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A Letter of RecommendationDear Brown,It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry U His major is Computer S During the four years'study he has done a good Every year he got the first grade And he also has got the title of the Excellent GHe is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your I strongly recommend him to your YoursWang Lin亲爱的布朗:我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李明毕业于北京工业大学。他的专业是计算机软件。在四年的学习中,他的功课非常优秀。每年他都获得一等奖学金,而且他已经获得了优秀毕业生的称号。他是一个热情、积极上进、具有很大潜力的年轻人。他不仅学习快而且善于用逻辑解决难题。我相信如果他能进入你们公司工作,会给你们公司带来很多好处。我强力推荐他到你们公司。您的朋友王林二Dear headmaster, I'm here recommanding Rose to be the best student in our school this She is good at drawing and swimming, and is quick to She also work hard and is a top student in our When it comes to her individual personality, I can say she will take everything into account before starting a She usually hepls her classmates on mathematics and offers her seat to the Besides, she often calls at the appartments where old people live in and help clean Above all, I thinks she is qualified to be the best 亲爱的校长时,我们这里的学生玫瑰是我们学校最好的学生这一年。她擅长画画和游泳,学得很快。她还努力工作,是在我们班名列前茅。当谈到她的个性,我能说她会把一切都要考虑到要开始一个工作。她通常hepls她的同学在数学和提供自己的座位让给了旧的。此外,她常常要求在老年人生活在那里,帮助无尘室。首先,我认为她有资格是最好的学生。希望对你有所帮助 !!

(My views on English)I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a So they can’t learn it But English is very easy for I’m good at I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study EFirst, I think an interest in English is very When I was in Grade One, we had a new subject — E It was fresh to I became interested in it, so I worked hard at Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good How happy I was! Since then, I have been learning English harder and Our English teacher often taught us English songs, and the songs sounded I often think how interesting English is!Second, English is another language different from our C We should learn it in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully in class, speak bravely, read aloud and have a larger and larger vocabulary, and then practice again and And I have a good habit: Whenever I have a question, I must make it clear by asking our English How happy I am when I understand it!Besides, I often read English stories, jokes and easy From these I know English is not only interesting, but also They help me understand a lot of So to do more reading is an important way to learn English And I also do some exercises in our workbooks, and I keep English English has become a close friend of Now I have learned English for more than two I am always in the first place in our Of course, I hope every classmate of mine can learn English well



How to study English(Kaiser3344手写) There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in E By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as In this way, we can gradually improve our Thirdly, we should often read English When we come across a new We should guess its meaning through the contest then look it up in the dictionary to have a I thin,, it is a good way of Fourthly, we should practice our writing Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress! 楼主ok?


How to study English(Kaiser3344手写) There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in E By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as In this way, we can gradually improve our Thirdly, we should often read English When we come across a new We should guess its meaning through the contest then look it up in the dictionary to have a I thin,, it is a good way of Fourthly, we should practice our writing Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress! 【楼主】纯手写,若觉得满意,望多多支持哈!!!


How to study English(Kaiser3344手写) There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in E By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as In this way, we can gradually improve our Thirdly, we should often read English When we come across a new We should guess its meaning through the contest then look it up in the dictionary to have a I thin,, it is a good way of Fourthly, we should practice our writing Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress! 楼主ok?

It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and Living in a city, people have certain First, people enjoy various entertainments, both foreign and Second, there are more cultural activities in a Third, city dwellers gain access to better information service and educational However, problems The overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and other issues may result in depression, nervousness and laving in the country, people can enjoy living in pure They lead a simple and trouble free But rural life may not be that People usually lack cultural They are relatively ill informed Things go fairly slowly And people miss some golden opportunities of making a The chances of their children being admitted to colleges are Obviously, whatever life they lead, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always People wish that they could enjoy the pleasures of both With the rapid economic development, nowadays city dwellers can relax themselves in the country during vacation; and country people have chance to experience city lifestyle when they come to Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one's curiosity about the personal affairs of Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan

How to study English(Kaiser3344手写) There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in E By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as In this way, we can gradually improve our Thirdly, we should often read English When we come across a new We should guess its meaning through the contest then look it up in the dictionary to have a I thin,, it is a good way of Fourthly, we should practice our writing Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress! 【楼主】纯手写,若觉得满意,望多多支持哈!!!

(My views on English)I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a So they can’t learn it But English is very easy for I’m good at I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study EFirst, I think an interest in English is very When I was in Grade One, we had a new subject — E It was fresh to I became interested in it, so I worked hard at Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good How happy I was! Since then, I have been learning English harder and Our English teacher often taught us English songs, and the songs sounded I often think how interesting English is!Second, English is another language different from our C We should learn it in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully in class, speak bravely, read aloud and have a larger and larger vocabulary, and then practice again and And I have a good habit: Whenever I have a question, I must make it clear by asking our English How happy I am when I understand it!Besides, I often read English stories, jokes and easy From these I know English is not only interesting, but also They help me understand a lot of So to do more reading is an important way to learn English And I also do some exercises in our workbooks, and I keep English English has become a close friend of Now I have learned English for more than two I am always in the first place in our Of course, I hope every classmate of mine can learn English well



论文评语怎么写?论文评语范例模板大全 在五分钟的陈述中,该生介绍了论文的主要内容与结构,以及为此进行的研究,显示出对所研究的问题有一定的认识。视频设计很漂亮,但不太符合专业要求,若多从计算机专业的角度对实现过程进行设计则更好。 论文借助统计分析软件对xxxx进行了因素分析,论文内容丰富条理清晰结构完整,资料收集详实,数据准确,论证清晰有力,论据充分可靠,结论可靠。 该生专业素养比较好,对所提问题回答流利,正确率高,对实现过程中遇到的难题认识到位,时间把握得当,若能用比较新的运行环境进行实现相对好。 论文陈述清晰明白,开门见山,直接入题。对老师的提问能流利作答,思路清晰,但对论文中的部分代码解释不楚,有少量语言错误,望今后的研究中多创新。 结合数学知识用计算机技术来处理地质问题,对方法原理掌握透彻,论文有比较好的创新。对快速傅里叶和小波变换图的结果分析到位,处理结果良好,计算机基础素养好。答辩中主要问题回答准确深入。论文中变换的指标若有对比会更好。 该生在规定时间内比较流利清楚的阐述论文的主要内容,能恰当回答与论文有关的问题,态度谦虚,体现了比较扎实的计算机基础。建议把图像的打开功能用适当的文字表达出来,继续完善使论文格式规范化。 该论文选题合理,为xxxx提供理论支持,研究意义重大。 该生流利地陈述了写作该论文的目的理论与实践意义,古玩网站设计过程很规范,但实体和概念之间联系少,整个设计应该尽量符合计算机方面的要求。 该论文反映出了作者在本门学科方面坚实的理论基础系统的专业知识以及良好的科研能力。达到了硕士学位论文的要求,建议安排答辩。学士学位论文评语【最新篇】 该作品体现作者的原创性。在制作过程中,作者参考的元素很多,同时,能巧妙的灵活运用到实际的创作中,此举值得学习。色彩整体搭配较和谐。结构严谨。但是,广告语和广告标题与图片联系的力度还不够。 该生具有扎实的广告专业基础知识。构图结构合理。版面整洁。绘图规范。能较好的表现设计主题。符合设计的基本要求。但是,此平面广告的整体效果一般,应该加强整体效果的设计考虑。 该作品具有一定的视觉冲击力。给广告受众一定的视觉感染力。整体效果统一自然。注意整体结构的布局。留给大家想象的空间。但广告语还不够经典,还有些色彩的细节忽略了。 该副作品采用对比的手法来表现,灰色调和彩色形成鲜明的对比。代表后学生对地球未来的思考和对环保的关注。具有一定的创意元素。图片整体搭配和谐,标题发人深醒。 该作品体现作者具有一定的计算机绘图功底。主题突出明确。创意较好。设计理念清晰。结构基本合理。色彩的搭配较合理。优化处理图片较得当。但是广告标题值得推敲。 该作品创意新颖,体现作者的创作能力。布局合理,色彩搭配合理。该生在设计过程中表现积极,态度端正,及时与老师沟通,并能合理听取意见。在创作中,该作品体现一定的创新精神。但是,在整体结构的考虑上还做得不够。 该作品设计思路清晰,中心思想突出,主题明确。整体切合毕业设计要求。在制作过程中,作者煞费苦心,积极构思,努力找突破口,基本实现了自主化设计。作品整体布局得当,效果较好。 该作品体现作者所学的理论与实践的结合,创作灵感丰富。体现作者的个性和刻苦精神。绘图整体规范,效果较好。结构布局合理。总体设计效果好。但是作品原创性不足,还应改进。 该作品具有一定的想象力,同时具有一定的创造力。在制作过程中,作者深思熟虑,把广告学的基本知识融入在具体创作实践中,取得一定的突破。作品整体效果一般,缺乏独创。 该作品切合主题,条理清楚,构图协调,广告元素运用充分。在制作过程中,该同学态度认真,虚心向指导老师请教,积极发挥自己的智慧。作品整体符合设计大纲要求。但还缺乏独创性,在色彩的搭配上还做得不够。 该生创作灵感丰富,积极运用计算机绘图技术和自己具备的专业知识,完成了这幅作品。此作品结构布局合理,内容丰富,整体效果良好。但缺乏创意点,广告词也不够好。 该生广告学功底较好,在设计中虚心听取他人的意见和建议,设计积极。作品色彩鲜明,线条清晰,主题表现明确,整体效果良好,符合平面广告的基本构成要素。是一副合格的作品。 该同学在设计过程中,多次与指导老师交流沟通,悉心听取老师的建议,并把它融入到自己的作品创作中。整个过程均自主完成作品。作品整体效果较好,体现广告主题要求。 该作品能充分表现主题,构图整体和谐美观大方。作者注重色彩和线条的搭配,能把广告基础理论知识与专业实践有机结合在一起,值得表扬。但是,该平面广告整体缺少吸引要素,不能起到让人记忆深刻的效果。 该同学设计理念切合主题,表意鲜明,突出主题。设计中,该生积极寻求指导和帮助,大量吸取他人的意见和建议。作品整体效果美观大方,有一定的广告宣传效果。但广告部够经典,不能发人深省。


论文评语范文:  1、论文选题比较适当,观点正确,但缺少独创性的思想,论证内容比较充分,但缺乏论证深度。英语表达比较通顺,但存在少量语法错误。论文格式符合规范要求。  2、论文选题缺乏新意,论证不够充分,具体例证较少,老生常谈的内容偏多,引用他人观点的比例偏大。英语表达基本达意,但存在较多的语法错误。论文格式基本符合要求。  3、选题不适当;观点不正确;语法错误过多;抄袭现象严重;论文格式不符合规范要求;没有按时间要求完成论文。  4、论文选题有新意,有实际应用价值,论文有自己独到的观点,能够反映出学生的创造性劳动,结构安排合理,论证充分、透彻,有足够的理论和实例支撑,英语语言表达顺畅、得体,没有语法错误,论文格式符合规范要求。  5、本论文选题有很强的应用价值,文献材料收集详实,综合运用了所学知识解决问题,所得书记合理,结论正确,有创新见解。另外论文格式正确,书写规范,条理清晰,语言流畅。  6、该论文的文献调研全面系统,立题指导思想明确,实验设计合理可行,能够按照实验计划进行,并达到预期效果。  7、论文撰写思路清晰,语言流畅简练,层次清晰,逻辑性较强,用词准确,各种数据、图表齐备、规范,文献引用正确,科学性较强。表明该学生具有一定的理论基础和科研能力。  8、该论文选题正确,结构合理,内容丰富,数据资料充分,分析方法先进,写作进度安排合理,结论和建议具有区域现实意义,建议推荐为校级优秀毕业论文  9、论文选题适当,有一定的独立见解,论证充分,占有资料广泛,但理论和实例支撑不够。英语语言表达基本顺畅,仅存在个别语法错误,论文格式符合规范要求。


一,议论文的格式:   议论文的格式应由三个部分组成:立论部分,论证部分。结论部分。二,一般说来,议论文可分三个基本段落来写:第一段引出话题,第二段立论且加以论证,第三段给出明确的结论。第二段是中心段落,应试者应将主要的内容放在第二段中,同时也要注意开篇及结尾段落的完整性,且应尽量做到首尾呼应,切忌前后矛盾。   三,写作攻略:初中生在写议论文时要首先考虑自己的观点是什么,明确观点后要围绕观点进行论证,最后再进行总结。议论文在写作手法上以议论为主,但有时也要运用说明,叙述,描写等手法。初中议论文的写作格式一般为三段式:开头,主体和结尾。四,一般写作步骤如下:确定主题,引出论点。通过摆事实,讲道理来支持自己的观点。所用的事实,原因,理由应紧密地同结论联系在一起。得出结论。要简明扼要,回扣全文。扩展资料:模板范文Many students think that they do not need to learn Engish, because they don't plan to go abroad。But as to me, I am not in favour of this point of view。I think that English is very important to us, so we should learn English well。First of all, in the opening times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must use English because most of them speak and write in English。Secondly, in the world today most books are written in English。If you know much English, you can read newspapers and magazines in English。Most important of all, you can learn something more widely。All in all, I hold the opinion that we should learn English well。 And I hope that all the students can use English freely。参考资料:百度百科——英语作文

一、正反观点式议论文万能句(对比观点型)作文框架模版给出观点——正反观点二选一(有的人认为,有的人认为,你的观点)There is a widespread concern over the issue that________(作文题目)But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to (开头一般题目给出)The majority think that________(观点一) First of all,________(原因一)Furthermore, ________(原因二) So it goes without saying that________(观点一)People,however,differ in their opinions on this Some people hold the view that________(观点二) On the one hand,________(原因一) On the other hand,________(原因二) Therefore, there is no doubt that ________(观点二)As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二It is not only because ________(原因一), but also because ________(原因二)It's high time that________ (喊口号) Only in this way eventually can we ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:有一个广泛引起关注的问题________。但众所周知有关这个热点话题的观点因人而异。绝大多数人认为________。首先,________。而且,________。因此不言而喻________。然而在这个话题上人们的观点各不相同。有的人持有的观点是________。一方面,________。另一方面,________。因此,毫无疑问________。就我而言,我强烈支持________的观点。不仅因为________,还因为________。该是________的时候了。只有这样我们最终才能________。二、“A或者B”类议论文万能句:(说明利弊型)作文框架模版:说明某一事物的优缺点及自己的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily Generally speaking, its advantages can be seen as First of all ,________(A的优点之一)Moreover,________(A的优点之二)Besides ,________(A的优点之三)But every coin has two The negative aspects are also One of the important disadvantages is that ________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse, ________(A的第二个缺点).Through above analyses, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative Therefore, I would like to________ (我的看法).或者(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are Only by this way, (对前景的预测).模版译文:现如今很多人更喜欢A,因为它在我们生活中扮演了一个重要的角色。总的来说。他的优点如下。首先________。而且,________。除此之外,________。但凡事都有利有弊,消极的一面也是很明显的。最重要的缺点是________。更糟糕的是________通过以上分析,我认为积极的一面胜过消极的一面。因此,我更喜欢________。三、观点论述类议论文万能句:(现象说明型)作文框架模版现象说明型:说明某一现象及其产生的原因和自己的看法Nowadays, there are more and more ________ (某种现象) in ________ (某种场合) It is estimated that________ (相关数据) Why have there been so many ________ (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as To begin with, ________ (原因一) Besides, (原因二) Last but not least, ________ (原因三)Personally, the main cause of ________ (某种现象) is due to ________ (最主要原因) It is high time that something were done upon For one thing,________ (解决办法一) For another, ________ (解决办法二) All these measures will certainly reduce the amount of ________ (某种现象)模版译文:现如今在________(某种场合) 有越来越多的________。(某种现象) 据统计,________。为神马有如此多的________?也许原因如下。首先,________。除此之外,________。最后但同样重要的是,________。我认为,引起________的主要原因是________。该是时候采取些措施了。一方面,________。另一方面,________。所有这些措施都将会解决________。阐述主题型:要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.四、"How to"类议论文万能句:(问题解决型)作文框架模版模版①要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)In recent days, we have to face a problem________A, which , surprisingly , is becoming more and more First of all, ________(说明A的现状).Secondly, ________(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the For one thing,________(解决方法一) For another, ________(解决方法二) Finally, ________解决方法三)Personally, I believe that ________(我的解决方法) Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________(带来的好处)模版译文:现如今我们不得不面对一个问题________A,这个问题正变得越来越严重。首先,________。其次,________。面对A,我们应该采取一系列的措施来解决这个处境。一方面,________。另一方面,________。最后,________。就我而言,我认为________。因此,我相信一个崭新的未来正在等待着我们,因为________。图表作文写作万能句(图表分析型)(常给出折线图、饼状图、条形、扇形等统计图)描写图表变化趋势的词:(建议使用斜体加横线的词,个人认为比较形象)上升:increase / rise / go up / rocket(迅速增加) 下降:decrease / reduce / come down/ decline快:quickly / rapidly / sharply / dramatically 慢:slowly / gradually作文框架模版As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table (graph/ picture /pie /chart ), ________(作文的议题)has been on rise (increases /drops /decreases ), significantly /dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_% in _年_ to _%_ in _年_ From the sharp /marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that________(现象总结)There are at least two good reasons accounting for________(总结的现象) On the one hand, ____ On the other hand, ________ is due to the fact that ________ In addition, __ is responsible for ________ (Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly )As far as I am concerned,I hold the view that _______ It's high time that________ (喊口号) Only in this way can ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:正如图表所展示的那样,________一直在增长。从图表中飞速的增长,不言而喻________。至少有两个原因来解释________。一方面,________。另一方面,________是因为________除此之外,________是________的原由就我而言,我持有________的观点该是________的时候了只有这样我们最终才能________。


