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定性研究方法(Qualitative Research Method)定性研究大多是采用参与观察和深度访谈而获得第一手资料,具体的方法主要有参与观察、行动研究、历史研究法、人种志方法。其中参与观察,是定性研究中经常用到的一种方法。参与观察的优势在于,不仅能观察到被观察者采取行动的原因、态度、努力程序、行动决策依据。通过参与,研究者能获得一个特定社会情景中一员的感受,因而能更全面地理解行动。然后通过对观察和访谈法等所获得的资料,采用归纳法,使其逐步由具体向抽象转化,以至形成理论。与定量研究相反,定性研究是基于“有根据的理论”为基础的。这种方式形成的理论,是从收集到的许多不同的证据之间相互联系中产生的,这是一个自下而上的过程。定性研究方法是根据社会现象或事物所具有的属性和在运动中的矛盾变化,从事物的内在规定性来研究事物的一种方法或角度。它以普遍承认的公理、一套演绎逻辑和大量的历史事实为分析基础,从事物的矛盾性出发,描述、阐释所研究的事物。进行定性研究,要依据一定的理论与经验,直接抓住事物特征的主要方面,将同质性在数量上的差异暂时略去。定性研究有两个不同的层次,一是没有或缺乏数量分析的纯定性研究,结论往往具有概括性和较浓的思辨色彩;二是建立在定量分析的基础上的、更高层次的定性研究。在实际研究中,定性研究与定量研究常配合使用。在进行定量研究之前,研究者须借助定性研究确定所要研究的现象的性质;在进行定量研究过程中,研究者又须借助定性研究确定现象发生质变的数量界限和引起质变的原因。定性研究与定量研究有下列一些不同点:①着眼点不同。定性研究着重事物质的方面;定量研究着重事物量的方面。②在研究中所处的层次不同。定量研究是为了更准确地定性。③依据不同。定量研究依据的主要是调查得到的现实资料数据,定性研究的依据则是大量历史事实和生活经验材料。④手段不同。定量研究主要运用经验测量、统计分析和建立模型等方法;定性研究则主要运用逻辑推理、历史比较等方法。⑤学科基础不同。定量研究是以概率论、社会统计学等为基础,而定性研究则以逻辑学、历史学为基础。⑥结论表述形式不同。定量研究主要以数据、模式、图形等来表达;定性研究结论多以文字描述为主。定性研究是定量研究的基础,是它的指南,但只有同时运用定量研究,才能在精确定量的根据下准确定性。这是二者的辩证关系。

你好!文献研究法Literature research描述性研究法Descriptive study method

"Literature research method"例句本文主要采用文献研究法和实验研究方法。This paper mainly uses experimental methodology and documentary

Exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidenceResearch can also fall into two distinct types: Primary research (collection of data that does not yet exist) Secondary research (summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research)In social sciences and later in other disciplines, the following two research methods can be applied, depending on the properties of the subject matter and on the objective of the research: Qualitative research (understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior) Quantitative research (systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships)Research is often conducted using the hourglass model Structure of R[1] The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through the methodology of the project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the form of discussion and


Literature-research-method文献研究法双语例句He was well acquainted with the literature of France,Germany and H\x09他对于法国、德国和荷兰的文学了如指掌Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests \x09她的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional \x09一些公司已降低了宣传资料中标榜之词的调门The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of \x09这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大

introduction of how objectives will be achieved (methodology) Method (how the results were achieved): explanation of how data was collected/generated · explanation of how data was analyzed explanation of methodological problems and their solutions or effects SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESEARCHanalysis: classes of data are collected and studies conducted to discern patterns and formulate principles that might guide future actioncase study: the background, development, current conditions and environmental interactions of one or more individuals, groups, communities, businesses or institutions is observed, recorded and analyzed for stages of patterns in relation to internal and external parison: two or more existing situations are studied to determine their similarities and lation-prediction: statistically significant correlation coefficients between and among a number of factors are sought and interpretedevaluation: research to determine whether a program or project followed the prescribed procedures and achieved the stated design-demonstration: new systems or programs are constructed, tested and evaluatedsurvey-questionnaire: behaviors, beliefs and observations of specific groups are identified, reported and experiment: one or more variables are manipulated and the results heory construction: an attempt to find or describe principles that explain how things work the way they d analysis: predicting or forecasting the future direction of


background and meanings of selected topicdissertation research methods and practice plan

观察法 - observational method(s) 文献研究法 - data studies 原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问 若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮



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