政府采购 Government Purchase Government Procurement 政府供应链管理 Supply Chain Management ---------------------------- 供应链管理环境下政府采购研究 Study of government procurement in supply chain management <<科技与管理 >>2005年01期 杨光华 , 许康 , 何康平 供应链管理为政府采购改革和发展提供新的思想和模式供应链管理环境下政府采购注重信息化、主动化、全过程的采购思想用集成式信息运作模式来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性采购计划、准时采购、供应商管理、信息技术为其实施的基础 -------------------- Government Procurement Summary Government Procurement of goods and services typically accounts for 10-15% of GDP for developed countries, and up to as much as 20% of GDP for developing In an attempt to harness this significant portion of the international economy, WTO members signed the plurilateral (only binding to WTO members who choose to sign) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) at the Uruguay Round in The agreement was based on the 1979 Tokyo Round government procurement Currently, there are 26 signatories, including Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and the United S[1] The rest of the signatories are predominantly developed [2] 参考资料:希望能帮助你