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Western novels in comparison First, Western novels in the history of the development of Western novels are based on myths and legends of its origin. In ancient times, science developed, out of fear of nature, the working people out of the imagination is the key to many of the world "God", describing the personification of God is a myth; who will describe the deified, that is legend. China opened the world's Pan story, the story of San Juan Five Emperors, the West Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Norse mythology, and so on are all typical works. East and West, the original novel, is closely linked with the history, as historical records complement the event. China Pre-Qin prose in the fable, the Han dynasty in the history books, biographies, the Wei and Jin Zhi, Zhi-person novel; the West of ancient Babylon, "the United States and Ji Jia disabilities epic", in ancient Greece, "Homer's epic," "Aesop's Fables "And so on, fall into this category, fiction, novels such novels have been about the characteristics of fiction, it is still not the literary creation, directly from the private collection record, so this type of fiction plot is relatively simple, writing rough comparison. Ban Gu said, "On the Street Lane words, hearsay are made of" is a novel kind of accurate assessment of the image. China's Tang Dynasty, the novel is only from history and literature become a creativity. Tang Dynasty culture has developed, the author's ideas are more open, the legend came into being at this time, Li Zhaowei "Liu Yi Chuan", Po Chu's "Everlasting Regret," Wolf's "Everlasting Regret Chuan" And so on, are made in accordance with the creation of the legend. For the fictional story of the Tang Dynasty more emphasis on imagination and literary talent, not just the history of the nature of things, but as the history of Zhi Zhi who is also the novel did not stop. The Legend of the Song Dynasty to the novel on a gradual decline, which followed the rise of this so that after processing will become a scholar so many novel and Romance novels such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Journey to the West." The author of such novels is the use of private creative and re-created to describe the circumstances of the touching scenes of brilliant and vivid active in shaping the character known, there are obvious story-telling style of language. Here by the redevelopment, it will become an independent literary creation rather than things to come together with the civil process, the representative of this type is the "Golden Lotus", it was an open and ordinary life on the road, the reality is that literature has come a long way The development of the latter's "A Dream of Red Mansions" in ancient China Geng Shiba realism to the novels of the summit. "54" after the novelist began to learn from China's western fiction writing practices, and gradually out a new path. Western novels, is the "Renaissance" after the rapid development of mature. The development of the Middle Ages novel near-stagnation in the West, 14, the end of the century "Renaissance" to overthrow the literature of the Church of control, 15, appeared in the western end of the century to promote freedom of thought and the liberation of personality in order to describe the reality of life and portray characters from all walks of life for the content of the Humanist novels, is to tie in with this type of novel anti-feudal Europe at the time of arising at the same time it also set the novel in the West to human describing the tone of the main things. Jiaqiu Italy's "Decameron", Spain's Cervantes "Don Quixote" is the kind of representative works of fiction. The resulting novel is a classical, elegant favor of its national language to standardize the writing of this novel in 17th century France's most well-developed. As a note on behalf of Corneille's "Cid" neoclassical story of the rise of Western novels have been a language substantially improved. The beginning of the 18th century to promote popular science knowledge, enlightenment of the public consciousness for the purpose of the Enlightenment novels, of which there are relatively well-known German Goethe's "Faust", the United Kingdom Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" and the Swift "Gulliver's Travels" and so on, this type of novel to the emergence of the bourgeois revolution at the time to mold public opinion. In the 19th century, romantic fiction, realistic novels and critical realism novel turn to occupy the leading position in the field of fiction. Romantic novels, such as France Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris", Goethe's "juvenile Witt of trouble" and so on, imaginative, unusual ideas, language and imaginative, strong feelings. Efforts to reflect the reality of the novel is the essence of life, and depict typical life of a typical phenomenon in the United Kingdom Dickens, France and Germany are of such novels as a representative of the writer. Critical realism novels exposed the efforts of the decadent feudal system and capitalist society, the dark, in-depth criticism of the reality of evil, France Balzac and Maupassant, the United Kingdom of Charlotte, Bronte,. Russia's Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, the United States of a large number of writers such as Mark Twain's works belong to this category. Value today, the three novels in the West is still the most important of the three types of literary fiction. East-West novel on the history of the development of more or less the case. Second, the characteristics of the novel in the West In addition to the basic characteristics of the novel, the story of the West also have their own characteristics are as follows: 1, the traditional Chinese novel attention to the characters, language and the details of the description, in contradiction to the conflict to display the images, but the character of a single, small changes in the absence of the main flu. Western novels are more people pay attention to the psychological description, stressed that mining figure in the subconscious mind, good at writing full, the changes in the strong sense of the main characters. Again, "coach Lin Feng Snow Mountain Temple" in the figure is only through dialogue and action leads to contradictions and conflicts, but Anna Karenina Wogui before a series of conflicts only with his description of the psychological will be able to express their clear; for poetry in Lin In the performance of her literary talent, and Paul with his inner monologue of the ideal; Zhang Zhong-Yong has only the character, but Jane Eyre's character is the brave, strong, warm, kind-hearted, and so many of the character and rubbing and Cheng's. In short, people in the area described in the West has its own unique features. 2, China compared with Western fiction novel plot twists and turns more and more complete story. Plot twists and turns, the story is complete fiction China's unique traditional arts. The Wei and Jin Zhi Zhi people on the novel twists and turns with vivid characteristics. Tang legend in the layout of many of the famous, magnificent anomaly, rigorous and clever, dramatic plot development. The contents of the Ming and Qing Dynasties novels scattered irregular, undulating waves, Cuoluoyouzhi, careful structure, an integral whole. "A Dream of Red Mansions", everywhere She Fu, Hui turning point, the story of Jia's best writing. Western plot in respect of the outstanding works, although there are many, but it can not be compared with the Chinese novel. 3, concise and lively Chinese language novel, rich in content and rich Western novels. Chinese folk artists absorbed the novel language, at the same time inherited the fine traditions of ancient prose, often a few words will be able to outline the incident or the people. Western novels in the author includes a broad range of knowledge, involve the community in many ways, so rich in content and rich people can gain knowledge in many areas. Engels said he was in Balzac's novel about 19th century France's domestic situation than he received any reports are more. Western novels have different characteristics, and also in the West different aesthetic concepts to a certain extent related. 4, Western novels have been the rule of the feudal culture of oppression destroyed. Chinese feudal culture makes the development of the novel is extremely difficult, Ming and Qing Dynasties more people to write stories for shame, so many great writers living, creating the conditions are not covered, many of the great works of authors who do not know. Western novels in the feudal culture makes almost the whole of the Middle Ages in the development of extremely slow, and many talented writers were forced to church services, wrote some of the religious nature of the article dry hole. Third, Western novels in the future prospects for the development of End of the Qing Dynasty, China and the West have begun to understand the other side of the system, the advantages of the novel in the West have been constantly learn from each other. Of course, due to historical reasons, the Chinese side of the draw a little more. To this day, the novelist in the West efforts are still two researchers in the novel's artistic charm, although the different languages of each other's appreciation of the arts to a certain extent, but the United States are interlinked. We have every reason to believe that in the near future, the novel art in the West will ultimately learn from each other and integrate, develop and reach new artistic heights. References: "Foreign Literature" Shanghai Translation Publishing House Zhou Xu Liang "Contemporary Literature election," Zhang Zhong, such as Beijing University Publishing House "Chinese literature history of the development of" Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House Liu Jie "Literary History of Europe" People's Literature Publishing House Yangzhou Han Wu Da-yuan Zhao Rui radish "Three high school language textbook used by the five dates of the" People's Education Press仅供参考,请自借鉴。希望对您有帮助。

Chinese and Western cultural differences in the performance of every aspect of daily life from the greeting 、 term diet and cultural differences in the way of thinking in the abstract, such as differences everywhere, from the West focus on the following colors to express the difference between Chinese and Western cultural differences in areas such as a wedding set. First, in the West to express the color difference Different colors in different languages is not expressed in the same way. The representative of China in a sense, the West has a meaning that even the "color" to understand the meaning of the contrary. (A) red (red) Whether in China or in the English-speaking countries, often in red and festive celebrations or day-related. Calendar, red font used these days, therefore, red letter day: refers to the "Day" or "happy occasion." It also refers to the red "liabilities" or "loss" because people are always negative in red to register. So there are these phrases: red figure deficit in the red loss In common with the Chinese "red" words, translated into English, may not necessarily use the "red" for example: brown sugar brown sugar red wine red wine (B) yellow Yellow in English and Chinese in the extended meaning of the differences are considerable. In English, yellow can be said that the "timid, cowardly, despicable," meaning, for example: a yellow dog despicable, cowardly people a yellow livered coward Chinese yellow symbol of the term is sometimes vulgar, vulgar and obscene, indecent indecency means, such as yellow film, erotica, yellow CD, and so on. These in the name of "yellow" in English and "yellow" has nothing to do. However, in another English word blue is the color used to indicate the kind of meaning in Chinese, such as the blue jokes (dirty joke), blue films (yellow film). Second, the cultural differences in Western wedding First of all, in Western wedding culture and the first in the West in thinking about the differences: the Chinese people more conservative, like excitement, more old-fashioned thinking, so in the history of China for thousands of years the entire wedding customs did not change much. The thinking in the West is more open to the requirements of the wedding will be lower, they will be the climax of the wedding in the church: the sacred as the "wedding march" into the red carpet, Jiao Mei's father, the bride linked hands Rose walked slowly to the groom, the bride's father, daughter to the groom's hand on hand, her daughter's life will be entrusted to the groom, all eyes followed the couple, filled with well-being in their face. Second, the result of cultural differences wedding in the West because the West in a different religion. China is mainly Buddhist, but the West is mainly Christian. Therefore, the Western wedding is to be held in the church and the priest is Zhuhun Ren. China's traditional customs of the most important part of the Bai Tiandi is, the worship heaven and earth even after the ceremony has become.中西方文化差异表现在方方面面,从日常生活的打招呼用语、饮食文化等差异到思维方式等抽象方面的差异无所不在,下面着重从中西方颜色表达的差异,中西方婚礼文化差异等方面阐述。 一、中西方颜色表达的差异 不同颜色在不同语言中表达的方式并不一样。在中国代表一种意义,在西方又表示一种涵义,甚至对“颜色”的涵义理解恰恰相反。(一)red(红色)无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。日历中,这些日子常用红色字体,因此,red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。于是就有了这些词组:red figure赤字 in the red亏损汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”例如:红糖brown sugar 红酒red wine (二) yellow黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如:a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a yellow livered 胆小鬼汉语中黄色一词有时象征低级趣味、色情庸俗、下流猥亵的意思,如黄色电影、黄色书刊、黄色光碟等等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑), blue films(黄色电影)等。 二、中西方婚礼文化差异 首先,中西方婚礼文化差异首先和中西方人在思维方面的差异有关:中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。而西方人的思想则比较开放,对于婚礼的要求也比较低,他们婚礼的高潮则是在教堂中:随着神圣的《婚礼进行曲》步入鲜红的地毯,娇美的新娘挽着父亲手捧玫瑰慢慢向新郎走去,新娘的父亲将女儿的手放在新郎的手上,将女儿的一生托付给新郎,所有人的目光注视着这对新人,幸福洋溢在他们的脸上。其次,造成中西方婚礼文化差异的原因是中西方不同的宗教。中国是以佛教为主,而西方则是基督教为主的。所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中举行而主婚人则是神甫。中方的传统婚俗中的最重要环节就是拜天地,拜了天地以后就算是礼成了。


梳篦 是常州著名的特产,相传始于魏晋时期,迄今已1500多年,由于历史悠久,选料制作精细,素有“宫梳名篦”之称。 常州梳篦形成于魏晋时期,迄今有1500多年历史。《常州赋》有“削竹成篦,朝京门内比户皆为”的记述,“文亨穿月,篦梁灯火”是清代常州西郊八景之一,历史上常州梳篦生产盛况由此可见。因为清代苏州织造局每年都要来常定制一批高级梳篦,向朝廷进贡,所以常州梳篦又有“宫梳名篦”之美称,李莲英为西太后梳头用的常州产象牙梳至今留存在北京故宫。常州梳篦声名之盛,在于选材严格,工艺独特,制作精良。清末民初,随着生漆胶合技术的发明和产品出口,其知名度更是远播海外。 1915年在美国旧金山和平博览会上获银奖,1926年在美国费城国际博览会上获金奖。 解放后,常州梳篦生产走上了集体化和半机械化的道路。在继承和发扬传统的“雕、描、刻、烫”技艺的同时,揉合日用品、工艺品、装饰品种种特点,不断推陈出新,使梳篦成为富有民族传统风格和艺术魅力的日用工艺品。其中有融艺术欣赏保健功能于一体的“长寿梳”,有“四大美女”、“红楼十二钗”等造型欣赏梳,有蝴蝶、龙凤、脸谱、民族娃等旅游纪念梳,以及如琮似玉玲珑剔透的各式篦箕,真是百梳相映成趣,千篦独具匠心,令人爱不释手。美国电影《星辰女娇娃》中,女主人公以常州梳蓖作胸饰,印尼总统苏加诺访华回国也将两张常州篦箕作纪念品带走。海内外传播媒体赞不绝口,各界旅游人士更是倍加青睐。目前,常州梳篦年产量达到650万张,占全国总产量的3/4,其中70%出口,远销美、英、法、日、澳、德等27个国家和地区。 基本资料.其它你自己想吧.


1. 旅游产品的科学评价

2. 游游投资项目的科学决策

3. 旅游企业成本控制途径

4. 计算机技术在旅游经济管理中的应用

5. 旅游行为激励机制的建立

6. 我国旅游商品市场失灵的原因分析与科学规划

7. 对导游员从业行为规范的设想

8. 旅游企业形象塑造的必要性与对策

9. 旅游业可持续发展的饿意义与策划

10. 旅游景区品牌化经营策略研究

11. 对全面建设小康社会背景下国外旅游市场开发的思考

12. 节假日旅游的动员与组织

13. 对旅游管理专业学生心理素质的调查分析

14. 湖南省导游员心理健康现状调查

15. 对湖南女子大学毕业生心理压力的调查分析

16. 旅游者旅游动机浅析

1. 论旅游服务心理与旅游服务技能

2. 浅论导游员的个性要求

3. 对湖南省导游员(生存、健康或其他)现状的调查

4. 旅游纪念品的开发与包装

5. 国内旅行社的发展现状及前景

6. 互联网与旅游业发展

7. 创造性思维在旅游业中的应用

8. 旅游产品的营销策略

9. 论自助旅游的开发现状及前景

10. 旅游资源开发与环境保护的冲突处理

11. 论生态旅游的可持续性发展

12. 亚太地区旅游业发展评析

13. 旅游地生命周期的控制和调查

14. 旅游饭店人力资源流动状况分析

15. 浅析湖南的“旅游扶贫”

16. 长株潭一体化对湖南旅游经济的影响

17. 浅析历史文化名城长沙的形象地位

18. 以××(地)为例探讨旅游的社会文化影响

19. 来长沙的日、韩旅游者的旅游动机分析

1. 中外星级酒店管理模式比较

2. 旅游产品营销策略研究

3. “把风景变成资本”:以长沙为例的实证分析

4. 我国旅游扶贫的现状、问题及对策

5. 乡村旅游开发的旅游效应分析

6. 大众旅游对旅游地社会文化的负面影响及其对策

7. 旅游节庆对旅游城市的影响

8. 旅游活动对环境的负面影响及其经济学分析

9. 旅游纪念品的开发与包装

10. 国内旅行社的发展现状及前景

11. 创造性思维在旅游业中的应用

12. 旅游品的营销策略

13. 论自助旅游的开发现状及前景

14. 农村旅游信息咨询中心的构建

15. 旅游广告与旅游业发展的关系

16. 农村旅游市场的发展现状及对策

17. 会展旅游的开发策略

18. 城乡旅游互动开发模式研究

19. 城镇旅游产业的开发与管理探索

20. 旅游开发中文气氛围的营造
















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Souvenirs as a high value-added industries of tourism, more and more countries have been paying attention. As the central city of Wuhan, a national transportation hub and national historical and cultural city, the rapid development of tourism, tourist souvenir market potential. Wuhan existing tourist souvenirs though varied, but the general lack of personality, there is a similar phenomenon seriously, product aging, modernity is not strong, the lack of geographical features and other issues. Lack of features and innovative tourist souvenirs, it is difficult to mobilize consumers to buy. Therefore, the Wuhan region's tourism souvenirs need for innovative design. By the author of Wuhan tourism resources and research of traditional Chinese culture, the need of the Chinese traditional culture applied to the design of tourist souvenirs in Wuhan, in order to develop and design both practical and creative cultural gifts and souvenirs. This article is mainly based on tourism souvenir market in Wuhan characteristics and problems, from the perspective of traditional Chinese culture Wuhan souvenirs for innovative design, to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of consumers, expanding tourist souvenir market in Wuhan.

旅游纪念品市场开发论文参考文献 参考文献:[1]魏新生。开封旅游纪念品开发对策探讨[J].商场现代化,2007(3). [2]詹雪梅。论河南旅游文化的发展[J]. 科技情报开发与经济,2008.(15). [3]郭桂玲。浅析河南旅游商品目前存在的问题及对策[J].科技信息,2007.(23). [4]余沛。焦作旅游纪念品开发战略研究[J].安阳师范学院学报,2008.(2). [5]秦方方。 河南地域文化在艺术设计教学中的价值研究[J]. 美与时代,2008.(11). [6]钟蕾,罗斌。 天津民俗文化旅游纪念品开发与对策研究探析。包装工程,2010(8). [7]郑丽娟。 黑龙江省旅游特色纪念品的'开发及营销策略研究[D]2006.请继续阅读相关推荐: 毕业论文 应届生求职 毕业论文范文查看下载 查看的论文开题报告 查阅参考论文提纲 查阅更多的毕业论文致谢 相关毕业论文格式 查阅更多论文答辩 了解相关论文写作 查阅更多毕业论文参考文献 ;


