural and biological characteristics distinguishing them from other unicellular microorganisms (as protozoans), and only some of which are instrumental in producing disease in man, animals, and In addition to the pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria there are the saprophytic bacteria which live upon dead or decaying organic matter and which, for the most part, are benefici病菌,微生物,细菌,芽孢杆菌,病毒: 虽然没有严格的同义词,是指可比的,因为所有生物体肉眼,包括生物,它们是病原体的各种疾病。 细菌和微生物是普通nonscientific名字,这样的组织,特别是疾病的一个原因。 细菌,细菌的复数形式和常见的一般使用,往往是受聘为相当于指定一个大集团的原核微生物,如发现广泛分布于水,空气,土壤,生物,和死有机物,其中具有结构和生物学特性区分他们与其他单细胞微生物(如原生动物) ,只有其中一些是在生产疾病的人,动物和植物。除了致病或致病细菌有腐生菌的生活后,死的或腐烂的有机物质,而且在大多数情况下,是benefici