Don't be in a fuddle and sober you 清醒: clear-headed 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 他听到这个坏消息,马上就清醒过来了。 He sobered up quickly when he heard the terrible 给她一些清咖啡--让她清醒清醒。 Give her some black coffee that'll help to sober her 他喝酒喝得很多但好像总是很清醒 He drinks a lot but always seems 他困得那副样子, 连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒 In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his 你洗个冷水澡, 马上就清醒了 A cold shower will soon wake you 糊里糊涂: soft in the head 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 公牛全然不顾斗牛士,向斗牛场中央的醉汉冲去,他是在斗牛比赛中糊里糊涂走进去的。 The bull forgot all about the matador and ran at the drunk who had wandered into the middle of the ring during a 我的脑子糊里糊涂的 My brain's in a 糊里糊涂的:slap-happy; 不要糊里糊涂地虚度光阴!: Don't dream away your time!