The Adventures of Augie Marchby Saul Bellow All the King’s Menby Robert Penn WarrenAmerican Pastoral[美国牧歌]by Philip Roth An American Tragedy[美国悲剧]by Theodore Dreiser Animal Farm[动物农庄]by George Orwell Appointment in Samarraby John O’HaraAre You There God? It’s Me, Margaretby Judy BlumeThe Assistantby Bernard MalamudAt Swim-Two-Birdsby Flann O’BrienAtonementby Ian McEwanBeloved[宠儿]by Toni Morrison The Berlin Storiesby Christopher IsherwoodThe Big Sleep[夜长梦多]by Raymond Chandler The Blind Assassin[盲人杀手]by Margaret Atwood Blood Meridian[血色子午线]by Cormac McCarthy Brideshead Revisitedby Evelyn WaughTheBridgeofSan LuisReybyThorntonWilderCall It Sleepby Henry RothCatch-22[第二十二条军规]by Joseph Heller The Catcher in the Rye[麦田里的守望者]by JD Salinger A Clockwork Orange[发条橙子]by Anthony Burgess The Confessions of Nat Turnerby William StyronThe Correctionsby Jonathan FranzenThe Crying of Lot 49[拍卖第49号]by Thomas PynchonA Dance to the Music of Timeby Anthony PowellThe Day of the Locustby Nathanael WestDeath Comes for the Archbishop[大主教之死]by Willa Cather A Death in the Familyby James AgeeThe Death of the Heartby Elizabeth BowenDeliveranceby James DickeyDog Soldiersby Robert StoneFalconerby John CheeverThe French Lieutenant’s Womanby John FowlesThe Golden Notebookby Doris LessigGo Tell it on the Mountainby James BaldwinGone With the Wind[飘]by Margaret Mitchell The Grapes of Wrath[愤怒的葡萄]by John Steinbeck Gravity’s Rainbowby Thomas PynchonThe Great Gatsby[了不起的盖茨比]by F Scott Fitzgerald A Handful of Dust[一掬尘土]by Evelyn Waugh The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter[心是孤独的猎手]by Carson McCullers The Heart of the Matter[事情的核心/问题的核心]by Graham Greene Herzogby Saul BellowHousekeeping[管家]by Marilynne Robinson A House for M Biswas[毕斯瓦思先生之屋]by VS Naipaul I, Claudiusby Robert GravesInfinite Jestby David Foster WallaceInvisible Man[隐形人]by Ralph Ellison Light in August[八月之光]by William Faulkner The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe[女巫狮子和魔衣橱]by CS Lewis Lolita[洛丽塔]by Vladimir Naboko 下载pdfLord of the Flies[蝇王]by William Golding The Lord of the Ringsby JRR Tolkein SilmarillionLovingby Henry GreenLucky Jim[幸运的吉姆]by Kingsley AmisThe Man Who Loved Childrenby Christina SteadMidnight's Childrenby Salman RushdieMoneyby Martin AmisThe Moviegoerby Walker PercyM Dalloway[达罗薇夫人]by Virginia Woolf Naked Lunch[裸体午餐]by William Burroughs Native Sonby Richard WrightNeuromancer[神经漫游者]by William Gibson Never Let Me Go[别让我走]by Kazuo Ishiguro 1984[一九八四]by George Orwell On the Road[在路上]by Jack Kerouac One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest[飞越疯人院]by Ken Kesey The Painted Birdby Jerzy KosinskiPale Fire[幽冥的火]by Vladimir NabokovA Passage to India[印度之行]by EM ForsterPlay It As It Laysby Joan DidionPortnoy's Complaintby Philip RothPosessionby AS ByattThe Power and the Glory[权力与荣耀]by Graham GreeneThe Prime of Miss Jean Brodieby Muriel SparkRabbit, Run[兔子,跑吧]by John Updike Ragtimeby EL DoctorowThe Recognitionsby William GaddisRed Harvest[红色收获]by Dashiell Hammett Revolutionary Roadby Richard YatesThe Sheltering Skyby Paul BowlesSlaughterhouse-Five[第五号屠场]by Kurt Vonnegut Snow Crash[雪崩]by Neal Stephenson The Sot-Weed Factorby John BarthThe Sound and the Fury[喧哗与骚动]by William Faulkner The Sportswriterby Richard FordThe Spy Who Came in From the Cold[柏林谍影] by John LeCarre The Sun Also Rises[太阳照样升起]by Ernest Hemingway Their Eyes Were Watching Godby Zora Neale Hurston Things Fall Apart[瓦解/生命中不可承受之重]by Chinua AchebeTo Kill a Mockingbird[杀死一只知更鸟]by Harper LeeTo the Lighthouse[到灯塔去]by Virginia Woolf Tropic of Cancer[北回归线]by Henry MillerUbikby Philip K DickUnder the Netby Iris MurdochUnder the Volcanoby Malcolm LowreyWatchmenby Alan Moore & Dave GibbonsWhite Noise[白噪音]by Don DeLilloWhite Teeth[白色的牙齿]by Zadie Smith
All-Time 100 Best Novels Time critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo pick the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the The Complete List in Alphabetical Order: The Adventure of Augie March by Saul B All the King’s Men by Robert Penn W American Pastoral by Philip R An American Tragedy by Theodore D Animal Farm by George O Appointment in Samarra by John O’H Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy B The Assistant by Bernard M At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’B Atonement by Ian McE Beloved by Toni M The Berlin Stories by Christopher I The Big Sleep by Raymond C The Blind Assassin by Margaret A Blood Meridian by Cormac McC Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn W The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton W Call It Sleep by Henry R Catch-22 by Joseph H The Catcher in the Rye by J D S A Clockwork Orange by Anthony B The Confessions of Nat Turner by William S The Corrections by Jonathan F The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas P A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony P The Day of the Locust by Nathanael W Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa C A Death in the Family by James A The Death of the Heart by Elizabeth B Deliverance by James D Dog Soldiers by Robert S Falconer by John C The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John F The Golden Notebook by Doris L Go Tell it on the Mountain by James B Gone with the Wind by Margaret M The Grapes of Wrath by John S Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas P The Great Gatsby by F Scott F A Handful of Dust by Evelyn W The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McC The Heart of the Matter by Graham G Herzog by Saul B Housekeeping by Marilynne R A House for M Biswas by V S N I, Claudius by Robert G Infinite Jest by David Foster W Invisible Man by Ralph E Light in August by William F The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C S L Lolita by Vladimir N Lord of the Flies by William G The Lord of the Rings by J R R T Loving by Henry G Lucky Jim by Kingsley A The Man Who Loved Children by Christina S Midnight’s Children by Salman R Money by Martin A The Moviegoer by Walker P M Dalloway by Virginia W Naked Lunch by William B Native Son by Richard W Neuromancer by William G Never Let Me Go by Kazuo I 1984 by George O On the Road by Jack K One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken K The Painted Bird by Jerzy K Pale Fire by Vladimir N A Passage to India by E M F Play it as it Lays by Joan D Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip R Possession by A S B The Power and the Glory by Graham G The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel S Rabbit, Run by John U Ragtime by E L D The Recognitions by William G Red Harvest by Dashiell H Revolutionary Road by Richard Y The Sheltering Sky by Paul B Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt V Snow Crash by Neal S The Sot-Weed Factor by John B The Sound and the Fury by William F The Sportswriter by Richard F The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le C The Sun also Rises by Ernest H Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale H Things Fall Apart by Chinua A To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper L To the Lighthouse by Virginia W Tropic of Cancer by Henry M Ubik by Philip K D Under the Net by Iris M Under the Volcano by Malcolm L All-Time 100 Best Novels Time critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo pick the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the The Complete List in Alphabetical Order: The Adventure of Augie March by Saul B All the King’s Men by Robert Penn W American Pastoral by Philip R An American Tragedy by Theodore D Animal Farm by George O Appointment in Samarra by John O’H Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy B The Assistant by Bernard M At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’B Atonement by Ian McE Beloved by Toni M The Berlin Stories by Christopher I The Big Sleep by Raymond C The Blind Assassin by Margaret A Blood Meridian by Cormac McC Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn W The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton W Call It Sleep by Henry R Catch-22 by Joseph H The Catcher in the Rye by J D S A Clockwork Orange by Anthony B The Confessions of Nat Turner by William S The Corrections by Jonathan F The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas P A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony P The Day of the Locust by Nathanael W Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa C A Death in the Family by James A The Death of the Heart by Elizabeth B Deliverance by James D Dog Soldiers by Robert S Falconer by John C The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John F The Golden Notebook by Doris L Go Tell it on the Mountain by James B Gone with the Wind by Margaret M The Grapes of Wrath by John S Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas P The Great Gatsby by F Scott F A Handful of Dust by Evelyn W The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McC The Heart of the Matter by Graham G Herzog by Saul B Housekeeping by Marilynne R A House for M Biswas by V S N I, Claudius by Robert G Infinite Jest by David Foster W Invisible Man by Ralph E Light in August by William F The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C S L Lolita by Vladimir N Lord of the Flies by William G The Lord of the Rings by J R R T Loving by Henry G Lucky Jim by Kingsley A The Man Who Loved Children by Christina S Midnight’s Children by Salman R Money by Martin A The Moviegoer by Walker P M Dalloway by Virginia W Naked Lunch by William B Native Son by Richard W Neuromancer by William G Never Let Me Go by Kazuo I 1984 by George O On the Road by Jack K One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken K The Painted Bird by Jerzy K Pale Fire by Vladimir N A Passage to India by E M F Play it as it Lays by Joan D Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip R Possession by A S B The Power and the Glory by Graham G The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel S Rabbit, Run by John U Ragtime by E L D The Recognitions by William G Red Harvest by Dashiell H Revolutionary Road by Richard Y The Sheltering Sky by Paul B Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt V Snow Crash by Neal S The Sot-Weed Factor by John B The Sound and the Fury by William F The Sportswriter by Richard F The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le C The Sun also Rises by Ernest H Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale H Things Fall Apart by Chinua A To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper L To the Lighthouse by Virginia W Tropic of Cancer by Henry M Ubik by Philip K D Under the Net by Iris M Under the Volcano by Malcolm L Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave G White Noise by Don DeL White Teeth by Zadie S Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean RhysWatchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons
White Noise by Don DeL White Teeth by Zadie S Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys1、海贼王本书看点:◎尾田荣一郎系列漫画作品,其漫画单行本在日本以外的亦已有30多个翻译版本发行,发行量在日本本土突破3亿部,是日本图书出版史上发行量最高的作品。◎蒙其D路飞——一个以成为海贼王为目标的男孩,为了兑现与救了他命的杰克的承诺,戴着杰克留给他的草帽只身一人向着大海出发了。2、七龙珠本书看点:◎作者鸟山明,是公认的当今日本漫画界首席代表。其代表作还有《阿拉蕾》等。◎很久很久以前,地球上散落着七颗神奇的龙珠,传说只要聚齐它们,神龙就会出现,并可以为人实现一个愿望。为了寻找龙珠,孙悟空等人踏上了奇妙的寻珠之旅。3、名侦探柯南本书看点:◎日本漫画家青山刚昌的一部以侦探推理情节为主题的漫画作品,一部从1994年连载至今的作品。◎高中生侦探工藤新一被神秘的黑衣组织灌下代号为APTX4869的毒药后身体缩小为小学生,因此隐瞒身份,调查组织的同时不断解决各类案件。4、三毛流浪记本书看点:◎《三毛流浪记》是著名漫画家张乐平先生的漫画名作。◎三毛已经永远地沉淀在无数人成长的记忆中,相信在未来的岁月里,三毛依然会带给我们许多宝贵的东西,让我们体验苦难和不幸,也学会同情,学会关怀和珍爱。5、老夫子本书看点:◎老夫子,是漫画家王泽创作的搞笑讽刺类漫画。作品中戴着顶小圆帽,留着八字胡的老夫子,时常以不同的身分出现,包括乞丐、政客、演员和古代侠客等。◎这部系列漫画作品内容健康、情节风趣幽默又能反映时弊,其中令人上进的元素和健康教育意义,在不知不觉会心一笑中融入读者生活。连香港政府禁毒宣传、卫生总署宣传都用“老夫子”来做主角。6、守望者本书看点:◎作者阿兰·摩尔是图画小说史上最受欢迎的作家之一,他创作的《守望者《奇迹人》以及《沼泽怪物》等许多作品均获得了漫画界的各大奖项。◎《守望者》开创了图画小说新纪元, 2005年《时代》杂志将其评选为“百大英文小说”之一,这部作品也是迄今为止,唯一一部得过“雨果奖”的图画小说。