Xiao Yu, Bo Li, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Said A Ghabrial, Guoqing Li, Youliang Peng, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Junbin Huang, and Xianhong Y A geminivirus-related DNA mycovirus that confers hypovirulence to a plant pathogenic Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 107:8387- 影响因子8,通讯作者 Bo Li, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Guoqing Li, Mahammad Imran Hamid, Xianhong Y Cyclic GMP as a second messenger in the nitric oxide mediated conidiation of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76: 2830 - 影响因子8,通讯作者 Liu Huiquan, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing, Xie Jun, Peng Youliang, Yi Xianhong, Ghabrial Said A A novel mycovirus that is related to the human pathogen Hepatitis E virus and rubi-like Journal of Virology 83: 1981- 影响因子332,通讯作者 Ren Li, Li Guoqing and Jiang D Characterization of some culture factors affecting oxalate degradation by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium Journal of Applied M 108:173- 影响因子: Liyan Zhang, Yanping Fu, 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Huang H Suppression of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by antifungal substances produced by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium European Journal of Plant Pathology 119: 411- 影响因子: Wu Mingde, Zhang Lei, Li Guoqing, Jiang Daohong, Hou Mingsheng and Huang H Hypovirulence and double-stranded RNA in Botrytis Phytopathology 97: 1590- 影响因子: Xie J, Wei D, Jiang D, Fu Y, Li G, Ghabrial SA and Peng Y Characterization of debilitation-associated mycovirus infecting the plant-pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia J Gen Virol 87: 241- 影响因子120,通讯作者 Li Guoqing, Huang Hongchang, Miao Huajun, Erickson RS, Jiang Daohong, Xiao Y Biological control of Sclerotinia diseases of rapeseed by aerial applications of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium European Journal of Plant Pathology 111: 345- 影响因子: Li M, Gong X, Zheng J, Jiang D, Fu Y, Hou M Transformation of Coniothyrium minitans, a parasite of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, with Agrobacterium FEMS Microbiol L 243(2): 323- 影响因子068,通讯作者 Jiang Daohong and Ghabrial Said A Molecular characterization of the chrysovirus Penicillium chrysogenum virus: the type species of a new family of dsRNA mycoviruses with multipartite Journal of General Virology 85: 2111- 影响因子 Cheng J, Jiang D, Yi X, Fu Y, Li G and Whipps JM Production, survival and efficacy of Coniothyrium minitans conidia produced in shaken liquid FEMS Microbiol L 227 : 127- 影响因子068,通讯作者 Cheng J, Jiang D, Fu Y, Li G, Peng Y and Ghabrial SA Molecular characterization of a dsRNA totivirus infecting the sclerotial parasite Coniothyrium Virus Research 93: 41- 影响因子810,通讯作者 Caston JR, Ghabrial SA, Jiang Daohong, Rivas G, Alfonso C, Roca R, Luque D and Carrascosa JL Three-dimensional structure of Penicillium chrysogenum virus: a double-stranded RNA virus with an genuine T=1 Journal of Molecular Biology 331:417- 影响因子 Li Guoqing, Wang Daoben, Jiang Daohong, Huang H First report of Sclerotinia nivalis on lettuce in central C Mycological Research 104: 232- 影响因子: Li Guoqing, Jiang Daohong, Wang Daoben, Yi Xianhong, Zhu Bin, Rimmer SR Double-stranded RNAs associated with the hypovirulence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum strain Ep-1PN Progress in Nature Science 9: 837- 影响因子: Jiang Daohong, Fu Yanping, Yi Xianhong, Wang D Transmissible hypovirulent element in isolate Ep-1PN of Sclerotinia Chinese Science Bulletin 43: 779- 韦善君,李国庆,姜道宏,王道本 2004草酸对重寄生真菌盾壳霉分生孢子萌发和菌丝生长的影响。植物病理学报 34: 199- 姜道宏, 李国庆, 王道本, 周启 核盘菌弱毒株Ep-1PN培养性状的有性遗传特性 菌物系统 19: 236-姜道宏, 李国庆, 付艳苹, 易先宏, 王道本 盾壳霉控制油菜菌核病再侵染及叶面存活的究 植物病理学报30(1): 60- 李国庆, 王道本, 姜道宏, 黄鸿章, Erickson RS, 易先宏, 周启 不同核盘菌菌株及其近缘种的RAPD分析 植物病理学报30: 116- Li Guoqing, Jiang Daohong, Meng Jinling, Yi X An improvement on mass production of apothecia of Sclerotiia sclerotiorum for resistance evaluation of oilseed 华中农业大学学报 18: 549- 韦善君,陈学章,李国庆,姜道宏,王道本 盾壳霉在油菜花瓣上萌发的影响因子分析 华中农业大学学报 18: 554- Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing, Ran Hongchang, Fuyanping, Wang D Studies on the recovery of hypovirulent strain Ep-1PN of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with protoplast 华中农业大学学报 18: 543-姜道宏,付艳平,易先宏,王道本盾壳霉产生的抗细菌物质的特性初步研究 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