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浅谈企业成本控制存在的问题及对策  作者:李炜炜,杨明  摘要:成本控制是现代企业管理的一个重要方面,低成本的优势是企业发展重要的因素。随着社会主义市场经济的发展,传统的成本控制理念已不能适应现代企业成本控制的要求。本文在分析企业成本控制中存在问题基础上,提出相应对策,以期帮助企业解决成本控制的问题。  关键词:企业;成本控制;对策  DOI: 3969/1008-178X(z)061  被引量: 32  年份: 2013学术堂提供更多论文知识

[1]高丽霞对中小企业成本控制问题的探讨[J]经济视角,2011,(06): [2]彭小关于加强中小企业成本控制的思考[J]武陵学刊,2010,(04):[3]王慧浅析中小企业成本控制[J]经济师,2011(04): [4]陈娟浅谈中小企业的成本控制[J]现代经济信息,2011(3): [5]高丽霞对中小企业成本控制问题的探讨[J]经济视角,2011(6):[6]高立法现代企业成本控制实务经济管理出版社 8 [7]魏国辰中小企业管理提升中国物资出版社2002[8]王拓、赵曙明.转型经济下我国企业雇佣关系现状及其引申[J]改革,2010,(7): [9]孙雷平浅谈企业成本控制存在的问题及对策中小企业管理与科技2010(1)[10]黄靖、陈耘中小企业成本控制问题与对策[J]价值工程,2011,(25): [11]李金华关于企业成本控制方面的几个问题探讨[J]中国外资, 2011,(17)


[1] Hospital li cost accounting method of application and cost analysis [D] Beijing university of Chinese medicine, 2002, [2] by The hospital drugs of a modern logistics management [D] the tianjin university, 2004, [3] LvSuR Based on the theory of homework cost industrial [6] WangXiaoL The hospital economic cost accounting [D] zhengzhou university, 2006, [7] WangAiW Manufacturing enterprise logistics cost ABC measurement [D] changsha university of science and technology, 2006, [8] YangHaiQ The hospital clinical departments cost benefit analysis [D] the first military medical university, 2006, [9] guoping zhang based on ABC's Production cost accounting system design [D] dalian university of technology, 2006, [10] WangD Based on the activity-based costing method in university education cost accounting of [D] dalian maritime university, 2007, [1] JinY Single disease [J] cost accounting discusses anhui health professional technology institute, 2006, (6), [2] SunGuiC Shallow to negotiate with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China cost control [J] the north, 2010, economic (18) [3] WuGuoHe of economic management in The application of cost accounting and the present and future [J] ranked, 2010, (12) [4] MaFengY According to the hospital cost accounting problems and solutions [J] financial measures (academic edition), 2009, () [5] ChenXiangR Financial personnel learning and ability of the growth [J] financial (academic version), 2010, (12) [6] ChenJ The hospital financial system extension and implementation effect explore [J] accounting communications, 2009, (29) Contact details QQ 1098270167 [7] SangShengJuan, LiuPing, JiangWenW The activity-based costing method in the hospital cost accounting discussed the application [J] accounting communications, 2010, (11) [8] willow, FengZeYong, moody's YangB Well, human resource management, and control the cost of hospital [J] chongqing medical, 2009, () [9] ZhangPeiLin, ZhuXiuFang, YanWeiHua, ZhangYaLi, LuXiaoQin, Since the establishment of our country hospital cost control development [J] chongqing medical history, 2009, () [10] GengGongX The hospital internal cost accounting the problems and countermeasures of contemporary economic [J], 2009, (16)





[1] Hospital li cost accounting method of application and cost analysis [D] Beijing university of Chinese medicine, 2002, [2] by The hospital drugs of a modern logistics management [D] the tianjin university, 2004, [3] LvSuR Based on the theory of homework cost industrial [6] WangXiaoL The hospital economic cost accounting [D] zhengzhou university, 2006, [7] WangAiW Manufacturing enterprise logistics cost ABC measurement [D] changsha university of science and technology, 2006, [8] YangHaiQ The hospital clinical departments cost benefit analysis [D] the first military medical university, 2006, [9] guoping zhang based on ABC's Production cost accounting system design [D] dalian university of technology, 2006, [10] WangD Based on the activity-based costing method in university education cost accounting of [D] dalian maritime university, 2007, [1] JinY Single disease [J] cost accounting discusses anhui health professional technology institute, 2006, (6), [2] SunGuiC Shallow to negotiate with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China cost control [J] the north, 2010, economic (18) [3] WuGuoHe of economic management in The application of cost accounting and the present and future [J] ranked, 2010, (12) [4] MaFengY According to the hospital cost accounting problems and solutions [J] financial measures (academic edition), 2009, () [5] ChenXiangR Financial personnel learning and ability of the growth [J] financial (academic version), 2010, (12) [6] ChenJ The hospital financial system extension and implementation effect explore [J] accounting communications, 2009, (29) Contact details QQ 1098270167 [7] SangShengJuan, LiuPing, JiangWenW The activity-based costing method in the hospital cost accounting discussed the application [J] accounting communications, 2010, (11) [8] willow, FengZeYong, moody's YangB Well, human resource management, and control the cost of hospital [J] chongqing medical, 2009, () [9] ZhangPeiLin, ZhuXiuFang, YanWeiHua, ZhangYaLi, LuXiaoQin, Since the establishment of our country hospital cost control development [J] chongqing medical history, 2009, () [10] GengGongX The hospital internal cost accounting the problems and countermeasures of contemporary economic [J], 2009, (16)


[1] Hospital li cost accounting method of application and cost analysis [D] Beijing university of Chinese medicine, 2002, [2] by The hospital drugs of a modern logistics management [D] the tianjin university, 2004, [3] LvSuR Based on the theory of homework cost industrial [6] WangXiaoL The hospital economic cost accounting [D] zhengzhou university, 2006, [7] WangAiW Manufacturing enterprise logistics cost ABC measurement [D] changsha university of science and technology, 2006, [8] YangHaiQ The hospital clinical departments cost benefit analysis [D] the first military medical university, 2006, [9] guoping zhang based on ABC's Production cost accounting system design [D] dalian university of technology, 2006, [10] WangD Based on the activity-based costing method in university education cost accounting of [D] dalian maritime university, 2007, [1] JinY Single disease [J] cost accounting discusses anhui health professional technology institute, 2006, (6), [2] SunGuiC Shallow to negotiate with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China cost control [J] the north, 2010, economic (18) [3] WuGuoHe of economic management in The application of cost accounting and the present and future [J] ranked, 2010, (12) [4] MaFengY According to the hospital cost accounting problems and solutions [J] financial measures (academic edition), 2009, () [5] ChenXiangR Financial personnel learning and ability of the growth [J] financial (academic version), 2010, (12) [6] ChenJ The hospital financial system extension and implementation effect explore [J] accounting communications, 2009, (29) Contact details QQ 1098270167 [7] SangShengJuan, LiuPing, JiangWenW The activity-based costing method in the hospital cost accounting discussed the application [J] accounting communications, 2010, (11) [8] willow, FengZeYong, moody's YangB Well, human resource management, and control the cost of hospital [J] chongqing medical, 2009, () [9] ZhangPeiLin, ZhuXiuFang, YanWeiHua, ZhangYaLi, LuXiaoQin, Since the establishment of our country hospital cost control development [J] chongqing medical history, 2009, () [10] GengGongX The hospital internal cost accounting the problems and countermeasures of contemporary economic [J], 2009, (16)


