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作为 财务管理 专业本科教学计划重要组成部分和学生资格认证重要依据的 毕业 论文,其质量的保证离不开科学的评价体系。下面是我为大家推荐的基础会计论文,供大家参考。

基础会计论文 范文 一:基础会计教学中翻转课堂的应用

[摘要]当前,随着国内市场经济不断发展,各行业对会计人员的需求日益增加,基础会计教学在高校教学中的地位也越来越重要。然而目前,许多高校的基础会计教学还处在“填鸭式”的被动 教育 阶段,学生的学习效果较差,难以真正提高会计素质。而“翻转课堂”理念的提出则很好地解决了传统教学模式中存在的问题,实现了学生学习的自主互动。本文重点分析了翻转课堂的定义和应用,并讨论了基础会计在教学中存在的主要问题,提出了“翻转课堂”在基础会计教学中的新思路,希望能促进基础会计教学的蓬勃发展,建立基础会计翻转课堂教学新模式。












在基础会计教学过程中,不仅存在学生学习积极性低的问题,也存在教学课时和场地方面的困难。这主要体现在实训课时和实训教室有限。在实训课时方面,“基础会计”这门课程通常是对大一新生开设的,然而新生在进行 军训 后,只剩下14周的上课时间,有些学校的基础会计课程是每周4个课时,但即使是学校安排“基础会计”每周6个课时的时间,教学时间也十分有限。此外,会计是一门操作性很强的学科,学校在对学生进行基础会计教育的同时,必须要将理论和实践结合,安排一定比例的实训课程,这大大压缩了学生的学习时间,许多教师不得不在最后将实训内容作为作业安排给学生,导致学生的许多问题无法得到及时解决,教师也无法对学生进行监督和指导,严重影响了学生的学习效果。在实训教室方面,目前国内多数高校没有配备相应的会计实训教室,即使有,教室的数量也有限。会计是一门操作与理论结合的学科,实训教室的建设可帮助学生更好地了解和掌握会计实践的每个操作步骤和操作细节,对会计操作有更深的了解。然而,有限的会计实训教室导致多数学生的实训课程都被安排在简陋的普通教室里进行,这严重影响了学生的自主探究和实训结果,导致学生的学习效果不佳,阻碍了基础会计学科教学的发展。







为了更好地帮助学生进行网上自主学习,实现翻转课堂常态化,高校及有关部门要建立完善的学习监督体制。首先,课程网站和高校要对学生网络学习的平台的使用情况进行监督,通过分析网站后台数据统计掌握学生的登陆次数、视频学习内容、学习时间等数据,课程网站将这些信息提交给教师后,教师就可根据已知的情况采取相应的 措施 ,促进学生更好地进行自主学习。其次,教师可在课堂上进行课前知识提问和小测试,以此来测试和反映学生自主学习的情况,并对没有及时完成学习进程的学生提出批评,督促他们完成自主学习活动。另外,教师在课上进行的案例讨论和实物操作工作都需要一定的理论基础,而这些理论基础都是课前的视频学习内容,这就要求学生要进行自主视频学习,掌握理论知识,参与到课堂操作中去。通过上述三种学习及监督手段,学生在翻转课堂模式下的学习将更加真实有效。














关键词:中职基础会计教学 时效性 思考

在当今这个经济与 文化 相互渗透的社会,社会经济的不断发展,越来越需要基础会计学方面在教育上不断支持。通过提高中职基础会计教学实效性,不断提高中国人才培养质量,从而为中国经济社会的不断发展服务。要使中职基础会计教学服务于现当今社会经济,就要弥补以往在基础会计教学方面的不足和缺陷[1]。


受中国自古以来教育模式的影响,中职基础会计教学一直存在各种问题,例如教育模式保守,教学方式单一,学生接受知识的来源狭窄,接受程度有限。还有一个严重的问题就是教学内容与 社会实践 脱轨,造成学生理论知识炉火纯青,但实践操作不堪入目。理论知识过于保守化,实践中不知所措,根本不能将教学中所学内容与实践相结合,创造社会财富,推动经济社会的发展。这种毫无社会价值的中职基础会计教学的 教学 方法 必定会遭到社会的质疑与改进[2]。由于这种教育模式,学生思维得不到新突破,更不能站在新的高度审视前人留下来的知识。毕竟时代不同,社会情况变化巨大,以往的关于基础会计学知识并不能适应现今社会的发展需求。在这种情况下,就需要我们不断突破以往基础会计教学中的不足,在前人留下的知识财富中推陈出新,找出适合和推动社会发展的新模式。













同学你好!现将《我与会计》小论文(1000字)与你交流,能够帮助十分荣幸! 会计职业的操守信念“人人为我,我为人人”它诠释了人类生活的自然规律。人类从一出生,呱呱落地……母乳滋养、一天天成长,呀呀学语,家人看护,入学教育,社区教育,社会教育,等等。一个人的生活成长经历,无一不是从父母、家人,从他人、社区、社会得到的。到了十八岁,长大成人,逐步学习、工作,学会帮助家人,帮助他人,报答国家,报答社会。会计职业道德实践,同样适合“人人为我,我为人人”的哲理。会计人依照会计职业道德原则,通过学习,改造锻炼,进步提高,达到回报家人,回报社国,回报社会的过程。当年,广西财经学校七八级工业会计班一群学生,有幸来到那洪三皮(南宁市制革、皮鞋、皮件厂)参加毕业实习。高兴时同学们哼唱着一首毕业歌《走向生活》记得其中几句歌词:“阳光照耀着平原和山冈,歌声飞扬在祖国的大地上。七月的熏风吹送着我们的青春,我们愉快地走出大学校门。田野的稻穗向我们招手,工厂的汽笛为我们歌唱,我们是劳动人民的儿子,决不辜负祖国的希望,假如祖国需要我们去到那里,我们就展开翅膀向那里飞翔。”会计给人们指明了一条通往技术与财富的金光大道。时光荏苒,春秋几何。今天回想起来,却象昨天刚发生的事情一样,当年同学们满腔热情地志愿到工厂去锻炼,决心将《工业会计》服务于工厂、服务于企业、服务于社会……让会计青春与心飞扬。“我是队里的红管家,打起算盘噼哩啪啦响。”今天,会计人选择了会计这个职业,自己对这个专业有认识、有悟性、有兴趣、有志向,工作就有干劲,就有方向。正确掌握会计法规航向的风帆起航,会计人要学会感恩,知恩图报。就会计职业操守而言,神话小说《西游记》唐僧、孙悟空、猪悟能、沙悟净四个人,哪一位最适合做会计工作呢?“唐僧师徒在蓬莱天国取经那一段:管理员阿傩、伽叶硬是敲竹杠,收缴化斋铜钵,用无字天书来忽悠取经队伍。”老总唐僧对佛忠于职守,有宽容之心,为人友善,可会计工作讲制度规则,这几点唐僧似乎符合会计红管家的人选,只是,有一次在荒野之外,悟空去化斋前划出一个圈子请师徒仨别乱跑,可唐僧也迷糊了,会计法规制度的圈子可不许越界啊!《西游记》中那人、那事,给予会计职业道德哪些启迪?人无完人,唐僧通过反思,以后再也没有犯从前的错误了。三打白骨精,老总唐僧之所以犯三次同样过失,每一次都是财务总监悟空为之挡箭牌,但化解风险之后,老总却误解财务总监,欲将其处分。最后,老总忍无可忍,还是把财务总监给撤了,白骨精原形毕露,唐僧被虏走了。在商业交易中,类似教训还真不少见,有些公司老总一而再,再而三地出现差错,财务人员为其把关风险,老总却认为是误了他的好事。一般工作人员,有一次过失,就伤不起,被炒鱿鱼了。“经济越发展,会计越重要。”当今社会纷繁复杂,功名禄利诱惑,会计人可要擦亮眼睛。会计人要坚守一方湿地,耐得清贫、耐得寂寞、耐得诱惑,不是一朝一夕的情事。很古以前,人们就诠释了“送鱼与吃鱼”的辩证关系,会计职业道德与现代功利主义,会计职业判断格外重要。“领导吃得你就吃得”那就错了!心平气和地想一想,天下没有免费的午餐,你是哪一个单位,你主管哪一方面工作,对方凭什么请你吃饭,人家凭什么给你好处?请相信天上不会掉下馅饼。
































1, 对帐,将出纳所拿的单据及数据再仔细算一遍,以做到帐帐相符。

2, 整理单据,餐饮业的帐单数目众多,往往一天下来各种发票就有厚厚的一叠,而且大小不一,所以需要好好的修剪,还要一张一张的编号,当然这些只是整理的号并不是后面所做的凭证帐号。

3, 做凭证,这个是每十天做一次凭证。还是为了减轻负担。餐饮业的凭证会计科目只分为原材料,库存商品,管理费用,预提费用,应付工资,应付帐款,应收帐款,现金等。这些凭证的都是要将开始整理好的单据再分类。做好了这一笔,剩下的就更轻松了。

4, 登记明细帐,做好凭证之后,就开始登记明细帐,在每一个科目下面再找到相应的户头填制,这样的作帐其实都是很轻松的,只要注意别填制错了,数字金额及借贷都是值得注意的方面。

5, 做“丁”字帐户,将所有的科目分别用丁字帐户表示出来,左借右贷,再分别算出借贷两方的总额。并看借贷是否相等。

6, 登记科目汇总表,这是完全根据“丁”字帐户来做的帐,将帐户上所有的科目登记到汇总表上,如果“丁”字帐户上所计算的借贷相符那么这里的借贷也一定是相等的。

7, 登记总帐,当到月底的时候,前面三循帐都做完了,就要开始登记总帐了。就是将明细帐里计算的余额登记到总帐里相应的帐户里头。同样要分清楚借贷。

8, 对帐,这里的对帐有别于开始的对帐,这里是要将明细帐与总帐相对,看是否平衡。我一点都不能偷懒,必须要将没个科目的明细帐从头到尾相加,如果不相等那么就是有哪里出了问题必须查帐。我还算比较幸运,或者是说我从开始作帐到最后都比较细心,所以只一次就过关了。

9, 报表,报表一向就是个神秘的家伙,做完了先前的那些准备,就要开始做报表了,真正做了才知道,原来报表并不是想象的那么困难,只要开始的凭证和明细帐、总帐做的好的话那么报表也就好做了。当然如果报表要自己建的话那还是很困难的,所幸的是,现在的报表都是可以在相关地方买,减轻了建报表的困难。我正是借助这样那样的帮助,成功的做完了这个月的帐,后来这个单位的会计来检查我做的帐也还赞口不绝。

































创新是以新思维、新创作、新发明和新描述为特征的一种概念化过程。最初起源于拉丁语,它原意有三层含义,第一,更新;第二,创造新的东西;第三,要点,第四,改变,第五,汲取经验。创新是人类特有的认识能力和实践能力,是人类主观能动性的高级表现形式,是推动民族进步和社会发展的不竭动力。一个民族要想走在时代前列,就一刻也不能没有理论思维,一刻也不能停止理论创新。创新在经济,商业,技术,社会学以及建筑学这些领域的研究中有着举足轻重的分量。口语上,经常用“创新”一词表示改革的结果 。创新的哲学要点1.物质的发展。物质形态对于我们来说是具体矛盾。我们认识的宇宙与哲学的宇宙在哲学上代表了实践的范畴与实践的矛盾世界两个不同的涵义。创新就是创造对于实践范畴的新事物。任何有限的存在都是可以无限再创造的。2.矛盾的是创新的核心。矛盾是物质的本质与形式的统一。物质的具体存在者与存在本身都是矛盾的。任何以人的自我内在矛盾创造的新事物都是创新。3.人是自我创新的结果。人以创新创造出人对于自然的否定性发展。此是人超越自然达成自觉自我的基本路径。人的内在自觉与外在自发构成规律在物质的总体上形成对立的内在必然与外在必然的差异。创新就是人的自觉自发!4.创新是人自我发展的基本路径。创新与积累行为构成一个矛盾发展过程。创新是对于重复、简单的劳动方式的否定,是对于人类实践范畴的超越。新的创造方式创造新的自我!5.认识论上看创新是自我意识的发展。自我意识的发展是自我存在的矛盾面,其发展必然推动自我的行为的发展,推动自我生命的发展。从认识的角度来说,就是更有广度、更有深度地观察和思考这个世界;从实践的角度说,就是能将这种认识作为一种日常习惯贯穿于生活、工作与学习的每一个细节中,所以创新是无限的。从辩证法的角度说,它包括肯定和否定两个方面,从而也就包括肯定之否定与否定之肯定。前者是从认同到批判的暂时过程,而后者是一种自我批判的永恒阶段。所以创新从这个角度来说就是一种“怀疑”,是永无止境的。

思考 思考是进行曲比较深刻,周到的思维活动。在求知的过程中,不能一味的努力,还要讲究科学的思考。举个例子:物理学奠基者卢瑟福看到一位学生从早到晚忙于实验,不但没有表扬,反而斥责他“你一天到晚都在做实验,什么时间用于思考呢?”卢瑟福的话很对,“学而不思则罔”说的不正是这个道理吗?只有学习和思考相结合,才会取得成效。 思考产生怀疑。想得多了,便自然怀疑这固有的结论是否正确。例如:意大利科学家伽利略曾怀疑亚里多德说的重球比轻球落地速度快,于是便着手试验,证明这句话是错误的。能推翻当时的“真理”,不仅需要勇气,还需要智慧,而这,没有思考能行吗? 思考发明创造。“不深思则不能造其学”。有了思考才会有新的发现,才能够突破前人,才会有理性的升华,才会有发明创造。德国气象学家魏格纳病倒在床,发现世界地图上的巴西海岸每个凸凹部分都可以和非洲沿岸的部分正好对应,这触发了魏格纳思想的火花,并进行了思考研究,最终深化了新学说----大陆漂移说。再如门捷列夫在长达20年里思索,反复揣摩已发现的63种元素,最终便形成了众所周知的元素周期表。这些猜想,这些发明,这些创造不都是思考出来的吗? 思考走向成功。脑筋越动越活,越动越有灵气。爱因斯坦曾说过“学习知识善于思考、思考、再思考,我就是靠这个学习方法成为科学家的。”华罗庚善于思考成为伟大的数学家;牛顿对苹果落地思考,提出了震惊世界的“万有引力定律”;阿基米德从洗漱中得到启示,发现了著名的浮力定律;戴震的肯于动脑,打破沙锅问到底的精神广为流传……太多太多的例子告诉了我们:有了思考,我们便可能成功但没有思考,我们注定失败。 想想我们自己,是否也像卢瑟福的学生一样?那么从现在改正吧!我们在求知的路上,学会思考的方法,养成思考的习惯,是走向成功的必备的条件。当然,我们也不能只思考,那就成“思而不学则殆”那也是错误的。孔子的这两句话精辟地论述了思考对于学习的重要性,那么,就让我们向着成功的方向共同努力吧!

因为创新,我们的生活才这么的丰富多彩;因为创新,我们的生活才这么的快乐;因为创新,我们的生活才这么的幸福;因为创新,我们的生活才这么的精彩。21世纪更是一个飞速创新的信息时代,生活需要不断创新! 可以毫不夸张的说,如果生活没有了创新,那么我们的生活就可能还和原始人类一样,那么的乏味,枯燥,低俗。有人说,如果回到五百年以前,那时的人们可能会想到地上跑的——汽车,海里游的——船,天上飞的——飞机,但他们绝对不会想到电脑,他们绝对不会想到通过互联网,就可以看到大千世界。真正的做到“秀才不出门,尽知天下事”。我们能够拥有这些,还不是因为我们不断的创新,不断的超越前辈,才能够有这么精彩的生活。 现在的生活缺少了创新,就如同鸟儿没有了翅膀;缺少了创新,就好像蓝天没有了白云的陪衬。 当今科技大爆炸,一代又一代的新科技产品代替旧一代科技产品的类型,样式,更是多种多样。举个我们生活中常见的例子吧!你是否观察过你亲人或邻居的手机已经换了好几部?由直板的变成翻盖的,简单电话功能的,已经变成了“手表手机”、“上网手机”、“导航手机”等等小巧玲珑,安全方便。可见,创新的速度之快,之猛,之迅。一不小心,就可能追不上时代的变化。 生活需要创新来演变精彩,生活需要创新来演绎美好。我们需要生活,我们需要创新! 但是,生活不光需要创新,更需要具有创新精神的人,人人都可能成为爱迪生,重要的是你是否抓住了灵感闪现的那一瞬,一个奇异的想法、一个生活的需求,只要你敢想、敢干,就一定会成功的,有梦想才能有实现的一天。 生活需要创新,生活需要我们来创新。


货到销售存货,并收回现金为止的这段时间,营业周期的长短取决于存货周转天数和应---------------下面是这个论文的英语----Strengthen the management of accounts receivable and enhance the competitiveness of enterprisesAccounts receivable is an enterprise product or service because of credit and the formation of receivables, liquid assets is an important item. With the development of the market economy, the introduction of commercial credit, business accounts receivable increased the general level of accounts receivable management business activities has become an increasingly important issue.First, the functions of accounts receivableAccounts receivable function is its operation in the production process. There are some aspects:1, the expansion of sales, an increase of the competitiveness of enterprises. Comparison of intense competition in the market, the credit is to promote the sale of an important way. Business credit is to provide customers with the two transactions: selling products to their customers as well as in a limited period to provide funds to customers. Monetary tightening in the market weakness, lack of funds, the credit has a more visible role in the promotion of sales of new products, develop new markets and more significant.2, reduced inventory, reduced inventory risk and management costs. Finished goods inventory held by businesses, to the additional management fees, expenses such as storage and insurance costs; the contrary, holders of accounts receivable business, you do not need the above-mentioned expenses. Therefore, when the finished goods inventory business more generally can be a more favorable credit terms to credit, the inventory into accounts receivable to reduce finished goods inventory, conservation-related expenses.Second, poor management of accounts receivable of the drawbacks of1, reduces the efficiency in the use of corporate funds, so that enterprises declined. Given the logistics and cash flow are inconsistent, the issue of commodities, sales invoices out, money can not sync recovery, while the sales have been set up, this is not paid back the recorded sales is bound to have no cash inflow arising from the sale of the business profit and loss, During the year sales and income taxes paid in advance, in the case of-year sales result in accounts receivable, current assets can be advanced enterprises have an annual dividend to shareholders. Enterprises due to the above benefits arising from the pursuit of the surface of the pad and the advance payment of the tax dividend to shareholders, taking up a lot of liquidity, with the passage of time will affect the capital flow, which led to the actual situation of business was overshadowed by the impact of production plans, sales plans and so on, can not achieve the efficiency goal.2, exaggerated the results of business operations. As a result of China's enterprises, the accounting is based on an accrual basis (accrual basis), the occurrence of the current credit all revenue credited to the current period. Therefore, on account of the increase in profits does not mean that the cash inflow will be materialized. Enterprise accounting system in accordance with the percentage of accounts receivable balances to extract the bad preparation, bad debt reserve rate is generally 3% -5% (except for special business). If the actual extraction of the bad debt bad debt a loss of more than prepared to give a great deal of loss of business. Therefore, the existence of a large number of receivables, inflated the book's sales revenue, to some extent exaggerated the results of business operations and increase the risk of the cost of the enterprise.3, accelerated the outflow of corporate cash. Although credit to enable businesses to generate more profits, but has not really enable enterprises to increase the cash inflow, but the enterprise had to use our limited working capital to advance a variety of taxes and costs, to accelerate the company's cash outflow is mainly as follows:(1) business turnover tax expenditure. Bring sales of accounts receivable, not cash is actually received, turnover tax is calculated on the basis of sales, the companies must pay on time and in cash. Turnover tax paid by enterprises such as value-added tax, business tax, consumption tax, resource tax and city taxes will inevitably increase as sales increase.(2) income tax expenses. Accounts receivable arising from the profits, but did not achieve the cash, and pay income tax on time must be paid in cash.(3) the distribution of cash profits, there is also such a problem, In addition, the cost of accounts receivable management, cost recovery, accounts receivable cash outflow will be accelerated.4, an impact on the enterprise business cycle. Business cycle that is made from the sale of inventory to stock, and to recover the cash so far this period, the business cycle, depending on the number of days inventory turnover and receivables turnover days, business cycle and between. This shows that unreasonable existence of accounts receivable to extend the business cycle, affecting the capital cycle, so a lot of liquidity in precipitation in non-production areas, resulting in cash shortages, the impact of payment of wages and raw materials purchase, has seriously affected the normal production and operation enterprises.5, an increase of accounts receivable management process in the error probability of additional losses to the enterprise. The face of complex enterprise accounts receivable, accounting errors difficult to detect, unable to understand the dynamics of receivables and other receivables business details, resulting in responsibility is not clear, the contract accounts receivable, contract, commitment, approval procedures, such as the scattered data, lost business may have occurred in the accounts receivable can not be collected on time and on time to recover, the only part of the total recovery of the recovery, through the legal means to recover, but as a result of incomplete information can not be recovered until to the final form of the loss of enterprise assets.Third, accounts receivable management objectivesFor an enterprise, the existence of accounts receivable is a continuum of production and marketing enterprises on the one hand, it would help to promote sales, increase sales revenue, and enhance competitiveness, while at the same time wish to avoid accounts receivable the existence of the business cash flow difficulties, drawbacks such as bad debt losses. How to deal with and solve the problem of confrontation and reunification is the management of corporate accounts receivable goals.Accounts receivable management objective is to formulate a scientific and rational accounts receivable credit policy and credit policy in such an increase in sales earnings and the use of such a policy is expected to take to make trade-offs between the cost. Only when the increase in sales profit of more than the increase in the use of this policy when the cost to implement and promote the use of this credit policy. At the same time, accounts receivable management companies also include the prospects for future sales and market forecasts and judgments, and accounts receivable security investigation. Good prospects such as business sales, accounts receivable safety can be further relaxation of its receivables credit policy, the expansion of credit volume, to obtain greater profits, on the contrary, should have a strict credit policy, or the creditworthiness of different customers appropriate adjustments to ensure that enterprises get the most income, and so may minimize the loss.Accounts receivable management business focus is on the basis of the actual operation of enterprises and customers to develop the credibility of the situation of enterprises reasonable credit policy, which is an important financial management forms an integral part of corporate management to achieve the purpose of accounts receivable must be a reasonable strategy for the development of the policy.Fourth, the company accounts receivable solutions to the problemsManagement of accounts receivable to do good, first of all, should be established to improve the accounts receivable management system. Accounts receivable credit management policy is a key component of the system, including credit standards, credit terms and collection of three aspects of policy. Credit standards is agreed to provide commercial credit made by the basic requirements. Usually expected loss rate of bad debts as a criterion. If the business more stringent credit standards, only a very good reputation, a very low rate of bad debt losses of the users to give credit, it will reduce bad debt losses, reduce the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, but this may not be conducive to the expansion of sales, and even is to reduce sales; the contrary, if the payment of credit standards, although it will increase sales, but will be a corresponding increase in bad debt losses and the opportunity cost of accounts receivable. Refers to corporate credit conditions require users to pay for credit is subject to a condition, including the credit period, discount and cash discount period. Credit period is provided for users to pay a maximum time period of the discount provided for the user can enjoy time cash payment discount, cash discount is a solid advance in the user shall be given preferential treatment. More favorable credit terms to increase sales, but it can also bring the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, bad debt costs, cash discounts and other cost an additional burden. Collection policy is to refer to when credit terms have been violated, business strategy to take the accounts receivable. Enterprises in a more positive if the billing policy may reduce the cost of accounts receivable and reduce bad debt losses, but to increase collection costs. If more negative accounts receivable policies, accounts receivable may increase costs and increase bad debt losses, collection costs will be reduced. Accounts receivable in the formulation of policy, should be weighed against the increase in collection costs and reduce the opportunity cost of accounts receivable and bad debt losses between losses. The credit policy should be reasonable to credit standards, credit terms, collection policies, to consider comprehensive changes in the three sales, the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, bad debt costs and costs of collection.According to accounts receivable management system, for analysis of accounts receivable in the enterprise of the issues found in the corresponding solutions to the recovery of accounts receivable in the problems the company's funds to speed up the cycle, to improve the efficiency of the use of funds to achieve enterprises are to be achieved.1, to enhance day-to-day accounts receivable managementIn day-to-day management of accounts receivable work, not enough has been done in some detail, for example, the user of the credit analysis, aging analysis, such as table. Specifically, can do a good job in the following aspects of day-to-day management of accounts receivable of work: (1) a good foundation for basic records, understand the user (including subsidiaries) of the timeliness of payments, based on work records, including business-to-users credit conditions, the date of the establishment of credit relationships, the user of the time of payment, the amount currently in arrears, as well as changes in credit ratings, such as users, companies only have this information in order to take appropriate and timely response. (2) to check whether the user credit limit exceeded. Enterprises to provide users with a credit for each business, we must check whether there are more than the record of the credit period, and pay attention to test whether the total debt owed by the user breaking the credit limit. (3) keep track of the debt over the credit period, the user is due to closely monitor the increase or decrease debt dynamics, in order to take timely measures associated with the users to remind them of their payment as soon as possible. (4) analysis of accounts receivable turnover and average collection period, to see whether the normal level of liquidity, businesses can, through the indicators, with the previous practice, is now planning and compared to the same industry in order to evaluate the management of accounts receivable achievements and shortcomings of, and amendments to the credit conditions. (5) study the situation of non-payment, inspection of accounts receivable by the percentage of non-payment, that is, the rate of bad debt losses to determine whether the enterprise's credit policies should be changed, such as the actual bad debt loss rate is greater than or less than the expected loss rate of bad debts, enterprises must look at whether credit standards are too strict or too lax credit standards in order to amend. (6) is an aged analysis of the preparation table to check the actual occupation of accounts receivable days, to recover its supervision of enterprises through the preparation of aging analysis table, which is understood that the number of credit during the period are still in arrears, should be timely monitoring, the number of arrears for more than a credit period, the length of time to calculate what percentage of each of the funds, it is estimated that the number of bad debts would cause, if the majority of extended enterprise should check their credit policy.2, to strengthen the management of accounts receivable afterAccounts receivable management, including the work of the following two parts: (1) determine the reasonable collection procedures, accounts receivable collection procedures in general as: letter to inform, Telegraph and Telephone Fax collection, sent to interview, resort to the law, in taking legal action should be considered before the principle of cost-effectiveness, the following situations when you do not need to prosecute: the cost of litigation over the amount of the debt claim; customers can write-off of debt discount collateral; customers the amount of debt not to prosecute the enterprise may be run by the damage; the prosecution withdrew the accounts limited possibility. (2) determine the reasonable collection methods. If customers do encounter temporary difficulties and to make a comeback through the efforts of enterprises to help them ride out the storm in order to recover the receivable, the general practice of accounts receivable for claims re: farmers to accept the market price of arrears below the amount of debt non-monetary assets to cover; change in the form of debt for the "long-term receivables" to determine a reasonable rate, agreed to debt service users to develop a phased plan; modify debt terms, to extend the payment period, and even reduce the principal amount, repayment incentives ; in the common economic interests, driven by the claims into the user's "long-term investment" to help start the loss-making enterprises to achieve the purpose of recovery. If the customer has reached the limits of bankruptcy, it should be a timely manner to the court, with a view to be part of bankruptcy settlement. Deliberately default on the payment for the collection, the options are: reasonable method; compassion operation method; fatigue tactics; blindingly; hardware and software operation method.3, accounts receivable accounting methods and management systemAccounts receivable subsidiary accounts in arrears accounted for 60.42% of the total, to strengthen internal financial management and monitoring, improve accounting approaches and accounts receivable management system, to resolve inter-company accounts with a subsidiary of recovery, the following several aspects from a number of recommendations are given: (1) strengthen the management and monitoring functions, in accordance with the principles of financial management of the internal check. The company set up under the Ministry of Finance in the financial monitoring group led by the Finance Director to configure full-time accounting staff, responsible for marketing and monitoring of accounting transactions for all accounts receivable for each analysis and accounting, to ensure that accounts receivable in line with norms of the operators at the same time part of the requirements and procedures so that systematic standardization of business activities. (2) improve internal accounting methods. Sales, respectively, for different services, such as purchases of the distributors with direct sales operations, sales offices and sales outlets, the company supply and trading company with the money owed to the company which occurred between the units against the sales business, product returns, etc. , respectively, using different accounting methods and procedures to show the difference and take the appropriate management. (3) accounts receivable and is responsible for the implementation of life-long responsibility of the person first. Who handles the occurrence of bad business, regardless of whether the transfer of responsibility for the company, have against the parties responsible. At the same time, the responsibility of staff to carry out a clearly defined, and as a basis for performance evaluation summary. (4) regular or ad hoc basis to conduct an inspection of the marketing network for monitoring and internal audit. Due to poor management to prevent the emergence of embezzlement, corruption and issues such as funding to reduce the risk of cardiopulmonary bypass. (5) establish a sound internal control system of organization.

What is the accounting? For many years the popular saying, accounting is accounting, scores and accounting. Ancient China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty, mainly referring to the activities of the income and expenditure records, inspection and supervision. In the Qing Dynasty scholar Jiao Xun "Mencius justice", a book on the "will" and "dollars" for the general explained: "it is sporadic in terms of the total cost-effective it will," it is necessary to carry out the accounting for the individual accounts, individual accounts should be integrated, comprehensive accounting system. Accounting concept: Accounting is the currency as a major units of measurement, using a series of specialized method, the economic activities of enterprises continuous, systematic, comprehensive and integrated accounting and oversight and based on this analysis of economic activity, forecast and control to improve the economy the effectiveness of a management activities. From an accounting definition, we can see that: 1. Accounting first is an economic calculation. It wants to use the economic process measurement standards as the main currency continuous, systematic, comprehensive, integrated computing. Economic calculation refers to people's economic resources (human, material and financial resources), the Economic Relations (equivalent exchange, ownership, distribution, credit, settlement, etc.) and economic process (input, output, income, cost, efficiency, etc.) conducted by the calculating the number of Said. Economic calculation includes both static phenomenon on the economy's stock of the situation, including the situation of the period of dynamic flow, including both pre-calculated plan, but also after the actual calculation. Accounting is a typical example of economic calculation, calculation of economic calculation in addition to accounting, which includes statistical computing and business computing. 2. Accounting is an economic information systems. It would a company dispersed into the business activities of a group of objective data, providing the company's performance, problems, and enterprise funds, labor, ownership, income, costs, profits, debt, debt, and other information. Provide relevant information to the relevant department advisory services, anyone can provide information through accounting enterprises understand the basic situation, and as the basis for its decision. Clearly, the accounting is to provide financial information-based economy information systems, business is the licensing of a points, thus accounting has been called "corporate language." 3. Accounting is an economic management. In the non-commodity economy, accounting directly for property and materials management in commodity economy, because of commodity production and exchange of commodities, economic activity in the property and materials are a form of value performance, accounting is used form of value the management of the property and materials. If accounting is an information system, and mainly focused on corporate and external information users, then that is an economic management accounting activities was mainly within the enterprises, the. History and reality, the accounting is social production develops to a certain stage of the product development and production is to meet the needs of the management, especially with the development of the commodity economy and the emergence of competition in the market through demand management on the economy activities strict control and supervision. At the same time, the content and form of accounting constantly improve and change, from a purely accounting, scores, mainly for accounting operations, external submit accounting statements, as in prior operating forecasts, decision-making, on the matter of economic activities control and supervision, in hindsight, check. Clearly, accounting whether past, present or future, it is people's economic management activities.



