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英语毕业论文范文_中国论文下载中心_英美文学论文_英语论文论文2008年4月23日 英语毕业论文范文 来源:中国论文下载中心 作者:未知 编辑:studa0714 Abstract: On the base of the definition of 毕业论文-毕业论文库,英语毕业论文范文免费毕业论文,英语毕业论文,毕业设计E流毕业论文拥有自己巨大的毕业论文库,专业提供英语毕业论文等各种免费毕业论文的参考范文,可以下载参考,但建议广大友下载后不要轻易采用,我站还提供免费毕业 英语毕业论文范文,毕业论文,论文独家首发:2010年英语毕业论文范文是公务员之家提供的精品论文范文。本站独家提供2010年,毕业论文,方面论文的原创“定制”和“发表”服务,协助会员实现个人职业生涯的最大 大学英语毕业论文范文--大学生毕业论文、毕业论文翻译、毕业论文参考站你的位置: 大学生毕业论文参考站 - 英语论文- 英语相关论文 大学英语毕业论文范文 作者: 管理员来源:大学生毕业论文时间:04月25日16:17 提交:niko 访问: 英语毕业论文范文%cc%f7%cd%fb%d5%df%cc%f7%ce%d0%c2%d6/tag/14251155
It would be the English private Firstly,I am short of experience in teaching,I can't teach a group of students well without Secondly,this way can help me improve my expression of EThis also can help me review the things I have Thirdly,I could collect information about student's situation, I could konw what they ultimately,this can let me know what kind of mind students
if the street decorate with flowers,it will waste lots of money though it can get the street more first,many people need to care for those flowers eyery
Never Give Up “If I could reach higher, just for one moment to touch the sky…”---this is from my favorite song R When we are appreciating the passionate melody of Gloria Estefan, we could hardly imagine that she could return to the stage after her In the year 1990, this Cuban singer was knocked down in a traffic accident, and the doctor declared that she might never walk But Gloria did not give up and kept up constant Just one year after the disaster, she stood up again and presented this encouraging song at the Atlanta O Whenever I think of Gloria, I can’t help recalling my memory seven years ago, when I first entered Naturally shy, ordinary looking, average scores in study, just like an ugly duckling, I seemed to be the least outstanding one in my And the successive failures in the beginning led me into “Am I destined to take the back seat to others?” Unwilling to submit to the fate, I paid more efforts on my study as well as many other activities, film dubbing, recital, drama… cause I just want to catch every little opportunity to prove Constant effort yields sure Thanks to the competition, I received some awards and most of all, I gained the courage and confidence to face any difficulties in my life Life is just like farming, and what you can reap depends a lot on your sowing and Once you have a dream, don’t be Your next difficult step may be the one to the Keep going forward, even in the toughest time, and never give
随着软件的逐步升级,在众多的毕业论文答辩中也广泛采取PPT 演讲稿来进行,所以做好一个PPT演讲稿对于自己的论坛答辩起到了非常重要的作用,本文的核心就在于怎样讲自己的论文在PPT 中体现出来,给答辩专家团一个很好的诠释。一、要对论文的内容进行概括性的整合 ,将论文分为引言和试验设计的目的意义、材料和方法、结果、讨论、结论、致谢几部分。 二、在每部分内容的presentation 中,原则是:图的效果好于表的效果,表的效果好于文字叙述的效果。最忌满屏幕都是长篇大论,让评委心烦。能引用图表的地方尽量引用图表,的确需要文字的地方,要将文字内容高度概括,简洁明了化,用编号标明。三、版面和文字要求1、文字版面的基本要求幻灯片的数目:学士答辩10min 10~20张硕士答辩20min 20~35张博士答辩30min 30~50张2、字号字数行数:标题44号(40)正文32号(不小于24号字)每行字数在20~25个每张PPT 6~7行 (忌满字)中文用宋体(可以加粗),英文用 Time New Romans对于PPT中的副标题要加粗3、PPT 中的字体颜色不要超过3种(字体颜色要与背景颜色反差大)建议新手配色:(1)白底,黑、红、篮字(2)蓝底,白、黄字(浅黄或橘黄也可)4、添加图片格式:好的质量图片TIF格式,GIF图片格式最小图片外周加阴影或外框效果比较好PPT总体效果:图片比表格好,表格比文字好;动的比静的好,无声比有声好。 四、注意事项 幻灯片的内容和基调。背景适合用深色调的,例如深蓝色,字体用白色或黄色的黑体字,显得很庄重。值得强调的是,无论用哪种颜色,一定要使字体和背景显成明显反差。 注意:要点!用一个流畅的逻辑打动评委。字要大:在昏暗房间里小字会看不清,最终结果是没人听你的介绍。不要用PPT自带模板:自带模板那些评委们都见过,且与论文内容无关,要自己做,简单没关系,纯色没关系,但是要自己做! 时间不要太长:20分钟的汇报,30页内容足够,主要是你讲,PPT是辅助性的。:1、Magic Seven原则(7士2=5~9)。每张幻灯片传达5个概念效果最好。 7个概念人脑恰恰好可以处理。 超过9个概念负担太重了,请重新组织。2、KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid)原则。因为我们做PPT针对的是大众,不是小众。我们的目的是把自己的理解灌输给听众。深入浅出才代表你对知识的真正掌握。3、10/20/30法则。演示文件不超过10页,演讲时间不超过20分钟,演示使用的字体不小于30点(30 point)。个人觉得这些有指导意义,但经验感和技术感太强。也没有说清楚为什么要这样做。我更愿意接受“利用PPT作为工具控制观众的眼球和注意力”的说法。自己想的。同样一篇文章里面的东西,是说PPT 制作里面一些技巧性的东西 ,归纳一下分享出来,有一些是自己总结的哦:a、能用图表就用图表。所有的人都会先挑图看。b、所有人看到图表,第一眼就是找最低的和最高的,然后找跟自己相关的。把这三个东西标出来,人家会觉得很省事。c、别写那么多字,没人看,除非你打算照着念。d、要想办法让人知道你的PPT 还有多少,或者告诉人家你要说的条理和结构。这非常重要,对自己好也对观众好。e、不要用超过3种的动画效果,包括幻灯片切换。好的PPT不是靠效果堆砌出来的,朴素一点比花哨的更受欢迎。f、多用口语,放在一些类似tips的地方,效果往往加倍。
PPT如何做惊艳 北大毕业论文答辩5min完美陈述的秘密 老师必问6大可怕问题超详细答辩流程
从大的方面看,英语演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是:1、开始时对听众的称呼语最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。2、提出论题由于演讲的时间限制,必须开门见山,提出论题。提出论题的方法有各种各样,但最生动,最能引起注意的是用举例法。比如:你要呼吁大家关心贫穷地区的孩子,你可以用亲眼看到的或者收集到的那些贫穷孩子多么需要帮助的实例开始。另外,用具体的统计数据也是一个有效的引出论题的方法,比如:你要谈遵守交通规则的话题,你可以从举一系列有关车辆、车祸等的数据开始。扩展资料:英语演讲稿注意事项:1、演讲要越短越好关于写好英语演讲稿,应该要直截了当,开门见山的,不应该有中文的那种迂回婉转的表达方式。据有关专家统计,一般人的注意力一次只能集中约13分钟。所以演讲长度以10~15分钟为宜。2、根据听众对象,注意演讲的总体措词演讲的总体措词是严肃一些还是活泼一些,是有较明显的说教口气还是用平等的口吻,等等,都要根据听众对象而定。
China has its own sport Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of Ancient So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and C Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the O “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience Come and join Thank Thank you
everybody,I Because science is very Science can help people live Thanks to the cars, I no longer need to ride my bikes in cold winter My mother drives me to the school and back home while I can sit in the warm Thanks to the mobile phone, I no longer need to visit my friends far away from my I just send him a message and he will Thanks to MP3, I no longer need to bring a big radio machine to listen to my favorite music when I am I just put it in my pocket and can listen to the music whatever I like at any All of these conveniences are caused by So science is very I love learning science and want to make a