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Keywords(关键词): Dynamic fracture(动态断裂); Ceramics(陶瓷); Stochastic property(随机性能); Numerical simulation(数字模拟); Micro-cracking mechanism(微观裂纹机制); Mesh-dependency(依赖于网格的某种方法);Rate-hardening(硬化速度)

老兄 有人告诉你用什么工具翻译 有人用那个工具翻译好了告诉你 有人把他们的手段告诉你


INTRODUCTION The rapid development of science and technology, product features requirements of the growing number and complexity of the increase in life expectancy shortened, replacement faster. However, the design of the products, especially mechanical products in the design means, is力不从心, failed to keep pace with the needs of the times. At present, computer-aided product design drawings, design, manufacturing, production planning has been a relatively extensive and in-depth study and achieved initial results, and product development programmes of the early computer-aided design is far from meeting a need. To this end, the author read a lot of literature on the basis of a summary of the design and scholars at home and abroad to design the method used, and discussed the various methods of organic link between product design and mechanical Computer trend of development. Under the current domestic and foreign scholars to design machinery design methods used by the main features of the programme can be summed up modern design for the following four major types. 1, systematic design method Systematic design of the main features are: design as from a number of design elements of a system, every design element of independence, there are various elements of the organic links and a level of all the design elements Combined, you can design systems to achieve the task. Systematic design idea in the 1970s by the German scholar Professor Pahl and Beitz, a system based on the theory, developed a design of the general pattern, and advocate of the design work should be rational. German Engineers Association in this on the basis of design, develop standards VDI2221 "technology systems and product development design methods. The development of the product design process of mechanical model, basically follow the German standards VDI2221 the design. In addition, many of our product design and scholars in the programme design and also learn from other developed countries cited the systematic design, which is representative: (1) The user needs as the product concept of functional characteristics, structural design and part design, process planning, operations control, and so on the basis of the product development process of the macro, the use of Quality Function layout methods, systems and information needs of users will be reasonable and effective And converted to the various stages of product development objectives and operations control technology means a point of order. (2) products as organisms on the level of life, and life systems through the use of the product design process can demand level of success and realize the concept of functional requirements of the specific levels and product design level. At the same time using the system icons to life the abstract expression of the functional requirements of products, product features a system structure. (3) the mechanical design system in the application of science into two basic questions: First, to design products as a system to process, to determine the best of its components (modules) and their mutual relations and the other is the product design Process as a system, according to the design objectives, correct and reasonable to determine the design of all aspects of the work and the various design stage. As each designer to study issues and to consider the perspective of the different emphases, to design a programme of specific research methods also differ. Here are some representative of the systematic design methods.1.1 design elements of With five design elements (functions, effects, effects of vector, shape and surface elements parameters) described "product solution" that a product design elements of the five identified, all the characteristics of products and value characteristics already identified. Chinese scholars have also adopted similar design methods described product of the original understanding. 1.2 graphical modeling law Development of the design analysis and guidance systems "KALEIT, with a clear level of the graphic description of the product structure and functions related to the abstract information, and the system structure and function of the graphical modeling, and the function of the connection between. Will be assisted design divided into two methods and information exchange, the use of Nijssen information analysis methods can be used graphic symbols, with a variety of semantic model structure, the integration can be described conditions can be divided into binding type, can relations between any combination of features , Will design solutions and information technology integration, the design process to achieve a different level of abstraction of information between the graphical modeling. The literature [11] semantic network design as a design tool in the development of the semantic network design ASK, using nodes and a network of lines describing the design, components of the node that the unit design tasks, functions, components or processing Equipment, etc.), and lines used to adjust the definition node between different semantic relations, which in the design process for all the activities and results of pre-built model, the early design requirements to the definition of a specific structure can be described by the relationship between The definition of the expression, and a computer-aided design process from abstract to concrete leap. 1.3 "idea" - "design" law Will be divided into product design "concept" and "design" in two stages. "Idea" phase of the mission is to seek, select and design portfolio to meet the requirements of the original understanding of tasks. "Design" stage of work is the concrete realization of the original understanding of the conceptual stage. The programme will be "ideas" for the specific description: According to a suitable functional structure, designed to meet the requirements of the mandate of the original understanding. Functional structure of the sub-function by "structural elements" to achieve, and "structural elements" of the physical connection between the definition of "functional carrier", "functional carrier" and "structural elements" and formation of the interaction between the functional diagram ( Mechanical movement diagram). Programme of "design" is based on functional diagram, the first qualitative description of all the "functional carrier" and "structural elements", then all the quantitative description of "structural elements" and connecting pieces ( "functional vector") the shape and location have The structure of. Roper, H. use of graph theory theory, the help from his definition of "total design unit (GE)", "structure elements (KE)", "functional structure elements (FKE)", "connecting structure elements (VKE)", "Structural parts (KT)", "structural elements parts (KET)" concept, and describes elements of size, location and transmission parameters of the relationship between the number of thumbs, the design intuitive design experts design "stage. From the design methodology of the point of view, the design task will be clear after the design work is divided into three steps: 1) access to functions and functional structure (referred to as "functional"), 2) find effects (referred to as the "effect"); ) To find structure (referred to as "the configuration of the Rules"). And use the following four strategies described machinery idea stage of the process: Strategy 1: were considered "functional" and "effect" and "configuration rules." Therefore, we can work in various steps to create variations in the respective programmes, resulting in the original understanding of the broad spectrum. Strategy 2: "effect" and "configuration rules" (including the designer to create the rules) association, to consider a separate function (usually associated with the design task). At this point, to identify the typical configuration rules and their effects need to have a wealth of experience, the programme spectrum far less than a strategy of the programme spectrum. Strategy 3: "functional" and "effect", "configuration rules" are closely related. Applicable to the function, and the configuration of the rules of no choice, with special requirements of the areas, such as ultra-small machinery, large machinery, high-value function parts, and those with special requirements of the functional components, and so on. Strategy 4: In view of the structural design requirements of the solution. The strategy starting from the existing parts, through different parts of the order and connection, was expected to function. 1.4 Matrix Design In the programme design process used in "requirement - to" logic tree ( "or" tree) described requirements, the relationship between the function, to satisfy the requirements of functional design solution set, a different design. According to "request - to" logic tree establishment of a "request - to" association matrix, meet the requirements necessary to describe the complex relationship between function, expressed functional requirements and the relationship between the one-to-one.Kotaetal will matrix as a mechanical system design basis, the mechanical system design space as a functional decomposition of space, only that each sub-space design of a module, in the abstract phase of the high-level, with each module design movement conversion matrix And a vector for the operation of restraint that in the abstract phase of the low-rise, each module design parameters were expressed as a matrix and the equation of motion. 1.5 bond graph Law Will form a system components into the function to generate energy, energy consumption, changing energy forms, such as various types of energy transmission and use of bond graph of the function of the components that will be based on the functions of the model and bonding with plans to achieve functional The automatic generation of structural and functional structure and bonding between the automatic conversion plans to seek bond graph generated by a number of design methods. 2, modular design structure From the perspective of planning products: the definition of its mandate to design features of the product structure is based on the use of existing products (such as GM parts components, etc.) described the design task, that is, when the mandate of decomposition on each task to consider whether there is the corresponding Solutions products, so that in the planning stages of product design tasks to eliminate the contradictions that might exist in the early forecast production capacity, costs and the development of the process of designing the plan adjustable, which can improve the design efficiency and design of reliability, At the same time also reduce the cost of new products. Feldmann will describe the function of the design task is divided into four levels of product structure, (1) products → (2) functional components → (3) main function components → (4) functional components. And the use of application-oriented features of the directory structure, a more specific functional components of the qualitative and quantitative description. At the same time developed for early in the product development and design tools used by early STRAT. Machinery specialized for most of that function can be used existing product solutions and new solutions with only a small number of special features, therefore, for the use of mechanical design features of the product structure, machinery specialized for the evaluation of the design, manufacture risk is very beneficial. Functional Analysis of the products promoted on the basis of the product is broken down into a function of one or more of the basic modular structure, through the selection and combination of these modular structure formed into various products. These basic structure can be parts, components, or even a system. The ideal modular structure should be standardized interface (connectivity and with the Department of), and is serialized, universal, integrated, hierarchical, flexible, economic, with interchangeable, compatibility and relevance of the . China's combination of software component technology and CAD technology, design and composition of deformation design combined, according to grade modular theory, machine processing center will be divided into Youdadaoxiao product level, component level, component-level and component level, and use CAD technology and expertise to their portfolio into different species, different specifications of the functional module, the module from the combination of these functions into different processing center overall programme. To select a design for the directory structure of the variation machinery tools, the design of the proposed elements for a complete, structured format, a solution set design directory. And Set Design listed in the directory comment on each of the additional information, very beneficial to design engineers choice of the elements. According to the connectivity features of mechanical parts and components, will be summarized into four types: 1) The components of direct targeting, and self-adjustment of parts, 2) a common structure of the assembly, 3) have nested structure and inlay Shell-like components of the connection, 4) a modular architecture and modular components of the connection. And a quasi-symbols that the typical components and rules of the connection between the components, to achieve this connection between the components of the algorithm and the concept of visualization. In the mechanical system design, "features a" module on the functions of decomposition, and provides the best functional decomposition "tablets" of the extent of the functional and institutional forms of one-to-one. "Structure to establish" as a function of the module is the choice of targets in order to achieve mapping algorithm.3, based on knowledge of product design features Knowledge-based product design features of the main features are: to use the computer to identify the language describing the characteristics of the product design experts in the field of knowledge and experience to establish the appropriate knowledge base and reasoning machine, and then use the storage areas have been established by the knowledge and reasoning Mechanisms to achieve computer-aided design products. The mechanical system design is based on products with the characteristics, and design experts in the field of knowledge and experience to push volume and decision-making, the completion of several comprehensive. To achieve this stage of the computer-aided design, we must study the automatic acquisition of knowledge, expression, integration, coordination, management and use. To this end, the scholars at home and abroad designed for mechanical systems design knowledge of automated processing done a lot of research work, the method used can be summarized in the following few. 3.1 coding method According to "campaign conversion" feature (the function million) institutions will be classified, described and use the code function yuan and institutional categories, which established a "body system design expert system" Knowledge Base. On this basis, will be the dual logic and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of combining theory, the establishment of the "expert systems" reasoning mechanism, and for the four-position for the design of the machine. Use of biological evolution theory, through natural selection and sexual reproduction to the principle of evolution of organisms to the body design, use of network theory methods to express the structure for topology, and then through the coding technology, the structure and institutions Performance of individual chromosomes into the binary string, and in accordance with design requirements of fitness, the use of biological evolution theory of reproduction control mechanism, through the selection, crossover, such as a sudden variation means to eliminate low value of the individual are not suited to the fast evolution Be the best adaptation of the individual, that is, most with the design requirements of the agency programme. 3.2 knowledge of the law mixed The complex mechanical systems design, mixed use of the knowledge expression describes the design of various types of knowledge is particularly suited to this point has been the design of many scholars of the consensus. In the development of complex product design intelligent decision support system DMDSS, will be the rules, framework, processes and neural networks, and other knowledge that organic combination of methods to adapt to different types of knowledge in the design of the description. Knowledge will be a single expression of a variety of methods (rules, framework and process), according to object-oriented programming principles, the framework of the groove with that object's properties, with rules that target the dynamic characteristics, with the knowledge that the treatment process, group Into a hybrid form of knowledge, and successfully developed the "object-oriented NC gantry milling machine gearbox design intelligent system GBCDIS" and "transmission structure design expert system GBSDES". 3.3 use of the knowledge-based development tool Coupling in the CAD system, the use of the knowledge-based development tools NEXPERT-OBJECT, through the use of object-oriented approach, to create an object-oriented database design method for coupling the designer to design and structural design Provided extensive and reliable method of the design spectrum. NEXPERT describe the use of linear guide the design of the need to design based on knowledge of the content, which seek to knowledge-based solutions, and developed a linear guide design expert system. 3.4 Design Law Directory Construction of the "modules", "functional element solution" and "institutions" three progressive design directory, and this directory of three progressive design principles of the programme as a mechanical transmission system intelligent design and development of the knowledge base of design Aids. 3.5 Based on the example of the way In the development of expert systems design knowledge base, using the basic predicate described design requirements, design conditions and the selected programme, described by frame "Project" and various "concept entity," through case-based reasoning of the technologies used to produce candidate With the horsepower to product design requirements. 4, Intelligent Design Intelligent Design is the main characteristics: According to the theories of design, through the use of 3D graphics software, intelligent design software and virtual reality technology, and multimedia, hypermedia tools for product development design, the concept of products, description of the product结构.


8.大规模定制下的配送设施 这种具有竞争力的产品和服务的提供方式已经从广告,媒体和配送设施等方面威胁到了大量生产。由于大量生产就必需要大量消费,因此配送设施和批发、零售产品的方式的出现在一个手工生产驱动的系统里毫无竞争力。这种结构类型中最著名的可能莫过于百货公司。尽管大量流通的报纸、国家广播、电视节目对于大量生产的配送要求实质上与百货公司差不多。它们之中对于大量生产的市场配送方式最主旨上的区别莫过于其更趋向于平均的或者说典型的顾客。 敏捷制造的竞争力依赖于个性化的产品和交互式的客户关系。不可避免的是这样带来了反映不同以顾客为中心的各种产品配送方式(如,产品和服务的提供者直接面向市场)。这种方式比起以前的大型超市给顾客的被动的购买经验来,能更为互动的将客户与制造者连接起来。客户可以在现成的产品中找出最接近于其心目中所需要的。通过对比得知,拥有经济实力(经济手段??)的人在这些定制化的专业商店的产品,手工制作的商品生产和服务的提供里扮演着更为重要的角色。敏捷时代的购物会将各种产品和服务的推销特点如溢价、赠品、定制化进行集成。这样才可能会有厂家与顾客的直接联系存在,例如,当一个生产商做完自己的市场和销售之后。为了给其客户进行增值来确定什么才是客户真正所需要的,就会产生电话销售、有线电视的购物频道,网上的购物网站,超市,百货里的汽车购买贷款店(也许有天会是4s店)和其他公司、政府、学院的建筑物和其他双向或是交互的媒介,这一系列新的服务机会9.狂热的改革经历了19世纪80年代激烈的竞争之后,美国公司开始采用一系列的革新措施来寻求利润的增长和阻止已建立的市场中市场份额的流失。这些创新措施包括:SPC,JIT(准时)物流,柔性制造,计算机集成制造,多功能工作小组,并行工程,企业集合(虚拟企业??),管理层级整合,授权工作人员,持续改进,质量控制,公司重组,流程再造,质量功能拓展,制造资源计划等等。....任务完成!哈哈

最好的玉米品质,即玉米与最低的应力开裂的比例最低,189.1; 制作太阳干燥和蒸汽干燥. 太阳晒厂能生产玉米,很少应力裂纹和低科技的价值观. 样品干燥蒸汽烘干还显示数应力裂纹和低科技的价值观. 在比较曝晒和蒸汽干燥kernels, 应该认识到,质量晒玉米很大程度上取决于天气条件和粮食混合策略. 相比之下, 质量的玉米干燥蒸汽烘干不会受天气或操作条件 因此,可以预期的是类似的蒸汽干燥样品分析. 在机械烘干,蒸汽干燥显示的最低增幅应力裂痕. 多阶段concurrent-/counter-flow起始干燥证物增幅最高,较阶段的干燥,更多地强调了裂缝. 混流式干燥呈中度增加内核应力裂痕. 平均增加的百分比应力裂缝是11蒸汽干燥,30混流式干燥 45crossflow干燥60concurrent-/counter-flow干燥. 应力裂纹人物玉米报在这项研究中烘干类似于报告机械干燥设备 美国的montrossetal[3]. 据montross研究应力开裂增加并发流干燥(记住: 美国并行流干燥不缺水粮食反流)为50%-74%, 混流干燥66%(只有一个烘干测试),穿流干燥81%-89%. 美国干衣显示出较高的应力crackedkernels要比中国烘干的同一类型, 尤其是横流烘干机. 这可能是由于种种分歧,但有可能造成较高的干燥温度用来在美国 比在中国[1]. 主要结论可从这种玉米晒在中国有: 1)晾晒还能生产玉米的最低数量的应力裂纹如果实施得当. 2)蒸汽干燥玉米通常有一小部分的应力裂纹. 3)三大高温型干燥器,混流生产烘干玉米质量较高, 即用较少的裂缝应力比横向干燥器和concurrent-/counter-flow烘干机.




题目是:人体三维数字化测量及建模研究 My question is: human 3d digitizing measurement and modeling study

Digital 3-dimensional Body measurment and mold-building research



2.1. Seed quality evaluation 2.1.1. Mechanical damage Three replications of 100 seeds were soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min. The seeds with seed coat damage swelled visibly and were counted using a hand lens. The split (%) was obtained by passing 200 g of seed through a 4.00mm round hole sieve. The material that passed through the sieve was termed as ‘‘splits’’ and then weighed (Anonymous, 1985). 2.1 豆种质量评估2.1.1机械损伤经过3遍流程的100颗豆种在1%的漂白液中浸泡10分钟。种子以及种皮的很明显地膨胀损坏可以通过手持透镜观测到。 破裂指数通过200g的种子经4毫米圆洞筛网筛选得到。通过筛网的原料被称作“破裂”然后称重。2.1.2. Germination test Germination ability was determined according to the Association of Official Seed Analysts (Anonymous, 1981). Three replications of 100 seeds were placed in presoaked germination paper and were then placed in a seed germinator at 251C for 7 days. After 7 days, the percentage of seeds germinating normally was recorded. 2.1.2 发芽力检测发芽能力是按照官方的种子专家学会去定义的。经过3次流程的100颗豆种被放置在发芽试纸上预浸,人后在发芽力检测仪上以251C的温度放置7天。 7天之后, 发芽种子的比例被记录下来。2.1.3. Seed vigor The seed vigor tests were conducted according to the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) method (Anonymous, 1985). Sheets of paper towel with 350 seeds were kept in a seed germinator at 251C for 7 days. After 7 days, the lengths of germinated seedlings were measured in centimeters. The vigor index was calculated as vigor index ¼ 1 NX germination ð%Þ seedling length ðcmÞ; where N is the number of seeds that germinated. 2.1.3 种子的活力种子活力的检测是按照国际种子检测协会的步骤操作的。350颗豆种放在纸巾上,在种子发芽力检测仪器内以251C的温度保存7天, 7天之后, 以厘米为单位去测量种芽的长度。活力指数是按照vigor index ¼ 1 NX germination ð%Þ seedling length ðcmÞ; where N is the number of seeds that germinated.(此处由于有乱码, 无法翻译)2.1.4. Accelerated aging This test was used to predict the storage potential of seed. It combines the stresses caused by high temperature and high humidity to which seed maybe exposed. It is expected that the seed lots which record a higher level of germination in the accelerated aging test can be stored for a longer period than others. Two replications of 50 seeds were kept in perforated plastic boxes. These boxes were kept at 401C and at 100% relative humidity(r :h:) for 96 h. The germination of these lots was recorded as outlined by the ISTA (Anonymous, 1985). 2.1.4加速老化这个检测是用作预告种子的储存潜力的。 它包括也许种子露天放置时,由高温度和高湿度造成的作用。人们预计在发芽力检测中有高记录的那批种子能够在加速老化测验中比其它的种子储存的更久。经过2次流程的50颗种子保存在穿孔的盒子当中。这些盒子被放置在401C温度及100%相对湿度中96个小时。这批的发芽力被ISTA作为要点记录下来。2.2. Determination of moisture content The standard oven method outlined by the ISTA (Anonymous, 1985) was employed. Three replications of 10 g seed were kept in a hot air oven at 1021C for 24 h. At the end of this period, the samples were transferred to a desiccator for cooling. The samples were then weighed and moisture content calculated on a dry mass basis. 2.2 含水量的定义ISTA大纲中的标准加热程序被引用到这里。经过3次流程的10g豆种被保存在干烤箱中以1021C的温度放置24小时。 在检测最后, 样品被转移到干燥器中冷却。然后样品称重,并计算含水量,按照折干计算。2.3. Evaluation of damage due to free-fall To determine the effect of height of fall on the seed quality, three replications of 100 seeds, drawn from each treatment, were dropped from a height of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0m on to a cement floor or a galvanized iron floor. The dropped seeds were tested for germination and vigor as before. 2.4. Statistical analysis of data The data collected during the experiments were analyzed using ANOVA (Anonymous, 1992) to study the effects of m:c:; process stages and heights of free-fall on the parameters of seed quality. The differences in means were examined using the Tukey test of significance.2.3 由自由下落造成损失的评估为了确定下落高度对种子质量造成的影响, 经过3遍流程的100颗种子, 分别从0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0米处下落到水泥地或者镀锌铁板上,象以前一样,下落的种子被检测种子发芽力以及活力。2.4数据统计分析使用ANOVA分析了在实验当中所收集的数据,研究了含水量,加工平台以及自由下落的高度参数在种子质量方面的影响。检测方式的差异已被Tukey test of significance.验证。

IntroductionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique.However, machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass production.For these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical control.Some feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.

In view of the pivotal role of rolling bearing in rotating machinery and equipment, it is very important to diagnose the fault, and it is the best way and means to establish a set of efficient and convenient bearing fault diagnosis system. Most of the traditional diagnostic system depends on a number of professional hardware equipment, these instruments are obviously difficult to meet the requirements of information technology, and caused a lot of hardware redundancy. With the rapid development of computer technology, the virtual instrument technology has been applied to the field of bearing fault diagnosis has become a trend. This paper introduces the characteristics and structure of virtual instrument technology. On this basis, the resonance demodulation technique is introduced into the signal analysis of virtual instrument to extract and analyze the bearing fault signal. Finally, based on LABVIEW platform, a set of virtual instrument for bearing fault signal analysis is developed.


力,推力或者拉力.力的作用是使物体的形态,位置发生改变,或者是阻止其他的力使其发生类似的改变.每个力均会在其作用部位产生应力.力可以由个体的肌肉运动产生,也可以由机器的机械运动产生 力是由物理变化,化学变化,重力,物体位移产生的.当一种力发生作用,并且倾向于使物体拉伸,我们称这种力为拉力.承受拉力的部分称之为拉伸附载,当力发生作用,并且倾向于使物体缩短或者承受挤压,该力称之为压力另外一种力称之为扭转力,因为它倾向于使物体扭曲.还有一种使物体表层或者分子在其他物体上面滑动或者滑移的力,称之为剪切力每一种力都可以分别或者于其他的力联合发生作用.例如,一个作用于垂直钢梁的向下的力会对钢梁产生压力,如果我们把钢梁水平放置,力作用于中间部位,,那么钢梁的底端就会受力而拉伸,处于拉伸附载状态,与此同时,钢梁的顶端,在压力的作用下,向其中心部位聚集.如果压力与拉力的合力大到能够使其中一段的表层沿另外一段滑移,那么剪切力就产生了

用谷歌翻译的,悬赏能快些给我吗?算我祈求,我有急用!!谢谢,真的有急用,我现在都要哭了!!车削机床机床工具被广泛用于工业,以生产各类机械零件。有些是一般用途的机器,和其他人用来执行高度专业化的操作。使用最广泛的机床是普通车床,它提供了一个旋转轴的主要原则的议案,同时适当传授饲料动议的工具。的工件,必须牢牢掌握,经常在一个夹头。酒吧也可举行collets ,其中包含一个分裂套管推或拉对锥面。工件形状的尴尬往往是由螺栓的面板。 包含的启闭机制的驱动器,通常将改变齿轮和变速驱动器。长期工件支持他们最后提出了中心举行尾座。这个工具本身是一个工具举行后,允许设置工具的角度(横向和纵向) 。该工具后是安装在一个马车,而这反过来又获得支持的方式加工的床,确保刚性和免受震动。悬垂部分,停机坪的运输,可从事与饲料棒给予连续进给运动,或与丝杠切割的线程。很长工件的担保反对过度偏转的两个手指中心稳步休息休息或螺栓的车床床;后续其余贴近马车。 有时工具后坐在休息复合工具结合幻灯片,可以设置在任何角度,因此,圆锥表面可以通过手喂养工具。参观双向工具后可旋转约竖井,并允许快速变化的工具,在预设的立场,从而加快连续行动。示踪剂或重复车床的设计制造形状不规则零件自动。基本操作这一车床如下。模板的任何一个单位或三维形状是放置在一个时段。阿导或指针然后继续沿着这条形状和其运动控制的切削刀具。重复可能包括方形或锥形,肩膀,半径,沟槽,蜡烛,和轮廓,工作,如电机轴,主轴,价值茎,活塞,杆,汽车车轴,涡轮轴,以及各种其他的物体也可以打开使用这种类型的车床。转塔车床的生产车床是用来制造任何数量的相同件。 螺杆机类似的建设炮塔车床,但他们的头上旨在保持和饲料长期酒吧的股票。否则,没有什么区别。

A force is a push or pull. The effect of a force either changes the shape or motion of a body or prevents other forces from making such changes. Every force produces a stress in the part on which it is applied. Forces may be produced by an individual using muscular (action) or by machines with mechanical motion. 力可以是推力或是拉力。力量可以改变一个物体的形状或运动,或者阻止其他力量造成这种改变。每种力量在其使用的部位都会产生应力;力量可以由人通过肌肉的活动或者是机器的机械运动所产生。 Forces are produced by physical or (chemical) change, gravity, or changes in motion. When a force is applied which tends to stretch an object, it is called a tensile force. A part experiencing a tensile force is said to be in tension. A force can also be applied which tends to shorten or squeeze the object. Such a force is a compressive force. 物理或化学变化,引力或运动中的变化都可产生力量。当力量的使用趋向于伸展某个物体时,这被称作拉伸力,而受拉伸力的部位称为受拉或张力。力量也能缩短或压榨物体,这种力量称为压缩力。 A third force is known as a (torsion) force, or a torque since it tends to twist an object. Still another kind of force, which seems to make the layers or molecules of a material slide or slip on one another, is a shearing force. 第三种力量称为扭力或转矩,因为它趋向于扭曲物体。还有一种力量称为剪力,它似乎能使材料的内层间或分子相互滑行或滑落。 Each of these forces may act independently or in combination. For example, a downward force applied on a vertical steel beam tends to compress the beam,. If this beam is placed in a (horizontal) position and a load is applied in the middle, the bottom of the beam tends to stretch and is in tension. At the same time, the top area is being pushed together in compression. If the compressive and tensile forces are great enough to make the layers of the material slide upon each other, a shearing force results. 这些力量可以单独或组合产生作用。例如:在垂直的钢梁上向下着力,这趋向于压缩钢梁;如果钢梁是处于水平位置,并在其中间部位施加压力,钢梁底部趋向伸展,呈受拉状态。同时,梁的上面部位受压缩被推挤在一起。如果压缩力和拉伸力足够强大,促使材料内层间相互滑行,这就形成剪力。 【注:原文有几个用刮弧标出的错字已被纠正。】



