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语言不仅是思维和交际的工具,同时也是社会 文化 的反应,并制约人们的思维。下文是我为大家整理的关于英语语言文化论文 范文 的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!关于英语语言文化论文范文篇1 浅探习语语言在英语中文化要素 1 历史发展的文化要素 在历史发展的长河中,由于受民族迁徙、异域民族入侵、民族内部战争等因素的影响,语言被烙上了清晰的印痕。作为富含深层文化内涵的英语习语,更是深受这些因素的影响。在英国历史上,英法两个国家战争不断,其中以英法七年战争和英法百年战争最为著名,法国文化对英国文化影响很大,成为现代英语的三大来源之一。 例如习语French leav(e不辞而别)、French frie(s炸薯条)、stew in one’s own juic(e自作自受)等。其中Frenchleave 指在 18 世纪的法国流行一种参加宴会的客人不向主人告辞而自行离去的习俗。而在法语中,也有“英国式告辞(不辞而别)”之说。这也是两国人相互调侃的方式之一。历史上罗马人曾经统治英国达四百年之久,古罗马文化对英国文化的影响烙印深刻。英语中受古罗马文化影响的习语俯拾皆是,像Do in Rome as the Romans do(入乡随俗)、Rome was not built in a da(y冰冻三尺,非一日之寒)等。历史上英国和荷兰为争夺海上的霸主地位,两个国家在短短 26 年(1652 年至 1678 年)中就进行了2 次战争,双方胜负各半。 为了发泄对战争失败的不满,英国人喜欢把交战国的名称赋予某种贬义加以丑化。诸如习语I’m a Dutchman, if..(.如果我……,我就不是人)、beat the Dutc(h了不起)、Dutch uncl(e严厉训斥者)等都是英国人讽刺荷兰人粗鲁、莽撞无礼的最好例证。到近代,两次世界大战和一些地区的局部冲突,都对英语产生了影响。习语the fifth colum(n第五纵队)就产生于这一时期。1936 年 10 月,西班牙首都马德里受到德国法西斯军队和西班牙叛军的联合进攻,在进攻前的动员大会上,西班牙叛军将领Emilio Mola公开宣称,叛军和德国联军的四个纵队正在向马德里展开猛攻,并且他的第五纵队也已经在马德里城内展开活动。后来英语习语the fifthcolumn 专门用来指代被别国收买了而颠覆自己国家的叛徒或别国派入的间谍。 2 岛国地理环境中“海的文化”要素 自然环境对文化的形成也有直接的影响。“特定文化的表达方式是由特定的地理环境造就的”。(王葆华,2010)英国岛国四面环海,英语习语的形成深受这种特殊的“海的文化”影响。大多数英国人以 捕鱼 为生,因此鱼是日常生活中的主要食品。和鱼相关的习语在英语中俯拾皆是,像nEither fish nor fow(不伦不类)、The best fish swimnear the bottom(好货难求)、cool fis(h怪人)、fish in the air(缘木求鱼)、There are plenty more fish in the se(a天涯何处无芳草)等。 长期海上生活中积累的 经验 也反映在习语语言中,如know the rope(s掌握窍门)、cut and ru(n三十六计走为上)、take the wind out of someone’s sai(l先发制人)、sail under false colour(s假冒伪劣)等。其中 sail under falsecolours 指中世纪海盗猖獗期间,海盗船上常常悬挂假旗号,以便于接近其他船只而不引起对方的警惕。后来人们就用此习语指代“假装”或“冒充”的东西。此外,习语carry coals to Newcastl(e多此一举、画蛇添足)来历是指煤都纽卡斯尔的煤矿储量丰富,如果生意人想运送煤碳到这个城市的话,那肯定会血本无归。由于岛国上的可耕土地很少,所以英国人特别注重畜牧业的发展,畜牧业中也留下了很多与之相关的习语。 比如lose one’swoo(l大发雷霆),因为羊毛能给牧羊人带来客观经济效益,如果没有了羊毛,也就断了财路,人当然平静不了。再比如Much cry and little woo(l雷声大,雨点小),指的是羊叫起来声音很大,但产出的羊毛却很少。 3 风俗习惯的文化要素 作为一种特定的社会现象,风俗习惯是“一个群体的习惯和准则的总和,群体人员的创造和遵循是其存在的前提基础”。(Worsley, 2008)身处在特定的社会风气和传统习惯的氛围之中,人们的日常生活不但受到影响,语言也必然会体现出这些影响。例如习语let one’s hair down(身心轻松)就是英国早期习俗的体现。 古时英国的妇女不论地位高低,在任何场合都把自己的头发梳洗得整整齐齐,但是当她们回到家中独自一人时,为了身心的放松,就把头发披散下来,习语“身心放松”的含义由此产生。另一个例子是来源于中世纪的英国生活习俗,在餐桌中间往往放置的是盐器,宾主落座时,盐器上首坐的是贵宾,而下首坐的是一般客人或随从,习语above the sa(lt德高望重的地位)和below the sa(lt无足轻重的地位)由此产生。 面包、牛奶、黄油和奶酪是英国人日常食物的主要组成部分,习语中也体现出了这些食品的重要地位,如bread and butter(生计之需)、bread and chees(e日常食品)、take the bread outof someone’s mou(th抢某人的饭碗)、like a hot knife throughbutte(r易如反掌)、cry over spilt mil(k覆水难收)、half a loaf isbetter than no brea(d聊胜于无)等。 4 宗教信仰的要素影响 文化的一个不可或缺的组成部分就是宗教信仰,它渗透到人类的精神生活、社会生活和语言交际体系中。早在公元 3 世纪初,英国就设立了__教会,因此大多数英国人信仰基督__信上帝。祈求上帝保佑时,英国人会用手指在胸前划十字,口中说God bless me ;骂人时说God damn you ;不愿意某事发生时说God forbid ;人死了说depart to God。在信徒的眼中,上帝无所不能,一切万物、包括人类在上帝面前都微不足道。 习语Manproposes, God dispose(s谋事在人,成事在天)充分体现了这种思想。直接来自《圣经》中的 故事 和比喻的习语也有很多,如来自《旧约·但以理书》第五章的习语handwriting on the wal(l不祥之兆)说的是巴比伦王伯沙撒(Belshazzar)继承了父亲的王位后穷奢极欲、荒淫无度。一日,他邀大臣一千多人在宫中狂饮,许多金银器皿被拿出来待客,席间宫墙上突然有一手伸出来并写下三个神秘的词,大家看后无人能解,于是赶紧把先知但以请来来解字。但以解释说 :你的统治地位已结束,你的国度将倾裂。果然,当夜伯沙撒就遇刺身亡。类似来自《圣经》的习语还有很多,如make bricks without straw(巧妇难为无米之炊)、at the eleventh hou(r关键时刻)、theparting of the way(s紧要关头)、in sackcloth and ashe(s悲痛忏悔)等。 5 神话寓言的要素影响 世界 文化不仅相通,而且相互影响。“ 英语的 发展史是外来词汇的变异积累过程,也是受民族的 文学作品逐渐浸润、融合、变异的进化过程。”(Herrnst Ein, 2009)民族神话、 传说 和 寓言故事 在 语言的发展变化过程中都留下了深深的烙印。希腊罗马神话和伊索寓言是影响英语习语的两大主要文化要素。 古希腊是西方文明的发源地,希腊神话的最大特点是“兼具人之外形和情感的神令自然人悟其之渺小”。(Turner,2009)古罗马神话是由古希腊神话发展变化而来,到公元前的最后 3 个世纪,罗马诗人维吉尔(Virgil)、奥维德(Ovid)把希腊神话的内容移植到罗马神话中,把希腊神话里的人物名称换成罗马使用的拉丁文名称,创作出希腊—罗马神话的结合体。 英语习语中有许多就是直接来自这种结合体。例如under theros(e严守秘密)这个习语指的是一天,爱与美之女神维纳斯(Venus)在不惑之年还背着丈夫、儿子与情人偷偷幽会,不料刚好被沉默之神哈坡克拉提斯(Harpocrates)无意中撞见。维纳斯的儿子丘比特(Cupid)知道这件事后非常气愤,但又怕此事传出去后对父亲和自己不利,苦思良久后心生一计,他摘下一朵美丽的玫瑰花送给哈坡克拉提斯,肯求他不要把这件事声张出去,沉默之神对丘比特发誓会严守秘密。还有类似的习语如the web ofPenelop(e永远完不成的任务)、sword of Damocle(s随时到来的危险)、Pandora’s Bo(x万恶之源)、apple of discor(d争斗起因)、Achilles’hee(l致命弱点)等都来自希腊罗马神话。 寓言是习语的另一个主要来源,“寓言在流传的过程中被浓缩并升华为习语”。英语习语的重要来源是《伊索寓言》,如习语dog in the mange(r损人不利己)讲的是有一只愚笨之极狗,由于它自己不能吃马槽里的干草,便向正在津津有味吃草的马嚎叫,也不让马吃草的故事。类似的习语还有sour grape(s酸葡萄)、cry wol(f虚张声势)、a wolf in sheep’s clothin(g伪装友善的敌人)、nourish a viperin one’s bosom(养奸护恶)等。 6 文学作品的文化要素 出自文学巨匠笔下精彩的故事情节、富有教益的哲理和涵义深刻的词句常常成为习语的另一个重要的素材来源。文学语言对习语的来源贡献在于以下四个方面“精彩词句、故事情节、鲜明人物和历史习语”。 (徐振忠,2010)莎士比亚的作品是公认的对英语习语贡献最多的来源之一。莎士比亚作品的习语大体可分为两类 :一种来自剧作的故事情节 ;一种来自作品的词句。莎士比亚剧作中的人物性格鲜明,情节生动,剧中内容常常被引申成为习语。如hoist by one’s own petar(d害人反害己,搬起石头砸自己的脚)出自《哈姆雷特》[3 幕、4 场 ],早期的炸药箱被称作petard,战争是用于炸开敌人坚固的城池。但由于当时的爆破技术还很不成熟,引爆人点燃炸药后还没等自己撤离,炸药就爆炸了,结果当然是引爆人与敌人同归于尽了。 类似的习语还有one’s pound offles(h合法但不合理的要求)、a horse of a different colou(r另外一回事 ;截然不同)等。莎士比亚作品语言简洁优美、寓意深刻,许多习语就是直接来自作品的词句。如bay atthe moo(n空嚷、徒劳)在《裘里斯 · 凯撒》第四幕第三场里的原文是 :I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon。原文中bay 被用作及物动词,而现代英语倾向于用作不及物动词,因此加了介词at。类似的习语还有flutter the dovecotes(闹得鸡犬不宁)《[柯里奥拉纳斯》]、paint the lil(y多此一举)《[约翰王》]、the world is someone’s oyste(r随心所欲)《[温莎的娘儿们》]、thereby hangs a tal(e说来话长)《[驯悍记》]等。 英国文坛还有其他许多对世界文学有较大影响的文学巨匠,如乔叟、米尔顿、柯勒律治、拜伦、狄更斯等。他们的作品也对英语习语产生了很大的影响。如习语albatross round soneone’s nec(k提醒某人不犯错误之物)出自柯勒律治的长诗《老水手之歌》。 信天翁是一种海鸟,可以在睡觉时翅膀不煽动并浮在空中,据说随便杀死信天翁会招致厄运。柯勒律治的诗歌中讲述了一位水手由于自己的大意,射杀了一只信天翁,结果在航行途中他麻烦不断,还差点丧命。后来他才悟出个中的缘由,上岸后他把那只信天翁的尸体挂在脖子上,以表达自己示忏悔的心情。来自文学作品的习语还有all hell breaks loose(闹翻天)(米尔顿,《失乐园》)、at sixs and seven(s杂乱无章)(乔叟,《特洛莱斯和克丽西德》)、mind one’s ey(e小心谨慎()狄更斯,《巴纳比·拉奇》)等。 结语 语言学家Hudson指出 :“语言特征和文化特征常常难分彼此”。(Hudson, 2011)习语的形成与其语言所属的民族文化更是密不可分,“文化是孕育培植习语的温床”(McMordie, 2006),如果对习语的文化背景没有认真的研究,就难以理解它们其中的深刻含义。本文只从六个方面粗略讨论了影响习语形成的文化要素,以期希望对英语习语 爱好 者在今后的学习过程中正确理解习语的文化内涵和恰如其分地运用习语方面有所启迪和帮助。 关于英语语言文化论文范文篇2 浅析中学生英语语言文化意识的培养 摘要:语言意识的培养,在大学英语教学中较为广泛,但是在中学英语教学中较少提及。我国小学已普遍开设英语课程,中学生已具备一定的英语基础,培养学生的语言意识是有可行的。良好的语言意识有利于学生将来的 英语学习 ,学习者能更好地运用英语,减少交际中的障碍,并进行成功交际,培养学生语言意识是有必要的。本文主要从建构理论,认知的过程出发,并结合我国中学英语教学的实际,说明在中学英语教学中培养语言文化意识的重要性,以及如何培养学生的语言文化意识。 关键词:英语教学;文化知识;语言意识培养 1.引言 传统的中学英语教学,侧重于单词和语法等语言知识点的教学,它培养的是学生某一方面的技能。但是语言的学习是为了运用,交际,从这一角度来看,传统英语教学的弊端突显出来。 根据认知语言学,语言意识指语言的固有能力来处理信息,是洞察语言本质和功能的语言能力。本文中的语言意识,在中学英语教学过程中,将表现为是由文化、政治、社会和习俗等方面组成的。 语言是文化的载体,学习一种语言,不仅仅要掌握语言点知识,培养听、说、读、写、译的基本技能,更重要的是学习蕴含于语言之中的文化现象和文化背景知识,包括政治,经济,文化等多方面,从而培养英语思维。语言意识的培养正是这一要求的体现。语言是交流的工具,有一定的语言意识,了解目的语的文化背景知识, 思维方式 ,交际也就更能达到理想效果。 2.文化与语言的关系 文化通常被定义为在一定的社会或者社会一部分范围内流行的一套价值观念和信仰,是一个社会的整个生活方式,一个民族的全部活动方式。语言是人类生活的重要组成部分。(王建坤,2008)徐行言在《中西文化比较》(2004)中,对文化的理解与概括分为一下几个方面: 把文化看作是一个包含多层次、多方面内容的综合体,用它来概括人类创造和积累起来的全部物质与精神财富以及人们的生活方式。把文化理解人类精神现象或观念形态的总和;强调文化作为人的社会行为与习俗的意义;把文化视作人类的艺术活动及富有仪式性的民俗活动的概括;把文化理解为一个社会的传统行为形式或全部社会遗产。 根据裴文的表述,语言与文化的关系分为以下几种(参见王建坤,2008):(1)语言是一种文化;(2)语言是文化的工具;(3)语言是文化传播的载体;(4)语言是文化的形式;(5)语言与文化相互作用。由此可见离开了内容,离开了语言的内涵,就谈不上语言。语言学习需要和文化学习结合起来,语言教学的同时也必须了解文化,这样才能真正地更好地运用语言。 3.从建构主义看语言中的文化教学 建构主义是认知理论的一个分支,是学习理论的一个分支,是学习理论中行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展。最早由瑞士著名心理学家皮亚杰(J. Piaget)于20世纪60年代提出。(范琳,2003)一般认为,建构主义学习理论源于皮亚杰,后经布鲁纳、维果茨基等教学 教育 心理学家不断发展和完善。 建构主义是源自 儿童 认知发展的理论,由于个体的认知发展和学习过程密切相关,因此利用建构主义可以较清楚地说明学习过程的认知规律。建构主义认为,学习不是信息简单地从外到内的单项输入,而是通过新信息与学习者原有的知识经验双向的相互作用而实现的。 我们所说的语言文化意识的培养,正是基于此,培养学生的文化意识,在教学中进行一定的文化导入。文化导入是一种通过引导的方式让学生主动建构语言与文化知识的一种 方法 ,促进学生的英语综合运用能力的提高。该方法主张教师在一定的教学环境中,对学生进行引导,激发学生的思考,促进学生主动进行新信息和原有知识的建构,从而培养学生对文化的敏感性,以及处理文化信息的灵活性,最后获得综合运用英语能力的提高。 4.培养语言文化意识是跨文化交际能力的需要 由于技术的发展,旅游的兴旺,经济和政治体系变化,移民方式的改变,人口增长等原因,人们与来自不同文化背景的人的交流日益增多;人们日益认识到文化会对交流产生微妙和深刻的影响。我们学习语言就不可避免地接触到所学语言国家的交际文化。在不同民族和国家的文化中,既有共性也存在差异,而这些差异是由于历史文化背景、地理环境、传统习惯和思维方式的不同,在语言表达上表现为差异,这些差异的存在可能妨碍文化和语际的正常交流。 英语的学习最终的目的是交流和交际,是为了更好的跨文化交流,将中国博大精深的文化传播出去,吸收外国文化的精华。在教学中渗透文化意识,了解英语国家文化,有助于提高学生的交流能力和跨文化交流能力,克服与不同文化背景中的人们相互理解过程中的障碍,促进交际的成功。 5.交际教学法的弊端 巴克斯(2004,参见孙鸣,2007)认为,业内人士大都默认为:交际法不仅是先进的方法,而是唯一正确的学习语言的方法。根据语言学家威多森(Widdowso ,H. G. 1991,参见孙鸣,2007)对交际教学法的分析与评价,交际教学法注重让学习者用语言做事,表达观念和完成各种交际行为。 它强调“做”、“自然学习”和“自然语言使用”,在学习如何得体地使用语言的过程中,学习者会不经意地学习语言,通过“做”而“知”。交际教学法所关注的是给学习者创造使用该语言的条件和情景,而不是我国现阶段英语教学的词句和语法。 从认知角度来看,外语学习的认知过程始于陈述性知识。陈述性知识是有关某物是事实的知识,是人有意识掌握的、可以陈述的、以命题方式储存在大脑中的事实、概念、或观念构成的信息。(孙鸣,2007)心理语言学研究表明,语言的使用是以认知为基础的(桂诗春,2002,参见孙鸣,2007)语言的认知设计陈述性知识,而语言的使用则涉及程序性知识。 近几年,交际教学法盛行于我国英语教学中。结合我国英语教学的实际,交际教学法的不足之处日益显现出来。交际教学法所主张的由“做”而“知”, 忽视了外语学习认知过程中陈述性知识的作用,不符合外语学习认知过程及其规律,并不适合我国英语教学环境。 而提倡在教学中进行文化渗透,培养学生语言文化意识,更符合外语学习认知的过程及规律,语言的认知过程和认知结构需要有文化的参与。

有很多的同学在写英语 作文 的时候,也会写一些经典的议论文,我整理了相关范文,希望会对大家有所帮助!


Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.






My opinion on copying others' homework

It is konwn to us all that some students copy others' homework,their reasons are as below:first of all,the homework is too much and always difficult;the second,they are not intrested in the lessons;and the third,the aim of finishing their homework is to please the teacher.

In my opinion,copying others' homework is not good,because it's against the rules of the school.We should be honest and work hard to get high scores.If we have difficulties,we can even ask the teacher or our classmates for their help.


Now it is common that students copy homework from their classmates. I think it is a terrible thing . Because homework is their own task and the check for what they learn in class.

If they copy others' homework , the teachers won't get the fact so they can't help the students to improve. Besides ,if the students can't finish their homework, they can't get the chance to go over their lessons so they can't make progress. So don't copy others' homework.


In the picture we can see that a man is fishing attentively by the lake.Behind him there is a scholar who is stealing the fish in the man’s bucket.It is obvious that the drawer of the picture tries to reveal a serious problemin the academic circle of our country — plagiarism. In recent years academiccheats have become rampant. Quite a lot of graduate students and scholars“use” others’ ideas, articles and papers without acknowledging the sourceof information.

They copy them without the fear that they might be caught.For a long time we paid less attention to the problem of plagiarism, butnow we are increasingly aware of its negative effects. Plagiarists’misconduct simply mean “stealing” others’ intellectual and academicaccomplishments, which not only depreciates their own humanity but contaminatesthe climate of the academic circle. Academic falsification is like an epidemicdisease that spreads fast and will destroy the healthy development of academicstudies. What’s worse, these plagiarists have set a very disreputable exampleto the younger generation.

So what attitude should we hold towards it? From my point of view, weshould resolutely battle against this ill phenomenon. Education of moralityshould be strengthened among the scholars and students. Those who steal others’academic achievements should be given severe punishment whenever they arespotted. If necessary, we can resort to the law to protect the interest of theoriginal writer and inventor. We must recognize that fighting againstplagiarism requires our persistent efforts.


在画中我们可以看到一位男子正在专心地在湖边钓鱼,在他身后有一位学者模样的人正从钓鱼人的鱼桶中偷鱼。显然,作这幅画的人是想揭示我国学术界的一个严重的问题—— 剽窃。近年来学术欺诈盛行,有不少研究生、学者“利用”别人的想法、文章和论文而不注明信息来源。


有很多的同学在写英语 作文 的时候,也会写一些经典的议论文,我整理了相关范文,希望会对大家有所帮助!


Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.




英语短文写作是大学英语教学的重要组成部分,也是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的标准。下面是我带来的英语短篇 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


11 Body Hacks that You Should Know About

Have you got any tiny itchy issues with your body sometimes but don’t know how to deal with them? Say how to kill the brain freeze or what to do when your limbs fall asleep? The following 11 body hacks will help you get the issues fixed.

1. To lessen the pain when you have an injection from the doctor, cough!

Studies have shown that the act of a sudden cough cause less pain to a person while having the injection.

2. Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth and press a finger between your eyebrows if you want to clear a stuffy nose or relieve the sinus pressure.

This causes the vomer bone to rock and your congestion will be loosened.

3. Lay on your left side if you want to sleep after having a big full meal.

The stomach is higher than the oesophagus when you sleep on your right; thus allowing food and stomach acid to go up to your throat.

4. If you have a toothache, rub some ice on the on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger.

By numbing your hand, your pain intensity will be reduced.

5. When you have a nosebleed, put some cotton on your upper gums behind the small dent below your nose and press on it.

By giving pressure on the gums, the supply of the blood to the nose can be blocked.

6. If your throat is a little itchy, scratch your ear.

By doing so, you stimulate the nerves in the ear and create a reflex in the throat which causes a muscle spasm that kills the itchy feeling.

7. Use your right ear to listen to the phone or hear people talk at a party.

Your right ear picks up words better while your left ear picks up sounds/music better.

8. If you start to feel dizzy and drunk, put your hand on something hard and stable.

Putting your hand on a stable subject help you feel more balance.

9. Putting your tongue flat against your mouth’s roof can prevent brain freeze.

This is because brain freeze happens when the nerves in your mouth’s roof get too cold.

10. If your hand falls asleep, move your neck and head.

The compressing nerves in your neck causes your hand to fall asleep, so move it side to side can relieve that.

11. If you feel nervous, try to blow your thumb.

Blowing cool wind to your thumb can slow down its pulse and calm you down eventually.


15 Things You Might Have Misunderstood About Introverts

Introverts are a misunderstood bunch. Compared to extroverts, they think differently, act differently, and even look differently when they interact with people. But there are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be “introverted.” Here are 15 of them:

Misconception #1: Introverts are shy.

Being “shy” and “introverted” are two completely different things. Introverts are not necessarily shy or afraid of people. They don’t just don’t prefer talking for the sake of talking.

Misconception #2: Introverts are unemotional.

Introverts may not show emotion with their facial expressions and gestures, but this doesn’t mean they’re not interested in what you’re saying. Introverts prefer to control their emotions around others and internalize them. Although someone who’s introverted may not appear engaged, this is usually not the case.

Misconception #3: Introverts don’t like working in groups.

Introverts often do their best work alone, so co-workers may misunderstand them and think they don’t want to partake in group work. While introverts do have a tendency to shut down in larger groups of people when they feel like their voice isn’t being heard, introverts excel in small group situations and enjoy working in these types of environments, as long as their opinion is valued.

Misconception #4: Introverts don’t like talking.

It’s not that introverts don’t like to talk, it’s that they prefer to listen before they talk. Introverts choose their words carefully and they think small talk is a waste of time. But, they’re more than willing to engage you in a deep conversation about topics they’re passionate about.

Misconception #5: Introverts are scared to look you in the eye.

In general, introverts may not make eye contact with you as much as extroverts. This is because they don’t feel the need to partake in social norms and rituals as much as extroverts, not because they’re “scared.”

Misconception #6: All introverts are poor public speakers.

Some introverts may not like speaking in large group settings; however, many introverts are naturally gifted speakers. And, introverts generally spend more time preparing for speeches and presentations rather than “flying by the seat of their pants.”

Misconception #7: Introverts just want to be left alone.

While it’s true that introverts prefer to “re-charge” with some quiet time reading or reflecting, they also crave human interaction and enjoy the company of others.

Misconception #8: Introverts over-analyze everything.

Introverts like to analyze situations and consider all possible scenarios before making decisions. Sometimes this can lead to “analysis paralysis,” but in general, it’s a positive trait that allows them to make tough decisions with a rational stream of thought.

Misconception #8: Introverts don’t like to go out in public.

False. Introverts may not be comfortable in crowded spaces, but they love experiencing new places, people, and things.

Misconception #9: Introverts are high strung.

The opposite is actually true. Introverts tend to be much more even-keeled and level than extroverts. They are able to objectively view all scenarios, even during times of stress.

Misconception #10: Introverts are underachievers.

Because we have such an affinity for the charismatic, personable, extroverted leader, some people assume that introverts are underachievers compared to extroverts. However, there are millions of successful introverted scientists, artists, physicians, writers, and philosophers. Achievement is not necessarily related to personality type.

Misconception #11: Introverts can “break out of their shell” and become extroverts.

Introversion is an inborn personality type that you can’t change. Many people falsely believe that introverts can (or want to) “unlearn” their quiet, passive tendencies.

Misconception #12: Introverts are rude.

Introverts get a bad rap because they don’t show emotion like extroverts do. This causes people to misunderstand them and mistake their stone-face demeanor for rudeness, which isn’t the case.

Misconception #13: Introverts are no fun.

Introverts are all about having a good time–they just prefer environments that are quieter and more low-key. They don’t mind going to parties, but they prefer to spend time socializing in their inner circle of friends.

Misconception #14: Introverts don’t make good leaders.

Introverts can be quiet but confident leaders. They are particularly effective at managing extroverts because they’re good listeners and don’t compete with them.

Misconception #15: Extroverts are happier than introverts.

Happiness has nothing to do with one’s personality type. There are happy and unhappy extroverts just like introverts. Personality type does not pre-dispose you to be unhappy.

Have you ever been misunderstood because of your personality type? If so, I’d love to hear from you below!


Introverts are a misunderstood bunch. Compared to extroverts, they think differently, act differently, and even look differently when they interact with people. But there are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be “introverted.” Here are 15 of them:

Misconception #1: Introverts are shy.

Being “shy” and “introverted” are two completely different things. Introverts are not necessarily shy or afraid of people. They don’t just don’t prefer talking for the sake of talking.

Misconception #2: Introverts are unemotional.

Introverts may not show emotion with their facial expressions and gestures, but this doesn’t mean they’re not interested in what you’re saying. Introverts prefer to control their emotions around others and internalize them. Although someone who’s introverted may not appear engaged, this is usually not the case.

Misconception #3: Introverts don’t like working in groups.

Introverts often do their best work alone, so co-workers may misunderstand them and think they don’t want to partake in group work. While introverts do have a tendency to shut down in larger groups of people when they feel like their voice isn’t being heard, introverts excel in small group situations and enjoy working in these types of environments, as long as their opinion is valued.

Misconception #4: Introverts don’t like talking.

It’s not that introverts don’t like to talk, it’s that they prefer to listen before they talk. Introverts choose their words carefully and they think small talk is a waste of time. But, they’re more than willing to engage you in a deep conversation about topics they’re passionate about.

Misconception #5: Introverts are scared to look you in the eye.

In general, introverts may not make eye contact with you as much as extroverts. This is because they don’t feel the need to partake in social norms and rituals as much as extroverts, not because they’re “scared.”

Misconception #6: All introverts are poor public speakers.

Some introverts may not like speaking in large group settings; however, many introverts are naturally gifted speakers. And, introverts generally spend more time preparing for speeches and presentations rather than “flying by the seat of their pants.”

Misconception #7: Introverts just want to be left alone.

While it’s true that introverts prefer to “re-charge” with some quiet time reading or reflecting, they also crave human interaction and enjoy the company of others.

Misconception #8: Introverts over-analyze everything.

Introverts like to analyze situations and consider all possible scenarios before making decisions. Sometimes this can lead to “analysis paralysis,” but in general, it’s a positive trait that allows them to make tough decisions with a rational stream of thought.

Misconception #8: Introverts don’t like to go out in public.

False. Introverts may not be comfortable in crowded spaces, but they love experiencing new places, people, and things.

Misconception #9: Introverts are high strung.

The opposite is actually true. Introverts tend to be much more even-keeled and level than extroverts. They are able to objectively view all scenarios, even during times of stress.

Misconception #10: Introverts are underachievers.

Because we have such an affinity for the charismatic, personable, extroverted leader, some people assume that introverts are underachievers compared to extroverts. However, there are millions of successful introverted scientists, artists, physicians, writers, and philosophers. Achievement is not necessarily related to personality type.

Misconception #11: Introverts can “break out of their shell” and become extroverts.

Introversion is an inborn personality type that you can’t change. Many people falsely believe that introverts can (or want to) “unlearn” their quiet, passive tendencies.

Misconception #12: Introverts are rude.

Introverts get a bad rap because they don’t show emotion like extroverts do. This causes people to misunderstand them and mistake their stone-face demeanor for rudeness, which isn’t the case.

Misconception #13: Introverts are no fun.

Introverts are all about having a good time–they just prefer environments that are quieter and more low-key. They don’t mind going to parties, but they prefer to spend time socializing in their inner circle of friends.

Misconception #14: Introverts don’t make good leaders.

Introverts can be quiet but confident leaders. They are particularly effective at managing extroverts because they’re good listeners and don’t compete with them.

Misconception #15: Extroverts are happier than introverts.

Happiness has nothing to do with one’s personality type. There are happy and unhappy extroverts just like introverts. Personality type does not pre-dispose you to be unhappy.

Have you ever been misunderstood because of your personality type? If so, I’d love to hear from you below!


Kate Middleton who is known to the world as the young and beautiful princess is the great idol for many girls. She speaks for the image of elegance. Every time when she appears in the public occasions, she dresses so well and catches the media’s attention all the time. Michelle Obama, the first lady in America, has the great influence on the women. She is also known for creating the fashion. Michelle has her own styles. She sets the good example for the women to dress in different occasions. The public is very interested in the first ladies’ dressing styles and these powerful women increase their charm by creating the fashion. Indeed, no matter what they wear will become the hot style and there comes many similar products. People are happy to see the fashion and they like to discuss about it, then follow it.

凯特·米德尔顿,一个闻名于世界的年轻美丽的王妃。她是很多女孩伟大的偶像。她代表着优雅的形象,每次她出现在公众场合都衣着得体,总是能够吸引媒体的注意力。美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马对女性有很大的影响。她也以创造时尚而出名。米歇尔拥有自己的风格,她给女性在不同的场合穿着树立了良好的例子。公众对第一夫人的穿着风格很感兴趣,她们也通过创建时尚来增加自己的魅力。事实上,不管她们穿什么都会成为热门风格,随后会涌现出许多类似的产品。人们乐于看到这样的时尚,也喜欢讨论, 然后跟随时尚。

I like to see movie so much. When I have time, the first thing I’d like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hour. After appreciating so many movies, The Lord of the Rings impresses me the most. This movie has three series and I like them all. Though the moive was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date. In the movie, the scenery is such beautiful that I can’t move my eyes away. It was shot in New Zealand and I have made up my mind that I must go there someday and have a look at the beautiful scenery. The movie shows me a scientific world with all kinds of creatures. The wizards, the hobbies, the elves, the orcs and so on. It broadens my vision.


Going to high school is my first time to leave home. I have to live in school from Monday to Friday. I like to stay away from my parents for some time, because I can make my own choice and be free to go anywhere. My friends and I like to spend the weekend in the countryside that near the city we live. It is the short travel that I can not only appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also learn to be independent. The things that nature teaches me are a lot. I can see from the color of the cloud to predict the weather and the sound of of animals have different meanings. All of these are hard to know from the books. I have my own thinking from these trips, and the way to take care of myself helps me to grow up.


To be successful, students learn many knowledge so as to master as more skills as possible. Some believe that the key to realize our dreams is to work hard and others treat chance in the first place. While today is the information world, the one who masters the all-sided source will have more chances to be successful. In my opinion, the most important skill is the social skill, because we need to make connection with others, we are not doing business with ourselves, so it is in need of having relationship with others. The good social skill can help us attract attention easily and impress the future partner. If we are bad in communicating, how can we let others know our advantages and trust us. So promoting ourselves is the first job, from now on, don’t be shy.




Spirit is a monument, is a cornerstone, is on the way of life is brilliant, ruler. A modest, being the Confucius YinChu hits, "two heads are better than one, slowly," fools, generation Confucianism masters, With tolerance, ambitious, daring JiHuanGong devoid of nay, appoint people by abilities, achievement, generation vista dominance, With firmness, lonely lonely YuFen SuWu of sorrow, always don\'t throw away the hand that race day, the heart of han motherland, patriotic model; the cadre A dedication, kindness and plain, the ordinary XuHuCai can years like one day, warm feeling, sprinkle the people, to today\'s "living lei feng." … Through history, tunnel, through history, forever will hold the grand mansion lofty life.


Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."



Replace Negative Influences with positive Ones

It is important that you identify external negative factors in your life which may be holding your thoughts hostage. For instance, your mental state can become toxic by being around friends who are negative. If you are not vigilant enough, you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own. Hence, be alert to what your negative influences are. If they come from certain friends, limit your exposure to them as much as you can. Refrain from discussing your plans with people who will be unsupportive of your dreams and goals.

Instead surround yourself with thoughts and actions from people who will empower you.

From being uninspired and de-motivated, you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth. The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well.


When I was in grade four in primary school, my father taught me how to use computer. After that, I was very interested in playing computer. I watched movies, played computer games, searched the Internet and listened to the music on computer.

Because my father must work in his computer, so he bought another for me. I was very happy that I had my own computer. It was put in the study. I am always very careful to use my computer, because I am worried I would break. I often chat with my net friends. Because of my computer, I make many friends who have many in common. Of course, I use my computer in study. There are resources on the Internet. I can learn more after class. It does great help to me.

Computer games is a hot topic nowadays. Some people hold that it is bad. And others hold that it is good. In my view, whether good or bad is determined by the players.

If one plays computer game properly in his spare time, computer games can be an excellent source of joy. For example, something impossible in your real life can be realized in the computer home.sanwen8.cn

games. You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe. Every coin has two sides. If one plays computer game excessivly, it may affects his eyesight and study.

the computer games itself is only a tool like knife. If we use it properly, it can pare apples. But if we use it to attack others. It immediatly becomes an lethal weapon.

Football is connected with the people throughout the world.It has become a part of people's life..Every day, man), football matches are going on here and there around the world. Pick up a newspaper and you can learn the the results of the football matches. We enjoy playing football, watching football games after work. During the football matches of the World Cup,millions of people watch the matches on TV. When their favorite teams win, they will give them three cheers. When they fail,they feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the strongest one in the world.

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals,the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.

The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man,but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor"s court.

Unable to regain the respect of the emperor,in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.

Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan,their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.






20字连一句话都快不够写==这个怎么样?是我作文的第一段。The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government”, says by Thomas Jefferson. Thus a country is supposed to help those represent the will of its individuals.


With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, online shopping has become a common phenomenon in our life.


Here, consumers can buy almost everything they need.


Online shopping has many advantages, perhaps the most important of which is its convenience.


People don't have to waste a lot of energy and valuable time to choose the goods they like from one store to another.


This is especially desirable for the elderly, patients and busy people who can't go to the store in person.


However, online shopping also has its disadvantages.


The first disadvantage is that consumers can't see the goods and can't try them on in person.


Sometimes, real goods may be different from what they see on the computer.


The second disadvantage is that some stores on the Internet are not registered.


After they get the money from you, they will never give you anything again.


Once you are deceived, you will find that you have nowhere to complain.



Nowadays, English has been the international language. In China, the children have to learn English since their primary education. In some cities, the children even start their English study in kindergarten. Most parents even hire a tutor to help their children to learn English. There is no doubt that English as the international language plays the important role in communication. My uncle travels a lot around the world. He has been to many countries. Every time when he returns, I will listen to his stories. I have heard of many wonderful journeys. My uncle likes to communicate with people from other countries, so he can learn the different culture. I want to live as my uncle, but the first thing for me to do is to master English, so that I can communicate with most people and have fun.


In China, a lot of students are complaining about the difficulty to master English. They know how important English is, but they just feel hard to learn it. However for many foreingers, when they start to learn Chinese, some even speak it very well. To conquer Chinese has been the popular slogan for them. As Chinese economy develops so fast, the foreigners have realized the trend, so mastering Chinese is the best way to seek for cooperation. Even though it has been admitted that Chinese is the most difficulty language to learn, still a lot of foreigners make up their minds and learn it well. As the saying that there is will, there is a way. So when we are complaining about the difficulty to learn second language, just thinking about the foreigners how to learn Chinese.


Kate Middleton who is known to the world as the young and beautiful princess is the great idol for many girls. She speaks for the image of elegance. Every time when she appears in the public occasions, she dresses so well and catches the media’s attention all the time. Michelle Obama, the first lady in America, has the great influence on the women. She is also known for creating the fashion. Michelle has her own styles. She sets the good example for the women to dress in different occasions. The public is very interested in the first ladies’ dressing styles and these powerful women increase their charm by creating the fashion. Indeed, no matter what they wear will become the hot style and there comes many similar products. People are happy to see the fashion and they like to discuss about it, then follow it.

凯特·米德尔顿,一个闻名于世界的年轻美丽的王妃。她是很多女孩伟大的偶像。她代表着优雅的形象,每次她出现在公众场合都衣着得体,总是能够吸引媒体的注意力。美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马对女性有很大的影响。她也以创造时尚而出名。米歇尔拥有自己的风格,她给女性在不同的场合穿着树立了良好的例子。公众对第一夫人的穿着风格很感兴趣,她们也通过创建时尚来增加自己的魅力。事实上,不管她们穿什么都会成为热门风格,随后会涌现出许多类似的产品。人们乐于看到这样的时尚,也喜欢讨论, 然后跟随时尚。

I like to see movie so much. When I have time, the first thing I’d like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hour. After appreciating so many movies, The Lord of the Rings impresses me the most. This movie has three series and I like them all. Though the moive was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date. In the movie, the scenery is such beautiful that I can’t move my eyes away. It was shot in New Zealand and I have made up my mind that I must go there someday and have a look at the beautiful scenery. The movie shows me a scientific world with all kinds of creatures. The wizards, the hobbies, the elves, the orcs and so on. It broadens my vision.


There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowersand birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy theirweekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying akite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。


