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Dear BBC Staff:I am writing this letter to offer some I am a middle-school student and a BBC I listen to your programmes nearly every day so that I can learn my English No doubt,I like your programmes very much,especially your every day From my listening,I can not only study English but also learn something new happening in the Here,my suggestion is that,if you can speak slower,I will be very Also,if you can offer some pictures about the news,that will be much Meanwhile,I wish that you can have your web site so that the audience can be much easier to reach Thanks a Best Wishes!Sincerely Yours,XXX


the fox 挪威神曲

好邻居  我们都邻国。好邻居胜过远亲。这是共同的,我们可能会与遇到困难当我们好邻居,他们将永远来帮助您。邻国应该在与对方。  我的邻居,有一个女儿。我们是同龄,但我们不要〜 T研究在同一所学校。晚上我们总是一起做功课。她擅长数学,我很擅长英语。因此,我们经常互相帮助来自作文范文网  Good Neighbours  We all have A good neighbour is better than a distant It is common that we may meet with When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help   Neighbours should get on well with each   My neighbour has a We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same In the evening we always do homework She is good at maths and I am good at E So we often help each


四川 提纲:假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,你的英语老师Ms Li希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请按以下要点用英语给她写一封信。  1、对英语学习的认识;  2、自己目前的英语水平;  3、自己英语学习存在的主要问题;  4、对英语教学的两点建议。 Dear Ms Li,  I'm very happy to have you as our English   As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important, so mastering English means we can see the world through a new   My English is just OK and the two main problem in my study are that I feel it difficult to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when speaking E I really hope that you can give me good advice on how to memorize new Another suggestion is to give us more chances to practice I believe we can make much progress in English with your   Thank you!河北  提纲:假如你是李华,假期参加了中美学生夏令营,对美国的中学生有了初步的了解,写一篇英语小作文,字数120,描述你眼中美国中学生的生活宽容心强自己动手擅长社交标新立异。  参考范文:  Hi, this is li hua, in holiday I participated in the sino-us student summer camp, for American students have a further understanding, most American students go to school at eight o 'clock in the morning, they usually before school this time some sports, such as running, playing badminton, in their courses in school is very wide, and have dabbled in terms of Chinese history teacher special, it makes me very is proud that our country also really into the world, and the world also start to listen to China, afternoon when teachers often will take the students do some practice, because they think that practice is the best In the United States, teachers should pay more attention to student's character, they think that a person can learn bad, but must have good In this camp, I recognize the sino-us differences, also more students to learn my firm, work for our country in the future, make the country FRom J江西提纲:某英文报社举办以“I Like Reading”为主题的征文活动你打算投稿。请根据以下要点写一篇短文。1、你为什么喜欢读书 2、你喜欢读哪一类的书例如历史、科学、文学等请给出至少两个理由。参考范文:I Like Reading Reading is my favorite I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends in my As we know, books are the source I benefit a great deal from There are a variety of books for us tochoose from, like history books, science books , library books and so But what interests me most is literary books, especially those by famous For one thing, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my For another, they can enrich my life and provide me with great Isn't it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading?陕西提纲:假定你是李华。下面的图画描述了教师节那天你们班组织的一次活动请根据写作要点为校刊“英语角”版面写一篇短文。 写作要点 1、活动的策划 2、教师的布置 3、活动的内容 4、你的感想参考范文:M Li, our English teacher, most have found it strange on Teachers' Day: she did not receive a single greeting card from us She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for As Teachers' Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this On the afternoon of September 10, some of us decorated our classroom with paper flowers and balloons, and other went to buy cakes, drinks and The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, which read "Happy Teachers' Day!" Entering the classroom, M Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, clapping hands and saying loudly "Happy Teachers' Day!" Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her with the prepared Some of the girls sang songs for M Li, and three boys showed their Gong fu Before we left, we enjoyed a new English song by M L M Li spent a wonderful time with us, but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and 湖北:提纲:请根据以下提示并结合事例用英语写一篇短文。 You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of 参考范文:Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in an ordinary Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and


英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向。  最后小编汇总两篇适合发表英语论文的期刊:  新东方英语  《新东方英语》大学版月刊,2003年5月创刊,由新东方教育科技集团与《海外文摘》杂志社联合推出,主要读者对象是在校大学生、部分高中生以及广大的英语爱 好者,是国内英语学习类期刊中品质、内容俱佳的双语杂志。  时代英语  《时代英语》坚持“英汉并进,以人为本”的办刊理念,以培养英语学习兴趣和自主学习能力、提高读者综合语言水平为宗旨。注重突出刊物的时代性、知识性和趣 味性。刊物推行三大行之有效的学习方法:双语互动、情景学习、阶梯记忆,吸引读者参与其中。刊物特色:考试指导性、语言应用性、读者参与性和教学辅导性。

好邻居  我们都邻国。好邻居胜过远亲。这是共同的,我们可能会与遇到困难当我们好邻居,他们将永远来帮助您。邻国应该在与对方。  我的邻居,有一个女儿。我们是同龄,但我们不要〜 T研究在同一所学校。晚上我们总是一起做功课。她擅长数学,我很擅长英语。因此,我们经常互相帮助来自作文范文网  Good Neighbours  We all have A good neighbour is better than a distant It is common that we may meet with When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help   Neighbours should get on well with each   My neighbour has a We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same In the evening we always do homework She is good at maths and I am good at E So we often help each



【篇一:保护天使 To Protect Angels】Panda is familiar by more and more people as the development of I Now people can see the live show from the I These lovely angels are favored by the fans from all over the What they do in the daily life makes people laugh out No one can resist the charm from these But it is known to all that panda is dying out, because it is not easy for them to get birth to the new What’s more, people damage the environment, which makes panda lose their We can do small things to protect When we go to the zoo, we should not throw away the rubbish and keep quiet, in the purpose of not to disturb these lovely We love panda, it is our duty to protect them from dying 随着互联网的发展,熊猫被越来越多的人所熟悉。现在人们可以从互联网上观看它们的直播。这些可爱的天使们受到了来自世界各地粉丝的喜爱。它们在日常生活中所做的事情让人忍不住大声笑了出来。没有人能抵抗这些天使的魅力。但众所周知,因为熊猫繁殖后代的不易以及人们对环境的破坏使它们失去了家园,它们正面临灭绝的危机。不过我们可以做一些小事去保护他们。当我们去动物园的时候,不乱扔垃圾,保持安静,这样才能做到不去打扰这些可爱的生物。我们喜欢熊猫,保护它们不遭受灭绝是我们的责任。【篇二:尝试新事物 Trying New Thing】In everybody’s eyes, I am a good girl, because I make the good marks in the exams and help my parents to do Unlike other students, who will go against their parents, I follow my parents’ I don’t think that to do something goes against the adults is the wise choice, but I do want to do something Recently, I want to cut my hair and make the short My mother doesn't agree with me, because she thinks a girl should have the long This time, I insist on my Finally, she supports Trying something new makes me feel happy and be The short hair makes me look like a cool boy and I like this My friends admire me to have the courage to change my 具体的范文模板链接:链接: _Ig?pwd=msw5 提取码: msw5





